324 search results for “publieke organisations” in the Public website
The Leiden Leadership Centre is an international and interdisciplinary network organisation connecting people and perspectives.
De eerste mensen in de Lage Landen
Nederland ligt in de periferie van het verhaal van menswording. De evolutie van onze familie vindt lang exclusief in Afrika plaats. En, als Europa eenmaal bewoond wordt door mensachtigen, ligt het zwaartepunt ten zuiden van onze streken. Toch heeft ons land een aantal interessante vindplaatsen en vondsten…
Maar zo bedoelde ik het niet!
Aan de hand van bekende en minder bekende voorbeelden uit de wereld van politiek en media laat dit boek zien hoe je strategisch gebruik én misbruik kunt maken van taal.
International Organisation
This research cluster is a part of the Institute of Political Science’s research programme ‘Institutions, Decisions and Collective Behaviour’. Its members examine the sources, design, effects and contestation of norms, rules, institutionalised practices and formal organisations that operate across national…
Hirschmann, Crisis Management in International Organisations
Using the League of Nations’ responses to early crises as an explorative historical case study, Political Scientist Gisela Hirschmann investigates how international organisations perceive and respond to existential threats.
The various bodies involved in the administration of LIAS are listed below.
The Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR) is responsible for the research and education in Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences carried out at Leiden University.
The Hague Centre for Digital Governance
The rise of the digital age affects public governance in many ways. Digitalisation and data impact every aspect of public governance and policy. Within Leiden University’s Public Administration institute, based in The Hague -the administrative capital of the Netherlands- our centre seeks to understand…
- Organisation & Contact
Research and education at the Leiden Institute of Chemistry is overseen by the Institute Board. The Board and representatives of the two research themes form the Management Team. The Scientific Council (WERA), the Institute Council (I-Raad) and the platform for PhDs and post-doctoral co-workers (LIC73)…
How International Organisations Can Resist Political Shocks
What makes some international organisations more likely to succumb to crises where others manage to survive or even thrive? And what can international organisations do to become resilient and withstand existential challenges? Political Scientist Gisela Hirschmann (Leiden University) studied the example…
Public Management and Organisation
The Public Management and Organisation department of the Institute of Public Administration focuses on public organisations and the behaviour of the managers and professionals working within them. Our vision is that understanding human behaviour and organisational dynamics is essential for understanding…
Information for organisations
The Leiden Leadership Programme of Leiden University maintains partnerships with roughly 40 organizations, companies, and governments. Students tackle leadership issues within these organisations.
International Organisation (MSc)
This specialisation focuses on the interplay of international rules and institutions, non-governmental organisations, and national governments in an era of emerging powers, technological change and pressing issues of security, prosperity and sustainability.
PhD platforms and organisations
Several PhD platforms and organisations represent PhD candidates within the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University and broader.
- International Relations and Organisations
Education and organisation development
Education and Organisation Development
Social and Organisational Psychology
Are you thinking about studying Social and Organisational Psychology? Learn more and watch the videos.
The Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology is one of five research institutes of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. The Institute is dedicated to high-quality, interdisciplinary education and research concerning culture and development.
The institute is lead by the Scientific Director, prof.dr.ing. Martina G. Vijver, Director of Operations: Drs. Paul C. de Hoog and Director of Education Dr. Stefano Cucurachi in collaboration with the Management Team.
Research Group Governance of Crises
The research group on governance of crises studies phenomena, dynamics and actors related to crisis governance. The Leiden University Crisis Research Center (CRC) is part of this Research Group.
Chromatin organisation & dynamics
The genomic DNA of every organism is organized and compacted in order to fit inside the cell. This is achieved by the joint action of numerous architectural proteins that aid in folding the genome. Genome folding is tightly interconnected with transcription, with genes in certain regions being silenced,…
Prof. dr. Sandra Groeneveld new Scientific Director
Per January 1st 2016 Prof. dr. Sandra Groeneveld was appointed as the new Scientific Director of the Institute of Public Administration.
Social and Organisational Psychology (MSc)
In the specialisation Social and Organisational Psychology, part of the Master in Psychology, you study behaviour in formal and informal groups, such as sports or work teams.
Management and organisation
Leiden University consists of seven faculties, each managed by a dean.
Two captains on a single ship
Caspar van den Berg was asked by Dutch news programme EditieNL for a reaction to the new coalition agreement and the ministerial team. Some ministries are set to have two ministers. Can that go well? View the excerpt.
International Relations and Organisations (BSc)
Are you interested in international organisations, issues of peace and security, or current changes in global political relations? Would you like to study the causes of terrorism and the resolution of violent conflicts? Develop your scholarship and skills in international affairs in The Hague.
From Baker to Added Public Value
Thursday 12 July the first Leiden Leadership Lunch took place. In the boardroom in Wijnhaven there was an informal lunch with researchers, students and managers from the field. Science and practice found each other around the theme leadership and added public value.
Delegation to Treaty Bodies and International Organisations for Conventional Arms Control Agreements in Europe
William Lippert investigates the effect of delegation to an agreement executor on success of conventional arms control agreements in Europe.
Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology
Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology focuses on the application of scientific psychological knowledge of social processes within and between groups of people and individuals, in organisations, but also during economic and consumer decisions.
University and government organisations to work together on public leadership
How adaptable can and should a government organisation be – in a crisis situation, for instance? How can such organisations join forces to solve the problems faced by citizens? Leiden University will collaborate with six government organisations that are opening their doors for research and the joint…
Policy, Public Administration and Organisation (BSc)
In the Public Administration specialisation in Policy, Public Administration and Organisation, you will analyse current issues such as the housing crisis, energy transition, and immigration. You will learn how policy is developed and how public organisations function from various perspectives.
Enrolment procedure for Organisations or Institutes
If your employer or another organisation is paying for you, an invoice can be arranged. The contact person of your organisation has to fill in the company details and sign to agree with the payment. You can fill this in online and print it out for the signature.
International organisations and the rule of law
International organisations that represent collaborations between States are becoming increasingly more powerful, and they have an increasing impact on our daily lives. For example, the European Court of Human Rights in Strasburg established that minors have a right to legal aid immediately following…
Get to know International Relations and Organisations
Are you interested in international organisations, issues of peace and security, or current changes in global political relations? Would you like to study the causes of terrorism and the resolution of violent conflicts? Develop your scholarship and skills in international affairs in The Hague.
Get to know International Relations and Organisations
Are you interested in international organisations, issues of peace and security, or current changes in global political relations? Would you like to study the causes of terrorism and the resolution of violent conflicts? Develop your scholarship and skills in international affairs in The Hague.
Certificate Dutch as a Foreign Language
The CNaVT exam is the official, international exam of Dutch as a Foreign Language for all who learn Dutch all over the world. The Catholic University of Leuven organizes the exam. The Dutch Language Union has commissioned this collaboration.
Research programme Governance of Crises
The research group on governance of crises studies phenomena, dynamics and actors related to crisis governance. The Leiden University Crisis Research Center (CRC) is part of this Research Group.
Organisational & Entrepreneurial Behaviour
The research group Organizational & Entrepreneurial Behavior investigates the behavior of individuals and groups who start, work in, or lead organizations, in order to inform organizational practice. By focusing on the behavior of (groups of) employees, entrepreneurs and leaders, the main levels of…
Experience Day International Relations and Organisations
Study information
Leiden Leadership Workshop: 'Werken volgens de bedoeling'
Op 13 June the Leiden Leadership Centre hosted a workshop following the research project on ‘werken volgens de bedoeling’ at the Municipality of The Hague and the SVB.
De kat, de kameleon en de zwaardvis die zich een walrus voelde: Publieke audit en verantwoording als wezenlijk politieke en emotionele activiteiten
Inaugural lecture
a behavioural cybersecurity strategy: A five-step approach for organisations
This article presents a five-step framework for building behavioural cybersecurity strategy to reduce human-related risks affecting organisational security
Researchers publish book on public organizations
Researchers Wim van Noort, Sandra Groeneveld, Marieke van der Hoek, Jelmer Schalk en Joris van der Voet published a book on public organizations.
Public Leadership Challenge: Autonomy in the digital society
Thursday afternoon 31 May the Public Leadership Challenge took place in the Living Lab, of Leiden University The Hague. During this afternoon a diverse group of professionals, academics and students focused on the challenge of autonomy in the digital society. Working together on this complex and interesting…
Lab facilities Social and Organisational Psychology
Observational, cognitive and physiological measurements in social contexts.
Organising public sector AI adoption: Navigating between separation and integration
In this article, Friso Selten and Bram Klievink explore how public organisations strategically manage the adoption of AI.
Daniel Thomas, 'Beyond Identity: Membership Norms and Regional Organisation', European Journal of International Relations
Article by Leiden University political scientist Daniel Thomas about shifting norms for membership in international organisations.
Public organisations: changes and their effect on staff and managers
The organisations and people who implement government policy face many different types of change. Academics from Leiden University research how they deal with these and advise them on how best to meet the needs and wishes of society.
- Daring questions in Islam