1,317 search results for “recht en digital technology” in the Public website
LUCDH Lunchtime Speaker Series: From the Archive to the Internet: digitizing the Language of the Poor in Late Modern Scotland
China as a laboratory for the rest of the world
Professor of Modern China Florian Schneider researches what people do with technology and what technology does with people. Social media, for example. And then mainly in China.
Sharing personal health data
Comparing individual health data with group data allows doctors to give personalised advice and patients to learn from one another's experiences. Wessel Kraaij, Professor of Applied Data Analytics, shows how personal data can have a valuable predictive function. Inaugural lecture 24 February.
authoritarianism"? The case of the Instituto de Capacitación e Investigación en Reforma Agraria ICIRA in Chile 1960- 1979
Louise Verboeket wins faculty Jongbloed thesis prize 2016-2017
The thesis “De publieke prijs. Een onderzoek naar de verdeling van publiek geld via prijsvragen” (The public prize. A study of the allocation of public funds by way of competitions) was awarded the faculty Jongbloed prize 2016-2017 on 12 January.
An EU with a higher EQ
How do you increase the EU’s EQ so that citizens and countries feel a greater sense of belonging and safety in the EU, and the countries work better together? To answer this question, Professor of European Law Armin Cuyvers works, among others, with social psychologists. Inaugural lecture on 9 Decem…
Hiltje Cleveringa given first copy of her father’s biography
Hiltje Cleveringa seemed moved when on 16 January she was given the first copy of the biography of her father, Rudolph Cleveringa. Peppering his speech with a few cliff-hangers – including an incident concerning Churchill – biographer Kees Schuyt encouraged his audience to actually go read his book.
Adat land rights: the solution for land conflicts in Indonesia?
Land conflicts between farmers and government authorities or large plantation businesses are an everyday occurrence in many countries in the Global South. The same is true for Indonesia where thousands of land conflicts have been going on for years without a solution being found. In these types of conflicts,…
PhD candidate Anne Hendrikx: ‘I had to buy an extra bookcase for my research.’
What once began as an assignment for a master’s course and continued as a master’s thesis, has now culminated in a substantial book. Or has it finished? Actually, for Hendrikx, this is just the beginning: ‘I can finally reap the rewards of my research.’
Promotieonderzoek: 'Stel rechten slachtoffers centraal bij aanpak arbeidsuitbuiting migranten'
Arbeidsuitbuiting van migranten wordt als een vorm van het strafrechtelijke delict mensenhandel beschouwd. De rechtspositie van de slachtoffers is mede daardoor ondergeschikt aan de strafrechtelijke procedure. Dat kan en moet anders, stelt Gerrie Lodder in haar proefschrift. Promotie op 21 april 202…
'EU Member States look the other way when a country disrespects the EU values’
The Member States of the European Union do not intervene when a Member State disrespects the values of the European Union, Judith Sargentini, member of the GroenLinks party at the European Parliament, said at the annual Europa Lecture on 9 May in the Lorentzzaal of the KOG Building.
‘Children’s healthcare rights deserve more attention’
‘Children’s rights are somewhat of a poor relation’, says Professor of Law and Health Mirjam Sombroek-van Doorm. In her inaugural lecture, she will emphasise how more attention needs to be paid to children’s rights in current thinking on law and health.
Terugblik: De impact van Meijers is na 70 jaar nog steeds voelbaar
In een goedgevuld Teldersauditorium vond op maandag 24 juni het symposium ‘Het Erfgoed van Meijers: 70 jaar waardering en inspiratie’ plaats. Vanuit verschillende perspectieven werd gereflecteerd op de omvangrijke nalatenschap van de Leidse hoogleraar Eduard Maurits Meijers, die precies zeventig jaar…
Honours Class makes cultural heritage tangible: ‘You are dealing with people’
An Honours Class about the ostensibly unrecognisable worlds of insular Southeast Asia teaches students a fundamental piece of wisdom:
Platform Thingsthattalk brings together historical objects
Using the motto 'Exploring humanities through the life of objects' the Thingsthattalk platform gives a voice to historical objects that are usually kept behind closed doors. Objects from various Leiden collections are going to be made public and placed within a historical and user context.
Leiden Translation Talk 9 May: Human-technology relations and the permeating presence of machine translation tools
Wim Voermans in favour of merging Dutch House of Representatives and Senate
The battle for a strong power position in the run up to the provincial council elections in the Netherlands is currently being fought fiercely. Prime Minister Mark Rutte has become accustomed to a minority in the Senate in recent years. The four Rutte cabinets were always able to do business with various…
Municipality of Deventer claims compensation from Rijkswaterstaat
With roadworks to widen the A1 motorway near Deventer (province of Overijssel, the Netherlands) now complete, a substantial dispute has arisen between the Municipality of Deventer and the Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat, RWS). The municipality is demanding…
Promovendus Joris van de Riet: 'Studentenverenigingen zijn een verrijking, knijp ze niet af'
De plannen van het kabinet-Schoof om een langstudeerboete zorgt voor veel ophef. Promovendus Joris van de Riet schreef een opinieartikel erover voor Trouw. Zijn argument is dat een langstudeerboete desastreuze gevolgen kan hebben voor studentenverenigingen.
Islamic courts and women’s divorce rights in Indonesia
What role do the Islamic courts play in protecting women’s divorce rights? How do they perform with regard to spousal support, child support and marital property? Stijn van Huis defends his PhD thesis on September 8, 2015
Herziening transfersysteem betaald voetbal aanstaande
Experts verwachten een aanpassing in de transferregels, waardoor voetballers meer vrijheid krijgen om een club te verlaten. Een uitspraak in de Diarra-zaak door het Europees Hof van Justitie, wordt binnenkort verwacht en zou tot deze herziening kunnen leiden. Stefan Vandenbogaert, hoogleraar europeesrecht,…
Successful conference Kirchheiner Chair 'Government and citizens: A matter of trust'
On 1 September, the conference of the Kirchheiner Chair ‘Government and citizens: A matter of trust’ took place. In a packed hall in the beautiful Old Observatory of Leiden University, under the inspiring leadership of Willemien den Ouden, a debate was held on the role of the Dutch National Ombudsman,…
New publication by Christa Tobler on alternative models of EU integration
Following the conference of the 20th Austrian European Law Day in September 2021 at the University of Liechtenstein in Vaduz, the academic papers of the conference have now been published in book form. The book contributions include a chapter by Christa Tobler: Christa Tobler, 'Finally Brexit - Alternative…
Een permanent burgerberaad, de missing link in de Nederlandse politiek
Landen om ons heen laten zien: als burgers mogen meedenken, komt er beweging in vastgelopen politieke discussies. Zou een dergelijke derde kamer ook de oplossing kunnen zijn voor Nederland, waar samenleving en overheid elkaar steeds verder uit het oog lijken te verliezen?
Ban on 'boas' wearing religious symbols not yet possible
It is becoming increasingly common for large Dutch municipalities, including the Municipality of Amsterdam, to allow special enforcement officers to wear religious symbols such as the kippah and headscarf. Dutch Minister of Justice Dilan Yesilgöz and PVV party leader Geert Wilders are opposed to this…
Voermans and Drahmann positive about Advisory Board on public access to government information
Today, the Dutch Advisory Board on public access and government information (ACOI) issued its opinion on how the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) makes documents on Covid policy accessible to the public.
In hoeverre kunnen de coalitiepartijen de Grondwet nog waarborgen na Wilders uitlatingen op X?
Na de 7 oktober demonstraties schoffeerde Wilders burgemeester Halsema, door op X te roepen dat zij het land moet verlaten. Volgens experts overtreedt Wilders hiermee de gemaakte afspraken met de coalitiepartijen. Wim Voermans, hoogleraar Staatsrecht, hierover aan het woord in het Parool.
Pressure on function of checks and balances in Parliament
Polls conducted by I&O research point to a political landslide. What's in store for the Netherlands? The polls show that the new party of MP Pieter Omtzigt is well-positioned for the upcoming election, with an expected 31 seats, but only 3 for the Christian Democratic Alliance (CDA) party. It is obvious…
Peter van Es appointed Professor of Notarial Law
Van Es is the successor to Professor Huijgen whose retirement is approaching after nearly 27 years’ professorship. This new appointment is from October 2022, but Van Es has been working at the faculty for some time.
Posthumous doctorate Thijmen Nuninga: 'Right, duty, remedy or The promise of the rule'
On Thursday 22 September 2022, the posthumous PhD ceremony will be held of Thijmen Nuninga who passed away February this year. His doctoral thesis had already been approved at that time.
What lies ahead for the Netherlands now a coalition agreement has been reached?
Now that a negotiation agreement has been reached, the first right-wing Dutch cabinet is set to become a reality. What are the four parties planning to do, and who will become the next Dutch Prime Minister? All these issues and more were reviewed in a recent Op1 broadcast. Wim Voermans, Professor of…
New report by Christa Tobler on indirect discrimination
On 15 December 2022, the following thematic report of the European Equality Law Network was published: Christa Tobler, Indirect discrimination under Directives 2000/43 and 2000/78, for the European Commission, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union 2022.
Does the Netherlands still have an extraparliamentary cabinet?
A clear, unambiguous definition of an extraparliamentary cabinet still seems to be missing in the political arena of The Hague. Caroline van der Plas, Farmer–Citizen Movement (BBB) party leader, wants to discuss this issue with the party chairs of the Dutch coalition parties. Wim Voermans, Professor…
To what extent is the public interest considered in the corporate sector?
Companies are increasingly being urged to not only generate financial returns, but also to consider the public interest. Tom Barkhuysen, Professor of Administrative Law and partner at law firm Stibbe, spoke about the role of the government at a conference on the lawyer as a trusted advisor in the boardroom.…
Symposium Crisis Management in the Banking Sector
On Friday 6 November, a symposium took place on the occasion of the publication of the ‘Research Handbook on Crisis Management in the Banking Sector’, edited by professor Matthias Haentjens and professor Bob Wessels.
Symposium on Political Parties and Government Survival in Latin America
On Monday 4 September, Professor Christopher Martinez, from the Universidad de Concepción (University of Concepción), Chile, was invited by the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law to introduce his forthcoming book at our university.
Possible impact of Dutch provincial council elections on nitrogen plans
These might be ‘just’ provincial council elections in the Netherlands, but the outcome on 15 March could have serious consequences for how the country is governed. Conflicts between the government in The Hague and the provinces, and tension within the Dutch cabinet, might be looming. On 1 July, every…
De internationale publicatie Faith in Democracy door Timo Slootweg
Rechtsfilosoof Timo Slootweg (ed.) publiceerde deze week: Faith in Democracy. Justice, Politics and Transcendence. Deze internationale publicatie werd mede geïnitieerd door het Leidsche, interfacultaire profileringsgebied Politieke Legitimiteit.
Knowledge gap due to exodus of Dutch MPs
With the exodus of departing parliamentarians, which seems to have gained momentum this summer, the loss of experience in parliament after the upcoming general election in the Netherlands will be considerable. A cause for concern according to Wim van De Camp, former CDA MP, and Wim Voermans, Professor…
Gert Jan Geertjes awarded 2023 Meijers Prize and Van Wersch Springplank Prize
Traditionally, at the beginning of each new calendar year, Leiden Law School awards the Meijers Prizes for the best article in the previous year for each Faculty research programme.
Koninklijke onderscheiding voor hoogleraar Paul van der Heijden
Donderdag 7 februari is prof. mr. dr. P.F. van der Heijden benoemd tot Officier in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau. Hij kreeg de koninklijke onderscheiding uit handen van minister Koolmees van Sociale Zaken.
Jorrit Rijpma on possible reform of Schengen Agreement
Europe's open borders are under pressure: Europe has an increasing number of Member States with governments calling for tighter border controls. Several political parties in the Netherlands are also calling for stricter border controls, among other things, to reduce the number of asylum seekers. Yet,…
Europa Institute roundtable on British EU referendum
On Friday 3rd June, the Europa Institute hosted a Leiden Law Exchange (LLX) on the British referendum on membership of the European Union. In a roundtable discussion, academics, policy makers and other experts engaged in a lively debate on the legal and political implications of a ‘Brexit’ or a ‘Bremain’…
Is it possible to ban Quran burning?
Authorities in Denmark and Sweden are examining whether it is possible to ban Quran burning following recent incidents. These have caused tension in many Islamic countries as well as in the countries where they occurred.
Fatma Çapkurt appointed deputy chair of State Committee on Rule of Law
On 1 December 2023, Fatma Çapkurt was appointed as deputy chair of the State Committee on the Rule of Law.
'Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán forced to choose between power or money'
According to Brussels, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has systematically been dismantling the rule of law in Hungary since 2010. In a final attempt to do something about this, the EU wants to make payment of subsidies dependent on respect for the rule of law.
How realistic is a minority Dutch government?
The promise made in the run-up to the last Dutch elections that the ‘next cabinet formation process will be quicker and more transparent’ has already proven unrealistic. To what extent does a minority Dutch government stand a chance in the Netherlands’ fragmented political landscape? Corné Smit, external…
Schoof I cabinet: These cabinet members studied in Leiden
It took a while, but the new cabinet has now finally been appointed. Four members of Schoof I studied in Leiden. Who are they?
Research on proposals for better human dimension in Dutch administrative law
Currently, the bill ‘Wet versterking waarborgfunctie Awb’ (strengthening the guarantee function of the Dutch General Administrative Law Act) is in preparation. The bill is intended to strengthen the human dimension in the execution and administration of justice.
Jorrit Rijpma on Europe's approach to immigration following EU summit
EU Member States are struggling with rising numbers of migrants and asylum seekers. At the recent EU summit, agreements were reached on better controls at the external borders of the European Union and more consultation with countries where migrants come from.