205 search results for “fiscale beleid” in the Public website
Strong Leiden Representation at EUSA Conference in Miami
This year’s EUSA biannual research conference, which took place in Miami in May 2017, saw a large delegation of the Europa Institute Leiden leaving its mark. In several panels, Prof. Luuk van Middelaar, Dr. Moritz Jesse (Associate Professor at the Europa Institute), Dr. Armin Cuyvers (Assistant Professor…
Erik-Jan Zürcher, professor of Turkish Studies, opens the European Law master
On 8 September the students of the European Law Master gathered in the Lorentzzaal for the festive opening of their programme.
Migrants cost European governments less than their own citizens do
Migrants are far less of a burden on the budget of European countries than is often thought. This is the conclusion of research by economists from Leiden University.
Is Europe ready for the next financial crisis?
With Brexit looming, stronger economic governance of the European Union is more essential than ever. It’s high time for action, says Amy Verdun, Professor of European Politics and Political Economy. Inaugural speech on 27 September.
ESOF 2022: Tax justice in Europe and beyond
On the occasion of Euroscience Open Forum 2022, Professor Attiya Waris (Director of Research and Enterprise and Professor of Fiscal Law and Policy in Eastern Africa, University of Nairobi, Kenya), Professor Irma Mosquera Valderrama (Professor of Global Tax Governance, Lead Researcher GLOBTAXGOV ERC…
Student Fiscaal recht organiseert gastcollege staatssecretaris Van Rij over belastingrecht en duurzaamheid
Voormalig demissionair staatssecretaris van Fiscaliteit en Belastingdienst Marnix van Rij gaf op 17 juni in samenwerking met universitair docent Esther Huiskers-Stoop een gastcollege over belastingrecht en duurzaamheid. Deze lezing werd op initiatief van student Darya de Wilt georganiseerd.
Kom naar de GLOBTAXGOV-seminar over belastingconcurrentie
Wat betekent belastinghervorming in de VS? Hoe groot is de invloed van belastingontwijkende multinationals op belastingconcurrentie in ontwikkelde en ontwikkelingslanden? En wat zijn de problemen met belastinguitgaven? Op 7 november vindt een GLOBTAXGOV-T20-seminar plaats op de Campus Den Haag van de…
G20 leaders please promote regional cooperation in the implementation of international standards, including BEPS
Irma Johanna Mosquera Valderrama, principal investigator of the ERC GLOBTAXGOV project and Associate Professor of Tax Law has participated in the T20 task force on Trade, Investment and Tax Cooperation under the Argentinian Presidency. As a member of the task force, she has contributed to the policy…
Jan Vleggeert in Trouw and FD on lower limit for tax on profits
The Netherlands must introduce a lower limit for tax on profits to prevent major multinationals not paying tax on a structural basis.
'Fiscaliteit speelt rol bij vertrek DSM uit Nederland'
Na Shell en Unilever is DSM het derde grote bedrijf dat vertrekt uit Nederland. Fiscalisten zijn niet verbaasd: het sentiment over het vestigingsklimaat hier is momenteel minder gunstig.
Leiden Alumni win NVER 2016 Awards for Master Theses
The Europa Instituut is honoured to announce that two Leiden alumni received awards for their master theses at the annual meeting of the Netherlands Association for European Law (NVER) in Utrecht.
Jan Vleggeert appointed Professor Tax Law and Economics
Jan Vleggeert is a tax specialist with an independent and critical voice in the debate on tax avoidance by multinationals. His appointment commenced on 1 October 2019.
Matthias Haentjens and the second conference on bank resolution
On 3 February 2021, Prof. Matthias Haentjens spoke at the second conference on bank resolution, jointly organised by the European Banking Institute (EBI) and the Single Resolution Board (SRB).
'Investigation of state aid Nike highlights need for transparency in tax rulings'
The European Commission has started an investigation into possible illegal state aid from the Netherlands to Nike. It is high time that agreements between Tax Authorities and multinationals are made public, says Associate Professor in Tax Law Jan Vleggeert.
Jan Vleggeert: actieprogramma OESO stap in de goede richting
De Organisatie voor Economische Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling (OESO) komt met een nieuw plan voor de aanpak van belastingontwijking.
Jan Vleggeert on potential ‘fine’ for Unilever moving to London
Unilever is considering staying in the Netherlands after all. This follows from draft legislation by the GroenLinks party introducing an exit premium that large companies leaving the Netherlands would have to pay to compensate lost tax income. Dutch radio programme BNR and newspaper the Volkskrant asked…
Mees Vergouwen wint Mitchell B. Carroll Prize voor proefschrift
Mees Vergouwen heeft op 28 oktober de Mitchell B. Carroll prijs van de International Fiscal Association (IFA) ontvangen. De fiscalist won de prijs met zijn proefschrift over ‘botsende belastingregels’.
ASML threatening to move abroad for no good reason
De bevolkingsgroei daalt, de fiscale voordelen voor expats zijn niet aantrekkelijk genoeg en te weinig geschikte arbeidskrachten. Peter Wennink van techreus ASML, is niet blij met het ondernemersklimaat in Nederland. ASML dreigt met een vertrek naar het buitenland.
Dutch benefits department has ‘crossed the line’ once again
The benefits department of the Dutch Tax Administration has attempted to reach backroom agreements with the judiciary about the decision period in benefits cases. Lecturer in tax law Martijn Nouwen says this harms the legal protection of victims.
Jan van de Streek: ‘Koopkrachtreparatie is razend ingewikkeld’
De coalitie houdt woensdag en donderdag topoverleg over de koopkrachtdaling van 6,8%. Het kabinet wil deze ongekende koopkrachtval compenseren, maar hoe kan dat effectief en enigszins betaalbaar?
Hall of Fame 2023
In 2023, many of our students and staff won great prizes and secured important research grants.
Probing complex problems
Issues such as climate change, the depletion of natural resources or social inequality are too complex to be addressed from a single scientific discipline or by a single country. Leiden University has the expertise to bring the resolution of these enormous problems a small step closer.
Our economists in The Hague - research and teaching
The Department of Economics at Leiden Law School teaches courses in both Leiden and The Hague to more than 1700 students.
Leiden Law Cast: BONJO & an ex-prisoner
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Funding for research on distribution of wealth in the Netherlands
Heike Vethaak and Egbert Jongen from the Department of Economics of Leiden Law School have been commissioned by the Dutch Trade Union Confederation (FNV) to conduct research on the development and distribution of wealth in the Netherlands. The research will start in July and the outcome is expected…
Vacatures Raad van Advies
De Raad van Advies bestaat uit leden die een binding hebben met de faculteit. Daarnaast zijn zij goed thuis in de wereld van de advocatuur, de rechterlijke macht, de overheid en het bedrijfsleven. Het faculteitsbestuur gebruikt de adviezen van de Raad van Advies bij de beleidsontwikkeling van de faculteit…
Leiden Law Cast: Slavery & the Somerset Case with Egbert Koops
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Anthropology PhD Conference 2018: Vulnerability and Resilience in Research and Representation
This conference explored the various ways in which anthropologists at the Leiden Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology engage with global vulnerabilities and social resilience through their ethnographic research and representation. All staff and students were invited to participate…
Tax professionals under fire: 'I'm regarded as shady'
Tax lawyers are under fire in the public eye. They are held directly responsible for tax evasion by multinationals. Assistant professor Elody Hutten is researching how tax professionals deal with this criticism and was interviewed about it by the Financieele Dagblad.
Germaine Rekwest to support Curaçao minister on tax treaty policy
Minister Silvania of Curaçao has announced that Germaine Rekwest, who was awarded a PhD from Leiden University in September, will support him on treaty policy for Curaçao. The minister announced this in his travel report.
Leiden Law School hosts PhD Colloquium ‘Law and Politics in the EU’
On Friday 3rd February 2017 Leiden University hosted a PhD colloquium in conjunction with the University of Liverpool and the University of Oslo, on the topic of ‘Law and Politics in the European Union’. As part of the Interaction between Legal Systems 2.0 project, the colloquium presentations focused…
Onzekerheid bij Professionals in Wijkteams
De decentralisaties van de zorg aan langdurig zieken en ouderen, jeugdzorg, en werk en inkomen die vanaf 2015 zijn doorgevoerd in Nederland hebben geleid tot een transitie van een centraal naar een lokaal stelsel van zorg en welzijn. Deze transitie beoogt zorg en ondersteuning dichter bij de inwoners…
Irma Mosquera appointed as Associate Professor
As of 1 January 2018 Irma Mosquera will be appointed as Associate Professor at the Institute of Tax Law and Economics of Leiden University.
Migrants cost European governments less than their own citizens do
Migrants are far less of a burden on the budget of European countries than is often thought. This is the conclusion of research by economists from Leiden University.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can find answers to some frequently asked questions about the Public Administration master's programme.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can find answers to some frequently asked questions about the Public Administration master's programme.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can find answers to some frequently asked questions about the Public Administration master's programme.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can find answers to some frequently asked questions about the Public Administration master's programme.
Elsevierenquête: ‘Studenten beoordelen Universiteit Leiden als beste.’
Students awarded the highest scores to Leiden University and the Radboud University Nijmegen. These are the findings of an annual survey by Elsevier into the best study programmes in the Netherlands. Elsevier Magazine has a weekly readership of half a million, making it one of the most iinfluential…
Heather Field: Visiting Professor
Hastings College of the Law and Leiden Law School have a longstanding exchange programme. Each year students participate in the existing student exchange programmes. Likewise professors from Hastings College of Law have been visiting Leiden Law School and vice versa.
New Summer School |The European Union, the United Nations and Global Governance
The Summer School ‘The European Union, the United Nations and Global Governance’ is open to Master-level and PhD students. It is supported by the European Union’s Jean Monnet program.
Jan van de Streek: 'Tax Authorities broke the law by leaking information to Uber
The Dutch Tax Authorities leaked information about an international tax audit to Uber. In addition, they ‘obstructed and delayed’ an investigation by other EU Member States, says the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) based on internal documents from the tech company.
Arco Timmermans on the accelerated implementation of road pricing measures
Each week, Dutch radio programme BNR Lobbypanel discusses a topic at the intersection of politics and entrepreneurship. From 2020 Arco Timmermans, Professor by special appointment Public Affairs, will participate each month in the BNR Lobbypanel discussions. This week Timmermans joined the discussion…
Mees Vergouwen wint prijs voor proefschrift
Mees Vergouwen heeft op 18 juni de dissertatieprijs van De Vereniging voor Belastingwetenschap gewonnen. Hij promoveerde in 2023 op een proefschrift over ‘botsende belastingregels’. De fiscalist kreeg de prijs voor het beste proefschrift van de afgelopen twee jaar.
'Time for a fundamental strategy on State aid to multinationals'
The debate on tax evasion by multinationals is in full swing in many Member States. Last week it was announced that the European Commission has started an investigation into possible illegal State aid from the Netherlands to Nike. It is likely that dozens of other companies are getting away with it.
Successful PhD Workshop at Leiden Law School: Beyond Bank Resolution: Resolution and its Frontiers
On Thursday 7 and Friday 8 December 2017, Leiden University’s Hazelhoff Center for Financial Law and the European University Institute in Florence jointly organized a PhD workshop in Leiden.
Olaf van Vliet in NRC on shaping labour migration
In Dutch the public arena, there’s talk of curbing labour migration. Which options do the Dutch have? Olaf van Vliet, Professor of Economics at Leiden University, discusses this issue in Dutch daily newspaper NRC.
The Europa Institute organises its annual PhD Day in a new online format
On Friday, June 12th, the Europa Institute held its annual PhD Day.
ILS Lunch Seminar with Hanneke Bennaars and Prof. Frans Sonneveldt
The monthly ILS Lunch seminars bring together colleagues and students from Leiden Law School, providing an informal setting to hear what researchers from other research programs and institutes are working on. On Thursday 17 October 2019, a new edition of the ILS Lunch Seminars takes place. This month,…
Jan Vleggeert: published memo 'quite remarkable'
At the end of June 2021, The Dutch Ministry of Finance made a policy document public that dates back to 2016. In it, civil servants acknowledge that the Netherlands risked providing unauthorized State aid to American multinationals by allowing them to use a controversial, but favourable, fiscal construction:…