1,162 search results for “door natalis 2025” in the Public website
‘All the members of the Young Academy Leiden have a strong sense of responsibility'
The Young Academy Leiden (YAL) acquired six new members on 1 September. We talked to the new and former chair of this platform for young academics about what they have achieved over the recent period and what is on the agenda for the coming year.
‘Citizens should be able to rely on information provided by Tax and Customs Administration’
Information provided by the Tax and Customs Administration is something that concerns every citizen. So it is not surprising that the Tax hotline receives around 10 million calls each year. The Benefits Affair emphasised the citizen’s perspective in communications with the Tax and Customs Administration.…
Men are not better than women at navigating, although they think they are
Last year, more than 8,000 respondents in the Netherlands took part in a public survey on their navigation behaviour. Headed by neuroscientist Ineke van der Ham from Leiden University, as part of the Weekend of Science, the survey studied how people navigate.
Vegetarian, healthy and sustainable: Pure catering
In some university restaurants and cafés, you can already order them and, come January, you can enjoy them everywhere: the Pure products. Sustainable, healthy and/or vegetarian. The beautiful lime green, also the colour of the plates and bowls, is the vibrant symbol of these products. And Pure is even…
Post-quantum cryptography should keep our DigiD, bank accounts and state secrets safe
Our banking, DigiD and sensitive medical data: what if our entire digital infrastructure can no longer be trusted? Jelle Don has this question permanently in mind as he goes about his research. And that is no bad thing because without new digital security measures, our society will be extremely vuln…
#CoronaHulp: ‘There's a broad desire to help one another'
Coronavirus is generating a great deal of uncertainty throughout the world. Fortunately, there are some bright spots, such as the residents of Italian cities who are in quarantine trying to keep everyone's spirits up with their clapping and singing. Closer to home, Leiden historian Suze Zijlstra took…
Monique Koemans staat graag vooraan als er geschiedenis wordt geschreven
Monique Koemans werkt sinds 2,5 jaar op de Nederlandse ambassade in de Verenigde Staten. 'Leiden is een opvallende rode draad in mijn leven.'
Being able to host international organisations by taking that extra step
The number of international organisations has increased over the last decades. As has the number of cities interested in housing these organisations. International organisations bring wealth to cities and help improve their reputation. They often act as a magnet for other international corporations.…
Minister Dijkgraaf: ‘We must narrow the gap between science and society’
The speed at which science is changing our lives gives rise to tensions and concerns. In his talk at Leiden University, Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf (Education, Culture and Science) said we should talk more about science’s relationship with society and political decision-making.
How Charles Darwin can help us understand terrorism
In the past decades terrorists have regularly surprised us with unexpected and spectacular attacks, such as the one on the World Trade Centre in New York. How can intelligence services stay one step ahead of them? Consult Charles Darwin and Steven Spielberg is the advice of terrorism expert Yannick…
Love took Ephrem from a refugee camp to the lecture hall
Raised by his grandmother and grandfather, trained as a doctor, the medical director of a camp for Eritrean refugees: Ephrem Tesfay was anything but a typical student when he arrived in Leiden in 2019. Still, he fit in well with the ‘youngsters’.
Studenten onderzoeken maatschappelijke Leidse vraagstukken
Studenten onderzochten maatschappelijke vraagstukken voor het project Leren met de Stad en presenteerden hun resultaten tijdens een informatiemarkt.
‘Without the banking union the coronavirus crisis would have been much worse’
The banking system was in dire need of an overhaul; that much was clear from the credit crisis in 2008. The EU has made significant changes since. PhD candidate Barbora Budinská is researching the legal validity of the new supervisory mechanism for banks.
Astronomers Discover Ancient Solitary Quasars with Mysterious Origins
An international team of astronomers, including Leiden PhD student Elia Pizzati, has observed several ancient quasars that, surprisingly, appear to be floating alone in the early universe (less than a billion years after the Big Bang). Until now, astronomers, based on models, assumed that quasars are…
The Hague Program on International Cyber Security: looking for the elephant in the room
A new year, a new project, a new name: The Hague Program on International Cyber Security. Professor Global Security and Technology Dennis Broeders was awarded a grant of 2 million Euros by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Jouke Tegelaar wins faculty Jongbloed thesis prize 2015-2016
The thesis “Exit Peter Paul? Divergente toezichthoudersaansprakelijkheid in de Europese Unie voor falend financieel toezicht, bezien vanuit het Europeesrechtelijke beginsel van effectieve rechtsbescherming” (Exit Peter Paul? Divergent supervisory liability in the European Union for failing financial…
Euthanasia as a legal question
In the Netherlands, euthanasia has no longer been a criminal offence since 2002. The practice is governed by very strict conditions. Nonetheless, the legal issues surrounding it are still the focus of heated discussion, according to Leiden professors. They are discussing the issue on 18 March during…
Ethical guidelines to better regulate DNA research on human remains
Rapid developments in DNA techniques allow researchers to find out more and more about human genetics. An international group of scientists has drawn up five ethical guidelines to ensure that this DNA research is better regulated. Leiden archaeologist Marie Soressi – one of the signatories - explains…
Young babies laugh like apes
Young babies laugh like adult apes do: producing sounds while inhaling and exhaling. Adult humans produce sounds on the exhale only. Cognitive psychologist Mariska Kret and colleagues have published an article about the development of human laughter in the journal Biology Letters.
Mentor Gonny Hauwert: ‘Your first job doesn’t have to be an instant hit!'
Mathematician Gonny Hauwert (33) is one of the mentors in the Leiden University Mentor Network. Through multiple jobs she found out what she really enjoyed: data analysis. ‘My experiences can help students.’
Night of Discoveries: 3D-printed paintings and the effects of psychedelics
Come to the Night of Discoveries art and science festival on 16 September. Various researchers from the university are speaking at the festival.
How animals flirt with each other
How do animals choose their partners? The answer is simple: it’s all about quality. While humans tend to wear clothes that happen to be in fashion, animals do nothing without a reason. Behind beautiful plumage or a deafening roar is only one message: I am in great shape. The evolutionary courtship displays…
First time methane ice formed in Leiden under space conditions
An international team of astronomers has shown in a laboratory at Leiden University (the Netherlands) that methane can form on icy dust particles in space. The possibility had existed for quite some time, but because the conditions in space were difficult to simulate, it was not possible to prove this…
Neuroscientists on tour: 'Many people with MS do not link their cognitive symptoms to the disease'
In the MS Cognitietour, psychologists and neuroscientists from Leiden University discuss the latest scientific knowledge with MS patients and their loved ones. This leads to insights: 'One lady told how much stress she felt from all those caregivers around her bed.'
LGA symposium
Faculty of Archaeology opened its doors to welcome over 100 archaeology and living archaeology enthusiasts from all over the Netherlands
European Law Master's Ambassadors
Do you have a question about the Europan Law LLM programme? Or would you like to know what it's like to study in Leiden as an international student? Our master's ambassadors are more than happy to answer all your questions. Feel free to send them an email!
Bankroet Co-Med vraagt om wetgeving voor faillissementen met grote maatschappelijke impact
Het faillissement van zorgonderneming Co-Med stelt de curatoren voor dilemma’s. Want wie krijgen voorrang: patiënten, personeel of de schuldeisers? Universitair docent Jessie Pool, gespecialiseerd in het ondernemings- en insolventierecht, pleit voor insolventieprocedures die beter zijn toegespitst op…
‘The really hard part is thinking up a wrong answer.’
The topics of discussion included multiple choices questions, research on teaching, workload and many other things. On 29 October four new enthusiastic fellows were installed in the Leiden Teachers’ Academy and presented their research innovation projects.
‘The corona crisis could have been much worse’
The banking system was in dire need of an overhaul; that much was clear from the credit crisis in 2008. The EU has made significant changes since. PhD candidate Barbora Budinská is researching the legal validity of the new supervisory mechanism for banks.
Travel reveals the mind
Exploring the minds of our primate cousins in the wild, using under-exploited observations of their travel paths. A large set of observations of the travel paths of wild primates provides new opportunities for in-depth insights in the evolution of the mental abilities that primates, including ourselves,…
‘Do the Russians want to participate in the electoral performance?’
Although it is already certain that Vladimir Putin will win the Russian presidential election on 18 March, it is still significant for him, argues Russian expert André Gerrits. ‘The support of the people reinforces Putin's position of power.’
Fieldwork in Leiden
How do the residents of the Kooi neighbourhood in Leiden find living there? What can we do about loneliness? In this extraordinary academic year, students have been conducting all sorts of research, in Leiden. They presented their initial findings and recommendations at a Learning with the City meeting…
Slavery research on the up
An international congress, lectures and a new book series and magazine. It’s a hot topic at the moment that attracts broad public interest. Researchers, from historians to legal experts, are bringing together their expertise in the Leiden Slavery Studies Association.
Surprise: No methane on the night side of exoplanet WASP-43b
The night side of exoplanet WASP-43b, to the surprise of astronomers, does not appear to contain methane. It is likely that extreme winds do not allow enough time for methane to form in detectable amounts. This is the conclusion of an international team of scientists, with Leiden and Amsterdam contributions,…
Dutch Research Council Open Science Fund grants for five Leiden projects
Five projects with a lead applicant from Leiden will receive an Open Science Fund grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO).
This is how physicists contribute to the energy transition
Studying surfaces of solid materials: it may not seem relevant to energy consumption, but it is. Marcel Rost studies how platinum electrodes wear out. Those electrodes are a crucial component in the fuel cells of hydrogen-powered cars. ‘We need to make the switch from fossil fuel energy to hydrogen.…
Astronomers see disk around young super-Jupiter which may form moons
An international team of astronomers led by scientists from Leiden Observatory has for the first time characterised a dust disk surrounding a young super-Jupiter, which is either a giant planet or brown dwarf. They detected infrared emission from the disk which might indicate that moons may have formed.…
Space oddity: Most distant rotating disc galaxy found
Researchers have discovered the most distant Milky-Way-like galaxy yet observed. Dubbed REBELS-25, this disc galaxy seems as orderly as present-day galaxies, but we see it as it was when the Universe was only 700 million years old. This is surprising since, according to our current understanding of…
Digital guest lectures for high school students: ‘It is an art to appeal to them properly’
How do you make lobbying and rhetoric both challenging and understandable for high school students? Professor Jaap de Jong found the answer in climate activist Greta Thunberg. Together with his colleague Arco Timmermans, he developed a digital guest lecture on how to present a convincing story.
Official opening of 467 new student flats
Kajsa Ollongren, Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, opened a complex of 467 student flats in Leiden on 26 August. This is the (Y)ours development on the sustainable ‘Leidse Schans’ campus at Lammenschans train station.
How do you protect the world against cybercrime? Become the professional of the future
Examining cybercrime from criminological, legal, administrative, and technical perspectives. The new Bachelor's programme in Cybersecurity & Cybercrime addresses the growing demand for versatile cyber professionals..
Busy yet not a student in sight: the Online Master’s Open Days
‘Silence in the corridor please’ are not the words you expect to hear on an open day attended by 5,000 students. From 12 studios in Leiden and The Hague, presentations are given during the Online Master’s Open Days telling students all about their future master’s programme.
‘Decolonise the botanical treasure house’
The treasure houses of Leiden's University Library and Naturalis house wonderful historical collections with dried plants and botanical drawings. Professor by Special Appointment Tinde van Andel will be studying these collections. Inaugural lecture 6 January.
Corn connects many generations of Maya
That corn was highly important in the Maya culture is something that Genner Llanes Ortiz, himself a Maya from the Mexican province of Yucatan, has always known, right from his childhood. But just how important the role of corn is in the collective memory of his people, is one of the subjects of his…
Professor by special appointment Mariken Teeuwen: ‘There are so many new possibilities in research on medieval manuscripts’
Mariken Teeuwen started at the Institute for History as a professor by special appointment of Script Culture of the Middle Ages on 1 March. ‘I’m looking forward to doing research together with students.’
Working towards a greener university
Helping the University to become more sustainable. This is the task of seven students and three members of staff at the Leiden University Green Office that officially opens its doors on 27 September. Three members talk about why and how they want to make their colleagues greener.
PhD research Marije Groos
Marije Groos was a PhD researcher at the LUCAS. She completed her thesis on socio-political engagement in Dutch literary periodicals of the fifties. Her promoters are Yra van Dijk, professor of Modern Dutch Literature, and Ton Anbeek, emeritus professor of Modern Dutch Literature.
Webinar Week: reaching out to prospective master's students
Not all students who are thinking of doing a master’s programme at Leiden University can come to the Master’s Open Day. Hence the first Webinar Week, from 2 to 5 December. ‘Online video is the way to reach today’s generation of prospective master’s students.’
Restrictions on freedom: the paradoxes of supervision
Types of supervision for prisoners on conditional release include the requirement to report regularly to a parole officer, electronic house arrest or community service. These are all serious measures for the person on whom they are imposed and for society. But it is a subject on which little research…
Dutch astronomers observe giant jets emanating from black hole
An international team of astronomers led by Dutch scientist Martijn Oei has discovered the largest pair of jets from a black hole ever seen. The 'jumbojets' extend a combined length of 140 Milky Ways. The Leiden Observatory played a prominent role in this research. The publication will feature on the…