1,679 search results for “ridder in de op de van de nederlandse leeuwen” in the Public website
Civil Liberties Under Pressure: Maartje van der Woude to hold webinar for Indonesian university
On Wednesday 22 July, Professor Maartje van der Woude will hold a webinar for Nusantara University (Indonesia). Her lecture is entitled ‘Governing Through Crises: Civil Liberties Under Pressure’.
Nominees bachelor's thesis prize Political Science 2024
The nominees for the IRO Thesis Prize 2024 and the Prof. Dr. J.Th.J. van den Berg-prijs 2024. Who authored the best thesis in Leiden University’s bachelor’s programme in Political Science?
Symposium in honour of Frits van Oostrom (Leiden)
Op dinsdag 14 juni 2022 wordt aan de Universiteit Leiden een symposium georganiseerd ter gelegenheid van het naderende emeritaat van Frits van Oostrom (Universiteit Utrecht). Wie deel wil nemen aan het symposium kan zich tot uiterlijk vrijdag 15 april 2022 opgeven via w.van.anrooij@hum.leidenuniv.nl.…
Inaugural lecture prof.dr.mr. T.J. de Graaf
Inaugural lecture
Het Indo-Europese landschap. Een trektocht door het verleden van de taal.
Inaugural lecture
Onbekend maar zeer bemind. De noodzaak van onderwaterarcheologie en het onderzoek van maritiem erfgoed voor onze kennis- en identiteitsvorming
Inaugural lecture
A breakthrough in salt tolerance knowledge for application in saline agriculture
The Salt Farm Texel, supported by a number of professors from various Dutch universities, offered a report on saline agriculture to the Minister for Agriculture van Dam on Wednesday 22nd of February. The researchers report that a number of important crops are much more tolerant to salt than assumed…
- De sterkste schakel! Opleiding verbindt wetenschap en praktijk
Anne-Laura van Harmelen: In the media
Stay tuned for updates on relevant media appearances of Anne-Laura van Harmelen.
Public Administration students ‘brutally honest’ about the reorganization of the Tax Authorities
Recently three Public Administration students of Leiden University gave a sturdy advice to the Tax Authorities about the effects of the reorganization, at the invitation of the Ministry of Finance.
Publications about the Middle Eastern collection
An overview of our exhibition catalogues and research monographs on the Middle Eastern collections.
Other publications
Other COI publications can be found on Leiden Law Blog, the Leiden Law Methods Portal, and in the drop-down tabs below.
Luisteren naar en ondervragen van de natuur, om te begrijpen, te bezinnen, en te beschermen
Inaugural lecture
Theopolitical Patchworks: Rule and Material Religion in Rio de Janeiro
Lecture, Research Seminar
Five activities to look forward to this semester
A fresh semester means a fresh faculty calendar. There is plenty to do at the faculty again in the coming months. Five interesting activities are listed below.
Wilco van Dijk on BBC about 'Schadenfreude'
Leiden psychologist Wilco van Dijk and communication scientist Jaap Ouwerkerk of VU University Amsterdam published a book about the emotion Schadenfreude. Van Dijk tells about Schadenfreude on BBC radio 4 All in the Mind.
Join-in courses 2024-2025
Join-in courses zijn MA-cursussen over middeleeuwse onderwerpen gegeven binnen vastgestelde MA-programma's van de zes deelnemende universiteiten van de Onderzoekschool. Op aanvraag zijn deze vakken toegankelijk voor studenten van andere (Nederlandse) universiteiten. De cursusbelasting en het aantal…
Scientists of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs about the Terrorist Attacks in Europe
An overview of the media appearances of scientists working with the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs about terrorist attacks in Europe, their consequences, and more.
Mirjam Sombroek–van Doorm appointed Associate Professor Health Law
In addition to being Director of Operational Management at Leiden Law School, Mirjam Sombroek–van Doorm will help develop Health Law at the faculty in the coming years.
Elevated minds: The Sublime in the public arts in 17th-century Paris and Amsterdam
The aim of this project is to study the influence of Longinus’s treatise ‘On the sublime’ on practice and theory of architecture and theatre in seventeenth-century Paris and Amsterdam.
Nieuwe publicatie: Papyrological Texts and Studies in Honour of Peter van Minnen
Dit deel bevat de editie of heruitgave van 52 papyri en ostraca, daterend uit de periode tussen de derde eeuw voor Christus en de achtste eeuw na Christus.
- De erfenis is niet meer zwart-wit
Karwan Fatah-Black launches book series on slavery and emancipation
How do we account for historical power dynamics when writing new histories of slavery and emancipation? What critical methods can we employ when studying preserved archives and collections? A new book series aims to address these questions. The initiators Karwan Fatah-Black and Ilse Josepha Lazaroms…
Esther van Ginneken in NRC: 'Stop further austerity at prisons'
Cuts in the prison system threaten to be at the expense of security, including that of society, writes university lecturer Esther van Ginneken in an opinion piece in Dutch newspaper NRC.
In the Media
Our research regularly receives attention in the (Dutch) popular media. Here is an overview.
Meijers Prizes, Van Wersch Springplank prizes and Thesis Prizes awarded at New Years’ reception
On Thursday 10 January a number of prizes were presented to researchers and students.
News Kids on the Block: Mendeltje van Keulen opens European Law master
On 12 September the students of the European Law Master gathered in the Lorentzzaal for the festive opening of their programme.
Improving quality of care: A continuous process of (de-)implementation
PhD defence
Politica del anonimato en el cine de América Latina
Dr. H.W. Siemens Prof. E. Sabrovsky (Universidad Diego Portales)
Ja, de Litteratuur is nu eenmaal een wonderlik vak
PhD defence
Europeización de la Educación Superior en Chile y Colombia
PhD defence
Sara Polak: ‘Corona unveils great social inequality in the US’
Following China and Italy, it appears that the United States is becoming the next epicentre of the coronacrisis. Can the US handle this crisis? Is president Trump dealing with the situation correctly? We asked Leiden America expert Sara Polak.
Ewine van Dishoeck receives prestigious Kavli Prize
Ewine van Dishoeck, Professor of Molecular Astrophysics, was presented with the Kavli Prize by King Harald V of Norway during a ceremony on 4 September in Oslo. The prize consists of a gold medal and one million dollars.
Céline Zaepffel
Faculty of Humanities
c.v.zaepffel@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2050
The Leiden Papyrology+ group
Papyrology+, founded in 2014, is a collaboration of Leiden scholars studying (Abnormal) Hieratic, Demotic, Aramaic, Greek, Latin, Coptic, and Arabic papyri from a socio-historical, economic and linguistic perspective. Papyrology+ aims to explore new opportunities and directions in the study of ancient…
Ik zie, ik zie, wat jij niet ziet! Over het belang van perspectieven binnen de (neuro)wetenschap
Inaugural lecture
Illuminating the Journey of Diego de Ocaña, O. S. H.
Lecture, Research Seminar Europe 1000-1800
Las narrativas precoloniales en el occidente de Oaxaca, México
PhD defence
Quanta Magazine: where does Ewine van Dishoeck get her ideas?
In what settings do great ideas turn op? Quanta Magazine follows top scientists to their favorite places to think, tinker and create. Leiden astronomer Ewine van Dischoeck showed the magazine the Noordwijk beach. 'Somebody from the Netherlands is unavoidably linked with water.'
Methoden van contractsuitleg
PhD defence
Geslaagde studentenconferentie 'empirisch-juridisch onderzoek en het privaatrecht'
Waarom is empirisch-juridisch onderzoek van belang voor de rechtspraktijk en het wetenschappelijke onderzoek? Op die vraag kregen masterstudenten van de afstudeerrichtingen civiel recht, ondernemingsrecht en financieel recht antwoord tijdens het congres over empirisch-juridisch onderzoek en het privaatrecht…
Ilektra Antonaki cum laude gepromoveerd
Op dinsdag 3 november is Ilektra Antonaki cum laude gepromoveerd op haar proefschrift over kapitaalbewegingen binnen de Europese Unie.
Maartje van der Woude: 'VIVA400 nomination is acknowledgement and incentive'
Each year Dutch women’s magazine VIVA draws up a list of creative and enterprising women. This year our alumna and Professor of Law and Society Maartje van der Woude has been nominated. The award ceremony is on 15 November.
Jelle van Buuren in NRC over cyberaanvallen EU
Door recente cyberaanvallen op instituties binnen en buiten Europa groeit het vermoeden steeds sterker dat achter de aanvallen wellicht een politieke motivatie schuilt. Jelle van Buuren van het Institute of Governance and Global Affairs (ISGA) verscheen in het NRC om te bespreken of er sprake kan zijn…
“De” outside the cleft: An evidential operator in the C domain
Lecture, CHiLL series
The ambiguity of the post-verbal modal morpheme DE in Sichuanese
Lecture, CHiLL series
Ben Feringa Lecture 2022 by Beatrice de Graaf: "Geopolitical Challenges, Security Threats"
The Netherlands is home to world-renowned universities and some of the most respected researchers. Join Holland in the Valley, Universities of the Netherlands and University of Groningen for the Ben Feringa Lecture 2022, presented by Professor Beatrice de Graaf of Utrecht University. Ben Feringa Lecture…
Woord en wetsteen. Beschouwingen over schrijven op het snijvlak van kunst en wetenschap
Prof. J.C. Wesseling Prof. H.A. Borgdorff
The scholarly self: character, habit, and virtue in the humanities, 1860-1930
Why did 'character', 'habit', and 'virtue' serve as key terms in late 19th and early 20th-century scholarly correspondences, biographies, and obituaries? Why did scholars around 1900 display so much interest in the working habits and character traits of what they called the 'scholarly self'?
Memory and Identity
Research conducted in this group aims at furthering our understanding of how communities and individuals deal with social change, conflict and trauma through remembrance and commemoration as well as forgetting in the arts.