1,806 search results for “minder politics en ben” in the Public website
Programme structure
The master's specialisation Child and Adolescent Psychology consists of three main parts: the mandatory and elective courses, a thesis and an internship.
Cryptic species discovery
Do understudied animals contain hidden species?
Dutch Atlantic Connections, 1680-1800: Linking Empires, Bridging Borders
In 'Dutch Atlantic Connections, 1680-1800', Gert Oostindie and Jessica V. Roitman, both of the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV) and also affiliated with the History Institute of Leiden University, assemble an internationally acclaimed selection of authors,…
Correlates of Complexity
Essays in Archaeology and Assyriology Dedicated to Diederik J.W. Meijer in Honour of his 65th Birthday
Transforming Wayang For Contemporary Audiences: Dramatic Expression in Purbo Asmoro’s Style, 1989-2015
Kathryn Emerson defended her thesis on 28 June 2016
The Unseen Saints of Islam: Sufi Ritual and Religious Worldmaking in Java
PhD defence
Joris Larik on Al Jazeera on the Dutch Political Crisis
Joris Larik, Assistant Professor at Leiden University College in The Hague, was interviewed live on Al Jazeera on 2 April 2021 about the current political upheaval in The Netherlands and the difficult process of forming a new government.
Marianne Maeckelbergh
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
m.e.maeckelbergh@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Andrew Gawthorpe
Faculty of Humanities
a.j.gawthorpe@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1740
Syeda Shawkat
Culturele Antropologie/ Ontw. Sociologie
s.s.shawkat@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5273961
Francesca Sofia Selano
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
f.s.selano@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Rozemarijn Vlijm
Faculty of Humanities
r.vlijm@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1646
Political scientist Juan Masullo awarded Elise Mathilde Fund/LUF grant for research on public attitudes towards the mafia
Juan Masullo (Leiden University Institute of Political Science) receives a grant from the Elise Mathilde Fund/Leiden University Fund to conduct his research project ‘Forging an Anti-Mafia Culture: Observational and Experimental Evidence from Italy’. Masullo aims to find out what ordinary Italians think…
Dutch people should stop ‘politely’ switching to English
Endangered languages can survive if they are taught properly to new speakers, such as people with a migrant background. This is what Professor by Special Appointment Felix Ameka will say in his inaugural lecture on 30 September. Dutch people can do their bit by being less ‘polite’ to people whose mother…
From politics to psychology: the power of games and play
The Bachelor Honours Class 'Homo Ludens: Why We Play' combines games, theory, and practice. Students dive into all aspects of humanity in which games play a part and discuss them, both on a theoretical an experiential level: 'Occasionally, you touch upon what play is, but then it eludes you.'
David Ehrhardt on the Political Situation in Nigeria
The most densely populated country in Africa, Nigeria, is fighting a war on two fronts. Not only is Nigeria being confronted with violence on a national level by terror group Boko Haram, on a regional level there are conflicts between shepherds and farmers.
Esteban Szmulewicz on political fragmentation and governance deficit in Chile
Esteban Szmulewicz, PhD candidate at the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law of Leiden University and expert on decentralisation issues, gave an online presentation of his research before the subcommittee on Political System, Constitutional Reform and Form of State in Chile and reported…
Bakker, ‘Do liberal norms matter?’, Acta Politica 2016
An experimental comparison of the impact of liberal norms on a population residing and socialised within a democracy (the Netherlands) with a population in an autocracy (China) and their respective supports for war with another state shows that the level of liberal norms in the democratic experimental…
Gebruiker proof of concept toegang Digitaal Magazijn KB
Voor deze use case zoeken wij een gebruiker die voor onderzoeksdoeleinden interesse heeft in de auteursrechtelijk beschermde collectie van de KB en ons kan helpen met het opstellen door wensen, noden en ervaringen te delen.
Departing from Java. Javanese Labour, Migration and Diaspora
From colonial times through to the present day, large numbers of Javanese have left their homes to settle in other parts of Indonesia or much further afield. Frequently this dispersion was forced, often with traumatic results.
The High Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina: The Unusual Institutional Arrangement of a Non-Authoritarian, Yet Controlled, Democracy
In this article, Gerrit Dijkstra and Jos Raadschelders from the Institute of Public Administration, argue that Bosnia-Herzegovina survives so far on the basis of negative legitimacy.
V.S. Srinivasa Sastri: A Liberal Life
This book explores the Indian tradition of liberalism through a critical intellectual biography of Valangaiman Sankaranarayana Srinivasa Sastri (1869–1946).
Key Issues in Historical Theory
This book addresses the definition of history and how people are influenced by it.
Roitman & Veenendaal, 'We Take Care of Our Own'
Jessica Vance Roitman and Wouter Veenendaal, researchers at the KITLV/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies, investigate the origins, development, and consolidation of political oligarchy in the Caribbean island nation of St. Maarten.
Masullo & Morisi, The Human Costs of the War on Drugs
Citizens in multiple crime-ridden countries strongly support the militarization of security—that is, placing the military in charge of traditional policing duties. Yet, we know little about the determinants of such support. Do people approve of militarization even in the face of human fatalities? Political…
Mokrosinska: 'Philosophy sharpens our understanding of everyday moral and political questions'
Dorota Mokrosinska has been Professor of Practical Philosophy since September. High time for a brief introduction about her field and academic interests.
Mayke Kaag appointed Professor of the Anthropology of Politics and Governance in Africa
Mayke Kaag has been appointed Professor of the Anthropology of Politics and Governance in Africa at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (CADS) on behalf of the African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL).
HDC-publiekssymposium (Amsterdam)
Er is dit jaar veel aandacht voor de ‘geboorte van Nederland’ 450 jaar geleden. Minder bekend is dat in 1572 ook de Protestantse Kerk in Nederland in de wieg lag, terwijl de Rooms-Katholieke Kerk voor een paar eeuwen schijndood werd verklaard. In het kader van de Maand van de Geschiedenis brengt het…
Workshop CV en brief
Career and apply for jobs
Scarcity and the State
Managing scarcity to serve the public interest is a classic government task. An important way to execute this task is by allocating individual rights that are only available in limited quantities, such as CO2 emission allowances, gambling licences, subsidies, radio frequencies, public contracts and…
Politie & wetenschap
Terrorism experts Daan Weggemans (Leiden University) and Beatrice de Graaf (Utrecht University) conducted one of the first scientific studies on the societal reintegration of jihadist former detainees. They showed that the reintegration process isn't without problems. Their conlusions are presented…
Political elites and regime change in the Middle East and North Africa: accommodation or exclusion?
Political scientist Kevin Köhler (Leiden University) has been awarded a Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). This prestigious grant enables him to set up a research group in the coming five years. Köhler and his team will examine how elite conflict affects processes of regime change…
Digiuseppe & Poast, ‘Arms versus Democratic Allies’
In theory, states can gain security by acquiring internal arms or external allies. Yet the empirical literature offers mixed findings: some studies find arms and allies to be substitutes, while others find them to be complements. Political scientists Matthew Digiuseppe (Leiden University) and Paul Poast…
Four reasons why so many political parties are standing for election
More parties are standing in this national election than at any point since the Second World War. Simon Otjes, an assistant professor in Dutch Politics who conducts research into new political parties, explains why this is. He also predicts which new parties stand a serious chance of winning a seat…
Number 1 in The Netherlands; number 22 in the world: Political Science at Leiden University
Where to study ’politics’? According to the QS World University Rankings, Leiden University is a good choice. In the 2021 edition, Leiden and The Hague retain their position in the top 25 of the most esteemed institutes worldwide. Within the Netherlands, we again claim the first position.
Frits van der Meer and Gerrit Dijkstra on the increasing power of political assistants
Frits van der Meer and Gerrit Dijkstra of the Institute of Public Administration reflect on the increasing power of political assistants in the magazine “De Hofvijver”.
DiGiuseppe & Kleinberg, ‘Economics, security, and individual-level preferences for trade agreements’
Citizens’s attitudes towards trade are not only about the (perceived) economic effect. Commerce also has a variety of security implications. Employing an original experiment, political scientists Matthew DiGiuseppe (Leiden University) and Katja Kleinberg (Binghamton University) demonstrate that security…
Moleculair mysterie in de ruimte
Tussen de sterren is niet alleen leegte. Er zweven ook stoffen als methanol en koolstofdioxide. Chemische theorieën kunnen nog niet verklaren hoe die zijn ontstaan onder omstandigheden die dat juist onmogelijk zouden moeten maken. Fedor Goumans gaat met een Veni-beurs proberen die vraag te beantwoor…
Hugo ’t Hart wins Political Science Master’s Thesis Prize 2020
In an attempt to give European citizens a say over who should lead the European Commission, the European Parliament has opted for so-called 'Spitzenkandidaten'. Prior to the elections for the European Parliament, the EP’s political parties appoint lead candidates for the role of Commission President,…
‘Let politics be the focus at the State Opening of Parliament’
A big performance by André Rieu, food trucks in The Hague and more contact with the Royal Family: grand plans were announced in April to make the State Opening of Parliament (Prinsjesdag) a real ‘crowd puller’. For this year, however, we will just have to make do with slight differences in emphasis.…
In our HANDS!Lab for Sign Languages and Deaf Studies, we run projects pertaining to sign language linguistics with a focus on Africa. In addition, we are running projects on sign language teaching, tactile signing, deaf people’s experiences with the legal system, and deaf history.
Grant awarded to COI PhD candidates for research on politically sensitive cases and trust in judges
PhD candidates from Institutions for Conflict Resolution (COI), Eva Grosfeld (Leiden University), Marlou Overheul (Utrecht University), and Amarins Jansma (social psychology, Utrecht University), won the KLI seed money grant for research on the influence of politically sensitive cases on public trust…
Who wrote the best master’s thesis in Political Science? Here's the shortlist!
All master’s students in Political Science conclude their studies with a thesis, showcasing their academic skills and personal interest. For some, it is the ‘last hurdle’; others see their thesis as a first step in their development as scientists. To acknowledge the importance of the thesis and to stimulate…
Henk te Velde appointed as President of the Association for Political History
Prof.dr. Henk te Velde is appointed as the new President of the Association for Political History.
‘It is important for us young people to get involved in shaping our future’
Alain studies Public Administration and is politically active. He talks about why it is important for young people to be politically active and vote.
Pepita Hesselberth in Hermitix podcast about her book
University lecturers Pepita Hesselberth and Joost de Bloois (UvA) were interviewed in a Hermetix podcast about their co-edited book Politics of Withdrawal: Media, Arts, Theory.
Teachers and students as partners in researching educational practice
How can collaborative participatory action research by student-teachers and their students enhance student participation, improve educational practices, and generate knowledge about these practices that can be used for improving teacher education as well?
Roel Bekker
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
r.bekker@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9400
Marina Calculli
Faculty of Humanities
m.calculli@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5277599
Research area of Politics and international studies at Leiden University ranks highly in QS
In the 2015 QS World University rankings the area of Politics and International Studies at Leiden University, which includes Public Administration, has climbed to the 23rd place worldwide. Politics and International Studies at Leiden University holds the first position in The Netherlands and a top 10…