887 search results for “cognition politics” in the Staff website
The neuroscience of the psychedelic experience
Blended Learning: Using digital tools for teaching
The Gulag Legacy - Memory of Stalinism in Today's Russia
Higher Education Knowledge Café: 'Interdisciplinary Education'
Conference, Knowledge Café
Joint Lectures on Evolutionary Algorithms (JoLEA)
Investigating structure and function of the dopaminergic midbrain - with a special focus on the human VTA
PhD defence
Connect & Learn: How a large, complex, sensitive dataset is managed for long-term access and use
CANCELLED: LCN2 Seminar: Algorithms for Network Visualization and beyond
Paul Natorp’s Reformulation of the Kantian Distinction between Intuition and Concept
PhD defence
Psychology Connected: Gender Differences
Using technology for the translation of literature: a user-centred approach
Lecture, Leiden Translation Talks
Breaking Barriers, Personalizing Pathways - Psychological health and self-management of people with chronic kidney disease
PhD defence
Food for Thought: Unhealthy Finance -Shifting Responsibilities in Society”
Lecture, Food for Thought
Professional learning of vocational teachers in the context of work placement
PhD defence
Daniel Schade
Faculty of Humanities
d.d.schade@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2796
Om te beginnen met gezond gedrag moeten vaak eerst problemen als schimmel op de muren of financiële sores worden aangepakt
Medici kunnen veel repareren, maar ziekte voorkomen of uitstellen is beter. Daarvoor is vaak leefstijlverandering nodig en dat blijkt lastig. Gezondheidswetenschappers Sandra van Dijk (Universiteit Leiden) en Valentijn Visch (TU Delft) doen onderzoek naar de vraag hoe je mensen kunt helpen met gedragsverandering…
Five years ago, Recep fled from Turkey; he is now a university teacher
For fifteen years, Recep Uysal carried out research on positive psychology in Turkey; it is even the subject of his PhD. That was until he had to flee Turkey and start again from scratch in the Netherlands. Re-entering the academic world was a challenge, but he rediscovered his love for the field in…
Hanneke Hulst on realistic expectations for researchers: ‘Let’s stop expecting people to be experts at everything.’
‘Am I setting a good example myself?’ Hanneke Hulst wonders. As Recognition and Rewards project leader, she maintains that we should stop expecting researchers to be experts at everything, even though she herself keeps a lot of balls in the air.
The new self-evaluation of the Institute of Psychology: ‘The quality of the academic culture is more important’
Better supervision of PhD candidates, clear guidelines on career paths and an MRI scanner that can be accessed by all researchers: these are the recommendations from the new self-evaluation. Colleagues say: ‘This forces us as an institute to formulate our mission and vision more precisely.’
How do you help a child suffering from depression?
What causes depression in a child and how can they get over it? Leiden Professor of Psychology Bernet Elzinga and behavioural scientist Carine Kielstra recently hosted a webinar on the subject of depression in teenagers. The level of interest was overwhelming.
Stimulating Open Science and Recognition & Rewards
Greater transparency in science. Broader career paths. Less work pressure. A dynamic conversation at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FSW) focused on these goals.
Methodology & Statistics Alumni meet students in Psychology
Alumni event, Career
Psychology Connected: Depression and resilience
Joint Lectures on Evolutionary Algorithms (JoLEA)
Disability Support System workshop
Lecture, workshop
Psychology Connected: Human Mistakes
Isaac Scarborough
Faculty of Humanities
i.m.scarborough@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2655
Neske Baerwaldt
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
n.baerwaldt@law.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Jacqueline Vel
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
j.a.c.vel@law.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5277260
Michiel Westenberg advocates prevention for social anxiety: ‘Why wait until the damage has been done?’
Shyness is perfectly normal, Michiel Westenberg stated in his farewell lecture. But that doesn’t mean that social anxiety shouldn’t be identified and addressed in good time. ‘Serious shyness has strong genetic roots; you don’t just get over it.’
LGBTIQ+ Workplace Inclusion Symposium
Debate, Symposium
Plato's Myths: Tools for Thinking Conference
Miguel John Versluys
Faculteit Archeologie
m.j.versluys@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2438
Caroline Waerzeggers
Faculty of Humanities
c.waerzeggers@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2033
Isabelle Duijvesteijn
Faculty of Humanities
i.g.b.m.duijvesteijn@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9325
Andrea Evers
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
a.evers@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6891
Mirjam de Bruijn
Faculty of Humanities
m.e.de.bruijn@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 8546