1,326 search results for “from and library studies” in the Staff website
LUCAS “Modern and Contemporary Studies” Research Cluster 3rd annual conference 'Environment as Lens: Rethinking Humanities Research through the
Roundtable: International Relations and the Idea of Merit
Conference, Roundtable
- ELS lab meeting - Lunch & Learn: ELS lab meeting - Welcome back: connecting the dots
School integration of refugee children: evidence from the largest refugee group in any country
Eager enlargers, reluctant reformers? Central and Eastern European perspectives on EU’s institutional reform
Lecture, European Union Seminar
From Epistemic Injustice to Epistemic Diversity - Investigations of Open Access Publishing and Research Reproducibility
Short prison sentences: More recidivism and expensive
Dutch political parties have presented their own 'solutions' to make society 'safer'. How do the party positions compare with scientific research on crime reduction?
Circular fuel: researchers and technicians work hand in hand on tomorrow’s solutions
From a meaningless block of plastic to an advanced component that contributes to the energy transition. The technicians and scientists of our faculty think it out in detail and make it a reality. This special project shows that they need each other.
Spring 2023: The Revisionist Muse: Recent retellings of Greco-Roman myths from a female perspective
Adaptation to Digital, Social, and Natural Challenges: responses and ideas from Latin America and the Caribbean
Building a stronger and more resilient Union - Mapping the cost of non-Europe (2022-2032)
Lecture, European Union Seminar
LUCDH Lunchtime Speaker Series: From the Archive to the Internet: digitizing the Language of the Poor in Late Modern Scotland
Lineage and Gender in Islam: Perspectives from the Indian Ocean World
International Conference
From Pixels to Patterns: AI-Driven Image Analysis in Multiple Domains
PhD defence
Applications of AdS/CFT to strongly correlated matter: from numerics to experiments
PhD defence
Blood, Tears and Samurai Love: A Tragic Tale from Eighteenth-Century Japan
Lecture, LIAS Lunch Talk Series
Femicide: a comparative approach from a Dutch, Italian and European point of view
- Student Well-being Staff Symposium - Translating student well-being from vision into practice
belowground interactions in Jacobaea vulgaris: zooming in and zooming out from a plant-soil feedback perspective
PhD defence
Navigating the Turn to the Indo-Pacific: Perspectives from South and Southeast Asia, and the Netherlands
Panel discussion
How we can utilize the placebo effect in healthcare: from doctor-patient communication to clinical guidelines
constituent size on prosodic domain formation and marking – evidence from Shaoxing Wu Chinese
Lecture, CHiLL series
LUCDH Lunchtime Speaker Series: From Pixel to Caesar: Using Atlas.ti to discover the past in early digital games
From Atoms to the Cosmos: Exploring the Cosmic Web Beyond Collisional Ionisation Equilibrium
PhD defence
From Tenochtitlan to Ciudad de México: Colonial Urban Legacies and Environmental Consequences
The Laboring Refugee: Profiting from the Displaced during Hot and Cold War
Lecture, China Seminar Series event
Christian Nationalism, Nation-Building, and the Making of the Holocaust in Slovakia
Lecture, Book Talk - Austrian Studies Fund / CEES Centre
- ELS lab meeting - Lunch & Learn: ELS lab meeting - ELS Resolutions
Inspiration sessions Empirics and legal education
Stability in unstable times: how the European Central Bank handles inflation
Lecture, European Union Seminar
Re-materialising Roman religion: Keynote lecture from Dr. Graham
Lecture, UMW Research Seminar
The First 20 Years: Reconsidering European Union Enlargement into Central and Eastern Europe
Conference, Conversation
Queer migration: lessons from the past and present, thoughts for the future. A Blue-Sky thinking seminar
Conference, A Blue-Sky thinking seminar
Getting on Famously: The Netherlands and the Shah of Iran
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
the electrolyte effects of CO2 electroreduction to CO and H2 Evolution from the interfacial pH perspective
PhD defence
‘In ten years’ time, we’ll ask ourselves how we can make the Netherlands more attractive for migrants’
When politicians claim they can make major differences with their migration policies, they’re raising false expectations. The opportunities for the government to restrict migration are in fact very limited. And what about the little room they do have? Mark Klaassen’s advice is to make use of those opportunities…
German beyond its native speakers: pluricentric, multilingual, and globalized perspectives
Lecture, Lunch Time Talk
Catching Kairos? Imagining Alternative Futures in Eastern German Literature
Lecture, Lunch Time Talk
discursive reproduction of hate speech and its unregulated end: lessons from cognitive pragmatics and argumentation theory
Lecture, Sociolinguistics & Discourse Studies Series
LUCDH Lunchtime Speaker Series: Beyond Discourse: An Introduction to Conversation Analysis in Linguistics Research and Elsewhere
The Moroccan Register of “Slaves” in the Early 18th Century: Enslavement, Blackness and Racial Binary
The future of Europe’s finances
Lecture, European Union Seminar
Covid has had an impact on academics’ well-being
The Covid pandemic has had a considerable impact on academics’ work and well-being. They have had much less time to spend on their research. The Young Academy and the Dutch Network of Women Professors have conducted research into how the situation has been for academics. The two organisations have recommendations…
From Noise to Insight: The Functional Role of BOLD Signal Variability and Aperiodic Neural Activity in Metacontrol
PhD defence
constituent size on prosodic domain formation and marking – evidence from Shaoxing Wu Chinese
Lecture, CHiLL series
Undisciplined Collections
Sweden in NATO and the changing EU security architecture
Lecture, European Union Seminar
Who's Watching Brussels? Why the EU deserves better watchdogs
Lecture, European Union Seminar
A new impetus for EU enlargement?
Lecture, Seminar
EU' responses to the challenges of the platform economy
Lecture, Seminar