1,864 search results for “science communicatie” in the Public website
Archaeological Science article on experimental archaeology among most downloaded
The research article ‘Anatomy of a notch. An in-depth experimental investigation and interpretation of combat traces on Bronze Age swords’ is one of the most downloaded articles on the Journal of Archaeological Science website. This journal is one of the best for impact factor in the field. The article,…
Neuropsychologist Mariska Kret through to top 5 Science Talent
Neuropsychologist Mariska Kret is through to the next round in the 2016 Science Talent contest organised by New Scientist magazine.
Anne Urai on her Veni subsidy and open science
Neuroscientist Anne Urai has been awarded a Veni subsidy to further develop her ideas over the coming four years on how the brain makes choices. Why did she receive the award? Urai answers five questions about her Veni grant for young researchers.
Unique carbon-14 measurements published in Science
The distinguished academic journal Science published an article about an important and extensive series of measurements made by the Centre for Isotope Research (CIO) of the University of Groningen. The measurements concern the dating of a lake bed sediment in the Suigetsu Lake in Japan.
Archaeological laboratories visit Faculty of Science for sustainable ideas
In 2018 the Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework (LEAF) was launched in the UK. The aim of this programme was to help laboratories work more sustainably and efficiently. The initiative got a Dutch spin-off in 2021. Since then, a couple of the laboratories at the Leiden Faculty of Science have…
Got a question about science? Ask Leiden!
Due to its success, the Leiden2022 Q&A has been extended and is looking for even more thought-provoking, interesting or unusual questions.
Draw on behavioural science for a healthy lifestyle
Healthy lifestyle campaigns are often unsuccessful. It is hard to get people to eat healthily or do more exercise. Behavioural science expertise should be drawn on at a much earlier stage in policy development, say twelve behavioural scientists in a position paper. They will present the paper to Maarten…
Combining art and science in the recovery of Ukraine
How wonderful would it be to use art, technology and science in Ukraine's recovery? Young Ukrainians currently residing in Poland get guidance to develop creative programmes and activities that can later be implemented. Leiden astronomers Pedro Russo and Kateryna Frantseva cooperate in the project.
Translating science into treatments of rare metabolic disorders
Leiden biotech startup Azafaros has successfully completed a funding round, raising 25 million euros of investments for developing treatments of rare metabolic disorders. The company holds exclusive license to a library of novel patented compounds discovered by experts from Leiden University.
'Here I can grow in both science and art'
A passion for video games, visuals and science: it almost seems impossible to bring all of this together. Yet, scientific animator Vera Williams found that dream combination at NeCEN's microscopy lab. 'An image or animation can help clarify the content of complex research.'
‘Science is international so our faculty should be too’
‘Our faculty is a very international community. And that is something everybody really benefit from,’ says Yun Tian. As the officer internationalisation, she is the bridge between international students and staff, the faculty and universities abroad. ‘Science goes beyond countries and carries no nationality.…
Religion Explored: Origin, Function and Meaning
How do ideas concerning the academic study of religion relate to the socio-cultural and political context in which they are developed?
Mind the gap(s)! A surface science approach to catalysis?
Surface Reaction Barriometry: Methane Dissociation on Flat and Stepped Transition-Metal Surfaces.
Young scientists meet up at Young Faculty of Science
Being an assistant professor can be rather solitary. You often do not have your own research group and also you don't yet have the extensive network of associate professors or professors. The Young Academy aims to change just that. The first edition of the Young Faculty of Science lunch in June was…
Making a field of interpretation for biosolar cells
This project investigates the role of art in the public and academic debate on biosolar energy
Global distribution patterns of distinct mycorrhizal types and ecological drivers of these patterns
What are the global relationships between environmental conditions and abundance of distinct types of mycorrhizal fungi in soil and plant roots?
Species Literacy in the Netherlands
How can species literacy in the Netherlands be explained and improved?
Marc Koper
m.koper@chem.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4250
Katharina Natter
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
k.natter@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6864
Elise Swart
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
e.k.swart@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
‘I chose Political Science with journalism in mind’
Alumnus Stan van Haasteren went to Northern Ireland in 1995 as a freelance journalist with a guitar strapped to his back and recently wrote a book about his experiences in Belfast. ‘The big difference with then is that today there is no more violence. But it's still a divided city.’
Three Leiden Science projects receive computing time on national supercomputers
A night sky of more than 40 petabytes in size, simulating young star clusters and understanding how the body inhibits viruses: three Leiden projects have received computing time on one of the national computer systems.
Faculty of Science starts new year with awards for talents
Mathematician Robbin Bastiaansen, physicist Irene Battisti, pharmacist Fouzia Lghoul-Oulad Saïd and physics and astronomy student Maite Boden are the winners of the annual prizes of the Faculty of Science. Boden was honoured as the first Young Star, a new prize for the best bachelor’s student of the…
Three LUF grants for talented Leiden Science researchers
Fighting against cancer, antibiotic resistance and disposable plastics: Ahmed Ali, Fredj Ben Bdira, and Valerio Barbarossa receive a LUF grant for their innovative and socially relevant research. These grants for academic talent are often an important step towards grants by NWO and other grant insti…
Four Leiden Science researchers go abroad with Rubicon grant
Astronomer Donggang Wang, physicist Anne Meeussen and chemists Nick Gerrits and Elliot Mock: all four are receiving a Rubicon grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO). This grant for young talent will enable them to spend two years doing research at a foreign university.
Dancing for science: Annebelle Kok finalist of Dance Your PhD
Explaining your PhD research to others can be quite difficult, especially without talking! PhD student Annebelle Kok of the Institute of Biology Leiden was one of the finalists of the 'Dance Your PhD' competition of scientific journal Science. ‘You have to understand your own research well if you are…
Science and business working together on affordable alternatives for antibiotics
Almost fifty scientists and twenty companies will be working on developing new antibiotics and alternatives for antibiotics use. NWO and the Ministry of Health, Wellbeing and Sport will together invest close to seven million euros in this research. Scientists from Leiden University and LUMC will be…
De verzamelwoede van Martinus van Marum (1750-1837) en de ouderdom van de aarde
Promotor: F.J. van Lunteren, E. Jorin
Developments in local politics research
Weightless in the name of science
Laura Nijkamp’s biggest dream came true recently: she took a parabolic flight and was weightless for a moment. The BrainFly student team, which includes psychology students from Leiden, needed volunteers. She signed up immediately. She tells us all about her experience.
Hirschmann, Crisis Management in International Organisations
Using the League of Nations’ responses to early crises as an explorative historical case study, Political Scientist Gisela Hirschmann investigates how international organisations perceive and respond to existential threats.
Data-Driven Drug Discovery Network (D4N)
The Data-Driven Drug Discovery Network (D4N) is an initiative by researchers from Leiden University and collaborators to join efforts in applying and developing novel techniques from data science to drug discovery and related topics from bioinformatics.
Computed fingertip touch for the instrumental control of musical sound with an excursion on the computed retinal afterimage
Promotor: Prof.dr. S. Haring
Open Science Hub receives 2021 Medal of Scientific Merit in Portugal
Open Science Hub, a science education project coordinated by Leiden University, has won the 2021 Portuguese Medal of Scientific Merit for its contributions to community development through science education, research and innovation.
Van Engelshoven’s Letter to Parliament calls for more funding for science
‘Academics have descended from their ivory tower, but there’s still too little action or financing.’ Leiden professor of Science Communication Ionica Smeets saw all her wishes come true on 28 January, with the presentation of the Letter to Parliament sent by Minister Van Engelshoven of the Ministry…
2017 QS ranking: Leiden Political Science and International Studies number 1 in Netherlands
Leiden University’s Political Science and International Studies programmes have consolidated their firm academic reputation. In the 2017 QS World University Rankings, Leiden ranks 26th among the most valued institutes worldwide. Within the Netherlands, Leiden has retained the first position.
Computer Science on place 51 in QS World Universities Ranking 2011
Computer Science on place 51 in QS World Universities Ranking 2011
Your next step in open science need not be a whole hike
... together our steps make the journey!
Festive celebration International Day of Women and Girls in Science in Leiden
On Saturday 9 February 2019 we celebrated the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2019 in Leiden! View the photos of this festive day, with contributions from Robbert Dijkgraaf and Ewine van Dishoeck, and numerous fascinating workshops and exciting experiments.
Faculty of Science takes action against high work stress
The Faculty of Science has presented an infographic with tips and tricks for work stress. The reason for this was the Personnel Monitor 2018, which showed that work pressure is a problem for many employees at the Faculty. ‘It is important to start the discussion about work pressure, and to break the…
‘We’re undermining science and that’s a great shame’
Kerstin Perez has reached the position of Assistant Professor of Particle Physics at the renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). For people from minority groups this is by no means a common experience. Perez will explain how improvements can be made at the annual Diversity and Inclusion…
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, a Healthy Faculty
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences has become a lot healthier, thanks to the first Healthy Faculty event on 29 and 30 October, 2015. Health Psychology master’s students organised workshops for both students and staff. Many of them attended these inspiring workshops and already put the gained…
Inaugural lecture: 'Connecting disciplines advances science and care’
On Friday 9 September, Jeanin van Hooft, Professor of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases, will deliver her inaugural lecture titled: 'The scope of connection'. She emphasises the value of collaboration and connection for scientific research. In addition, she pleads for more diversity; according to…
NWO grant Nadine Akkerman for Signed, Sealed, & Undelivered research
Nadine Akkerman and her co-applicant David van der Linden (University of Groningen) are thrilled that “Signed, Sealed, & Undelivered 2.0: Revealing Hidden Letters” was awarded an Internationalisation in the Humanities grant from NWO.
Minister Dijkgraaf: ‘We must narrow the gap between science and society’
The speed at which science is changing our lives gives rise to tensions and concerns. In his talk at Leiden University, Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf (Education, Culture and Science) said we should talk more about science’s relationship with society and political decision-making.
Blog Post | Science diplomacy from the Global South: New insights, venues for investigation, and lessons learned
Science diplomacy, broadly defined as all activities at the intersection of science and foreign policy, has become a buzzword during the past ten years.
Sarah de Rijcke appointed as professor of Science and Evaluation Studies
As of February 1st, 2018, Sarah de Rijcke has been appointed as Professor of Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, especially Science and Evaluation Studies, at Leiden University. The chair is located at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS).
Federica Lucchi
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
f.lucchi@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Maximilian König
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
m.konig@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Festive meeting: Vision on Statistical Science & info on the new Masters track
This September a new Masters Track