1,848 search results for “literatuur en nieuwe media” in the Public website
Media Technology MSc Program
Are you eager to bring your own questions and curiosity into scientific research? Do you question intelligence and technology in a fundamental, creative, and playful way? Could you be a researcher who challenges scientific practice and pushes its boundaries?
Franse taal en cultuur
This programme video is presented in Dutch
Film- en literatuurwetenschap
This programme video is presented in Dutch
Duitse taal en cultuur
This programme video is presented in Dutch
Italiaanse taal en cultuur
This programme video is presented in Dutch
Computer Systems, Imagery & media
The Computer Systems, Imagery & media (CSI) research programme performs research on methods and techniques for the design, implementation and application of advanced computer systems, in particular parallel, distributed and embedded computer systems.
LIACS Media Lab (LML)
The goal of the LIACS Media Lab (LML) at Leiden University is to conduct state-of-the-art research in the areas of deep learning, artificial intelligence and computer vision.
Arts, Literature and Media
Are you thinking about studying Arts, Literature and Media? Learn more and watch the introduction video.
Straf- en strafprocesrecht LL.M.
Are you thinking about studying Straf- en strafprocesrecht? Learn more and watch the videos. Please note that this programme is taught in Dutch.
Staats- en bestuursrecht LL.M.
Are you thinking about studying Staats- en bestuursrecht? Learn more and watch the videos. Please note that this programme is taught in Dutch.
- Media | Art | Politics (MAP)
Ewout Cornelissen
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
e.j.m.cornelissen@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
- Media and events
Science in the Media
How can we bridge the gap between experts and the general public?
Robert Chesal
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
r.e.chesal@luc.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9503
De Notaris en Private Rechtspraak
On 17 October 2018, Henriëtte Weststrate defended her doctoral thesis 'De Notaris en Private Rechtspraak'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof.dr. H.J. van der Herik and Prof. mr. G.J. Meijer.
Journalism and New Media (MA)
The Dutch-taught master’s programme in Journalism and New Media at Leiden University provides you with strong editorial and academic skills as well as a journalistic mindset. It is an ideal programme to kickstart your career in journalism.
Veranderend kunstenaarschap - De rol en betekenis van de kunstenaar in participatieve kunstpraktijken
De positie van kunst en kunstenaars in de westerse samenleving
European and International Media Law
This book is the first to incorporate current academic literature and case law on European, transnational, and international media law into a comprehensive overview intended primarily for students.
In the media
The research at the Living lab attracts a great deal of press attention. Please find below a small selection of the many news reports that have been published. Also take a look at the Zembla programme about the Living Lab.
- Duitse taal, cultuur en geschiedenis
- De middeleeuwen en vroegmoderne tijd
Arts, Media and Society (BA)
Visual art today is strongly interlinked with today’s society, a connection which is reinforced and deepened by social and other media. In Arts, Media and Society you will explore this relationship and analyse how it reflects and impacts the issues of our time, while also learning practical and academic…
Beginsel en begrip van verdeling
On 22 November 2018, Teico Sikkema defended his thesis 'Beginsel en begrip van verdeling'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. mr. W.G. Huijgen and Prof. dr. F. Sonneveldt.
Praktische zaken - Toelating en aanmelding
Een medewerker van Frontoffice Studentenzaken legt uit waar je vooral rekening mee moet houden als je je wilt aanmelden bij de Universiteit Leiden.
Lenny van Rosmalen
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
lrosmalen@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3957
Tweerichtingsverkeer tussen mens en biodiversiteit
Inaugural address of Prof.dr.ir. Peter van Bodegom
Jennifer Becker
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
j.m.becker@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Micro-Blogging and Media Policy in China
Yuxi Nie defended her thesis on 15 October 2019.
Vitaliteit en Gezondheid in Leiden Noord
Deze PiP stage biedt de mogelijkheid tot het doen van Master onderzoek in Leiden Noord rond thema’s op het vlak van vitaliteit en gezondheid zoals bijvoorbeeld eenzaamheid, gezondheid en leefstijl, of manieren waarop de publieke ruimte gezond gedrag kan stimuleren. Het onderzoek zal gedaan worden met…
In the media and research
Below you will find an overview of how researchers from the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs and their research appear in the media, and you can read more about topics that concern the Faculty.
Discourse Analysis of Micro-Blogging and Media Policy in China
How new media shape the communication strategies of the PRC’s official news agency Xinhua?
Adriaan van der Weel
Faculty of Humanities
a.h.van.der.weel@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
En de nieuwe assessor is...?
De studentassessor: één student die als lid van het faculteitsbestuur aanschuift bij alle belangrijke overleggen en projecten. Zo wordt de student, een van de belangrijkste doelgroepen, vertegenwoordigd bij bestuurlijke besluitvorming. Assessor Julie Külsen draagt volgend collegejaar per 1 september…
Woord en wetsteen. Beschouwingen over schrijven op het snijvlak van kunst en wetenschap
The position of writing within the domain of artistic academic research is not self-evident. In academia, standard practice is to use writing for the transfer of knowledge: it is a means of communication. In the practice of (nonlinguistic) artistic research, the outcome is also often contextualized…
Dreigingsmonitor bewaken en beveiligen 2022-2023
In the Surveillance and Security Threat Monitor 2022-2023, the research project thematically examined threat developments.
Digital Media in Human Development (MSc)
Digital media are everywhere and are therefore a major part of our lives and the lives of our children. The new specialisation in Digital Media in Human Development focuses on the opportunities and challenges of digital media in child rearing and education.
Book and Digital Media Studies (MA)
The master’s programme in Book and Digital Media Studies introduces you to the history of the written and printed word, and to theories and practices of publishing as well as digital textual media.
Celebrate Roughly 20 Years of Media Technology
Since September 2001 Leiden University's Media Technology MSc program has educated modern academics, creative nerds, playful programmers, tinkering thinkers, and conceptual cross-disciplinarians. On May 13th, we celebrate!
Anja Zonneveld
zonneveld@plato.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3430
Arts, Literature and Media (research) (MA)
This interdisciplinary research master offers the best of three worlds: arts, literature and media. The courses provide period-specific training that focuses either on the medieval and early modern or the modern and contemporary period.
Media, Indigeneity and Nation in South Asia
How do videos, movies and documentaries dedicated to indigenous communities transform the media landscape of South Asia? Based on extensive original research, this book examines how in South Asia popular music videos, activist political clips, movies and documentaries about, by and for indigenous communities…
Travelling patterns on Discrete Media
This thesis describes how complex and real-world relevant analytical solutions can be found starting from a simple Nagumo problem posed on one or two-dimensional lattices.
EU H2020 RISE Social Media Analytics
LIACS is a partner in RISE_SMA, an interdisciplinary, international network combining excellent scholars and practitioners to enable vigorous knowledge sharing and to develop solutions for contemporary challenges for Social Media Analytics (SMA).
LEiden university NexuS of Arts | Media | Politics
The purpose of LENS is to foster, coordinate and support research of visual media of analog and digital photography, film, and video, and the visual arts.
Online Experience Arts, Media and Society
Study information, Online Experience
Staging the Archive: Art and Photography in the Age of New Media
Staging the Archive: Art and Photography in the Age of New Media is dedicated to art practices that mobilize the model of the archive, demonstrating the ways in which such archival artworks probe the possibilities of what art is and what it can do.
Richting geven aan plantengroei en -ontwikkeling
This document is only available in Dutch
Bestuurskunde: Openbaar Bestuur, Beleid en Management
This minor is intended for students with a broad interest in the functioning of the public sector in all its diversity who, in addition, want to contribute to improving public service delivery.
Journalism Lab of Journalism & New Media
Students use the Journalism Lab to acquire essential skills in journalism and new media.