1,338 search results for “externe geweld” in the Public website
- Results
Research Seminar Series
Every week, ISGA organizes the Research Seminar Series discussing works from ISGA staff and externals.
Stefan Semrau Lab - Quantitative Single-Cell Biology
We study cell-fate decision-making using embryonic stem cells as a model system. Stem cells integrate a large number of cues to direct their development into a great variety of cell types.
The CSPPR’s activities range from hosting public events to small-scale seminars with internal and external experts.
- Fake News/Disinformation
The Teacher’s Invisible Hand: A Meta-Analysis of the Relevance of Teacher–Student Relationship Quality for Peer Relationships and the Contribution
Social relationships of students are important. Especially for students with problem behavior. How can a teacher support students in their social relationships via their own interactions with students? A lot, as is shown by a meta-analyses of Hinke Endedijk. She assessed almost 300 studies about teacher-student…
Grotius Centre contributes to ICC ASP Expert Discussion on Effectiveness and Efficiency
On 24 November 2015, Prof. Carsten Stahn participated as external expert in a special plenary session of the Assembly of States Parties on the efficiency and effectiveness of Court proceedings, chaired by the co-chairs of the Study Group on Governance of the Assembly.
Master & PhD Thesis Supervision
CWTS staff members regularly supervise PhD theses and act as external Ma-thesis advisors. We offer a range of topics for students from several disciplines interested in science studies, research evaluation, bibliometrics, altmetrics, higher education studies, innovation studies, organizational sociology,…
- European Union Diplomacy
Lenneke Alink: In the media
Stay tuned for updates on relevant media appearances of Lenneke Alink.
How To Survive Your External PhD: Job Opportunities
Admission to the Graduate School
Thank you for your interest in doing PhD research at the Leiden Graduate School of Humanities. Below you will find information on how to start your PhD at Humanities in Leiden.
University Teaching Qualification
On this page, you'll find comprehensive information about the training sessions that support your journey to obtaining the University Teaching Qualification (UTQ) — an integral component of professional development for educators.
Prospective PhD candidates
Receiving a PhD degree is considered the highest educational proof of possessing the research skills necessary to carry out independent academic research. PhD candidates are stimulated to present research results at international scientific meetings and publish in high-ranking scientific journals. Doing…
PhD programme
Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) has a longstanding tradition in research in the world’s languages and features unique linguistic expertise. At LUCL, we help develop interdisciplinary approaches to linguistic phenomena by facilitating the interaction between data-driven and theory-driven…
Working with LLInC
Welcome to your starting point for collaboration with the Leiden Learning & Innovation Centre. Whether you're part of Leiden University or an external organization, this page will direct you to the right pages and contacts, ensuring a smooth beginning to our collaboration.
Prospective PhD candidates
Thank you for your interest in doing PhD research at the Graduate School of Social and Behavioural Sciences of Leiden University. How to start your PhD at our Graduate School is explained on this webpage.
Centre for Art, Literature and Law (CALL)
The center studies the many ways in which issues of law and justice are dealt with in art and literature with a focus on liminal issues and cases. These are issues and cases where law comes to the limits of what it is capable of dealing with and art and literature explore the implications of what is…
UN 2.0: Ten Innovations for Global Governance 75 Years beyond San Francisco
Dr. Joris Larik, Assistant Professor of Comparative, EU and International Law at LUC The Hague, has co-authored a report entitled 'UN 2.0: Ten Innovations for Global Governance 75 Years beyond San Francisco'.
Courses and training
With the exception of external self-funded PhD candidates, all PhD candidates must follow a training plan established at the start of the doctoral process.
Translation & editing
The Academic Language Centre interpreting and translation service has extensive experience in translating to and from Dutch and English. Our services are characterised by professionalism, quality, and reliability.
Melanie Fink speaks on human rights accountability in EU external border management at the Austrian Academy of Sciences
On 4 March 2016, Melanie Fink presented her PhD research on legal accountability for human rights violations occurring during Frontex-coordinated joint border control operations at a workshop for recipients of the DOC scholarship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Work for third parties by professors
Leiden University publishes an overview of the ancillary positions of its professors.
Ph.D. at eLaw
Scholars passionate about the intersection of law and digital technologies can pursue a Ph.D. in our vibrant research community.
Possessives in Tongugbe, a dialect of Ewe
On February 28th, Promise Dodzi Kpoglu succesfully defended his doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Dodzi on this great result.
Impact and innovation
In developing cooperation on research and education with China, Leiden University focuses on projects that promote innovation, have an impact on science, and benefit society
Below you can read about 4 methods of PLATO.
Managerial Networking and School Performance
How and under what conditions Dutch primary school principals' managerial networking activities affect the performance of their school
Research assessment
As part of the process of safeguarding the quality of our research, our institutes are audited regularly by a committee of external experts.
Transforming Innovations in Africa
The authors in this volume explore how external innovations (products, technologies, services, institutions and processes) have been appropriated in African societies in order to be acceptable and relevant to local conditions, expectations and demands.
Second Language Acquisition
Research combining a conceptual and practical perspective within the field of teaching and learning second languages.
The internal and external syntax of genoeg ('enough')
Lecture, Com(parative) Syn(tax) Series
PhD Network
Both within Leiden University and in the external partner universities PhD research is conducted which is directly or indirectly related to regional integration.
Scientific committee
FAIR-ASSESS is supported by a scientific committee comprising internal members connected to Leiden University and external members from outside the university with expertise in the field.
Dr Karolina Pomorska has been awarded the Jean Monnet Chair “EU and the World” for three years (2018-2021). Jean Monnet Chairs are teaching posts with a specialisation in European Union studies for university professors, awarded by the European Commission in a highly competitive peer-reviewed proces…
Unconditionally secure cryptographic protocols from coding-theoretic primitives
This dissertation presents new cryptographic protocols, which can be divided into two families.
Dynamic organization of bacterial chromatin by DNA bridging proteins
Bacteria often experience external challenges, such as changes in environmental conditions or attacks by bacteriophages.
8 ambitions
The Learning@LeidenUniversity vision on teaching and learning proposes eight ambitions and their associated actions.
Our customers
The Academic Language Centre provides courses not only for students and staff of Leiden Univerisity and the Leiden University Medical Centre, but also to external clients.
On periodically driven quantum systems
Promotor: C. W. J. Beenakker, Co-promotor: J. K. Asboth
Various internal and external parties are involved in the redevelopment of the Witte Singel Doelen Complex.
Studying for your PhD
Every year, around 400 PhD candidates defend their dissertation at Leiden University, spread across all the University’s different disciplines.
Research facilities
Access to high-quality research facilities is essential to research success. That is why Leiden University makes its research facilities available to researchers from the business community, knowledge institutions and universities.
Data Management Protocol
The Data Management Protocol is an elaboration of the Leiden University Data Management Regulations for research that takes place within the Leiden Institute of History. It is intended for researchers who are starting a research project and / or researchers who are going to submit a proposal to external…
Developmental and Educational Psychology offers bachelor's courses and master's programmes.
Viral Vector Facility
The Viral Vector Facility produces batches of lentivirus and adenovirus for preclinical research within the LUMC. And it assists researchers to produce their own virus.
Quality and integrity
The Faculty of Science stands for research of high quality. An honest and reliable practice of science is important to us.
Training and courses
There are several training oportunities within the cell observatory
Monitoring Meetings by Graduate School
Organized by the GSA, all PhD candidates undergo a personal progress interview known as the Monitoring Meeting. Internal PhD candidates have the Monitoring Meeting annually, while external PhD candidates have it biannually.
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board is an external Advisory Council, to advice the Board of Directors of CML about general strategies, research and education activities and evaluation procedures (Dutch: visitatie).