1,215 search results for “politics gast” in the Public website
Violence Visible and Invisible: On Political Violence and Forms of Aesthetic Resistance to its Erasure and Distortion. One day symposium
and Scientific Analysis in the History of Philosophy, History of Political Thought, and Intellectual History
Lecture, PCNI Research Seminar
Major concerns in Iran following Donald Trump’s election victory
Donald Trump's US election victory is causing major concerns in many countries, including Iran. Afshin Ellian, Professor of Jurisprudence, spoke about this on Dutch all-news radio station BNR: ‘Denying that they're worried is really just for show’.
Friso Stevens in de Volkskrant about the Chinese investment drive
Friso Stevens, External PhD candidate at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) at Leiden University, wrote in de Volkskrant on the Chinese investment drive.
Students for Palestine panel discussion in The Hague on 24 May
Students for Palestine – a group of students from Leiden and The Hague – are holding a panel discussion in the Leiden University in The Hague Wijnhaven building on Tuesday 24 May entitled ‘Silencing Palestine’.
Cleveringa Professor Jan Grabovski about the Polish government and the Holocaust
Grabovski spoke in various media on the occasion of Holocaust Remembrance Day on 27 January 2022.
CPP Colloquium: A Tale of Two Crises. Or, Where is the Political Philosophy of the Biodiversity Crisis?
Eredoctoraten voor Bonnie Honig, Eliot Higgins en Kelly Chibale
Leiden University will be conferring three honorary doctorates in its special anniversary year. They will be awarded to Eliot Higgins, truth finder and founder of Bellingcat, Bonnie Honig, expert in feminist theory and legal theory, and Kelly Chibale, professor of organic chemistry, who works on prevention…
Judith Pollmann
Faculty of Humanities
j.pollmann@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2740
Violence and Transformation: The Political Economy of Russia’s War against Ukraine
Lecture, Lunch Research Seminar
Afghanistan: Contemporary Navigations of Religious Authority across Political Changes
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
‘Liberal American foreign policy was always entangled with illiberal interests’
American foreign policy in the period after the Second World War is often characterised as liberal. This is, however, not the full picture, argues university lecturer Andrew Gawthorpe. He has been awarded a Vidi grant to research and rewrite this popular narrative.
Mark Westmoreland and Francesco Ragazzi receive a Seed Grant
Dr. Mark Westmoreland (Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology) and Dr. Francesco Ragazzi (Institute of Political Science) have been awarded a Seed grant for their project, ‘Other “ways of knowing”: should we prepare for a post-textual turn in the social sciences?’. The grant amounts…
How migration policy in autocracies and democracies differs from what we expect
What is the effect of a certain regime on a country’s migration policy? Political scientist Katharina Natter compared the migration policy of autocratic Morocco with that of democratising Tunisia. Her findings challenge some of the core assumptions.
Indigenous populations’ major political impact in Latin America: (Re)shaping the nation-state in Bolivia, Chile, Guatemala, and Perú
Lecture, PCNI Roundtable
‘My students don't stop at a six!'
During the opening of the academic year, true to tradition the LUC Teaching Prize will be awarded to the University's best lecturer. Get to know the nominees. This week: Florian Schneider.
The Principles of Representative Government: Thirty Years Later
Lecture, Workshop
Introducing: Wietse Stam
Wietse Stam is a PhD candidate at the Leiden University Institute for History. His PhD thesis is about UNTAC; a United Nations peacekeeping operation in Cambodia during the early 1990s.
Strong Leiden Representation at EUSA Conference in Miami
This year’s EUSA biannual research conference, which took place in Miami in May 2017, saw a large delegation of the Europa Institute Leiden leaving its mark. In several panels, Prof. Luuk van Middelaar, Dr. Moritz Jesse (Associate Professor at the Europa Institute), Dr. Armin Cuyvers (Assistant Professor…
Partnership with Roosevelt Institute gives impetus to American Studies
It's easier to understand Trump's America if you have a sound knowledge of the country's history. Research on the US has been given an impetus with the renewed Roosevelt Institute for American Studies. The institute in Middelburg reopened on 20 April with Leiden University as a key partner.
'EU Member States look the other way when a country disrespects the EU values’
The Member States of the European Union do not intervene when a Member State disrespects the values of the European Union, Judith Sargentini, member of the GroenLinks party at the European Parliament, said at the annual Europa Lecture on 9 May in the Lorentzzaal of the KOG Building.
Dutch astronomers observe giant jets emanating from black hole
An international team of astronomers led by Dutch scientist Martijn Oei has discovered the largest pair of jets from a black hole ever seen. The 'jumbojets' extend a combined length of 140 Milky Ways. The Leiden Observatory played a prominent role in this research. The publication will feature on the…
Playing Cluedo with speech sounds
Using speech analysis to resolve crimes. That's what Meike de Boer (26) is aiming to do with her PhD research. 'By analysing how a person pronounces
Leiden contributes to Getty Museum exhibition
Leiden researchers have made an important contribution to the successful ‘Beyond the Nile’ exhibition in the American J. Paul Getty Museum. They also contributed to the exhibition volume that will be presented to Rector Magnificus Carel stolker on 5 September.
Astronomers find largest radio galaxy ever
By a stroke of luck, a team led by Dutch PhD student Martijn Oei has discovered a radio galaxy of at least 16 million lightyears long. The pair of plasma plumes is the largest structure made by a galaxy known thus far. The finding disproves some long-kept hypotheses about the growth of radio galaxie…
170 scientists sign manifesto with five policy proposals for a post-COVID-19 development model
COVID-19 has shaken the world. 170 academics of eight different Dutch universities believe the time is right for a positive and meaningful vision. They signed a manifesto with a list of five policy proposals for a post-COVID 19 development model to cope with this pandemic and other social and environmental…
‘Think what you want to do about international students before developing your housing policy’
Students used to live with a landlady or even with the professor whose course they were taking. Student accommodation has since become more professional, making it something the new government will have to tackle. What should the new government do?
Faculty Opening of the Academic Year: ''Navigating complexities''
The social sciences are vital in navigating complexities, fostering understanding and bridging divides. This was celebrated during the faculty opening of the academic year.
‘The ancient Egyptians were concerned with more than just death’
When we think about ancient Egypt, the first things that come to mind are usually mummies and sarcophagi. According to researcher and Rijksmuseum van Oudheden curator Lara Weiss, that impression is unjustified. She made an audio tour for the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden that focuses on living Egyptians…
Master Honours Class 'Leiden Revisited': making an impact with art
To achieve societal impact, you need to do more than solely writing academic articles. That's the idea behind the Master Honours Class 'Leiden Revisited', in which students demonstrated with art how residents at the outskirts of Leiden experience the city. 'It's the perfect way to start the debate.'
Purple Friday: ‘I try to give the community some support’
Purple clothing and a pride flag flying from all University buildings: Leiden University is once again taking part in Purple Friday. How do people experience this day? We asked some employees and students of the Faculty of Humanities.
LUCAS on a trip to NIMAR in Morocco
It was more than two years in the making, but despite the delays, giving up was not an option. In May, eighteen staff members of LUCAS and the Faculty of Archaeology visited NIMAR.
Artificial intelligence flourishing in Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam
Leiden University, Delft University of Technology and Erasmus University Rotterdam are important players in the world of self-learning machines that can work together with people. Moreover, the three have close ties in the field of AI and hope to further strengthen this collaboration in the future.…
Southern Africa is bracing itself for the coronavirus
At the end of March, the first coronavirus infections were detected in southern Africa, which resulted in country after country rapidly closing their borders. Tycho van der Hoog witnessed this process at first hand during his PhD research in Namibia. He analyzes the state of the corona crisis from his…
How the world can achieve climate goals with clean hydrogen production
Hydrogen can help to solve the climate problem. At least, if we start producing it in the right, clean way. Leiden researchers mapped out the global environmental impact of hydrogen production and looked ahead to 2050. They published their work in Energy & Environmental Science.
Leiden through the eyes of an American anthropologist
The lyrical documentary about Leiden by American anthropologist Mark Neupert has become a hit. Leiden anthropologist Janine Prins taught Neupert the finer points of the subject in the course on Visual Methods offered by Anthropology. What does she think of Neupert's observation? ‘He's gone completely…
Obesity and medication: when does bodyweight matter?
How can we best treat infectious diseases in people with obesity? Hospital pharmacist and PhD researcher Koen van Rhee studied how obesity affects blood levels of two commonly used medicines. He also developed a method for pharmaceutical companies to test new drugs on this patient group.
Debating the future of soft power practices in Washington DC
On June 6th, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy launched its latest double special issue, “Debating Public Diplomacy: Now and Next”, in Washington DC. The seminar on the future of soft power practices, at the Pew Research Center known of its global opinion polls, took place against the backdrop of concerns…
Jelle van Buuren in Trouw: Selective perception around right-wing and jihadist violence US
Research has shown that terrorist attacks in the US are more often committed by right-wing extremists than by islamitic extremists. However, news about attacks by right-wing extremists hardly ever reach the media. Jelle van Buuren tells the Dutch newspaper Trouw that right-wing extremists are at least…
The New Atlantic Order - and Transformation of Global Politics in the "Long" 20th Century
Lecture, Global Questions Seminar
Having your cake and eating it: on partial speech acts in US political discourse
Lecture, Sociolinguistics & Discourse Studies Series
How Leiden University celebrated its first day in 1575
Lifelike gods, provisional professors and the city militia with weapons a clanking. Leiden put on a colourful procession and drummed up hundreds of citizens to celebrate the foundation of the first university of the Republic of the Netherlands on 8 February 1575. 'It wasn't a party just for the sake…
Interdisciplinary research: labour market on the move
Migration, globalisation, technological developments, climate change: the greatest challenges of our time all affect our labour market. But how exactly? And can we influence this? Professor of Economics Olaf van Vliet regards it as his job to reveal how things really are. ‘That way, we can work on solutions…
Why Iran’s economy is not ‘collapsing’
President Trump believes that Iran’s economy is collapsing, and that this will leave Iranians no choice but to surrender to the demands of the United States. But these expectations might not come true, says Arash Pourebrahimi at the website of the Harvard Kennedy School.
SHAFR-TSA Graduate Summer Institute held at Leiden University
During the week of 27 June - 2 July, the Institute of History was host to the first SHAFR Graduate Summer Institute held outside of the United States. The theme of the Institute was Culture, Propaganda and Intelligence in Cold War History.
From Disappearance to the End Game: Reflecting on the Politics of Decolonization in Hong Kong
Lecture, China Seminar
‘An internship at Foreign Affairs is an incredible experience and a good way to boost your career’
Niels van Leeuwen is enrolled in the Master Public Administration: Economics & Governance. During the first stage of his master, he did an internship in the United States, at the economic affairs department of the Royal Netherlands Consulate General in Chicago. ‘There are more ways that lead to Rome…
What's in a face?
PhD defence
Political Symbolism and Conspiracies in Turkish State-Sponsored Historical TV Series: A Case Study of Payitaht Abdulhamid
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Clichéd version of an autocracy or a restored democracy? The Turkish elections explained
In less than a week’s time, millions of Turkish people are going to decide who will govern their country for the next five years. These elections promise to be the most closely contested in years, with the opinion polls showing very small differences and everything at stake, including for Europe. Alp…