624 search results for “recognition rond” in the Public website
Sport Data Center
Sport Data Center
The Right to Health
On Thursday 15 December, Elisavet Alexiadou has defended her doctoral thesis ‘The Right to Health. A Human Rights Perspective with a Case Study on Greece.’ at the Academy Building of Leiden University. Supervisor was Prof.dr. A.C. Hendriks.
Centre for Indigenous America Studies
The Centre for Indigenous America Studies (CIAS) at Leiden University is designed to coordinate and promote the teaching and research of Indigenous languages, literatures, cultures and cultural heritage.
Important findings in plain language: Leiden University introduces lay talk
PhD ceremonies in the Academy Building will be much easier for family, friends and other non-specialist audience members to follow after the summer. The Doctorate Board is pleased to have decided that as of 1 September, all Leiden PhD candidates will begin their PhD defence with a lay talk. ‘It can…
Ulama and the State in Modern Aceh
On 21 September 2022 Arfiansyah successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Temporalities of energy justice: Changing justice conceptions in Dutch energy policy between 1974 and 2022
This article describes that although the use of the concept of energy justice is new, normative interpretations have long been part of energy policy.
- Programme & Lecturers
Innate immune defence against intracellular pathogens
What are the host immune defence mechanisms that control intracellular infections and how are these subverted by pathogens?
Towards artificial photosynthesis: resolving supramolecular packing of artificial antennae chromophores through a hybrid approach
Promotor: H.J.M. de Groot
Searching for the concrete subject: On the epistemic role of lived-experience in Paul Natorp's critical epistemology
The following dissertation reconstructs Paul Natorp's philosophical psychology. It argues that psychology's main object is the lived experience of concrete subjects, understood as a transcendental structure of logical-reflexive conditions for the recognition, appropriation, and evaluation of objective…
The imaging group focuses on bio-imaging, image analysis and visualization.
Get in touch
Many people across Leiden University are connected with Academia in Motion.
Werkgroep Norbertijner Geschiedenis - 30ste Contactdag
Op 2 april 2022 (10.00-17.00) organiseert de Werkgroep Norbertijner Geschiedenis in de Nederlanden haar 30ste contactdag rond het thema "Norbertijnse Lievevrouwen". Voor meer informatie en inschrijvingen: h.janssens@abdijaverbode.be.
Leiden University will recognize and reward open science more
Leiden University has received a €50,000 grant from Open Science NL to develop a roadmap for integrating open science into the strategic priorities of various institutes and translating this into human resource (HR) policies.
Mycobacterial cell wall-deficiency and its role in the persistence of tuberculosis
What is the role of cell wall-deficiency in the persistence of tuberculosis?
Measuring emotional competence across cultures in children and adolescents from 1 to 15 years old
Development and validation of instruments that can measure different aspects of emotional competence in children with normal and atypical development, and in different cultures
Call overview
We are delighted to announce that Speech Prosody 2024 will be held in Leiden, The Netherlands (02–05 July 2024). The conference aims to showcase the facets of prosodic variation and their role in the production, comprehension, and acquisition of speech in order to obtain a better understanding of the…
AI MAPS adopts a freedom and social well-being perspective and focuses on three themes to address key security challenges; Social disorder and public nuisances in neighbourhoods, High-impact crime, and Crowds and events.
Assume that animals have feelings too
We should assume that animals can have feelings too. From an ethical point of view this should inform our dealings with animals, researchers from Leiden University and Utrecht University argue in an opinion article that was published in the scientific journal Affective Science on Thursday 10 March.
Young babies laugh like apes
Young babies laugh like adult apes do: producing sounds while inhaling and exhaling. Adult humans produce sounds on the exhale only. Cognitive psychologist Mariska Kret and colleagues have published an article about the development of human laughter in the journal Biology Letters.
Child Participation: from Rights to Reality
How can child participation be defined, what is the importance of child participation and how can it be promoted?
The European courtroom as political arena
The European courtroom as political arena? Judicial interference in politically charged issues in European asylum law and criminal law
Leiden's laureates
Leiden researchers and students receive national and international awards in recognition of their valuable performance in the areas of science and society.
Academia in Motion
Open Science and Recognition & Rewards come together in this university-wide programme.
Ragazzi, ‘Suspect community or suspect category?‘, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Ragazzi, ‘Suspect community or suspect category?‘, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Big data in archaeology: harnessing the hidden knowledge in the “graveyard” of Malta reports
The goal is to establish an intuitive search and querying service that allows researchers to quickly retrieve the most valuable digital resources, in order to allow them to integrate and synthesise the results into a coherent narrative of the past. The current focus of the project is to implement…
Speech Prosody is the biennial meeting of the Speech Prosody Special Interest Group (SProSIG) of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA).
OSCoffee: Rethinking Publishing: Alternative Outputs and Platforms
First photo of black hole at the heart of our Galaxy
Finally we know for sure that there is a black hole at the centre of our own galaxy. Today, astronomers unveiled the first ever photo of Sagittarius A*, a super-massive object at the centre of the Milky Way. This picture could only be taken thanks to the cooperation of telescopes worldwide.
Save the date: Mmmonk School 2024
Mmmonk en het Henri Pirenne Instituut voor Middeleeuwse Studies (UGent) organiseren eind 2024 de tweede editie van Mmmonk School: Lessen voor gevorderde beginners rond het middeleeuwse boek. Mmmonk School biedt een interdisciplinair praktijkgericht programma over middeleeuwse Vlaamse manuscripten. Experts…
Bachelor Q&A
Op deze pagina vind je antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen.
Afgrond zonder vangnet
Onlangs verscheen het boek ‘Afgrond zonder vangnet’ van Yra van Dijk, hoogleraar Moderne Nederlandse Literatuur. In haar boek analyseert ze verschillende thema's in het werk van Arnon Grunberg.
Robust Estimation using Aggregated Data for Urban policy making (READ-URBAN)
Read-Urban was a first project to investigate whether policy recommendations can be made with the aid of linked data collections and data science and to gain experience with the success factors for such a process.
HR Excellence in research - Working at Leiden University
To recruit, enthuse and give talent from home and abroad room to grow, Leiden University has developed good HR policies for researchers.
Realising the right to reproduce with assistance in South Africa
On 10 november 2021, Carmel van Niekerk-Jacobs defended the thesis 'Realising the right to reproduce with assistance in South Africa'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. J.J. Sloth-Nielsen and Prof. T. Liefaard.
e-NOTE: European Network on Teaching Excellence
What is “teaching excellence” in Higher Education? Which different teaching excellence training, promotion and reward schemes exist across Europe? How can a common European teaching scheme look like? The e-NOTE project led by Leiden University seeks to answer these question in cooperation with five…
Ahmed Mahfouz: 'The mystery of brain diseases, unravelled cell by cell'
Which brain cell does what, when Parkinson's disease arises? It won't be long before this jigsaw is solved piece by piece. Ahmed Mahfouz, computational biologist, combines bio-knowledge from Leiden with algorithms from Delft and is getting closer to finding the key.
European Union Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings: An Introductory Analysis (Fourth Edition)
This book, written by two representatives of Leiden Law School, describes the framework of the European Insolvency Regulation (recast) (‘EIR Recast’), in force since June 2017.
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in International Law: Human Rights and Beyond
This summer school focuses on the emergence of sexual orientation, gender identity (SOGI) and intersex issues in different areas of international law, such as human rights law, refugee law, international economic law, and international criminal law. Registration is now open!
The Centre for Indigenous America Studies (CIAS) at Leiden University is designed to coordinate and promote the teaching and research of Indigenous languages, literatures, cultures and cultural heritage. Our aim is to contribute to an increased acknowledgement, recognition and understanding of Indigenous…
Quantitative modelling of the response of earthworms to metals
Promotor: Prof.dr. W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, Co-promotor: Dr. ing. M.G. Vijver
The Story of Constitutions: Discovering the We in Us
Today, 189 out of 193 officially recognised nation-states have a written constitution, and 75% of these have been ratified since 1975. How did this worldwide diffusion of constitutions come about?
Inverse electron demand Diels-Alder pyridazine elimination: synthetic tools for chemical immunology
The inverse electron demand Diels-Alder (IEDDA) pyridazine elimination emerged in 2013 as a new bioorthogonal reaction and constitutes a prime example of what is now known as dissociative bioorthogonal chemistry. The research described in this Thesis aims to develop synthetic strategies which enable…
Heritage and Rights of Indigenous Peoples
The heritage of Indigenous Peoples has long been researched and commented upon from the outside. This book adopts an innovative approach by engaging with the heritage of Indigenous Peoples from the ‘inside’.
Why change is needed
In our current system, many tasks and roles are undervalued.
ReCNTR is an interdisciplinary research center dedicated to the advancement of multimodal and audiovisual research methods in the social sciences and humanities. It is supported by the Institute of Cultural Anthropology, the Institute of Political Science, the Center of the Arts in Society at Leiden…
Genetic, biochemical and neural correlates of vulnerability to depression.
How do genetic and environmental factors make us vulnerable to depression?
Social Justice Expertise Center (SJEC)
Developments in globalization and industrialization continuously push governments, international organizations and NGOs to reexamine the opportunities available to people at all levels of society to attain basic socioeconomic necessities. Research into existing social justice initiatives has shown a…
Ritualization of concert practice in Russian post-minimalist music
This research is driven by the necessity to investigate the subject of performing instrumental works by Russian post-minimalist composers, and to explore possibilities of incorporating the spiritual ideas that informed those works in a concert practice.
The Division of Systems Pharmacology and Pharmacy (SPP) aims to develop precision medicine approaches to characterize and predict variation in treatment response and enhance translational drug development strategies.