259 search results for “over master” in the Staff website
Festive hand-over of first copy new book by Frits van der Meer
In celebration of the release of his new book on changes in public administration, Prof. dr. Frits van der Meer, professor by special appointment of the CAOP chair: Comparative Public Sector and Civil Service Reform, handed the first copy to Gert-Jan Buitendijk, Secretary General of Ministry of General…
Kinderen kunnen nog niet overal naar de rechter stappen, maar verbetering is er wel
Kinderen hebben wereldwijd een betere toegang gekregen tot de rechter. Hoogleraar Kinderrechten Ton Liefaard schrijft dit in het tijdschrift Sociale Vraagstukken. Hij is voorzichtig positief over de resultaten van een VN-protocol voor rechtsbescherming van kinderen, dat tien jaar bestaat.
A fulltime job and a ten for your master’s thesis: ‘I thought they were joking’
After working full-time for twenty-four years, Wendy Tonks decided to enrol in the executive master's in Cyber Security. She now proudly reflects on her time in the programme after receiving a ten for her thesis and graduating summa cum laude. ‘I could not believe it when I got my grade.’
Master student Nicole ter Laak wins third “Dr. Saal van Zwanenberg research price”
Nicole ter Laak (Master student Biopharmaceutical sciences) has won the third price of the “Dr Saal van Zwanenberg research price”. The award ceremony is on 14 November.
Call for Papers: Who rules over migrants? Autocratic elements in migration policies
We are pleased to invite paper proposals for the 1.5-day interdisciplinary workshop: “Who rules over migrants? Autocratic elements in migration policies”, that will take place at the University of Leiden on 14 and 15 November 2024.
From obtaining a Master in Child Law to a lateral entry in teaching
This month we interview alumna Dominique Mars who made an interesting career choice: she tells us how she chose to be a teacher at a primary school whilst having obtained her Master in Child Law.
Inschrijven kan nog: NIPV collegereeks over crisisbeheersing start vrijdag
De collegereeks over het Nederlandse crisismanagementstelstel gaat vrijdag 26 mei van start. Lector crisisbeheersing bij het NIPV (Nederlands Instituut Publieke Veiligheid) Menno van Duin trapt af en geeft vast een voorproefje over het eerste college.
Francien Dechesne vertelt over AI in het onderwijs
Als universitair hoofddocent Ethiek en Digitale Technologie is zij verbonden aan het centrum voor Recht en Digitale Technologie (eLaw) waarvan ze ook hoofd onderwijs is. Daarnaast is Francien initiatiefnemer en coördinator van de universiteitsbrede minor AI & Society en neemt ze deel aan de universitaire…
Nominate a master's thesis for the Jan Brouwer Thesis Prizes 2024. Deadline is 25 September 2023
Researcher Fachrizal Afandi’s coronavirus year: 'I spoke at over 30 webinars'
In mid-March 2020, the global coronavirus outbreak changed everything in the Netherlands. Staying at home as much as possible and the 1.5 metre rule became the standard. One year on, we reflect on the past year with four Leiden Law School ‘insiders’. What kind of year did they have? And what are their…
Master Students MPS Hold up Mirrors in front of Managers during Shadow Week
How do you bring education and practice closer together? In the revised Master MPS (Management of the Public Sector) it is done, for example, through the new profile course Leadership & Behaviour inside and between organisations. The Leiden Leadership Centre (LLC) is involved in organising the course.…
CADS student Simay Çetin wins FSW Master’s Thesis Prize 2021
Simay Çetin won the FSW Master’s Thesis Prize 2021 with her thesis “Interpreting Culture through Embodied Practice: An anthropological study of sexuality among Dutch Women with Turkish Migrant backgrounds”. She was supervised by Prof. dr. Peter Pels. According to the jury is Simay’s thesis not only…
‘We couldn't really celebrate our vaccine being approved, but we were over the moon’
On 11 March, pharmaceutical company Janssen received approval to launch its corona vaccine on the European market. This made Janssen the fourth company to be given the green light by the European Medicines Agency. As Lead of the Janssen Campus in the Netherlands, Biology alumnus Bart van Zijll Langhout…
Being a guest teacher during your masters: how do the BrainTrain students experience the high-school visits?
The outreach and engagement platform BrainTrain consists of five enthusiastic students of the masters programme Forensic Family Science. As part of their project, the students visit high-schools to teach adolescents about the brain, make them experience that their own reality is not always the only…
Not in my name: former civil servants on resigning over Israel-Palestine policy
Western civil servants openly struggle with their government’s policies on the war in Gaza. During a meeting at Campus The Hague, three former civil servants told their stories.
Psychology Connected over gender differences: 'More research done on extraterrestrial life than the female body'
In medical and psychological sciences, little research has been specifically conducted on women. Hormonal fluctuations were considered too intricate. Yes, research into sex and gender differences is complex, acknowledge neuroscientists Ellen de Bruijn and Lara Wierenga, but that’s precisely why it's…
app, students learn to recognise an argumentative error from that aunt over Christmas dinner
In this ‘Educatips’ column, Psychology lecturers share their most important lessons about teaching. This month: Zsuzsika Sjoerds and Sebo Uithol teach students critical thinking with their app 'Family Dinner'. With success: 'The old exams have become too easy.'
One-off elective ‘Policy Evaluation in Practice’ great success at Masters CSM
Last academic year, Johan van Wilsem, strategist researcher at the Netherlands Court of Audit, taught the one-off elective ‘Policy Evaluation in Practice’ to students of the Master Crises and Security Management (CSM). A great success, for both students as lecturer Van Wilsem. The course scored 8.8…
Master’s thesis about Children’s Rights? Win the Jaap Doek Children’s Rights Thesis Award 2021
The Jaap Doek Children’s Rights Thesis Award is an annual award for the best thesis in the field of Children’s Rights granted by Defence for Children and the Department of Child Law of Leiden Law School.
Master's thesis about Children’s Rights? Win the Jaap Doek Children's Rights Thesis Award 2022
Interested in doing a PhD after your master's? Go for a PhD in the Humanities
From master’s thesis to scientific article: ‘Really strange that people are able to quote me now’
Vivian van der Linde completed her masters Crisis & Security Management in the summer of 2020 by writing a thesis on Dieselgate. Freshly graduated, she felt she wanted to do more with her research. But how do you go about that, having just finished studying? Together with her thesis supervisor Wouter Jong…
Ouderengeneeskunde – over passen en meten
Inaugural lecture
Over nieuwe biologie en fantasie
Inaugural lecture
Oud CADS promovendus Stacey MacDonald in Atlas over natuurbeleid op Bonaire
In the scientific television programme Atlas, social psychologist and former Cultural Anthropology PhD student Stacey MacDonald talks about her research on Bonaire. She shows how to align different parties to make conservation projects succeed.
Tanja Masson-Zwaan over de gevolgen van de oorlog in Oekraïne voor de ruimtevaart
Wereldwijd worden veel samenwerkingsverbanden met Rusland stopgezet vanwege de oorlog in Oekraïne. Hoe zit dat met de ruimtevaart, waar de Russen ook een groot aandeel in hebben?
Annemarie Samuels in podcast 'Boldcast' over de veranderende rol van de bibliotheek
Episode 5 of BOLDcast, the podcast of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for BOLD Cities, discusses the evolution of libraries from simple lending points for books to places where people can come together and brush up on their digital skills. The guests in this episode are Frank Huysmans, associate professor…
Anne-laura van Harmelen about the 'Yes! No!' game over the term resilience
In Dutch magazine De Psycholoog, Anne-Laura van Harmelen talks about the use of the term resilience and argues that resilience is concept that needs further explanation.
Wopke Hoekstra in gesprek met studenten over de NAVO-top
Wopke Hoekstra, outgoing Minister of Foreign Affairs visited Campus The Hague on 6 July to talk to students about the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius.
Student Fiscaal recht organiseert gastcollege staatssecretaris Van Rij over belastingrecht en duurzaamheid
Voormalig demissionair staatssecretaris van Fiscaliteit en Belastingdienst Marnix van Rij gaf op 17 juni in samenwerking met universitair docent Esther Huiskers-Stoop een gastcollege over belastingrecht en duurzaamheid. Deze lezing werd op initiatief van student Darya de Wilt georganiseerd.
Veroordeling Ali-B is het startschot voor maatschappelijke discussie over consent
De veroordeling van Ali B voor zedendelicten krijgt veel aandacht in de media, en zorgt voor vernieuwde discussies rond consent. Hoogleraar Jeroen ten Voorde sprak met het Parool over de impact die deze rechtszaak zal hebben.
History Master Symposium
Conference, Symposium
Master Graduation Ceremony Archaeology
Graduation Ceremony
Master Graduation Ceremony Archaeology
Graduation Ceremony
History Research Master Symposium
Graduation Ceremony Master Astronomy
Graduation Ceremony
Twenty years of MIRD: four alumni speak up
Big celebration upcoming weekend: MIRD's 20th anniversary is on the cards. Four alumni from different periods tell what this unique two-year master's in International Relations and Diplomacy has brought them.
Breinfestival ‘Over de kop’ - Hanneke Hulst
Festival, Publieksevenement
Over de grens van de onrechtmatige daad
PhD defence
Painting with techniques inspired by old masters
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
Ongekende Belangen. Over maatschappelijke democratie en bestuurlijke responsiviteit
Inaugural lecture
Alles wat je altijd al had willen weten over overheidsbesluitvorming
Inaugural lecture
Over nut en noodzaak van onderzoek naar hoger onderwijs
Inaugural lecture
Van willen naar zijn. De ambivalentie over diversiteit en inclusie
Inaugural lecture
Lecture by Minister of Defence Kajsa Ollongren: 'Handing Over Responsibility'
Graduation ceremony master's programme Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
Festival, Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremony master's programme Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
Festival, Graduation ceremony
Graduation ceremonies Advanced Master's Leiden Law School 2020
Graduation ceremony
Celebrating Twenty Years of MIRD
On March 25, the Advanced Masters of Science in International Relations and Diplomacy (MIRD) celebrated the 20th Anniversary of the programme. The celebrations began with the Reconnect event, bringing current students and alumni together, and concluded with the MIRD Gala. Throughout the day, the tight-knit…
Graduation ceremony master's programme Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
Festival, Graduation Ceremony