2,250 search results for “indigenous artifacts in museum collecties” in the Public website
About Museums, Collections & Society
The Museums, Collections & Society research programme is led by the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Archaeology and aims to promote collection-based research, stimulate Leiden education in this field, and raise ethical questions regarding the collections’ origins.
Queering the Museum: Contemporary Artists and Curators as ‘Critical Visitors’ and their Creative Interventions
Doctoral research on recent developments in museological practices by “critical” curators, interventionist artists, and personnel initiatives, focusing on ‘queering’ as an entrance point to broader intersectional issues; resulting in a report on the ‘Queer Baseline’ (to be launched in 2020), a popular…
Museums and collections
Leiden and The Hague are home to a wide range of museums and collections.
Silk Road Virtual Museum
Silk Road Virtual Museum - A virtual museum of the art and culture of the regions that lay on the trade routes between Europe and Asia, popularly known as the ‘Silk Road’.
Academic Historical Museum
Travel back in time and learn about how the University has changed over the centuries.
Archaeologist Martin Berger explores Latin American collections with an ERC grant
All over Europe you will find ethnographic museums with large collections of indigenous objects from Latin America. These collections shaped the image of native populations in the European mind. An ERC Starting Grant allows Dr Martin Berger to look at the bigger picture, contextualizing individual collections…
Susanne Boersma
Faculty of Humanities
s.w.boersma@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Of War Clubs and Feather Cloaks
Investigating the relations between Tupi Indigenous Knowledge, Museum Collections and the Dutch Colonization of Brazil
Museums of themselves: disaster, heritage, and disaster heritage in Tohoku
The 2011 disasters precipitated widespread concern among heritage scholars about the fate of Tohoku’s cultural properties, tangible and intangible. Damage to not only buildings and landscapes but also ‘formless’ heritage, some worried, could weaken social infrastructure and thus slow or undermine re…
Museums, Heritage and Material Culture
Research on the global field of museums, heritage, commemoration, consumption and material culture
The indigenous peoples of Trinidad and Tobago from the first settlers until today
This study relates the vicissitudes of the Amerindian peoples who lived or still inhabit the islands of Trinidad and Tobago, from the earliest occupants, ca. 8000 BC, until at present.
Questions in museums as a trigger to learn
The type of question that museums ask about objects in their collection influences conversations between parents and children. Researchers from Leiden University and Naturalis Biodiversity Center studied how questions influence conversations. Publication in Visitor Studies on 2 July.
Hybrid art in the former Dutch East Indies: the Iko ‘oeuvre’ as shared cultural heritage
This project involves research into the oeuvre of the Sundanese sculptor Iko, who has worked for the Catholic mission in Java and has carved sculptures for a chapel and church in Ganjuran. The images were designed by the Catholic layman Jos Schmutzer and are characterized by a fusion in style and symbolism…
Variation and change in Abui: The impact of Alor Malay on an indigenous language of Indonesia
On the 23rd of September, George Saad successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates George on this achievement!
Eurasian Encounters: Museums, Missions, Modernities
This book explores the intellectual and cultural flows between Asia and Europe which occurred during – and were formative of – the political and social changes of the first half of the twentieth century.
Evelien Campfens in the New York Times on looted art in museums
In an article by the New York Times, cultural heritage law specialist Evelien Campfens discusses the difficulties surrounding the ownership of looted art.
Gintingan in Subang: An Indigenous Institution for Sustainable Community-Based Development in the Sunda Region of West Java, Indonesia
This study attempts to understand how indigenous community institutions pose an important role in sustainable community-based development, including the integration between local culture and development.
Collecting sustainability and climate change for Rijksmuseum Boerhaave
Tailoring x-ray tomography techniques for cultural heritage research
Visualizing the internal structure is a crucial step in acquiring knowledge about the origin, state, and composition of cultural heritage artifacts. Among the most powerful techniques for exposing the interior of cultural heritage objects is computed tomography (CT), a technique that computationally…
Compartilhando Coleções e Conectando Histórias
Sharing Collections and Connecting Histories
Yiatrosofia yia ton Anthropo: Indigenous Knowledge of Medicinal, Aromatic and Cosmetic (MAC) Plants in the Utilisation of the Plural Medical
Promotor: Prof.dr. L.J. Slikkerveer
Jimpitan in Wonosobo, Central Java: an indigenous institution in the context of sustainable socio-economic development in Indonesia
In times of hardships or crisis, local people know how to deal with it using their resourcefulness. Although efforts are sometimes made by the government to help them, they are fully aware that community support is at least equally important.
Indigenous people as essential research partners
The knowledge held by indigenous people is essential if you want to study the history or the language of a particular region. Leiden archaeologists and linguists are now looking for ways of involving local people more systematically in their research.
Willem van Wijk
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
w.l.van.wijk@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3451
Le tifinagh au Niger contemporain: Étude sur l’écriture indigène des Touaregs
In this dissertation a large corpus of letter signs and texts gathered during fieldwork in Niger, and to a lesser extent Mali and Burkina Faso is used to show the graphemic diversity of the traditional script of the Tuaregs, tifinagh, and to analyze the orthographic system.
Organisation of settlement space and residence rules among the Taino, the indigenous people of the Caribbean encountered by Columbus
This research combines archaeological, archaeometric and ethnohistorical research to study the organisation of settlement space and residence rules among the Taino Indians during the Late Ceramic Age (AD 1000-1492).
Arts and Culture: Art History and Museum Studies
Are you thinking about studying Arts and Culture: Art History and Museum Studies? Learn more and watch the introduction video.
Workshop: prenten en tekeningen uit de collecties van de Universiteitsbibliotheek Leiden
Op donderdag 20 februari organiseert Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden (UBL) een workshop over prenten en tekeningen uit de collecties. In de workshop toont conservator Jef Schaeps bijzondere, bekende en onbekende prenten en tekeningen. Sommige behoren tot de grootste kunstschatten van de bibliotheek…
Caribbean Collections in European Museums and the Question of Returns
Mariana de Campos Françoso and Amy Strecker published a new article in the International Journal of Cultural Property last week entitled 'Caribbean Collections in European Museums and the Question of Returns'.
Inaugural lecture: Open the treasure room and decolonize the museum
The treasure houses of Leiden's University Library and Naturalis house wonderful historical collections with dried plants and botanical drawings. Tinde van Andel, extraordinary professor of History of botany and gardens, studies these collections.
De Olinda a Holanda: o gabinete de curiosidades de Nassau
Book by Dr. Mariana Françozo resulting from her research into the collection of count Johan Maurits of Nassau-Siegen, governor of the Dutch colony in Northeastern Brazil between 1637 and 1644.
- Presenting the wonders of early modern encyclopaedic collections in Leiden
Uitbreiding collectie UBL eigentijdse Marokkaanse literatuur
Een uitbreiding van de NIMAR collectie van de Universitaire bibliotheken Leiden.
Undisciplined Collections
Musems, Collections and Society | Yearbook 2020
In this Yearbook you will find some fascinating examples of what was done in 2021, not only by ourselves, but also by our international colleagues.
Heritage encased in public and private care
Bringing Dominican indigenous collections back to the community
Small Grants 2023 Research Projects
The LUCDH foster the development of new digital research by awarding a number of Small Grants each year. As in previous years the LUCDH received a large number of excellent grant applications for Research and Personal Development funds. Congratulations to the recipients of this year's research award…
Ruurd Halbertsma
Faculty of Humanities
r.b.halbertsma@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Back to the source
Provenance and distribution of raw materials
Karla Medrano Gonzalez
Faculty of Humanities
k.v.medrano@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5271646
The Museums, Collections & Society (MCS) group consists of staff members, all of whom have a strong link to the Museums and Collections programme of the Faculty of Humanities and the Heritage and Museum programme of the Faculty of Archaeology.
Caroline Fernandes Caromano
Faculty of Humanities
c.fernandes.caromano@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Archaeologist Meliam Gaspar interviewed about isolated indigenous groups by Dutch news show
On the occassion of the appearance of new drone footage of indigenous groups living isolated in the Amazon rainforest, Meliam Gaspar was interviewed by RTL Nieuws. She spoke about the dangers these people face due to the encroaching modern world.
Pieter ter Keurs new professor of Museums, Collections and Society
The Executive Board has appointed Pieter ter Keurs as professor of Museums, Collections, and Society as of 1 September 2019. The chair will be part of LUCAS (Faculty of Humanities) and is a collaborative effort of the Faculty of Archaeology and the Faculty of Humanities. Ter Keurs has his roots in…
Laurie Cosmo
Faculty of Humanities
l.k.cosmo@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2249
Martin Berger
Faculteit Archeologie
m.e.berger@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Ubar Kampung
The Sundanese people, the largest ethnic group in West Java, have been using traditional medicine for a long time. Known as ubar kampung, Sundanese indigenous knowledge, beliefs and practices of traditional medicine are based on local people’s knowledge and use of Medicinal, Aromatic, and Cosmetic (MAC)…
Depot or place of honour: what to do with Nobel laureates in the museum?
What do you do with a museum collection full of individual white Nobel laureates at a time when diversity, inclusion and teamwork reign supreme? Ad Maas, professor by special appointment, and researcher Hilbrand Wouters have been awarded an NWO Museum grant to answer that question.
Andean Community Committee on Indigenous rights
Representatives of the Andean Community (Comunidad Andina/CAN) and its Member States met in Quito, Ecuador last month and approved a decision creating the ‘Andean Committee of Government Authorities on the rights of Indigenous Peoples.’
Dr Laura Van Broekhoven new director of the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford
The Museum enjoys the highest reputation internationally