1,287 search results for “group als” in the Public website
Research group War, Peace and Justice
The War, Peace and Justice group unites scholars and practitioners to explore war dynamics, peace promotion, and justice’s role in conflict and global affairs.
On the 16-rank of class groups of quadratic number fields
Promotores: P. Stevenhagen, E. Fouvry (Univeriste Paris Saclay)
Koenraad Schalm Group - String Theory and Experiment
Truth is stranger than fiction. In 1997 Juan Maldaceña discovered a remarkable dictionary that translates equation for equation the physics of black holes in string theory into the more conventional physics of quantum mechanics of interacting particles. The remarkable possibility exists that…
Universal adelic groups for imaginary quadratic number fields and elliptic curves
Promotor: Prof.dr. P. Stevenhagen & Prof.dr. K. Belabas (Univ. de Bordeaux)
Discriminatory punishment undermines the enforcement of group cooperation
Enforcement of group cooperation fails because of discriminatory punishment, according to research by Welmer Molenmaker and colleagues. When group members have different backgrounds, punishment turns into a double-edged sword: no longer used just to prevent group exploitation, but also to break the…
Threat and Challenge in Social Contexts
How can cardiovascular responses index challenge and threat motivational states? How do challenge and threat states shape, and are shaped by, social relations?
Novel Protecting Group Strategies in the Synthesis of Oligosaccharides
The thesis focuses on synthesis strategies in oligosaccharide campaigns, and the influence of protecting groups.
The Educational Sciences programme group of the Institute of Education and Child Studies at Leiden University provides courses in the field of student education and the learning and development of children in the school context.
Van Saarloos Group - Soft Matter Theory
The focus of our theoretical research is understanding the behaviour of soft condensed matter, physical matter which is deformed or structurally altered by thermal fluctuations or small stresses.
- Jordi Tura Group (Applied Quantum Algorithms)
The programme group Research Methods and Statistics offers support to researchers from a variety of research projects within Education and Child Studies.
The Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group
The development of space resource activities is happening now. In the absence of a clear framework to govern these activities, there is a need to examine the concepts that are being discussed in order to ensure that they meet existing treaty obligations regarding on-orbit operations and space resource…
Legitimacy and efficacy of litigating interest groups in public law
Interest groups play an important role in democratic society.
The program group Forensic Family and Youth Care Studies is located in the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences of Leiden University near Central Station.
Marginalized Groups, Inequalities and the Post-War Welfare State
This book offers novel perspectives on the national and international dimensions of the post-war welfare state in Western Europe and North America.
The program group Learning and Behavior Problems in Education is located in the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences of Leiden University near Central Station.
Helmut Schiessel Group - Theoretical Physics of Life Processes
The group Theoretical Physics of Life Processes, led by Helmut Schiessel, focuses on the physics of chromatin, the DNA-protein complex that fills the nuclei of eukaryotic cells.
Annemarie Meijer benoemd als vertrouwenspersoon promovendi
Annemarie Meijer benoemd als vertrouwenspersoon promovendi.
Elsevierenquête: ‘Studenten beoordelen Universiteit Leiden als beste.’
Students awarded the highest scores to Leiden University and the Radboud University Nijmegen. These are the findings of an annual survey by Elsevier into the best study programmes in the Netherlands. Elsevier Magazine has a weekly readership of half a million, making it one of the most iinfluential…
Principal algebraic actions of the discrete Heisenberg group
Promotor: Prof.dr. W.T.F. den Hollander, Prof. dr. E.A. Verbitskiy
The programme group Parenting, Child Care and Development is located in the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at Leiden University near Central Station.
Group interests: rights of indigenous peoples
Industrialised countries extract natural resources in the territories of indigenous peoples, and appropriate the knowledge and culture of these peoples. Leiden anthropologists work to protect the rights of indigenous peoples. Their knowledge and advice enable governments to source sustainable produc…
Computational aspects of class group actions and applications to post-quantum cryptography
Most of current public-key cryptography is considered insecure against attacks from sufficiently powerful quantum computers. Post-quantum cryptography studies methods to secure information resistant against such attacks. One proposal is isogeny-based cryptography, which bases its security on computational…
Joris Larik on Al Jazeera on the new EU-UK trade agreement
Joris Larik, university lecturer at LUC, discusses in this interview with Al Jazeera the new trade and cooperation agreement between the EU and the United Kingdom.
Joris Larik on Al Jazeera about the legal ramifications of Brexit (video)
Recently, Joris Larik, Assistant Professor at Leiden University College (LUC) of Leiden University, talked about the legal aspects of Brexit on Al Jazeera, as the United-Kingdom is trying to break national law during the Brexit negotiations. Could there be penalties for the United-Kingdom?
Al Qaeda in de Islamitische Maghreb ontrafeld: de brede blik ontbrak
Sergei Boeke has once again proven that there are more roads than one that lead to Rome with his PhD research into al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. It is both the core point of his conclusions as well as the leitmotiv for his approach. Boeke’s dissertation is comprised of five academic articles that…
Bert Fraussen
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
b.fraussen@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9500
Within the bachelor's program of Education and Child Studies, we include the minor Kindermishandeling en Verwaarlozing: een levensloopperspectief and several other courses.
Omar Al Sadeh: ‘My heart told me to go to Foreign Affairs’
Trail, FGGA’s internship platform will be one-year old in November. In the upcoming weeks, we will be interviewing some FGGA students who went on internships. What did they learn from their internships? And what tasks were assigned to them?
learning in higher education: design, implementation and evaluation of group learning activities
The aim of this study was to provide insight into how teachers in higher education can be supported in the design, implementation and evaluation of group assignments by developing a theoretical and evidence-based framework for the design of group assignments.
Related Party Transactions and Corporate Groups: When Eastern Europe Meets the West
On 1 April 2020, Ivan Romashchenko defended his thesis 'Related Party Transactions and Corporate Groups: When Eastern Europe Meets the West'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. S.M. Bartman en Prof. A. Radwan (Kaunas, Lithuania).
Strategic Interaction of Governments and Terrorist Groups in Times of Economic Hardship
In this article, Tokdemir & Klein examine the strategic actions of governments against domestic terrorist groups and domestic terrorist groups’ reactions to such actions.
Biographical Backgrounds and Radicalization Dynamics of Lone-Actor and Group-Based Terrorists
Why does one person radicalize to involvement in terrorist violence within a group-based context, while another engages in this form of violence alone?
The SMILE study: Sleep Mood lntervention: Live Effectively a group intervention in students with sleep problems
Can SMILE, our multi-component intervention, which combines cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia, mindfulness, stress, and lifestyle components, improve sleep quality? Can it also improve mood and quality of life and prevent depression and anxiety in the long term?
Unpacking the uneven global environmental and health burden of consumer groups
Which consumer groups post the greatest cost to public health and the planet through their food choices, and how can we use this fine-scale information to accelerate a sustainable dietary transition?
Self-reliance crowds out group cooperation and increases wealth inequality
How does self-reliance lead to a decrease in collaboration for public goods?
Open Science als standaard: 'Wetenschap bedrijf je niet voor jezelf'
Open Science verandert de manier waarop onderzoek wordt gedeeld en wordt samengewerkt. Anna van ’t Veer won een award voor haar Open Science-activiteiten.
Joanne van der Leun herbenoemd als decaan Rechtsgeleerdheid
Prof. dr. Joanne van der Leun is tot september 2025 door het College van Bestuur van de Universiteit Leiden herbenoemd als decaan van de faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid.
Larissa van den Herik beëdigd als rechter-plaatsvervanger
Hoogleraar Internationaal recht bij het Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, Larissa van den Herik is in augustus 2024 beëdigd als rechter-plaatsvervanger bij de Rechtbank Den Haag.
Monique Koemans staat graag vooraan als er geschiedenis wordt geschreven
Monique Koemans werkt sinds 2,5 jaar op de Nederlandse ambassade in de Verenigde Staten. 'Leiden is een opvallende rode draad in mijn leven.'
Opvanglocaties voor asielzoekers in Albanië al maanden nagenoeg leeg
Meloni’s plan om asielzoekers in Albanië op te vangen blijkt door juridische complicaties niet haalbaar. Mark Klaassen, universitair docent migratierecht, bespreekt de kwestie in RTL nieuws.
National Culture and Africa Revisited: Ethnolinguistic Group Data From 35 African Countries
This study seeks to partially fill the knowledge gap about national culture in Africa, basing its research on data on ethnolinguistic groups (instead of administrative regions).
The Limited Impact of Reference Groups’ Symbolic Gender Representation on Willingness to Coproduce
This article discusses the impact of symbolic gender representation on the willingness of citizens to coproduce.
Lobbying for Brazil and Taiwan – lobby groups to the Companies and the States General
How did free agents cooperate with the VOC and the WIC, through lobbying for private interests within the Companies as well as at the highest political levels?
Key publications
Key publications of the Antiviral Pharmacology group.
Knowledge Ethical, Legal and Technological Aspects of Data Mining and Group Profiling in Epidemiology
With the rise of information and communication technologies, large amounts of data are being generated and stored in databases. In order to get a better grip on these large amounts of data, serious efforts are being made to discover patterns and relations in the data with the help of new techniques.…
Louise Jawerth Lab
Research in the Jawerth lab focuses on using principles from soft condensed matter physics to understand important biological materials.
The skeleton as a source of information
Bones hold a wealth of information about a person’s life, revealing details about where they came from, how old they were when they died and what diseases they may have had. Scientists can use this data to piece together aspects of an individual's life, offering valuable insights that can help address…
Cheianov Group - Quantum Many Body Physics in Condensed Matter and Ultracold Atomic Systems
The research in my group addresses a range of topics related to quantum many-body physics.
insights into the role of family members of those who joined jihadist groups
Since 2012, thousands of individuals have traveled from Western countries to join jihadist groups in Syria and Iraq. While much has been written about these individuals, only sparse attention has been paid to the social environment of these jihadist travelers and, more specific, the role of family members…