562 search results for “behaviour interventies” in the Public website
Sound Investigation: Effects of noise on marine animals across trophic levels
Anthropogenic noise has been shown to affect marine animals in various ways, this may have fitness consequences at individual and population level. This thesis aims to increase insight into the quantification of sound-induced behavioural responses that are relevant to fitness, and into factors that…
Responsible Behaviour in Cyberspace: Novel Horizons
From 5-7 November 2018, The Hague Program for Cyber Norms held its inaugural conference at Het Spaansche Hof in The Hague, where they were joined by scholars and participants from across the world, for three days filled with four keynotes and 19 presentations during the parallel sessions.
Melanie Franse
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
m.e.franse@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 527NVT
Latin American representatives visit Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Each year, Latin American diplomats meet the researchers and students from Leiden University who specialise in their region. This year, they visited the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. ‘The social and behavioural sciences have improved our understanding of social unrest.’
Social and Behavioural Sciences: from insight to impact
Working towards resilient communities, transparency in science and connecting with the employment market – these are the three key themes being addressed by the departments of Social and Behavioural Sciences at Dutch universities. On 11 February, they presented a joint sector plan to Marcelis Boereboom,…
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, a Healthy Faculty
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences has become a lot healthier, thanks to the first Healthy Faculty event on 29 and 30 October, 2015. Health Psychology master’s students organised workshops for both students and staff. Many of them attended these inspiring workshops and already put the gained…
5 – 7 November Responsible Behaviour in Cyberspace: Novel Horizons
From 5 – 7 November the The Hague Program for Cyber Norms will take place at Het Spaansche Hof in the Hague. The theme this year is Behaviour in Cyberspace: Novel Horizons.
Bored or scared children? Teachers’ behaviour makes a big difference
Teacher training should do more to prepare teachers for the pedagogical aspects of teaching, Professor of Educational Sciences Tim Mainhard will argue in his inaugural lecture. ‘Children who find learning difficult particularly benefit from a close relationship with their teacher.’
‘Behaviour comes to us in big data’
Jurist Gineke Wiggers wants to predict the expected impact of legal articles. Carel Stolker, Rector of the University and, like Wiggers, a legal specialist, is enthusiastic about the research. ‘A big data project like this will help us establish the effect of our work on society.’
School dropout among immigrant students: Types of dropout and predictors
Giving to friends, classmates, and strangers in adolescence
A study on the development of prosocial behaviour.
PhD research: Welfare benefits reduce criminal behaviour substantially
Receiving welfare benefits has a major impact on criminal behaviour. This has been demonstrated by Marco Stam, who defended his thesis on 20 January 2022.
Early recognition and intervention of stress and anxiety in the classroom
How can we facilitate the early recognition of stress and anxiety in the classroom and collaborate with schools in providing low-threshold interventions?
Fien Demuynck
j.m.demuynck@biology.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5275045
Josh Robison
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
j.a.robison@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 5071
Christian Tudorache
c.tudorache@biology.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4759
Katja Cardol
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
c.k.cardol@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5697
Winifred Gebhardt
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
gebhardt@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4084
Sebastiaan Grosscurt
s.grosscurt@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Rachel O'Connor
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
r.a.oconnor@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Tommy van Steen
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
t.van.steen@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | 070 8009500
wins grant for research on the influence of meditation on political behaviour
Political scientist Femke Bakker (Leiden University) is going to investigate whether meditation affects political behaviour. Bakker has been awarded a PEACE Grant by the Mind & Life Institute, which enables her to conduct innovative, experimental research. The aim is an answer to the question whether…
The social brain in middle childhood
A neurobiological perspective on individual differences in social competence
Challenged by cognition
Toward optimal measurement and greater understanding of youth cognition in school refusal and cognitive behavioural therapy outcome
Swimming Bass under Pounding Bass: fish response to sound exposure
Promotor: C.J. ten Cate, Co-promotor: H.W. Slabbekoorn
A PCAD-model for fish to study the impact of airgun sound exposure on free-ranging cod
We are developing the conceptual framework, which is new to this taxonomic group, and evaluate the current state of the art with respect to all critical parameters and transfer functions for a fully developed Population Consequences of Acoustic Disturbance (PCAD) model.
Success with NWO for social and behavioural scientists
Ten Leiden social and behavioural scientists have successfully applied for the NWO Open Competition. With this Open Competition, NWO gives researchers the chance to start small, high-risk, innovative or promising research projects.
Carel ten Cate awarded honorary membership Dutch Society for Behavioural Biology
Professor emeritus of Animal Behaviour Carel ten Cate is awarded honorary membership by the Dutch Society for Behavioural Biology (NVG). He received the honour for his activities for the Society and the discipline of behavioural biology.
Annebelle Kok
a.c.m.kok@biology.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
The @school project
Developmental considerations in the design and delivery of cognitive-behavioural therapy for adolescent school refusal
Municipality and University join forces to help children with behavioural problems
A Preventive Intervention Team that investigates children with behavioural problems and trains their social skills in order to prevent school dropout and other, more serious problems. This is a strategy that Leiden University and the municipality of Amsterdam have been using for several years already,…
Paul Wouters new dean of Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Professor P.F. (Paul) Wouters has been appointed dean of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences with effect from 1 January 2019. Wouters has been appointed for a period of three years and succeeds Professor Hanna Swaab, whose second term of office as dean expires this year. Swaab will remain…
Court deems unacceptable behaviour by professor likely, ruling on dismissal request postponed
It is sufficiently plausible that the professor from the Faculty of Archaeology exhibited the ‘inappropriate and unacceptable behaviour’ detailed in the advice of the investigating committee. That is is unless the professor provides counter-evidence. This is the conclusion of the Subdistrict Court…
dismissal procedure against professor on the grounds of unacceptable behaviour
A professor from Leiden University, together with a former employee (who is also the professor’s partner), has been guilty of long-term unacceptable and often transgressive behaviour in the form of abuse of power and manipulation. This behaviour led to a culture of fear among staff who were largely…
Laurens van Gestel
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
l.c.van.gestel@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Predicting drug behaviour in the brain
Does a drug enter into the human brain once administered in the body?
Conversion of renewable raw materials on platinum shows unexpected behaviour
The electrochemical reduction of a group of organic compounds on platinum is strongly dependent on the arrangement of the atoms in the platinum surface. Christoph Bondue, postdoc in Marc Koper's group, published this in Nature Catalysis on 4 March. The reduction of such compounds is an important process…
Peer education on LGBT rights in pre-vocational secondary education
In secondary school, homophobic language is common, even in the Netherlands where there is high acceptance of homosexuality in the adult population. Adolescents especially in lower educational levels have prevailingly negative attitudes towards their lesbian and gay peers. Peer education with its participatory…
Andrea Evers in the media about the corona measures and behaviour
Health psychologist Andrea Evers has been invited by several Dutch and international media to talk about the coronavirus and the measures taken by the government with regard to public health.
Versterking verantwoordingsketen
In maart 2024 is het wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar de versterking van de verantwoordelijkheid van gecontroleerde entiteiten zelf rondom de accountantscontrole en de jaarverslaggeving uitgebracht. Dit boek bevat de uitwerking van een onderzoek voor het ministerie van Financiën opgesteld door de Afdeling…
Urban ecology and avian acoustics: Function and evolution of birdsong in a changing world
Birds sing to be heard, but how do they cope with increasing noise levels? Which species persist in cities and why? And do they thrive or suffer in the urban soundscape?
e-Coach: Tailored cognitive-behavioral e-Health care for patients with chronic somatic conditions
The major aim is to develop, evaluate, and implement disease-generic cognitive-behavioral interventions through the internet in order to optimize tailored health care for patients with chronic somatic conditions.
Got a friend in me?
Mapping the neural mechanisms underlying social motivations of adolescents and adults
grant for Neeltje Blankenstein for research to promote healthy online behaviour in youth
Taking part in TikTok challenges, online gambling, and forwarding nudes. ‘Why do adolescents take online risks?’, psychologist Neeltje Blankenstein wonders. Her research on online risk taking has been awarded a Veni grant by the Netherlands Research Council (NWO). Read her answers to five questions.
The noise of the hunt: effects of noise on predator-prey relationships in a marine ecosystem
The effects of anthropogenic noise on interactions between predators and their prey are still little understood.
Daredevil behaviour of young people due to active reward centre in the brain
Young people tend to take more risks than children or adults. This trend is related to the reward centre in the brain, which is much more active when they are rewarded, PhD candidate Barbara Braams discovered. Personality, testosterone levels and social context also play a role in risk-taking.
LUF grant for Neeltje Blankenstein: 'I want to study online risk behaviour of young people in it's full depth'
Neeltje Blankenstein receives an LUF grant to conduct research on online risk behaviour among young people. What risks do young people take online and why? 'With this research, we not only want to help prevent serious risk behaviour, but also understand what drives young people to it.'
Frans Jacobs
f.j.a.jacobs@biology.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5275000
Strategy Dynamics
In the thesis the dynamics of strategies is studied from two perspectives.In the first part of the thesis strategies are considered to be opinions present in a community.
Nina Komrij
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
n.l.komrij@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5378