1,711 search results for “diversity in haar education” in the Public website
Yanell Braumuller
y.u.braumuller@biology.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Neeltje Blankenstein
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
n.e.blankenstein@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Meet the History students in the Departmental Teaching Committee
As always, 5 students take part in the Departmental Teaching Committee History. The five of us want to represent the history students to the best of our abilities and enhance the visibility of the Committee. We are looking forward to an interesting year!
Global citizenship research launched in cooperation with NCDO
At the initiative of the National Commission for International Cooperation and Sustainable Development (NCDO), Leiden University has commenced research into global citizenship.
Specialised plants may not be as vulnerable as was thought
Plants that are pollinated by fewer species of animal may be less vulnerable to change than was thought. This is what Saskia Klumpers discovered in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. She will be awarded a PhD on 15 December.
Lions in West and Central Africa apparently unique
Lions in West and Central Africa form a unique group, only distantly related to lions in East and Southern Africa. Biologists at Leiden University confirm this in an article published in Scientific Reports.
Reconstructing a Medieval house in Vlaardingen
Nine Archaeology students have built a reconstruction of an early medieval house in Vlaardingen. The house, built according to a houseplan discovered during excavations at Rotta, has already played an important role as the backdrop of the re-enactment of the battle of Vlaardingen of 1018.
Judi Mesman in Dutch media on gender neutral toy stores
A manifest was signed in France this week on gender neutral displays in toy stores, in the hope of preventing stereotypes and gender based prejudices. Minister van Engelshoven was rather taken with this French idea and called on toy manufacturers to evaluate their current toy collections. Which evoked…
Cultural Anthropology graduate nominated for 'most impactful student project' by Leiden Science City
Cultural Anthropology graduate Tommie Lambregts conducted fieldwork in the Slaaghwijk neighbourhood in Leiden as part of a Policy in Practice research internship commissioned by the municipality. Leiden Science City nominated his research as one of four 'most impactful student projects'. Award ceremony…
Linguist Willem Adelaar receives royal decoration
Linguist Willem Adelaar was appointed to Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion on October 1st. On that very same day he celebrated his 43-year connection to Leiden University. Adelaar has an impressive track record in the field of indigenous, and often endangered, Amerindian languages.
10 years old and already starting university?
On Saturday 19 November 2016 the students (9 – 12 years old) and several parents of the Transvaal University visited the Leiden University College (LUC) The Hague. The aim of the visit was to get acquainted with several scientific issues in an interactive session.
Archaeologists visit Ethiopia for material culture studies project
Annelou van Gijn and Diederik Pomstra took part in the Shire Project in Tigray, northern Ethiopia, to contribute to an exciting mix of lithic and use-wear analysis, as well as ethno-archaeological and experimental studies.
NWO grant for research about crossing language borders: ‘ We know very little about how multilingualism works outside Western societies’
Professor Felix Ameka and university lecturer Maria del Carmen Parafita Couta have received an NWO Open Competition grant together with Enoch Aboh (University of Amsterdam) to do research on ‘code-switching’: switching languages by multilinguals.
ILS Lunch Seminars
The monthly research lunches have become a regular point on the Law School’s agenda and are steadily developing into somewhat of a tradition. We look back at two successful lunches in October and November, doing justice to the diversity in research taking place in our Faculty.
Archaeologist Amanda Henry linked to Naturalis as Professor by Special Appointment on the Evolution of the Human Diet
Starting September 2024, Amanda Henry has started a new role as Professor by Special Appointment on the Evolution of the Human Diet at Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden. She will use this position to draw closer ties between the Faculty of Archaeology and Naturalis, and explore means for public…
Studying the Societal Challenges of Our Time
'There are far too few networking events for young scholars, even though they are eager to attend them;' states Judi Mesman, Dean of Leiden University College (LUC). On Wednesday 7 March, Judi Mesman organised the 'Interdisciplinary Networking Event for Young Scholars', a networking event specifically…
Freya Baetens speaks at UNESCO conference
Last week, the Ravenna School of Law hosted the UNESCO conference on World Heritage between Education and Economy: A Legal Analysis, at which Freya Baetens presented her paper entitled The new generation of EU Free Trade Agreements: heralding the end of public financial support to maintain cultural…
Eduard Fosch-Villaronga and Hadassah Drukarch win European Commission’s Product Safety Award
The EU Product Safety Award encourages and honors innovative business initiatives and research that make a difference for consumers. This year, the Gold Medal was awarded to Eduard and Hadassah for their innovative research on diversity in robot design, testbed, and safety standardization
The building blocks for astronomically literate citizens
What does it mean for a citizen to be ‘literate’ in astronomy? Astronomers who participate in outreach to the general public experience various degrees of astronomical knowledge among people. But so far, there had not been a systematic evaluation and definition of what astronomical literacy actually…
Annetje Ottow
College van Bestuur
a.t.ottow@cvb.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3143
Karel Kuipers
Faculteit Archeologie
k.j.kuipers@arch.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Cora Leder
Faculteit Archeologie
c.t.leder@arch.leidenuniv.nl | 071 527NNB
Neem niet gelijk alles aan wat er in een wetenschappelijk tijdschrift staat, leren studenten in deze nieuwe lesmodule
In de rubriek ‘Onderwijsheden’ delen Psychologiedocenten hun belangrijkste inzichten over college geven. Deze maand: Anouk van der Weiden ontwikkelde met een team collega’s en studenten een lespakket kritisch lezen, toepassen en schrijven. ‘Studenten denken: wie ben ík om kritiek te geven op een gepubliceerd…
- POPTalks (POPcorner Humanities)
‘’That is why I work at the University’’
What does it mean to innovate education? And what motivates professors to innovate? How does innovation work at the University?
How do teachers learn in a work placement programme?
Na Zhou (PhD at ICLON) researched how vocational teachers’ learning takes place in a work placement programme and how their learning supports their teaching in school. Defence on 1 March.
‘When I leave the lecture and students are still discussing, I know I did a good job’
‘It was the biggest bunch of flowers I’d ever seen,’ says Emily Strange about the moment she won the Leiden Teaching Prize 2022. The judge praised the conservation biologist for her passion, engaging personality, and the way she motivates her students. On the Dutch Day of the Teacher, we get to know…
Universe Awareness finalist van de WISE Awards 2015
Universe Awareness is one of fifteen projects chosen by WISE for providing compelling and innovative solutions to today’s most pressing challenges in education.
- POPTalk: Mapping Slavery Walk & Potluck Spring Dinner
About the programme
Science for Sustainable Societies offers an exciting combination of theory and practice. While analysing and examining relevant topics from both the natural and the social sciences domains, you will also gain lots of hands-on experience. Interactive learning is an important part of the programme. You…
Awards and Grants 2018
An overview of awards and prizes granted to our staff and students in 2018, as well as special appointments and royal distinctions.
University Lecturer (UD) in Modern and Contemporary Visual Art (0.8 FTE)
Humanities, Centre for the Arts in Society
Africa reconsidered
If you follow the western media, you are likely to think of ‘Africa’ as the continent of origin of desperate migrants, a continent of hunger and disease and a breeding ground for international terrorism. But if you want to see the bigger picture, you should look no further than the African Studies scholars…
Dual-Appointment PhD Candidate and Junior System Administrator, Software Optimization and Compiler
Science, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)
Postdoc Candidate for the project "Climate Citizenship"
Social and Behavioural Sciences, Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
University Lecturer (UD) in Film and Visual Culture (1 FTE)
Humanities, Centre for the Arts in Society
2 PhD Candidates for the project "Climate Citizenship
Social and Behavioural Sciences, Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
Assistant Professor of Cybersecurity Governance (1 fte)
Governance and Global Affairs, Institute of Security and Global Affairs
Assistant Professor in Artificial Intelligence and Structure-Based Drug Discovery
Science, Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR)
PhD Position: Interventions for Adolescents' Susceptibility to Misinformation (1.0 FTE, 4 years)
Social and Behavioural Sciences, Psychology
PhD position: Adolescents' Susceptibility to Misinformation (1.0 fte, 4 years)
Social and Behavioural Sciences, Psychology
PhD Candidate, AI-driven co-design for High-Performance Computing in Radio Astronomy
Science, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)
Effective Protection of Fundamental Rights in a pluralist world
This research project from Leiden University looks at the opportunities and threats that flow from the existence of institutional and normative diversity in the area of fundamental rights for the effective protection of those rights in a pluralist world.
Lectorate Event of lectorate 'Music, Education and Society' Royal Conservatoire
Arts and culture
Overview of the links between Linguistics, Economics, and Education
Lecture, Applied African Linguistics
With this app, students learn to recognise an argumentative error from that aunt over Christmas dinner
In this ‘Educatips’ column, Psychology lecturers share their most important lessons about teaching. This month: Zsuzsika Sjoerds and Sebo Uithol teach students critical thinking with their app 'Family Dinner'. With success: 'The old exams have become too easy.'
POPTalk: Spoken Word
Arts and culture
Lessons of Democracy: Mothers’ Education and Learning Activities in late-1950s Japan,
Collaboration across borders: virtual learning between Leiden University College and Myanmar
Jyothi Thrivikraman set up a Virtual International Collaboration project with a university in Myanmar.
Higher Education Knowledge Café: 'What is quality of teaching and how do you evaluate it?'
Conference, Knowledge Café