1,304 search results for “groot als” in the Public website
Huub de Groot breaks down artificial photosynthesis
In a promotional video for the SUNRISE initiative, prof. Huub de Groot explains the impact and ideas behind artificial photosynthesis.
Verleden als leidraad: ijzertijdbewoning en landschapsinrichting in noord-oostelijk Noord-Brabant in verleden én heden
For a long time it has been thought that habitation and landscape organisation only changed significantly from the Roman Period onwards. However, many developments were already started long before Julius Caesar's Roman armies arrived in the southern Netherlands.
Science Groot funding for Leiden scientists
Leiden scientists are the main applicants for five projects that have been awarded a Science Groot grant of up to 3 million euros in the Science Domain. In addition, several Leiden scientists are involved in other projects that have been awarded funding.
Irene Groot appointed professor of Surface and Interface Science
Dr Irene Groot (LIC) has been appointed professor of Surface and Interface Science with effect from 1 March. The appointment is an honour for Groot. 'It feels like recognition of your research, teaching and leadership qualities.'
Interview with Huub de Groot for Leiden Open Access Blog
Open Access means shared responsibility for research programs. An interview with Prof. Huub de Groot for the Leiden Open Access Blog in the scope of the International Open Access Week.
In memoriam: Alexander Hendrik (Sander) de Groot (3 april 1943 - 1 april 2024)
Op maandag 1 april 2024 stierf onze leermeester, vriend en gewaardeerd collega Dr. Alexander Hendrik de Groot (Sander).
Inscripties van de Baron - Huis van het boek
Dit is een samenwerking tussen Huis van het boek, de Universiteit Leiden en de University of Virginia.
Understanding metastasis: Science Groot grant for Erik Danen
A team led by Erik Danen from the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research has received a 3 million euros NWO Science Groot grant to unravel the first steps of metastasis. Danen will work together with biologists and theoretical and experimental physicists from Dutch Universities. ‘Understanding these…
‘Als onderzoeker leer je veel van projecten die verder reiken dan je eigen expertisegebied’
Als nieuwe hoogleraar Ontwikkelingspsychologie pleit Anna van Duijvenvoorde voor meer samenwerking in de wetenschap. Daarom moedigt ze jonge onderzoekers zich aan te melden bij een netwerk. ‘Het biedt je een bredere blik op de wetenschappelijke wereld.’
Malls threatened by Al Shabaab
In February 2015, Al Shabaab produced a video in which it calls for an attack on malls in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.
Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies 22
Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies 22, 2006
Literary Award for Ali Al Tuma
Ali Al Tuma, PhD candidate at the Leiden University Institute for History, has won the Sharjah Award for Arab Creativity for his play ‘Yusuf Melik Espanya’ (Yusuf King of Spain), that tells the story of a young Moroccan whose brothers conspire to send him off, against his will, to the Spanish Civil…
NWO Team Science Award for research on Hugo de Groot’s Bookchest
An interdisciplinary team of researchers has won the NWO Team Science Award after conducting research regarding the authenticity of several “Hugo de Groot’s” bookchests for the Dutch TV series Historisch Bewijs. The team consisted of researchers from the University of Amsterdam, the Rijksmuseum and…
Tom Groot Haar works for Foreign Affairs: ‘every important issue comes by our desks’
Working as a diplomat for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: for many students it would be their dream. Alumnus Tom Groot Haar is busy making it a reality. 'My career seems like a preconceived plan, but it wasn't.'
Irene Groot receives Vidi grant: looking at catalysts at atomic scale
Catalysts are indispensable in everyday life. We know what they do and more or less how they do it, but we still lack a fundamental understanding about their functioning at an atomic scale. Therefore, Irene Groot from the Leiden Institute of Chemistry develops new measuring techniques to unravel the…
Other books
Below you will find a collection of books, other than those in the BLRN book series, to which members of BLRN have contributed.
Best Paper Award for Stettina et al
During the 19th International ICE-IEEE ITMC Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE), 24-26 June 2013, The Hague, The Netherlands, Christoph Stettina et al. won the best paper award.
Crisis management
Training and Exercising in Crisis management and Emergency Control
Overview of the CML reports
- Partners
In pictures: ‘Groot Nederlands Student Kampioenschap’ student games for the first time in The Hague
The 'Groot Nederlands Student Kampioenschap' student games have been held for the first time in two cities, Delft and The Hague. To make this happen our Campus The Hague worked together with The Hague University of Applied Sciences and Inholland University of Applied Sciences. Three students look back…
Proteins and DNA loops: Science-Groot grant for Remus Dame
How do our cells keep DNA stored away? To find out, biochemist Remus Dame received a 3 million euro Science-Groot grant. Leiden University will share the grant with TU Delft, VU Amsterdam and the Hubrecht Institute.
De Witte et al publish in Nature Drug Discovery Reviews
Nature Reviews Drug Discovery volume 18, pages 82–84 (2019). The implications of target saturation for the use of drug–target residence time Wilbert de Witte, Meindert Danhof, Piet van der Graaf, and Elizabeth de Lange
Joris Larik on Al Jazeera on the Dutch Political Crisis
Joris Larik, Assistant Professor at Leiden University College in The Hague, was interviewed live on Al Jazeera on 2 April 2021 about the current political upheaval in The Netherlands and the difficult process of forming a new government.
City Deal Kennis Maken: Leren met de Stad Leiden
Hoe kan de City Deal Kennis Maken bijdragen aan het formuleren van maatschappelijk relevant onderzoek dat de stad in al haar diversiteit centraal stelt? In de stad Leiden zijn burgers momenteel maar in beperkte mate betrokken bij het bepalen van de agenda van de lokale City Deal Kennis Maken. Dit onderzoeksproject…
Annemarie Meijer benoemd als vertrouwenspersoon promovendi
Annemarie Meijer benoemd als vertrouwenspersoon promovendi.
Elsevierenquête: ‘Studenten beoordelen Universiteit Leiden als beste.’
Students awarded the highest scores to Leiden University and the Radboud University Nijmegen. These are the findings of an annual survey by Elsevier into the best study programmes in the Netherlands. Elsevier Magazine has a weekly readership of half a million, making it one of the most iinfluential…
Science & Cinema
In films kunnen de meest wonderlijke acties plaatsvinden. Maar zijn die acties in de 'echte' wereld ook mogelijk? En in hoeverre houden filmmakers ons voor de gek? Tijdens het Leiden International Film Festival komen film en wetenschap samen.
Nikki Sterkenburg spreekt over rechts-extremisme
De vraag is hoe groot de dreiging van het rechts-extremisme is in Nederland? Nikki Sterkenburg spreekt hierover in Trouw en RTL Nieuws.
PhD Theses
A full overview of BPOC/SSNMR PhD theses.
Joris Larik on Al Jazeera on the new EU-UK trade agreement
Joris Larik, university lecturer at LUC, discusses in this interview with Al Jazeera the new trade and cooperation agreement between the EU and the United Kingdom.
Joris Larik on Al Jazeera about the legal ramifications of Brexit (video)
Recently, Joris Larik, Assistant Professor at Leiden University College (LUC) of Leiden University, talked about the legal aspects of Brexit on Al Jazeera, as the United-Kingdom is trying to break national law during the Brexit negotiations. Could there be penalties for the United-Kingdom?
Al Qaeda in de Islamitische Maghreb ontrafeld: de brede blik ontbrak
Sergei Boeke has once again proven that there are more roads than one that lead to Rome with his PhD research into al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. It is both the core point of his conclusions as well as the leitmotiv for his approach. Boeke’s dissertation is comprised of five academic articles that…
Unfolding secrets of catalysts
To construct catalysts that can produce fuels from CO2 innumerable times, we need to learn much more about how catalysis works. Irene Groot is conducting groundbreaking research into catalysis at the atomic level.
Omar Al Sadeh: ‘My heart told me to go to Foreign Affairs’
Trail, FGGA’s internship platform will be one-year old in November. In the upcoming weeks, we will be interviewing some FGGA students who went on internships. What did they learn from their internships? And what tasks were assigned to them?
What do complex molecules tell us about star formation?
How do you progress from an immense gas cloud somewhere in the universe to a star with planets? Research by Astronomy PhD student Martijn van Gelder sheds more light on the earliest phases of this process. He will receive his doctorate on November 24th.
Surface and Interface Science
The nanoscale structure of a catalyst under reaction conditions determines its activity, selectivity, and stability. For the production of sustainable energy and materials, new catalysts are needed. By understanding the structure-activity relationships of catalysts under reaction conditions, insight…
Open Science als standaard: 'Wetenschap bedrijf je niet voor jezelf'
Open Science verandert de manier waarop onderzoek wordt gedeeld en wordt samengewerkt. Anna van ’t Veer won een award voor haar Open Science-activiteiten.
Joanne van der Leun herbenoemd als decaan Rechtsgeleerdheid
Prof. dr. Joanne van der Leun is tot september 2025 door het College van Bestuur van de Universiteit Leiden herbenoemd als decaan van de faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid.
Opvanglocaties voor asielzoekers in Albanië al maanden nagenoeg leeg
Meloni’s plan om asielzoekers in Albanië op te vangen blijkt door juridische complicaties niet haalbaar. Mark Klaassen, universitair docent migratierecht, bespreekt de kwestie in RTL nieuws.
Monique Koemans staat graag vooraan als er geschiedenis wordt geschreven
Monique Koemans werkt sinds 2,5 jaar op de Nederlandse ambassade in de Verenigde Staten. 'Leiden is een opvallende rode draad in mijn leven.'
Larissa van den Herik beëdigd als rechter-plaatsvervanger
Hoogleraar Internationaal recht bij het Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, Larissa van den Herik is in augustus 2024 beëdigd als rechter-plaatsvervanger bij de Rechtbank Den Haag.
Hoven in Holland, 900-1300
In welke mate hebben domaniale structuren de machtsvorming en nederzettingsontwikkeling in en van het gewest Holland bepaald?
Making fuels from sunlight and CO2
Plants could be regarded as small chemical factories, which produce chemical substances via photosynthesis. If we can imitate photosynthesis in an artificial system, we can make clean fuels and materials out of sunlight and CO2. Huub de Groot is very close to designing a system of this kind.
Biophysical Organic Chemistry
The long term goal of the Biophysical Organic Chemistry/SSNMR group, headed by Prof. Huub de Groot, is to reach an understanding of structure, dynamics and functional mechanisms of membrane proteins and self-organized biological assemblies and to translate this knowledge into new concepts for nano-devices,…
Hall of Fame 2024
In 2024, many of our students and staff won great prizes and secured important research grants.
Zoonímia Histórico-comparativa: Denominações dos antílopes em bantu
On the 26th of February, Joane de Lima Santiago successfully defended her doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Joane on this achievement.
Legal decision making in liability law and financial regulation
The starting point for this research project is the notion that the human brain is susceptible to all kinds of fallacies and biases that affect our perceptions and influence our reasoning outside of our conscious awareness. Indeed, most people think they are merely observing facts and that they process…
Single life and the city
Ariadne Schmidt, Isabelle Devos and Julie de Groot provide you with refreshing insights concerning the study on urban singles in the period between 1200 and 1900.
Research at the BPOC/SSNMR group is comprised of the following research themes: