2,978 search results for “van campus tot klein” in the Public website
Medical Delta professor Marco van Vulpen: ‘I advocate the introduction of the share factor’
Proton therapy is a new way of treating cancer in which radiation doses are delivered more precisely. This results in less damage to surrounding tissue and fewer side effects. Professor Marco van Vulpen is medical director of HollandPTC in Delft, where the social value of this therapy is studied. Van…
Hello Leiden. How’s it going? Minister Van Engelshoven pays online working visit to Leiden University
Teaching during the corona crisis, the high workload and the challenges faced by the Faculty of humanities. In an online working visit to Leiden University on 12 October, Minister for Education, Culture and Science, Ingrid van Engelshoven, discussed the hot topics of the day with the Executive Board,…
Jelle van Buuren Explains American Boogaloo Boys
A particular group of counter protesters have been sighted at numerous Black Lives Matter protests that were held in the United States. An extreme right movement known for its characteristic Hawaii Shirts and heavy weaponry that calls itself the Boogaloo Boys. Which is cause for concern among the American…
Margot van der Doef first Leiden psychologist to hold Senior Teaching Qualification
'Continuing to work on my professional development is inspiring and stimulating, and it’s rewarding to have an influence on how psychology is taught.’ This is how Margot van der Doef describes the track that brought her the Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO). ‘And you can easily do it in parallel with…
Dr. Gerard van Westen receives VENI grant
Gerard van Westen (LACDR/division of medicinal chemistry) has been awarded with a VENI grant from NWO, the Dutch Research Council.
The Van Vollenhoven Institute has temporarily moved
Due to the renovation of the Law School building, the VVI has moved to another building until the beginning of 2019.
Learning assessment in online higher education
The main interest of this project concerns learners’ perceived learning outcomes in massive open online courses and the factors related to their perceived learning outcomes.
Information activities
So you have combed through this site? Requested and studied the brochure? Check! The next step is to see for yourself what it is to learn and live as a student. And to get to know the wonderful city of The Hague. Check:
The Hague student city
The Hague is a fast-growing student city in the Netherlands, offering great study and career opportunities to students from all over the world.
Introducing Ed van den Berg
Ed van den Berg started his role as the new interim Director of Operations in September. He will hold the fort until a permanent successor to Dirkje Schinkelshoek has been found. What will Ed be doing exactly, and who is he? We’ll leave that to Ed to tell you...
Yamila Miguel on Universiteit van Nederland
In a new video lecture (in English) on Universiteit van Nederland, astrophycisist Yamila Miguel tells us about the discovery of the most bizarre planets outside of our solar system.
Tentoonstelling Fries Museum
De tentoonstelling 'Vrijheid, Vetes, Vagevuur' is tot en met 7 mei 2023 te zien in het Fries Museum. De tentoonstelling en de bijbehorende publicatie worden samengesteld door Diana Spiekhout, conservator terpencultuur en middeleeuwen. Spiekhout promoveerde in 2020 aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen…
Interview with PhD student: Doris van Bergeijk
Leiden University is partner of the Netherlands Centre for One Health (NCOH). This initiative brings together leading academic research institutes in the Netherlands in an open innovation network that responds to the theme: One Health. NCOH interviewed Doris van Bergeijk: PhD student of the project…
Floris Bonnet wins Van Bergen award
Biology student Floris Bonnet is one of the winners of the Van Bergen Award for organising an International Ball. The award aims to promote contact between Dutch and international students at Leiden University in order to foster a better understanding of each other's cultures.
Het succes van de Scriptiewerkplaats slotbijeenkomsten
The final meeting which took place on Wednesday 6 September marked the end of the third cohort of master students’ time participating in the The Hague Southwest Thesis Workshop. During this last meeting, master students presented their research results to residents and stakeholders from The Hague So…
Working visit by Minister Van Engelshoven focuses on digitisation of education
How does online learning strengthen the quality of higher education and what are the barriers to implementing this more broadly? Minister of Education Ingrid van Engelshoven talked about this issue with pioneering lecturers and students from Leiden University, Erasmus University and Delft University…
Leiden Law Cast: reverend Ruben Van Zwieten
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Information activities
Do you want to know more about the RMA Archaeology and experience what it’s like to study in Leiden?
Master Population Health Management
Do you want to contribute to a more intergrated health care system? In the two-years Master Population Health Management, knowledge insights from epidemiology, data analysis in healthcare, medicine, public administration and behavioral sciences are combined into a globally unique interdisciplinary programme.…
Health Governance
Growing health inequalities, rising healthcare costs, an ageing population and a shortage of healthcare personnel are just a few of the many challenges healthcare faces, in the Netherlands and internationally. To tackle these challenges an interdisciplinary approach is required by combining knowledge…
Leiden University College The Hague's campus is right next to The Hague Central Station.
Master Population Health Management
Do you want to contribute to a more intergrated health care system? In the two-years Master Population Health Management, knowledge insights from epidemiology, data analysis in healthcare, medicine, public administration and behavioral sciences are combined into a globally unique interdisciplinary programme.…
NESA Masterclasses for Anthropology Phd Students
NESA offers a one-year teaching and training programme especially for upcoming and all first year PhD candidates, consisting of 5 masterclasses on current and trending theoretical debates in our discipline, an extensive methodology training and occasionally a cohort meeting off campus.
Quantum Information Science & Technology
Quantum Information Science & Technology is a new joint degree master programme by Leiden University and TU Delft. Below you can find a video of the campus of the Science Faculty of Leiden University where a part of the lectures will take place. A video about the programme's content and structure…
Information activities
Want to know more about the MA/MSc Archaeology and experience what it’s like to study in Leiden? There are a number of activities that can help you choose your study.
Information activities
Want to know more about the MA/MSc Archaeology and experience what it’s like to study in Leiden? There are a number of activities that can help you choose your study.
Information activities
Want to know more about the MA/MSc Archaeology and experience what it’s like to study in Leiden? There are a number of activities that can help you choose your study.
Training and courses
There are several training oportunities within the cell observatory
Leiden Law School is located in two beautifully renovated national monuments in the historic heart of Leiden. The Law School also has teaching and research facilities at its campus in The Hague.
Student life
At Leiden University we offer our students countless options to develop socially and personally outside the classroom.
Leiden helps refugee researcher make a new start
What happens if you are an academic forced to flee your home country and find yourself here in the Netherlands with practically nothing? The Hestia scheme offered by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) gives refugee scientists the opportunity to resume their academic career in the Netherlands. The scheme…
‘Could the slide have coronavirus on it?’
What do I do if Mum or Dad gets the virus? Could the slide at the playground have coronavirus on it? Can children die of the virus too? On 15 April, the National Science Agenda organised an hour-long session on Facebook to give children the chance to ask their questions about coronavirus. Leiden psychologist…
Haarlem ontlast
Over poep, pies en de beerput
Seminar 'Dievenland: De spelregels van een publieksboek' (online)
Het bredere thema van de bijeenkomst (7 december, 16:00-18:00, online), geleid door Janna Coomans (Utrecht), is: hoe kan je op basis van middeleeuwse bronnen een publieksboek schrijven, en in hoeverre verschilt zo’n werk van een academische studie? We zullen een eerste concept van een boekproject bespreken…
Veni grant for Joris van der Voet
Dr Joris van der Voet has been awarded a Veni grant of € 250,000 for his research into the working of savings strategies on innovation with municipalities. Van der Voet (Institute of Public Administration) compares Dutch municipalities with those in Spain and the United Kingdom. He explains by answering…
P.J. Veth building officially open
Leiden University is a completely renovated historical building for teaching and research richer. The P.J. Veth building in the Nonnensteeg in Leiden was opened on 12 October by Martijn Ridderbos, Vice-President of the Executive Board.
‘Everyone in healthcare realises that something has to change’
Good, accessible and affordable healthcare is increasingly difficult to provide. Martin Schalij from the LUMC understands that this can keep people awake at night.
New IBL-professor in "Computational Biology": Vera van Noort
Vera van Noort has been appointed Professor in the field of Computational Biology within the Faculty of Science at the Institute of Biology from the 1st of February 2017. Van Noort’s expertise is in bioinformatics and her research focuses on the computational analysis of large-scale biological data…
Dag van de duurzaamheid: Launch Billiecup
Op de dag van de duurzaamheid van 10 oktober startte de 'Billiecup' pre-pilot op de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid. Aanwezig waren 'plastic soup surfer' Merijn Tinga, Bart Hemmes van het Leiden University Green Office (LUGO) en Esther Kentin, docent bij instituut Metajuridica & projectleider Leiden…
Pharmacologist Rob van Wijk is highlighted author of the month
Pharmacologist Rob van Wijk is the Highlighted Trainee Author in the October 2019 issue of the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. In his research, Van Wijk aims for a new paradigm by combining experimental work and computational data analysis.
Martin van Hecke wins 2020 Dutch Physica Award
The 2020 Physica Award has been awarded to physicist Martin van Hecke, a researcher at the Leiden Institute of Physics (LION) and the Amsterdam AMOLF. Van Hecke is one of the Netherlands most innovative researchers into the surprisingly complex behavior of systems that look simple at first sight.
Dr. H. Enno van Gelder lecture and research grant 2021
Met de H.E. van Gelder Onderzoeksbeurs wordt beoogd interdisciplinair onderzoek naar munten, bankbiljetten en penningen van een impuls te voorzien. De beurs heeft een waarde van € 10.000 en stelt de onderzoeker (m/v) in de gelegenheid een publicatie voor te bereiden en aan de hand daarvan vervolgonderzoek…
Leiden University honours Lex van der Eb with University Medal
Leiden University has awarded its prestigious University Medal to Emeritus Professor Lex van der Eb. As a pioneer in genetics and molecular biology, he received this honour for his services to science and his key role in the development of the Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP).
Floor van Meer receives news Trial & Error Award
Psychologist Floor van Meer won the first Trial & Error Award for her research on the effect of being distracted while eating on eating behavior. This award from the Journal of Trial & Error (JOTE) honors the often underappreciated aspect of research: learning from errors. For her publication, Van Meer…
Sylvia van Beugen wins ARPH Best Thesis Award
During the 7th annual meeting of the Association for Researchers in Psychology and Health (ARPH) Sylvia van Beugen, from the Health, Medical and Neuropsychology unit, was awarded with the ’Best PhD Thesis Award’ for her dissertation ‘Psychodermatology 2.0: Towards improved assessment and effective digital…
Rob van Nieuwpoort new professor of Efficient Computing and eScience
As of 1 October Rob van Nieuwpoort is the new professor of Efficient Computing and eScience at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS). Van Nieuwpoort brings with him a wealth of expertise: he is an expert in eScience, high performace computing and advanced algorithms.
Michiel van Elk in various media about psychedelics
Scientists are split over whether the benefits some microdosers experience are a placebo effect or something more. Michiel van Elk has been interviewed by several international news to talk about his research and to discuss the effects of psychedelics.
Stefaan Van den Bogaert wetenschappelijk directeur Instituut voor Publiekrecht
Het faculteitsbestuur heeft prof. Van den Bogaert benoemd tot wetenschappelijk directeur van het Instituut voor Publiekrecht. Van den Bogaert is hoogleraar Europees recht en al meer dan 10 jaar hoofd van de afdeling Europees recht. Hij is tevens directeur van de Stichting Europa Instituut.
Roland van der Veen to receive MAA Beckenbach Book Prize
The book ‘The Riemann Hypothesis: A Million Dollar Problem’ has been elected by the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) as one of the best books on mathematics. On 13 January assistant professor at Leiden University Roland van der Veen and co-author Jan van de Craats will receive the MAA Beckenbach…
Wim van den Doel member of Executive Board of NWO
Professor Wim van den Doel, dean of the Faculty of Humanities at Leiden University, has been appointed member of the Executive Board of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) with effect from 1 January 2017.