1,366 search results for “mens wellbeing” in the Public website
Plato's Myths: Tools for Thinking Conference
Mini-Symposium: The societal relevance of improvisation in music and dance followed by a panel discussion on artistic doctorates in the performing
PhD defence, Symposium
We are Science Week
Opening academic year
University ceremony
Paul Christiaan Flu: a Surinamese professor in a time of war
Paul Christiaan Flu, originally from Surinam, was a brilliant tropical doctor, who in 1938 rose to the position of Rector Magnificus of Leiden University. The war years brought his lightning career to an abrupt end: his son was murdered and he himself was imprisoned in a concentration camp. A sad family…
Dies natalis 2021
University ceremony
Join the anniversary day of Public Administration
Electronic versions of our publications can be obtained by sending an e-mail to Esther van den Bos: bosejvanden@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
Middle Eastern Culture Market 2022
Arts and culture, LUCIS Middle Eastern Culture Market
Leiden University-Zurich University Workshop: Ecocritical Perspectives in East Asian Art and Culture
2019 Hall of fame
Over the past year, many of our staff and students have won prizes, been awarded a substantial grant or been appointed to an academic association or a position in public life. All of these are good reasons to include them in our 2019 Hall of Fame. We are proud of them all.
- Global Asia Scholar Series (GLASS)
Lunch Time Seminars
The biweekly Lunch Time Seminar is an online only event, but it is not publicly accessible in real-time. If you would like to attend one of the upcoming sessions, please send an email to sails@liacs.leidenuniv.nl.
Middle East Culture Market 2023
Arts and culture, LUCIS Middle East Culture Market
Campus the Hague 'Meet the Employer'
Formation of Islam: Topics
The FOI project has a number of topics it aims to investigate. These are: State, Economy, Culture and Papyri. You will find links to bibliographies on this page.