1,152 search results for “lang team preservation” in the Public website
Leiden Chinese heritage collections digitised in Pagode-Europeana-China project
Leiden University Libraries (UBL) recently participated in the Pagode-Europeana-China project as an associated partner. As a result, almost two hundred items related to China from the UBL Special Collections are now available via the Europeana website. The UBL was the only library to participate in…
'Empathy is one of the most important things I 've learned at LUC'
Hande Taner (on the left), graduated from Leiden University College (Liberal Arts and Sciences, World Politics) now pursuing a Master’s in European Affairs at SciencesPo Paris and London School of Economics. On Monday 22 October 2018 at the OSCE/ODIHR conference on combatting discrimination, she…
Organising a sustainable academic event at Archaeology: ‘You will be surprised how many people actually enjoy it’
At Leiden University many staff members and students value making sustainable and responsible choices in their personal lives. Making these choices in our professional lives may feel a bit more complicated. But is that feeling justified? Archaeologists Gerrit Dusseldorp and Roos van Oosten share their…
‘Homo sapiens is too arrogant: call us Homo faber, the toolmaker’
We need to dispel the arrogant and misguided idea that modern humans are superior to earlier human species. It is thanks in part to all our predecessors such as Neanderthals that we are who we are today. This is what Marie Soressi, Professor of Hominin Diversity Archaeology, will argue in her inaugural…
How to set ambitious goals for sustainable agriculture
Food production in the Netherlands is an economic success but has led to many environmental issues, including nitrogen pollution. Recently, the policy to allow economic growth while reducing nitrogen losses was disapproved by the highest court in the Netherlands, casting the country into a nitrogen…
Innovative knowledge projects start in The Hague
The Municipality of The Hague called on researchers to come up with a proposal for an innovative research project on problems big cities face such as energy transition. Four of the five projects that have been granted funding come from researchers from Leiden University.
Conference Call for Papers: Historicizing the Shiʿi hadith Corpus
From 24-26 June 2020, the Leiden University Centre for Islam and Society (LUCIS) and Shiʿi Studies Unit of the Institute of Ismaili Studies, London (IIS), will host a conference on the Shiʿi hadith corpora. The deadline for abstracts is 31 January 2020.
Playing with light and shadow
Depictions of Rembrandt, Michelangelo and many other artists are given a new dimension in an exhibition in the hall of the Oude UB at Leiden University. The exhibition - 'Multiple Images' - opens officially on 15 February. Artist Rudi Struik has given the slides of Leiden art historian Henri van de…
Ancient DNA provides new insights into the early peopling of the Caribbean
According to a new study by an international team of researchers from the Caribbean, Europe and North America, the Caribbean was settled by several successive population dispersals that originated on the American mainland.
NWO grant for research on Aramaic inscriptions: 'Palmyra is more than blown-up tombs'
Two thousand years ago, the Middle East found itself caught between the rise of the Roman Empire in the west and the Parthian Empire in the east. PhD candidate Nolke Tasma has been awarded an NWO grant to investigate how local inhabitants experienced these changes.
How Cicero’s ruined reputation can be a lesson for politicians today
Roman philosopher and orator Marcus Tullius Cicero is still used as an intellectual example by politicians and speech writers today. But, he did not go unchallenged in his own day, as a statesman in particular. Classicist Leanne Jansen conducted research into how classical historians judged Cicero’s…
Students from Leiden University's Advanced Master's in Law & Digital Technologies complete summer work experience
Students from eLaw completed a successful work experience programme researching contact tracing apps at Privacy Company in The Hague.
Three ERC Advanced Grants for Leiden researchers
Archaeologist Frans Theuws, Buddhism specialist Jonathan Silk and mathematician Ronald Cramer have each been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant of 2.5 million euros.
Dead elephant was a feast for the entire neighbourhood
Former archaeology student Ivo Verheijen made a unique discovery in Schöningen in Germany: the almost complete skeleton of an extinct Eurasian straight-tusked elephant. The remains show that our ancestors enjoyed the odd elephant steak. But they weren’t the only ones…
‘If we buy these imported products, we are co-responsible for the global decline in biodiversity’
What we buy and consume in Europe often has an impact on biodiversity somewhere else in the world. With a Horizon Europe Funding of 600.000 euros, assistant professor Laura Scherer and her team will develop models to look at the impact of global trade in non-food biomass. ‘After developing the models,…
Herta Mohr: Headstrong female scientist in a man's world
As a twelve-year-old girl, Nicky van de Beek became intrigued by the tomb chapels in Saqqara, Egypt. Now she is doing her PhD on them, just like another Leiden Egyptologist decades earlier. Herta Mohr persevered with her research during World War II. Now she is the namesake of the first Leiden building…
Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer: ‘Only creativity can save the world’
Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer delivered the Huizinga lecture on Friday 8 December in a packed Pieterskerk. The writer seized the opportunity of the 52nd edition to point out the importance of creativity, both for artists and scientists.
Sea level rise and a Florida mortuary pond
PhD defence
The Śākadvīpīya Sun Cult from Ancient Times to the Present Day
The Śākadvīpīya (or Maga) Brāhmaṇas are Hindu sun worshippers mainly settled in Rājasthān and Bihār. They claim to have come from Iranian lands in ancient times and brought some Iranian customs and religious elements into their sun cult. According to some sections of the Sāmba- and Bhaviṣya-purāṇa,…
Sounding Out Ecological Precarity and Musical Heritage in Asia: Some Early Ideas
Lecture, LIAS Lunch Talk Series
Opportunities for language revitalisation through digitization: the example of Ejagham
Lecture, Applied African Linguistics
At mission's end: The long-term impact of deployment on mental health
Prof. H.G.J.M. Vermetten Summary Dat een militaire uitzending tot mentale gezondheidsproblemen bij veteranen kan leiden is bekend, maar wat de impact is op de lange termijn is nog onduidelijk. In dit proefschrift worden de resultaten besproken van het PRISMO-onderzoek waarin een groep van duizend…
Applied Machine Learning in Neurosurgical Oncology
Prof. W.C. Peul Summary: Hoewel de behandelmogelijkheden voor patiënten met een kwaadaardige hersentumor zijn verbeterd in de afgelopen jaren, blijft het een ongeneselijke ziekte met een gemiddelde overleving in orde van maanden na diagnose. De nauwe balans tussen de baten en risico’s van behandeling…
The aftermath of acute pulmonary embolism: approach to persistent functional limitations
Prof. M.V. Huisman Een longembolie is een ernstige en potentieel levensbedreigende aandoening in de acute fase en kan daarnaast op lange termijn grote impact hebben op het dagelijks leven van een patiënt. De helft van de longemboliepatiënten heeft last van aanhoudende kortademigheid en/of verminderde…
- Visit to Rijksmuseum Boerhaave
In the Making - afternoon sessions on research in the arts
Lecture, Conversation
- Material Culture (5 ECTS)
Selective fetal growth restriction in identical twins: from womb to adolescence
PhD defence
Choosing the right track
Prof. W. van der Does Prof. A van Minnen (Radbout University) Prof. M. Schoorl Summary: Fysiek of seksueel misbruik in de kindertijd kan langdurige psychische klachten veroorzaken zoals een posttraumatische stress stoornis (PTSS). ‘Prolonged exposure’ (PE), een vorm van gedragstherapie, is…
Advanced diagnostic tools in congenital heart disease and pulmonary hypertension
PhD defence
Bibliotheca Enchusana
PhD defence
Urban Health Programme
Leiden European City of Science 2022, in collaboration with the New European Bauhaus initiative of the European Commission and the Urban Health Campus Almere Leiden, present a programme entitled ‘Urban Health’ on Thursday, the 13th of October 2022. The multidimensionality of health in an urban environment…
Hacking stroke in women
PhD defence
Language choice as a (historical-)sociolinguistic phenomenon: the case of Dutch and French
In recent decades, the topic of language has attracted quite some interest in historical sociolinguistics (e.g. Rjéoutski & Frijhoff 2018), often centred around Fishman’s (1965) famous question: “who speaks what language to whom and when”. Most studies to date have tackled this question from a qualitative…
Evidence-based treatment of central serous chorioretinopathy
Prof. C.J.F. Boon Prof. G.P.M. Luyten Summary: Dit promotieonderzoek gaat over de oogziekte centrale sereuze chorioretinopathie (serosa). Bij deze aandoening is er sprake van ophoping van vocht onder het netvlies, wat kan leiden tot een vermindering in zicht, verschil in contrastzien en soms ook vervormingen…
The Making of a Standard Mountain: A Road-Construction Campaign of 1934 and the Formation of Mount Huang’s Modern Image
Voluntary return and the limits of individual responsibility in the EU Returns Directive
Prof. P.R. Rodrigues Prof. P. Boeles Summary: Het concept ‘vrijwillige terugkeer’ is een cruciaal maar vaak slecht begrepen onderdeel van de EU-Terugkeerrichtlijn, die regels stelt voor de terugkeer onrechtmatig in EU-lidstaten verblijvende migranten. Vrijwillige terugkeer biedt hun de kans…
Water and Society Lab
How do societies move forward with sustainable, effective and efficient management of Earth's water resources?
Language maintenance and revitalization across the world
The archaeology of face masks: ‘Face masks layers will be a huge help for future archaeologists’
From one year to the next, face masks have started to appear in the environment. As the masks are discarded, they end up in the top soil, in sediment layers, and in refuse heaps. In a couple of generations archaeologists will study the layer that has already been labeled the Face Mask Horizon. Current…
Upcoming exhibitions, performances, concerts, publications and lectures by PhDArts, docARTES and ACPA researchers
Upcoming activities by docARTES PhD candidates Shaya Feldman, Anne Veinberg, Ned McGowan and Nizar Rohana, PhDArts candidates Brigitte Kovacs, Eleni Kamma, Danne Ojeda, Andrea Stultiens and K.G.Guttman and ACPA PhD candidate Henri Bok.
Governing the commons: What we can learn from each other's (not so) foolish disciplines
PhD candidates Vincent Walstra and Leen Felix in dialogue
Veni grants for 16 Leiden researchers
Sixteen researchers at Leiden University are to receive a Veni grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). These awards offer promising young researchers the opportunity to further develop their own ideas over a period of three years.
Film Screening: Foragers
Lecture, Teach-In Series on Palestine and Israel
- OSCoffee: Close the Black hole - a quick scan of possible academic heritage
Marketing Nostalgia: Packing and Unpacking the Everyday Lives of Children in Japan
Language use and language attitudes among Ukrainian refugees in the Netherlands
Lecture, Sociolinguistics & Discourse Studies Series
Artificial Intelligence Playing Ancient Games: Computational Techniques for Board Games Heritage
SAILS Lunch Time Seminar
This presentation discusses novel visual analytics and non-linear dimensionality reduction techniques for large, high dimensional datasets. Focusing on the non-linear embedding technique tSNE, we developed Dual tSNE and linked-view tSNE to enable fast and interactive identification of clusters and functionally…
EAMENA (Endangered Archaeology of the Middle East and North Africa): One database to rule them all?