1,296 search results for “anton van leeuwenhoekjaar” in the Public website
- Seminar 2: Dievenland: De spelregels van een publieksboek
Onbekend maar zeer bemind. De noodzaak van onderwaterarcheologie en het onderzoek van maritiem erfgoed voor onze kennis- en identiteitsvorming
Inaugural lecture
Opening of the Herta Mohr Building: brand new and also recycled location for Humanities
Light, open and green: a description that fits the new, renovated location of the Faculty of Humanities. The official opening of the Herta Mohr Building took place on 8 October, and it has many remarkable features: for example, recycled ‘mushroom columns’, a pedestrian bridge to the University Library…
Toetsing van deskundigenadviezen door de bestuursrechter
PhD defence
- Book presentation Oort Biography - Piet van der Kruit
A Nimble Arc: James Van Der Zee and Photography
Lecture, Talk
Ingrid Leijten on radio about freedom of expression
On 12 November Ingrid Leijten was a guest on Dutch NOS NPO Radio 1 programme Met het Oog op Morgen. She was asked to speak about the right to freedom of expression.
Inaugural lecture prof.dr. I.B. van Vulpen
Inaugural lecture
Valedictory lecture prof.dr. J.P.R. van Merkesteyn
Valedictory lecture
Valedictory lecture prof.dr. J.J. van Hilten
Valedictory lecture
Humane Genetica, in het bijzonder translationele studies van neurodegeneratieve aandoeningen
Inaugural lecture
Valedictory lecture by Professor G. Heerma van Voss
Valedictory lecture
Taalbenadering en taalhouding in werk van Jacob Israël de Haan
PhD defence
Onzekerheid beïnvloed - de rol van emoties tijdens conflicten en strafbepaling
Een onzekere wereld - van complottheorieën naar alarmsignalen in ons brein
Over nut en noodzaak van onderzoek naar hoger onderwijs
Inaugural lecture
Criticism from Dutch civil servants about the Government's stance on war in Middle East
Two open letters are currently circulating among civil servants in the Netherlands calling for the Dutch government to take a different stance towards Israel. Wim Voermans, Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law in Leiden, says in a national radio broadcast that this is an unusual and unique…
How beneficial is mindfulness? Find out at the Night of Culture and Knowledge!
Mindfulness is all the rage. But what is mindfulness and is this popular form of medication completely harmless? Come to the workshop on 19 September by Chris Goto-Jones, Professor of Philosophy and mindfulness therapist, and find out for yourself.
Sarah de Rijcke wins ERC Starting Grant
With a success rate of approximately one in ten, receiving an ERC Starting Grant is a notable achievement. Recently, the European Commission announced that Sarah de Rijcke successfully applied for the project FluidKnowledge.
European grants for internationalising research and teaching
Various projects at Leiden University have been awarded an Erasmus+ grant, an EU funding tool. This is a substantial boost to the internationalisation of our research and teaching.
LGA symposium
Faculty of Archaeology opened its doors to welcome over 100 archaeology and living archaeology enthusiasts from all over the Netherlands
Remembrance Day: remembering forgotten victims and their stories
Remembrance Day on 4 May may be different this year, but it will make no less of an impression. Ethan Mark, who specialises in modern Japanese history, will give an online lecture about forgotten stories from the Second World War. Via Open Jewish Homes, moving stories can be heard online of Jewish alumni.…
Exhibition on Suriname reveals a hidden history
Who still remembers that Leiden attracted a lot of reds from Suriname during the 1970s? The exhibition ‘Dynamic Suriname’ offers a number of surprising insights on the links between Leiden University and Suriname, which is celebrating the fortieth anniversary of its independence this year.
Cierre del X Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Hispanistas del Benelux (AHBx)
La Universidad de Leiden tuvo el placer de presentar el X Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Hispanistas del Benelux (AHBx), Transhispanismos: contactos y contagios, del 1-4 de noviembre este año. La AHBx es un punto de encuentro y enlace entre hispanistas de diversas disciplinas y profesiones…
Universiteit Leiden onderzoekt eigen slavernijverleden
Het College van Bestuur laat door een postdoc een eenjarig vooronderzoek doen naar het koloniale en slavernijverleden van de Universiteit Leiden.
Leiden archaeologist investigates washed up plastics with National Geographic grant
Roberto Arciero is part of RESPIRE project (Research Educational and Storytelling Project in Italian Remote Ecosystem), an international and interdisciplinary research team led by Martina Capriotti (University of Camerino) that received the National Geographic Meridian grant. Among the different topics,…
Abolition of slavery Memorial Year has begun
On 1 July – Keti Koti, in the year ahead, our university community will be able to reflect extensively on the history of slavery by engaging in research, education and many other activities.
Music and Words: The Austria Centre, the Practicum Musicae Orkest and Grensverleggend/Crossing Borders
On Sunday, April 23, 2023, Prof. dr. Sarah Cramsey, Special Chair for Central European Studies, gave a special lecture alongside the Practicum Musicae Orkest at the Cultuurhuis de Paulus in Oegstgeest.
Astronomers capture first image of a black hole
For the first time, astronomers have managed to take a photo of a supermassive black hole and its shadow. They used the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), a worldwide network of eight radio telescopes that together form a virtual telescope the size of the earth. The news was presented in six press conferences…
Beatrice de Graaf in Huizinga Lecture: ‘History is necessary in times of crisis’
Professor Beatrice de Graaf held the 53rd Huizinga Lecture on Thursday 12 December. In front of a a sold-out Stadsgehoorzaal, she spoke about how history can be used in times of crisis to give meaning to the situation.
Chemists solve persistent problem after four decades
After almost four decades, Leiden and Eindhoven chemists have resolved the discussion about the correct model for the simplest chemical reaction in heterogeneous catalysis, which is essential for fuel cells. Using a unique curved platinum surface, Ludo Juurlink and PhD candidate Richard van Lent from…
‘I may seem prim and proper...'
True to tradition, during the opening of the academic year the LUS Teaching Prize will be awarded to the University's best lecturer. Get to know the nominees. This week: Marion Boers.
Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer: ‘Only creativity can save the world’
Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer delivered the Huizinga lecture on Friday 8 December in a packed Pieterskerk. The writer seized the opportunity of the 52nd edition to point out the importance of creativity, both for artists and scientists.
Zingen van vergankelijkheid: A symposium about Heike monogatari
Conference, (in Dutch and partly in English)
- Oratie Bart Custers: Het recht van de toekomst
SAILS Lunch Time Seminar Wouter Verschoof-van der Vaart
Month of Tutankhamun: Egypt's most legendary pharaoh
November marks exactly 100 years since the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb. To celebrate this special discovery, the Faculty of Humanities, together with various parties, is organising the 'Month of Tutankhamun': a month full of activities around Egypt's most legendary pharaoh.
Nico Schrijver member of EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement Arbitration Panel
Nico Schrijver professor emeritus in Public Law and State councillor at the Council of State has been appointed by the European Union and the United Kingdom as a member of the Arbitration Panel which is authorised to settle disputes on the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement.
Stephanie Rap neemt KNAW Young Career Award in ontvangst
Op dinsdag 4 februari 2020 kreeg universitair docent kinderrechten Stephanie Rap de KNAW Early Career Award 2019 uitgereikt. Ze kreeg de prijs voor haar onderzoek naar de betekenis van internationale kinderrechten.
Goederenverwerving van het Duitse Huis te Utrecht, 1218-1536
PhD defence
Van Marum Colloquium: Scale-up Science in Electrolytic Processes
Luc Verhey appointed member of the Dutch Council of State
Luc Verheij, Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law (Kircheiner chair) at Leiden Law School has been appointed as a member of the 'Raad van State', the Dutch Council of State. Verheij was already a State Councillor at the Advisory Division since 2011. He will continue to fulfill this role…
SAILS Lunch Time Seminar: Elaine van Ommen Kloeke
Van Marum Colloquium: Imaging Electrochemical Reactions by Operando Optical Microscopy
SAILS Lunch Time Seminar: Julian van der Kraats
Valedictory lecture prof.dr. C.J.H. van de Velde
Valedictory lecture
- Van Marum Colloquium: Ultrafast electrochemistry beyond the RC time constant
Van Marum Colloquium: Electrocatalysis at high entropy alloy surfaces
Van Marum Colloquium: Biologically Inspired Catalytic Systems for Solar-to-Fuel Technologies
Van willen naar zijn. De ambivalentie over diversiteit en inclusie
Inaugural lecture