131 search results for “lang team presentatie” in the Staff website
50 jaar Universiteit Leiden in Oss
Public Event ‘Will the EU be a relevant Global Actor in the Future’?
Conference, Public Event
Dagelijks leven in Nederland voor en na het jaar 0
Public lecture "Air quality from space: indicator of human activity"
During the lecture, an outline will be given of the major research questions in the atmospheric climate domain, and their importance for air quality and climate policy. Further, the satellite measurement technique will be explained, and what these measurements can bring for as well research as climate…
In conversation with Kimsooja
Expert meeting
Colonialism and the Age of Revolutions (1780-1830)
In the Making - afternoon sessions on research in the arts
Lecture, Conversation
Voluntary return and the limits of individual responsibility in the EU Returns Directive
Prof. P.R. Rodrigues Prof. P. Boeles Summary: Het concept ‘vrijwillige terugkeer’ is een cruciaal maar vaak slecht begrepen onderdeel van de EU-Terugkeerrichtlijn, die regels stelt voor de terugkeer onrechtmatig in EU-lidstaten verblijvende migranten. Vrijwillige terugkeer biedt hun de kans…
The LeiCNS-PK3.0 model development and applications: Healthy-to- diseased CNS pharmacokinetic translation
PhD defence
Choosing the right track
Prof. W. van der Does Prof. A van Minnen (Radbout University) Prof. M. Schoorl Summary: Fysiek of seksueel misbruik in de kindertijd kan langdurige psychische klachten veroorzaken zoals een posttraumatische stress stoornis (PTSS). ‘Prolonged exposure’ (PE), een vorm van gedragstherapie, is…
The Making of a Standard Mountain: A Road-Construction Campaign of 1934 and the Formation of Mount Huang’s Modern Image
Urban Health Programme
Leiden European City of Science 2022, in collaboration with the New European Bauhaus initiative of the European Commission and the Urban Health Campus Almere Leiden, present a programme entitled ‘Urban Health’ on Thursday, the 13th of October 2022. The multidimensionality of health in an urban environment…
Bibliotheca Enchusana
PhD defence
Inflation - a reading list
In 2022, every euro in the Netherlands lost about 10% of its value, price increases comparable to the stagflation period of the 1970s. In the same year, the value of the Argentine peso halved, while prices in China only rose by 2%. How well do we understand the economic mechanisms behind inflation?…
Professional Development Exchange Hub: what courses are on offer?
Education, Organisation, Research
In the Making #3: Kristoffer Gansing and Francesco Ragazzi (ReCNTR), Artistic Research and the Techno-aesthetics of Infrastructure
Lecture, Conversation
In the Making #5: Barbro Scholz and Li Lorian, Experiencing Text and Textile, with Guest Speaker Suzanne Knip-Mooij
Lecture, Conversation
In the Making #4: Marcel Cobussen, MinJi Kim, Kevin Fairbairn and Nele Möller, Ecology and (Sounding) Art
Lecture, Conversation
In the Making #1: Rabih Mroué, Sand in the Eyes
Lecture, Conversation
Join the anniversary day of Public Administration
In the Making #8: Musical Networks and Algorithmic Emergence in the Times of Artificial Intelligence
Arts and culture
Flaws in the Flow: Investigating Gaps in the Governance of Post-Consumer Textile in the Netherlands
In the Making #2: Etienne Kallos, Searching for a Diasporic Time Image
Liveable Planet congres: Lokaal beleid voor een leefbare planeet
Unfortunately, this Liveable Planet event is in Dutch. Please stay tuned for the next English event! Op 14 april van 13:00 tot 16:00 vindt in Leiden een het Liveable Planet congres plaats over lokaal en integraal beleid voor het aanpakken van duurzaamheidsdoelen (o.a. Global Goals en het klimaatakkoord)…
Double Lecture on Ecocritical Perspectives in Japanese Art
In the Making #9: Eloquence of the Ineffable — The aftermath of the 2018 opera La Tragedia di Claudio M
Arts and culture
Humanities and International Relations Graduate
In the Making #6: Anna Scott, Jed Wentz, Laila Neuman, Emma Williams, Art Without Soul?
Lecture, Conversation
Campus the Hague 'Meet the Employer'
In the Making #7: { Dis, A } - Pearing
Arts and culture