1,736 search results for “room work in rol environmental” in the Public website
Victims’ rights: do they work?
Crime victims cannot always fully exercise their rights, said Maarten Kunst, Professor of Criminology, in his inaugural lecture on 26 October. His mission is to find out why exactly this is and to see whether change can be brought about.
‘The linguist’s work is by no means done’
Brain research and statistics are advancing our understanding of language and language acquisition. Linguists are still essential, however, says Professor of Dutch Linguistics Sjef Barbiers. Inaugural lecture on 8 December.
Simone van der Hof on a working visit to China
From 25 to 31 October, Professor Simone van der Hof was on a working visit to China with a delegation from Leiden Law School, including our dean Professor Joanne van der Leun.
Inequity and Spondyloarthritis
PhD defence
Work starts on Kolffpad student complex in Leiden
Work started today on the Kolffpad student complex, with 289 flats for students from Leiden University. Stichtnig DUWO will own the building and the University owns the site at the Bio Science Park. The building should be complete by mid-2023.
Public Management and Leadership (MSc)
The Public Management and Leadership specialisation emphasises how the behaviour of critical actors – politicians, top-level bureaucrats, street-level professionals and citizens - is critical to understand and improve public governance. The specialisation blends public administration with psychology,…
The Leiden University Medical Anthropology Network (LUMAN) brings medical anthropologists together with the aim of fostering interfaculty collaborations and creating common ground for working interdisciplinary on health-related themes in Leiden and beyond.
Leiden scientists working on public course on artificial intelligence
Since January the Dutch public have been able to follow a free course on artificial intelligence (AI) and its far-reaching impact on our lives. Leiden scientists Marlies van Eck and Valerie Frissen, from the Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Law at Leiden's Law Faculty, are part of the…
Construction work starts on new accommodation for international PhDs
Work has begun on an accommodation complex for international PhD candidates and postdocs at the Leiden Bio Science Park.
Christina Galafton
c.galafton@cml.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Filipa Ferreira
f.v.ferreira@cml.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Christina Drotenko
c.drotenko@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Mike Slootweg
h.j.slootweg@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Levon Amatuni
l.t.amatuni@cml.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5277166
Xiaoyang Zhong
x.zhong.2@umail.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5148
Jianhua Zhang-
j.zhang@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Tanya Tsui
t.p.y.tsui@cml.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Tugba Danaci
Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
t.danaci@cml.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Timothy Na
t.c.na@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
The 1st Indonesian-Australian-Netherlands Socio-Legal Studies Conference
The international conference “Legal Reform in Indonesia: towards Justice” will be held on 6-7 September 2017 at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Tom Groot Haar works for Foreign Affairs: ‘every important issue comes by our desks’
Working as a diplomat for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: for many students it would be their dream. Alumnus Tom Groot Haar is busy making it a reality. 'My career seems like a preconceived plan, but it wasn't.'
‘The passion that people feel for their work makes my job more enjoyable’
Strong on substance, a good sense of humour and also a bit chaotic. This is how colleagues describe Suzanne van der Pluijm. She started as the new Executive Director at the Faculty of Science on 1 June. Who is Suzanne and what does she stand for? Get to know her in seven questions.
Leiden researchers work on exhibition about growth addiction
Museum De Lakenhal issued an open call for creative solutions to the problem of growth addiction. From over 500 submissions, they selected 15 artworks for the exhibition 'If things grow wrong'. These include the creations of Leiden researchers Peter van der Putten and Evert Jan van Leeuwen.
Den Haag Draait Door: working together to solve urban problems
On Thursday the 29th of October, Kennis Maken Den Haag organises the third edition of Den Haag Draait Door. In this online talk show, experts and policymakers will discuss problems that exist in the city of The Hague. During this edition, as usual, students, researchers and residents from the region…
Science and business working together on affordable alternatives for antibiotics
Almost fifty scientists and twenty companies will be working on developing new antibiotics and alternatives for antibiotics use. NWO and the Ministry of Health, Wellbeing and Sport will together invest close to seven million euros in this research. Scientists from Leiden University and LUMC will be…
Progress improvement measures for working environment Institute of Education and Child Studies
This week, several media reported on a confidential research report in response to internal investigation into the working environment at the Institute of Education and Child Studies. The Board of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences wants to repeat its commitment to a safe working environment…
A warm welcome to first-years: working with one and a halve meters
Everything is different this year because of the corona measures; introduction weeks, student life and education. In order to give new students a proper and warm welcome, a lot of work has been done to create the frameworks for a mentor programme. The working group 'Tutoring and Cohorting' has prepared…
Career Prospects
The combination of academic and professional skills you gain in the MSc PA makes you an excellent candidate for positions in national and international governance and policy making, as well as for managerial positions in the private sector, after graduation.
- Career prospects
Career Prospects
A master's degree in Psychology at Leiden University combines theoretical knowledge with academic and professional skills, making you an attractive candidate for many employers.
Modern Perceptions of Ancient Religions
The aim of this Research Traineeship will be to analyze the underexplored reception of ancient religions in popular culture, taking Dutch spiritual magazines as a case study. There are five such magazines: Paravisie (1986- ), Paraview (1997- ), Happinez (2003- ), Bres (1965- ), and Prana/Mantra (1975-…
We enjoy working with a variety of partners: with other knowledge institutions, the business community, government, civil society organisations, NGOs, museums and charities. Close by, in our cities of Leiden and The Hague, but also regionally, nationally and internationally.
- Interdisciplinary Activity Grants
Merlijn van Weerd
m.van.weerd@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Kai Li
k.li@cml.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Ellen Cieraad
e.cieraad@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
at the international congress 'Labour2030 - Rethinking the future of work'
On 13 and Friday 14 July 2017 the International Congress took place in Porto, Portugal. The conference was bilangual with simultaneous translations between English and Portuguese/Spanish. In total there were about 350 participants from 23 different countries, however, most of the participants came from…
Too few work-related accidents reported to Netherlands Labour Authority
Many employers are unaware that work-related accidents must be reported immediately to the Netherlands Labour Authority (NLA) and therefore they neglect to do so. Therefore, there is often no investigation into the cause of an accident. The NLA is aware of only half of the number of work-related accidents…
Curved Sounds: student Mikkel Olthof shows work at Highlight Delft 2024
Media Technology MSc student Michael "Mikkel" Olthof shows his work "Curved Sounds" at the Highlight Delft 2024 Festival. The project was made for the course "Sound, Space & Interaction".
Melanie Fink appeared before the European Parliament’s Working Group on Frontex Scrutiny
On Thursday 29 April 2021, Melanie Fink appeared before the European Parliament’s Working Group on Frontex Scrutiny.
Niels got his dream job right after graduating: ‘You work with the best here’
What would it be like if you could work with the best in your field every day? Alumnus in International Studies Niels Drost knows just what that’s like. He currently works as a junior researcher at the Clingendael Institute.
A word from our new PhD candidate Virág Pabeschitz
Arriving at a new workplace has never been as easy as it was in the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo. I’m very grateful for the nice colleagues who helped me in the first few days to settle down in Egypt and start to work in the office. Although I spent the last 3 years on site as a field archaeologist…
ARC (art_research_convergence)
A new outreach initiative for the communication of artistic research!
Medical Delta professor Lioe-Fee de Geus-Oei: 'We work together for the patient'
Professor of Radiology Lioe-Fee de Geus-Oei was already a professor at LUMC and the University of Twente. As Medical Delta professor, she has now also been appointed at Delft University of Technology. 'Talking with people from other disciplines always makes me immensely humble, because they look at…
Jorrit Rijpma appeared before the European Parliament’s Working Group on Frontex Scrutiny
On Friday 23 April, Jorrit Rijpma appeared before the European Parliament’s Working Group on Frontex Scrutiny. This working group was set up by the Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) in response to allegations of serious fundamental rights violations taking place…
Major European subsidy for Nadine Akkerman and detective work into old, handwritten documents
Nadine Akkerman has received a subsidy of two million euros from the European Research Council (ERC) for research into 16th and 17th century English manuscripts. Akkerman: ‘Working with handwritten texts and unravelling their mysteries is one of my passions, and it’s especially rewarding when this work…
Working towards a sustainable and healthy future
Sustainability, health and wellbeing are key factors during the coming renovation of the iconic South Cluster of the Humanities Campus. The conversion of the original seven ‘houses’ to create a single spacious, light and attractive environment under a glass roof will earn an Excellent Level qualification…
Altruism in bacteria: colonies divide the work
Bacteria found in soil specialise in the colony by division of labour. Some of the bacteria produce antibiotics, even when it comes at the expense of their individual reproduction success, to defend their colony against competitors. Publication in Science Advances.
‘If you want to resolve the big challenges in healthcare, you have to work across disciplines’
Marieke Adriaanse is Professor of Behavioural Interventions in Population Health and researches behavioural science issues in health. She advocates for better interdisciplinary collaboration and a new form of recognition and rewards within academia. ‘We have to stop being so blinkered,’ she says in…
Alumni work visit to The Hague International Centre
Alumni event, Work visit