459 search results for “stress hormonen” in the Student website
Maximilian König
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
m.konig@umail.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5276619
equality in the past with a VIDI grant: ‘We will look for indications of stress’
Dr Sarah Schrader, an expert in the study of human remains, received a VIDI grant for a research project on health and inequality. In present day people with a high socio-economic status encounter fewer health risks than those in lower socio-economic strati. ‘Now we will look at this process in the…
Arthur Ram
a.f.j.ram@biology.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4914
Mara van Osch
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
m.van.osch@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Anne Krause-Utz
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
a.d.krause@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6639
'I don't want that benefit anymore': Why people aren't claiming the financial support they're entitled to
Fear of repayment demands is causing people to forgo benefits and financial support, even when they are eligible. This was one of the finding of Olaf Simonse in his PhD research on financial stress and the non-use of social services. His proposal: 'Let the government take the initiative.'
The psychological poverty trap: How lack of money impacts decision-making, procrastination and loss of control
Lack of money impacts how a person takes financial decisions: now or preferably later. Procrastination and avoidance behaviours in turn have an effect on lack of money, which can result in a sense of loss of control. These are the findings of psychologist Leon Hilbert in his PhD research, although the…
Salma Balazadeh
s.balazadeh@biology.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5274790
Dealing with stress, failure and overthinking
Course, Workshop
Dealing with stress, failure and overthinking
Kaya Peerdeman
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
k.j.peerdeman@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3622
Serkan Aslan
s.aslan@lacdr.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5275919
Pingtao Ding
p.ding@biology.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5275306
Bob van de Water
water_b@lacdr.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6223
Dealing with stress, failure and overthinking
We live in a highly competitive, demanding society where failure has become something to fear or be ashamed of. This workshop will teach you some practical tools and insights to use when stress takes over, when failure happens or when you keep overthinking your own actions or thoughts. Friday 18 November…
PhD Candidates: Get more success with less stress
Personal development, Working effectively
- Under Pressure – A Conference about (Dealing with) Stress
Taking exams well is a skill you can learn. It requires good preparation and the right strategy. An open-book exam requires a very different approach to a multiple-choice exam. The tips below will come in handy when revising and during the exam itself.
Study Skills- study and studytechniques (POPcorner FSW)
Study support
Making (multiple choice) Exams & Exam Confidence: How to avoid common mistakes? (POPcorner The Hague)
Study support
Why you as a parent also need a time-out sometimes (and more useful parenting advice)
Your toddler refuses to eat vegetables, your child is being bullied at school, or you’re simply overwhelmed by everything on your plate. How can parents manage these situations effectively? During this Week of Parenting, our researchers and lecturers share practical advice for parents.
Workshops and training courses
During your time as a student it is important to gain knowledge not only in your field of study, but also for life. An important part of this is personal development. The university would like to support you in this goal. For example, in getting enough exercise and relaxation, developing resilience…
Online walk-in Study skills (POPcorner FSW)
Study support
(Study) Career Planning
The Career Service of the faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences assists students and recent graduates with study choice and career questions during their bachelor's and master's and with the transition from study to the first job.
Skills Training
Every academic year, the POPcorner offers a wide range of workshops and courses to help you learn to learn. Workshops are available in both Dutch and English.
Speaking skills
Many students find speaking in front of their classmates and lecturers nerve-wracking. Giving a presentation can be rather stressful. But good preparation is half the battle and following the tips below can help reduce any anxiety.
Additional support
If you could use some extra support during your student time, we have a few more options for you.
- Blue Monday? Join the online Body & Mind Vital programme for free
Mental well-being
Student psychologists
Support for your well-being
Good mental health provides a strong foundation for study and work. It is important to seek help if you are not doing well. There are a range of ways in which you can work on your mental well-being. You can also turn to others for help and guidance. Take a look at the various options available.
Campus Covey Programme
Covey. noun [ C ], /ˈkʌv.i/. A group of birds. A small group of people.
Study skills
Studying is a skill you can learn. How do you approach your studies? Do you start on time and use the right strategies to process all that information? Or do you need a little help to improve your study skills? Learn about the (online) workshops and apps that can help and who you can turn to for personal…
POPcorner The Hague
I want to enhance my study skills, how can I do this? Where can I drop by to ask questions about making a success of my study? Where can I drop by to receive study support? I don’t feel connected to the university and am looking for a better connection. What can I do to contact other students? I’m looking…
Study adviser or coordinator
Your study adviser or coordinator is an expert on all aspects of your study programme. If you have any questions or concerns about your programme, whether they be of a practical or academic nature, you can contact your study adviser.
Guidance & advisers
If you need extra assistance, guidance or facilities there are several staff members who can help. Who you should speak to depends on the nature of your situation.
Prepare for your career
Do you want to be optimally prepared for your career? On the Leiden University Career Zone you can find everything you need to start working towards your future career. You can also contact the university’s Career Services for advice on career preparations and choices during your studies.
Leiden University Fund - Lutfia Rabbani Scholarship Fund
Time management
Good time management means making the optimum use of your time. You can achieve this by setting priorities, planning realistically and sticking to your plans.
Career tips & tricks
Interested in the career opportunities after your graduation? Still no idea what you want to do after graduating? Do you have questions about job market orientation or do you want to know where to find vacancies? Check out the following tips & tricks!
Jan Anthonie Bruijn: The world cannot survive without interdisciplinary knowledge
‘Wonder is the beginning of insight. Don’t let that academic curiosity erode.’ This was Jan Anthonie Bruijn’s call to administrators and funding bodies in his valedictory lecture.
Brainstorming with and for students about money management
How do we tackle financial stress among students? Policymakers and students came up with a plan. The outcome has been a report that the university can use to help answer the question. Vera Hilgevoord organised the brainstorm session with students and has compiled their ideas.
Drop in & unstress in The Hague: Mindfulnest now officially open!
Coaching sessions by psychology master's students?
Are you interested in working on your well-being, work-life balance or stress levels? Leiden Psychology students are offering a series of 5 individuals coaching sessions. The sessions are free of charge and confidentiality is guaranteed.
- Register for 'Under Pressure' Conference on 8 May
Child abuse from generation to generation: what role does the brain play?
‘We didn’t find any mechanisms in the brain for transmitting child abuse from generation to generation. What we did find is that experiences of neglect and abuse affect the brain differently,’ concludes Lisa van den Berg (Clinical Psychology). PhD defence 30 June.
Seven Leiden professors elected new members of KNAW
Seven Leiden professors have been elected as members of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). In total 23 new members will be inaugurated on Monday 13 September.
‘Build resilience in traumatised children and young people’
Many children experience trauma and if they are unable to deal with it properly, it can have a huge personal and societal effect. Building resilience in vulnerable children and young people should therefore have the highest priority. This is the message of Anne-Laura van Harmelen, Professor of Brain,…
Volunteers needed for brain study in resilience research project
Why do some people with adverse childhood experiences develop mental health conditions whereas others do not? A Leiden research project is looking for volunteers aged between 18 and 24 to help us understand more about human resilience.
Register now for the silence workshops
The university is constantly working to improve processes and structures and reduce work pressure but you too can do your bit to beat stress. For example, by moving regularly while at work, taking regular and micro breaks, practising mindfulness, seeking out silence or clearing your mind with a good…
Help us prevent student burnout!
We are looking for students who are 16 years or older and are studying at a Dutch mbo, hbo or university. Our aim is to gain insight into the needs and perceptions of students regarding stress and burnout. In short, we aim to carefully listen to the students’ needs: how can we help you?