383 search results for “etnische profilering” in the Staff website
- Portrait photography for FGGA employees Spring 2023
Research in the media
How can you ensure that your research hits the headlines? How can you bring your research output, such as PhD research or a publication, to the attention of the public?
Newsletter Student Support FSW May 2022
This Student Support FSW newsletter tells you all about the services provided by the FSW POPcorner, Career Service, and Community Engagement Service. You can read about upcoming activities and vacancies, and pick up tips on study skills, personal and professional development, student well-being, study…
- University Teaching Qualification (UTQ/BKO)
Overview online of work for third parties by professors
Prize for school research project on butterfly wings
Why are morpho butterflies blue? That is what high school students Frederique Kerstens and Koen van Griensven investigated in their high school profile paper at the Leiden Institute for Research in Physics. In doing so, they won the KHMW Profielwerkstukprijs 2023. ‘We didn't expect it, but are of course…
Philip Spinhoven acting Scientific Director Institute of Psychology
Professor Philip Spinhoven has been appointed acting Scientific Director of the Institute of Psychology until 1 September 2021. He succeeds Michiel Westenberg who resigned from the position 1 January 2021, because he could no longer combine the responsibilities of Scientific Director with his academic…
Archaeology holds internal promotion round to Associate Professor
Human resources
‘Pharmacogenetics will become part of patient care’
Does medicine make patients feel better or worse? We are getting better at predicting this from people’s DNA profiles, says Professor Jesse Swen. ‘It never fails to fascinate me how one DNA base pair can have such a huge effect on treatment with medication and the outcome.’
Nieuw stageplatform Trail is live
Onze studenten hebben zowel publieke als private organisaties veel te bieden. Om studenten en organisaties beter aan elkaar koppelen heeft FGGA een nieuwe stagebank ontwikkeld. TRAIL: De nieuwe stagebank van de Leidse Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs.
Science communication training: get more from your research
Juan Masullo Jimenez appointed as APSA research methods journal co-editor
Ezequiel Gonzalez-Ocantos (Oxford University) and Juan Masullo Jimenez (Leiden University Institute of Political Science) are the new editors of Qualitative and Multi-Method Research (QMMR). QMMR is a biannual publication of the American Political Science Association (APSA) section for the study, development,…
Languages and Cultures of the World Page is now online
In accordance with the Faculty Strategic Plan, the thematic page on Languages and Cultures of the World has been launched. It provides an overview of the university's expertise in the field of Languages and Cultures. This theme is one of the four core areas that position the expertise of the Faculty…
Development of broad Languages and Cultures BA programme to change to ‘Renewing and Strengthening Language Programmes’
As you may know, a draft profile for a broad BA programme in Languages and Cultures has been in development for some time. On 21 December 2021, the Faculty Board decided to end the design process of that broad bachelor’s degree programme. However, as the Faculty Board and partners in the discipline…
Throwback to the Archaeological Field School of 2022: ‘Excavating is very rewarding’
Back in June, the annual Leiden Archaeology Field School took place in Oss. For a month, every week, a group of 25 first year students gets to learn the ins and outs of a professional excavation. This is what they have been prepared for in the past year. ‘It is very exciting to put all the theory into…
Students Conference Day: Gender, Race, Intersectionality and Law
Until now, systematic discussions of gender, race and law have received little attention from Dutch law faculties, especially at the undergraduate teaching level. At the same time, public calls for discussion of these issues increases rapidly.
Update your telephone and room numbers via the Service Portal
Do you work with human-centered AI? Fill in the survery
ICT, Research
Recognition & Rewards: national ambitions widely supported at Leiden University
The ambitions of the Dutch Recognition & Rewards programme are widely supported by academics at Leiden University. This is one of the findings from the first Culture Barometer survey, carried out in early 2024.
Developing tailored information for institutes on research grants
Sieger van den Aardweg is Knowledge Base Manager for the Grant Development Team at the Strategy and Academic Affairs Directorate, part of Administration and Central Services. He is working within the Leiden Research Support programme on tailored information provision, in collaboration with several institutes.…
Academic integrity
The integrity and reliability of academic research are of fundamental importance to the University. All parties, both within and outside the University, must be able to have confidence that our research is conducted in a scrupulous, fair, verifiable, impartial and independent manner.
Internal communication tools
An organisation the size of Leiden University requires careful internal communication.
Admission to a PhD track
Different PhD tracks are available for different PhD candidates. Information is given here about the types of tracks, the admission requirements and the administrative steps to be taken.
Activating your LU-card
To be able to activate your LU-Card online, it is necessary that you confirm your identity. We use the ReadID Ready app for this. On this page you will see what you need to confirm your identity.
Ancillary activities
Many Leiden University employees engage in ancillary activities. The University stimulates such activities because we believe that the right place for a university is at the very heart of society. Ancillary activities bring together research, teaching and society. However, there are some limits on what…
More control over your future with designing your future
The future does not yet exist, but many people think about it daily. The course Designing Your Future, part of the Honours Programme at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs and taught by Bram Hoonhout‘Being a mentor during HOP week is something I can recommend to everyone’
Faculty of Archaeology ranks 5th in QS World University Ranking
It is the eighth year in a row that the Faculty of Archaeology is placed in the top ten of archaeological institutes worldwide. The QS World University Rankings by Subject looks at criteria like academic reputation and citation ratios.
Data Privacy Day: three tips for protecting your data
ICT, Security
- What do you know of the University Job Classification System (UFO)?
Young Talent Award for Anne Urai
Psychologist Anne Urai has received the Young talent award from the Dutch Neuroscience society. She was described as a 'talented, promising early career researcher' and complimented on her international profile, having spent time in London, Paris, Hamburg and New York.
Discover your talents! Do the ‘Talents in Focus’ test
Human resources
New wall painting in C-corridor Van Steenis
- Profielfotoshoot medewerkers FSW
KHMW Dr. Saal van Zwanenberg Research prizes for BPS students
On November 25th, BPS students Bart van Lieshout (right) and Scott Engels (left) received Dr. Saal van Zwanenberg Research Prizes from the KHMW. This annual prize is awarded to students who have written a master's thesis in the pharmaceutical and medical sciences field.
Lucy Opoka
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
l.a.opoka@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6438
Anne Verboom
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
j.c.m.verboom@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3880
Manon de Visser
m.c.de.visser@biology.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Seven Leiden professors elected new members of KNAW
Seven Leiden professors have been elected as members of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). In total 23 new members will be inaugurated on Monday 13 September.
Jasper's day
Jasper Knoester is the dean of the Faculty of Science. How is he doing, what exactly does he do and what does his day look like? In each newsletter, Jasper gives an insight into his life.
Bestuur laat burger verdwalen in de jungle van de gegevensverwerking
Wat kun je als burger doen wanneer de overheid je persoonsgegevens gebruikt en daarmee besluiten neemt waar je het niet mee eens bent? Fatma Çapkurt promoveerde op een onderzoek hiernaar. Burgers moeten verwerking van hun gegevens beter kunnen beoordelen.
Toelating en selectie
Toelating en selectie
Student Support FSW
Distinguished Scholar Award presented to Jan Melissen: ‘Very honoured’
Professor Jan Melissen (ISGA) is the recipient of the 2022 ISA Distinguished Scholar Award in Diplomacy Studies. It is the first time this prize has been awarded to someone in Europe. Melissen: ‘I am very honoured and humbled to be the first person to receive this award outside North America.’
Important collection of topographical images of the Netherlands available in Digital Collections
Castles, monasteries and bridges, but also city profiles, history prints and water management works. Leiden University Libraries (UBL) manages one of the most important collections of topographical images in the Netherlands. The collection, bequested to UBL by Johannes Tiberius Bodel Nijenhuis (1797-1872)…
‘Leiden is the place to be for digital archaeology’
Archaeology is also digging with computers. This digital quest to find out how we humans lived in the past is what Karsten Lambers likes doing most. He is the first Professor of Digital and Computational Archaeology in the country. ‘A dream come true.’
‘Language is part of your identity’
Language is omnipresent: when you talk, app or meet in Teams. Understanding how we communicate with one another and what communication does to us is essential. In her inaugural lecture, Nivja de Jong will call to redress the balance between the sciences and the humanities.
Towards a crisis resilient society
Pandemics, terrorist attacks, environmental disasters... These are real threats, which we cannot ignore. In fact: we need to prepare better for the large-scale crises of the future. Preferably in a way that suits our lifestyle and respects our social values. Over the next ten years, an interdisciplinary…
Leiden Anthropology of Asia Network Created
Last week, the 'Leiden Anthropology of Asia Network' was created, based on the network event 'Leiden Anthropology of and in Asia' on 8 December 2021. During this event, it became clear that next to events oriented towards peer-level academic interaction, there is an urgent need for a better institutional…
Proof of Concept grants for four Leiden researchers
Four Leiden researchers have been awarded Proof of Concept grants by the ERC. These grants, each worth 150,000 euros, help researchers translate the findings of previous ERC projects into innovative practical applications.
Minor in Law, Literature and Society shows inextricable link between law and art
The film Blade Runner as part of the law curriculum? It’s not that weird to Maartje van der Woude, Professor of Law and Society, and Frans-Willem Korsten, Professor of Literature, Culture and Law. ‘The film raises a fundamental question: what’s a human and what’s not?’ From the next academic year onwards,…