1,239 search results for “door nathalie 2023” in the Public website
Maternal mortality and morbidity in the Netherlands and their association with obstetric interventions
PhD defence
Award ceremony Jaap Doek Children's Rights Thesis Award
Fear of choking and fear of falling in middle and end stage patients with Huntington’s disease
PhD defence
46th Symposium on Old English, Middle English and Historical Linguistics (#SOEMEHL46)
45th Symposium on Old English, Middle English and Historical Linguistics in the Low Countries (#SOEMEHL45)
- YAL Interdisciplinarity Annual Event
The battle against antimicrobial resistant bacterial infections - next stage development of antimicrobial peptides
PhD defence
National WO-Day during Economics Education Week
Book Launch: Cultural Confluence in Organizational change: a Portuguese venture in Angola
Lecture, Book Launch
Equsum classification and registration in deep endometriosis surgery
PhD defence
Invitation Alumni Event San Francisco Bay Area
Alumni event
Spectral imaging and tomographic reconstruction methods for industrial applications
PhD defence
Understanding uncertainty
PhD defence
Methoden van contractsuitleg
PhD defence
Similar but not the same - methods and applications of quantitative MRI to study muscular dystrophies
PhD defence
News in a Glasshouse: Media, Publics, and Senses of Belonging in the Dutch Caribbean
PhD defence
Unpacking the rich tapestry of Chinese culture: the interplay between parental socialization and children's social functioning
PhD defence
Award ceremony: Jaap Doek Children's Rights Thesis Award 2024
Selective fetal growth restriction in identical twins: from womb to adolescence
PhD defence
Implementation and use of patient-reported outcome measures in routine nephrology care
PhD defence
Extinguishing metaflammation
PhD defence
How T cells talk to the neighborhood
PhD defence
Metagenomic sequencing in clinical virology: advances in pathogen detection and future prospects
PhD defence
Prospects for law reform and democracy under Indonesia’s new president
VVI Research Meeting 2023-2024
Bibliotheca Enchusana
PhD defence
Chemical Tools to Illuminate N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine Biosynthesis
PhD defence
Book launch: Roots of counterterrorism, Contemporary Wisdom from Dutch Intelligence
Lecture, Book launch
Comparative Effectiveness of Surgery for Traumatic Acute Subdural Hematoma
PhD defence
GLP-1 receptor agonism to improve cardiometabolic health
PhD defence
Symposium Metaphors for quantum science and technology
European Strategic Dialogue lecture series: A New Beginning for UK-EU Relations
Personalized drug repositioning using gene expression
PhD defence
Join the anniversary day of Public Administration
‘Looking back, this past year will be a very important period in my life’
At the Faculty of Science, forty per cent of the employees are of a non-Dutch nationality. Amongst PhDs that is even sixty per cent. How are they doing in a time of working at home in a different culture, when travelling is not possible? Clinical pharmacologist Lu Chen is the third in this series to…
Black hole one year later: proof of a persistent shadow
The brightness peak of the ring around M87's supermassive black hole has shifted 30 degrees counterclockwise in a year. This is shown by new images released by the Event Horizon Telescope consortium.
‘The historical pedigree of New Wars and New Terrorism’: meet LUCIR scholar Isabelle Duyvesteyn
Isabelle Duyvesteyn, Professor of International Studies and Global History at the Institute of History and member of the advisory board of Leiden University’s Centre for International Relations (LUCIR) is widely regarded as an expert on civil wars and conflicts. Her new book, Rebels and Conflict Escalation,…
LUC Well Being Week: A Panel Discussion on Racism in Times of Corona
In light of the changes made to face to face teaching by Leiden University, LUC student association Fortuna rose to the challenge by coining a virtual Well-Being week and facilitating it online.
‘Prehistory holds up a challenging mirror to us’
Leiden alumnus Luc Amkreutz is a curator at the National Museum of Antiquities. His exhibition about the submerged landscape of Doggerland highlights what we can learn from prehistory. ‘Just like the people of Doggerland, we are confronted with climate change, but we are responsible for the speed of…
How Johan Huizinga sent the Nazis packing
In 1933, Leiden held a large international student conference. It was supposed to be a celebration of unity that would bring together the French, British and Germans. But when the Nazis showed their true colours, Rector Magnificus decided to intervene...
First photo of black hole at the heart of our Galaxy
Finally we know for sure that there is a black hole at the centre of our own galaxy. Today, astronomers unveiled the first ever photo of Sagittarius A*, a super-massive object at the centre of the Milky Way. This picture could only be taken thanks to the cooperation of telescopes worldwide.
Writing history together in the Transvaal
Alicia Schrikker doesn't usually get involved in urban history. As a senior lecturer, her research field is generally the colonial history of Asia and partly South Africa. So, the fact that she is going to carry out an urban history research project together with colleagues, is something that even she…
Leiden Law Cast: The prison population NL vs. BE with Miranda Boone
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Outward appearance in Dutch criminal law. What is the suspect up to?
On 27 February 1976, two men wearing motorcycle helmets and carrying loaded guns ring the door of temping agency Cito. A security van has just delivered cash. The suspect later claims in court that he and his friend were just doing a ‘dress rehearsal’ – preparing ahead in other words, but not an actual…
FC Winter School student Ginevra Montefusco produces a web doc on Bari’s fish market
Mingo, a 91-year-old fish lover from Bari, takes us with him into the physical, symbolic and cultural space of the market.
Seeking balance in a changing world and university
The world around us is changing. What does that mean for the future of Europe, on this turbulent world stage? And what does it mean for our teaching, and for the expectations that Leiden University has of its students? These were the key questions during the opening of the 2018-2019 academic year on…
Om te beginnen met gezond gedrag moeten vaak eerst problemen als schimmel op de muren of financiële sores worden aangepakt
Medici kunnen veel repareren, maar ziekte voorkomen of uitstellen is beter. Daarvoor is vaak leefstijlverandering nodig en dat blijkt lastig. Gezondheidswetenschappers Sandra van Dijk (Universiteit Leiden) en Valentijn Visch (TU Delft) doen onderzoek naar de vraag hoe je mensen kunt helpen met gedragsverandering…
Alumna Amber Brantsen: ‘Allow yourself to make mistakes’
A glowing first-time mother-to-be with an impressive CV for someone of her age, newsreader Amber Brantsen would seem to lead a charmed life. ‘But I began to resent that image,’ says the Leiden Public Administration alumna. This led her to write the impressive and personal Uit Beeld (Out of the Picture).…
Guest lecture from Sander Dekker, Minister for Legal Protection, to CSM students
On Wednesday morning, 14 March, Sander Dekker, Minister for Legal Protection, gave a guest lecture to the students of the Master Crisis and Security Management as part of the course Crisis Management. Dr. Sanneke Kuipers presented propositions based on theory to Minister Dekker. After each proposition,…
New professor Elise Dusseldorp: ‘The longer you’re in research, the more humble you become’
Elise Dusseldorp has been appointed Professor in the Methodology and Statistics of Psychological Research. In the same way that she spends her spare time rambling through the forest, as a professor she sifts through colleagues’ research data. ‘I often come across information that doesn’t appear in the…
Blog Part I: Lobbying in times of (Corona)-Crisis: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
An article by Bert Fraussen, Adria Albareda, Caelesta Braun, Moritz Muller & Erin Sullivan, published as a three-part blog series.