427 search results for “plastic snel” in the Public website
Trading Responsibility: navigating national burdens in a globalized world
International trade has played a major role in defining the modern global economy. Trade, however, entangles the environmental pressures of economic sectors, giving the illusion of environmental improvements, while the opposite may be occurring.
Corrugated plastic unveils a new design principle for programmable materials
Martin van Hecke en Anne Meeussen publiceren in het tijdschrift Nature over mechanische metamaterialen. Ze hebben een nieuwe klasse multistabiele materialen ontdekt. Dit is gebaseerd op ribbeltjes plastic.
Poor countries recycle far more of our plastic than we thought. But it's not enough.
Countries that import plastic waste recycle an average of at least 63 percent of it. This is surprising, as we previously believed that the vast majority was incinerated or ended up as litter. This was discovered by PhD candidate Kai Li and his colleagues from the Institute of Environmental Sciences in…
Christina Galafton
c.galafton@cml.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Bacteria that degrade plastic: Unilever Research Prize for master’s student Jo-Anne Verschoor
Jo-Anne Verschoor wins the Unilever Research Prize 2020. The master's student in Biology developed a method to test whether bacteria are capable of degrading plastic. Verschoor: 'Using specific enzymes from these bacteria, we may be able to efficiently recycle plastic in the future.
New measuring method reveals: more plastic ón than ín your salad
It's now possible to measure how many plastic particles there are in our food. Chinese scientists and Leiden professor Willie Peijnenburg applied their new method to lettuce and wheat. Their results were published January 20 in Nature Nanotechnology.
LAPP on Leiden Law Blog about Single-use Plastics Directive
The last blog of Leiden Law Blog of 2018 was written by Ladislav Kováč. He discusses the proposal for the Single-use Plastics Directive of the EU which was agreed upon on 19 December.
Special issue on international and European regulation of plastic: article of Heidi Kaarto and Esther Kentin
LAPP student Heidi Kaarto and project leader Esther Kentin published an article on the right to regulate in relation to an EU ban on microplastics in a special issue on plastic regulation of Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law.
Leiden alternative to plastic microparticles wins second prize in European student competition
A team of students from Leiden and Groningen took the second prize at the European final of the BISC-E sustainability competition. Last June, the team had already won the Dutch finals. The students came up with ‘Suckerspheres’, a natural alternative to the plastic micro-particles that are still frequently…
Malformations in heart, eyes and nervous system: Nano-plastics disrupt growth
Nano-plastics cause malformations. Meiru Wang, researcher at the Institute of Biology Leiden, looked at the extreme effects polystyrene nano-particles could have, using chicken embryos as a model. Her results were quite alarming. Especially as nano-particles are everywhere. In the air, floating through…
Liselotte Rambonnet
l.rambonnet@biology.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5275082
Jatmiko Wahyudi-
j.w.wahyudi@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Leiden Law Cast #5: Esther Kentin on PFAS, (micro)plastics & policy
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Radio interview with Rene Kleijn about Urban Mining and Plastic Recycling
Recycling of post consumer plastic waste is problematic in that the environmental benefits are questionable and the costs are significant. It would be better to separately collect the most useful parts through the expansion of the deposit system.
insights into Neandertal knowledge from the mass-spectrometry analysis of plastic containers
The analysis of protein residues extracted from the storage containers of circa 50,000 year old bone-tools reveals Neandertal strategic selection of bovid ribs to make some of their “lissoirs”.
Patient to plastic surgeon: ‘I want to look like my selfie.’
An image has great powers of persuasion. It is said that ‘a picture is worth more than a thousand words’. But these days, images can easily be manipulated with severe consequences. ‘Perhaps it’s time to reconsider the value we attach to images’, says Elize de Mul, whose PhD thesis deals with ‘digital…
Adaptive responses to environmental changes in Lake Victoria cichlids
Promotor: Prof.dr. M.K. Richardson, Co-Promotor: F. Witte
Current clients
The Grachtwacht (Canal Watch) conducts research on urban wildlife and the impact of plastic on nature. With our clean-ups, we not only collect waste, but also data. This way we try to find out the source of the waste and turn off the tap on shore. This way there is structurally less plastic in the c…
Below you will find an overview of the publications of The Leiden Advocacy Project on Plastic.
Former projects
Former clients en projects
Metabolomic fingerprint biomarkers to guide antibiotic therapy and reduce resistance development
Ontwikkeling van resistentie tegen antibiotica kan optreden als patiënten onnodig of te lang met antibiotica behandeld worden. Diagnostiek waarmee snel een bacteriële infectie vastgesteld kan worden, of de response op antibiotica bepaald kan worden, zijn daarom belangrijk om therapie te optimaliseren…
Rooswijk 1740
Een scheepswrak, zijn bemanning en het leven in de 18de eeuw
How do you make citizen science successful?
Mapping out the problem of plastic pollution requires a lot of data over a large area. That's why scientists are increasingly turning to volunteers for help, also known as citizen science. But what are the challenges for a researcher when he or she involves the public in research in this way? Four Leiden…
Auke-Florian Hiemstra named Person of the Year
Auke-Florian Hiemstra is the Leidsch Dagblad Person of the Year 2022.
Interview Mare: Microplastics are everywhere, we don't know yet if that does no harm
Microplastics are small pieces of plastic found in the environment. At CML research have been conducted in the distribution of these plastics on beaches around the world using citizen science. In addition, CML is conducting in depth case-studies in the Caribbean and along the Dutch coast. Follow-up…
Nanoplastics found throughout the human body – how worried should we be?
The world is becoming clogged with plastic, with tiny plastic particles found everywhere, from the oceans’ depths to the mountain tops, soil, plants, animals and even inside us. The question is: what harm, if any, are they causing? In a new article on The Conversation, environmental scientists Meiru…
Leiden biologists find nanoplastics in developing heart
Nanoplastics can accumulate in developing hearts, according to a study by biologist Meiru Wang from Leiden University. Her research on chicken embryos sheds new light on how these tiny plastic particles pose a threat to our health.
This is the team of LAPP:
444 Citizen Science
This year Leiden University exists for 444 years! This will be celebrated together with the residents of Leiden and The Hague during various activities. One of these is scientists and residents doing research on plastics and psychology together.
Waste Separation
What is better for waste recycling: a plastic, paper or ceramic cup? A bio-based or fossil-based coating? Waste sorting at the source or at a recycling facility? Ask ten experts and you will get ten different opinions. We can all agree on one thing: doing nothing is not an option. Thus, Leiden University…
Join the Pipe
Join the Pipe is a project committed to reduce plastic waste and to provide people both in the Global South and in the Global North with drinkable water.
Schone Rivieren (Clean Rivers)
What motivates citizen scientists in the Schone Rivieren project to contribute? How does their motivation, attitude and knowledge change over the years? Are there differences in motivation and attitude between different groups of volunteers (clean up vs. monitoring; long-term vs. short-term)?
Join the Pipe
Join the Pipe is a project committed to reduce plastic waste and to provide people both in the Global South and in the Global North with drinkable water.
Sup for Sustainability
We’re taking to the water! On Saturday 30 August we’ll be paddleboarding on the Leiden canals with alumnus Merijn Tinga, also known as the Plastic Soup Surfer.
Students make podcasts about micro- and bioplastics
Four Master's students Science Communication & Society made two podcasts on the theme Plastic for the end project of their study programme. With the podcasts, they helped the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) to draw attention to plastic pollution. And that was harder than it seemed. 'Be sure to test…
Green initiatives
Roll your sustainable sleeves! Our students and staff have found various ways to do just that, both at home and at our university.
Separating waste, and then...?
What happens to the different waste streams?
Sustainability Series
We are very excited to announce our Sustainability Series for 2023-2024. Each month an interactive workshop will be organised that discusses a specific theme of sustainability. Interested about sustainability? Do not hesitate to sign up to our events !
Leiden academics nominated for Person of the Year
Leiden academics Remco Breuker and Auke-Florian Hiemstra stand to win the title of Person of the Year.
Chasing nanoplastics
How dangerous are micro- and nanoplastics? Do they affect the environment? What harm can they do to our bodies? Questions that we can now finally answer because of Fazel Abdolahpur Monikh. Together with his colleagues, he developed a method to detect and quantify nano-sized plastics. Their paper has…
Tracing pollution through multimodal methods
In this project we ask: how does pollution manifest as part of different practices, both socially and materially.
Government publishes legal document on MSC Zoe disaster at LAPP's insistence
The cargo lost at sea as a result of the MSC Zoe disaster should be considered environmental pollution and information about it should be made public. This was the case made by Leiden Law School’s Leiden Advocacy Project on Plastic (LAPP). Following their investigation, the government has finally decided…
Citizen Science
From where litter ends up to which languages are spoken in Leiden and The Hague: over 50 interesting, surprising, complex and entertaining questions were sent in for the Citizen Science project to mark our 444th anniversary. Not one but two Citizen Science projects will be starting this year in Leiden…
Scanning for Syria
Dutch archaeologists are making three-dimensional virtual reconstructions of archaeological objects lost in the Syrian civil war.
Canal Watch scoops communication prize
Canal Watch (De Grachtwacht), which has been cleaning canals since 2018, has received the Dutch Research Council (NWO) Communication Initiative Award.
Research at the Living Lab
What is the effect of pesticides, fertilizers or plastic on water quality? And how do wind and rain affect the data? These are just some of the things that Leiden environmental scientists study in the 32 ditches of the Living Lab.
Integrated Chain Management in the Province of Limburg
The cases of building materials, automobility, mushrooms and plastics.
Ladinglijst van MSC Zoe bekendgemaakt op aandringen van Leidse jurist Esther Kentin
Toen in 2019 honderden afvalcontainers in de Waddenzee vielen, wilde de overheid geen informatie vrijgeven over wat er in de containers zat. Vijf jaar later weten we eindelijk meer, nadat hoogleraar Esther Kentin beroep deed op de Wet Open Overheid.
Opening Academic Year 2017-2018
The opening of the Academic Year 2017-2018 took place on Monday 4 September 2017 in Pieterskerk church.