2,151 search results for “mobiliteit en veiligheid in european” in the Public website
- European Union Seminar Series
Ewout Cornelissen
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
e.j.m.cornelissen@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
European Space Policy
Lecture, European Union Seminar
'Brexit has led to renewed trust in European cooperation'
Brexit has been a kind of shock therapy for the EU and has eventually led to more appreciation for European cooperation. That is what Professor Luuk van Middelaar claimed on 30 November at the conference ‘Brexit and the future of the European Union’ which marked the 60th anniversary of the Europa Institute…
'Policing European Metropolises project'
The first results of the “Policing European Metropolises project” (PEMP) that associate Professor Elke Devroe and Professor P. Ponsaers launched in April 2013 are now published. Having been the referent for The Netherlands and Belgium in the Urbis project (Leonardo programme), the project focuses on…
De Notaris en Private Rechtspraak
On 17 October 2018, Henriëtte Weststrate defended her doctoral thesis 'De Notaris en Private Rechtspraak'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof.dr. H.J. van der Herik and Prof. mr. G.J. Meijer.
- Duitse taal, cultuur en geschiedenis
- De middeleeuwen en vroegmoderne tijd
Dialoog in recht en literatuur
On 18 september 2018, Claudia Bouteligier defended her doctoral thesis 'Dialoog in recht en literatuur. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. mr. dr. A. Ellian.
Beginsel en begrip van verdeling
On 22 November 2018, Teico Sikkema defended his thesis 'Beginsel en begrip van verdeling'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. mr. W.G. Huijgen and Prof. dr. F. Sonneveldt.
Onderzoek: Nieuwe vaders en moeders
In dit onderzoek van de Universiteit Leiden kijken we hoe vaders en moeders de zwangerschap en de overgang naar het ouderschap ervaren.
Praktische zaken - Toelating en aanmelding
Een medewerker van Frontoffice Studentenzaken legt uit waar je vooral rekening mee moet houden als je je wilt aanmelden bij de Universiteit Leiden.
Professor Haentjens on 'Proportionality in European Banking Regulation'
On 13 February, Professor Matthias Haentjens spoke at the conference “Proportionality in European Banking Regulation” at the Bank of Greece. This conference was organized by the Greek central bank, in cooperation with the University of Piraeus and the European Banking Institute (EBI).
Over lokalisme, liefdewerk en lonkend perspectief: Verkenning naar participatie en burgerinitiatief in de Nederlandse archeologie.
Dit rapport maakt deel uit van het project Receptenboek burgerparticipatie in opdracht van de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (RCE) en met steun van het Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie.
Tweerichtingsverkeer tussen mens en biodiversiteit
Inaugural address of Prof.dr.ir. Peter van Bodegom
Article on regulation of microplastics in European Physical Journal Plus
Project leader Esther Kentin has published an article on the European chemical regulation REACH and the restriction of microplastics in a physics journal.
Jennifer Becker
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
j.m.becker@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Book launch: Legal Pluralism in European Contract Law
The Institute of Private Law at Leiden University kindly invites you to an online book launch of the book Legal Pluralism in European Contract Law. The author will introduce the theme and summarise the main conclusions of the book, followed by comments from two panelists. Afterwards, there will be a…
Vitaliteit en Gezondheid in Leiden Noord
Deze PiP stage biedt de mogelijkheid tot het doen van Master onderzoek in Leiden Noord rond thema’s op het vlak van vitaliteit en gezondheid zoals bijvoorbeeld eenzaamheid, gezondheid en leefstijl, of manieren waarop de publieke ruimte gezond gedrag kan stimuleren. Het onderzoek zal gedaan worden met…
The Law of the European Union, Fifth Edition
The Law of the European Union is a complete reference work on all aspects of the law of the European Union, including the institutional framework, the Internal Market, Economic and Monetary Union and external policy and action.
European Politics and Society (MA)
In the unique two-year international joint Master’s programme in European Politics and Society (EPS) you will be able to study at four major European research universities in the cities of Prague, Leiden, Krakow and Barcelona.
2 november: Lezing Lamberto Zannier over Europese veiligheid
Lamberto Zannier, Secretary General of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), gave a lecture on ‘The OSCE, a bridge between East and West and a platform for dialogue on European security’
The European courtroom as political arena
The European courtroom as political arena? Judicial interference in politically charged issues in European asylum law and criminal law
Guus Heerma van Voss speaks in Miskolc Hungary on developments in European Labour law
On 7 April 2017 Labour Law professor Heerma van Voss spoke on reduction of working time in European countries during the economic crisis at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Miskolc, Hungary.
Darinka Piqani
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
d.piqani@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 8503
Woord en wetsteen. Beschouwingen over schrijven op het snijvlak van kunst en wetenschap
The position of writing within the domain of artistic academic research is not self-evident. In academia, standard practice is to use writing for the transfer of knowledge: it is a means of communication. In the practice of (nonlinguistic) artistic research, the outcome is also often contextualized…
The European Public Servant: A shared Administrative Identity?
European integration is under pressure. At the same time, the notion of a European administrative space is being explicitly voiced. But does a shared idea of the public servant exist in Europe?
Dreigingsmonitor bewaken en beveiligen 2022-2023
In the Surveillance and Security Threat Monitor 2022-2023, the research project thematically examined threat developments.
Nikki Ikani’s new book on crises and change in European foreign policy
Nikki Ikani, Assistant Professor Intelligence and Security at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), has recently published her latest monograph 'Crisis and change in European Union foreign policy' with Manchester University Press.
Dissertation: Unpacking the new powers in European democracy
The presence and participation of interest groups in policymaking processes has become a crucial component of Western democracies. These groups link society and policymakers and influence public policy choices. Their function however, is often taken for granted and not very well researched. Adrià Albareda…
Successful field trip Adv. LLM programme in European and International Human Rights Law
The annual excursion of the Adv. LLM programme in European and International Human Rights Law (EIHRL) took place from Sunday 16 to Saturday 21 April.
COVID-crisis of COVID-kans? Adaptief en lerend bestuur in het LUMC en de regio
Covid-19 is een disruptieve ontwikkeling die hier en nu veel vraagt van zorgprofessionals, bestuurders en managers. Hoewel de crisis nog volop bezig is, is nu al duidelijk dat het Coronavirus een blijvende impact zal hebben op zorginstellingen en fundamentele vragen oproept over hoe we onze zorg optimaal…
- European Union Diplomacy
Richting geven aan plantengroei en -ontwikkeling
This document is only available in Dutch
Bestuurskunde: Openbaar Bestuur, Beleid en Management
This minor is intended for students with a broad interest in the functioning of the public sector in all its diversity who, in addition, want to contribute to improving public service delivery.
Annemarie Meijer new training coordinator in European network
The new project INFLANET will train young scientists in Europe to become experts in inflammation research. Professor Annemarie Meijer from the Institute of Biology Leiden coordinates the training.
Normering en toezicht in de opsporing
On 18 November 2020, Mojan Samadi defended her thesis 'Normering en toezicht in de opsporing'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. J.H. Crijns.
Medisch beroepsgeheim en de zorgplicht van de arts bij kindermishandeling in de rechtsverhouding tussen arts, kind en ouders
On 19 February 2019, Mirjam Sombroek-van Doorm defended her thesis 'Medisch beroepsgeheim en de zorgplicht van de arts bij kindermishandeling in de rechtsverhouding tussen arts, kind en ouders'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. dr. A.G. Castermans en Prof. mr. C.J.J.M. Stolker.
- Science (Wis- en Natuurwetenschappen)
Andean Mummies Journey to European Museums 1810-1970
A look into the political history of collecting and the collections of Andean mummies in Western European museums from 1830-1930 through archaeology and paleoimaging.
Investigating a prehistoric Pan-European culture with an NWO grant: ‘One of the most transformative periods in European prehistory’
Archaeologist Quentin Bourgeois received an NWO Vidi grant to investigate the emergence of a pan-European culture in the third millennium BC. ‘We see ideas being shared across the entire continent in pre-literate societies. And not only that, for a thousand years, the same cultural ideas persist.’
European policy and policy execution
How can we understand the implementation of EU policy and what challenges are involved?
Barbora Budinská
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
b.budinska@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7532
Corlijn Reijgwart
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
c.n.i.reijgwart@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Sinead Mulcahy
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
s.m.mulcahy@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Unbundled. European Collecting of Andean Mummies 1850-1930
This dissertation approaches collections of Andean mummies in European national and university museums as the focus to understand the relationship between objects, documents, and the practice of collecting in the period from 1850 to 1930. Over 200 mummies, kept by 18 different museums in Western European…
Beïnvloeden met emoties. Pathos en Retorica
A source of inspiration for readers who are curious to understand how people move and convince each other
Information activities
Get to know us through our online and in-person events for prospective students!
Verleden als leidraad: ijzertijdbewoning en landschapsinrichting in noord-oostelijk Noord-Brabant in verleden én heden
For a long time it has been thought that habitation and landscape organisation only changed significantly from the Roman Period onwards. However, many developments were already started long before Julius Caesar's Roman armies arrived in the southern Netherlands.
Management van de Publieke Sector: Bestuur en Advisering (MSc)
Are you thinking about studying Management van de Publieke Sector: Bestuur en Advisering?Learn more and watch the videos. Please note that this programme is taught in Dutch.