5,965 search results for “sociale science” in the Public website
Rachel Plak
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
r.d.plak@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Jim Been
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
j.been@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 8569
Fenying Zang
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
f.zang@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Ann Brysbaert
Faculteit Archeologie
a.n.brysbaert@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5328
Global Health, Innovation and Society (BSc Major of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges)
Although the world has made tremendous progress in health, education, sanitation and hygiene, global public health challenges still exist. Disparities in health exist between and within nations as evidenced by inequalities in disease burden, mortality, nutrition and environmental well-being. How does…
No social safety net for PGB caregivers
An acute shortage of social care staff means that family members often quit their jobs to care for relatives with severe disabilities. This seems too good to be true – and there is a catch. Barend Barentsen, Professor of Labour law, discusses this on Dutch consumer programme ‘Radar’.
Wouter van Loon
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
w.s.van.loon@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
How Indonesian communities organise their own social security
Many poor people in Indonesia mainly rely on their family members, neighbours and the local community as a social safety net. One of the forms of aid from the community is called ‘jimpitan’ in Central Java. PhD candidate Ayu Swaningrum researched how this social security system works.
Children’s Rights at the municipal level: access to (social) justice in voluntary Youth Care, The Netherlands
The research project addresses the question how complaints in the voluntary youth care system are dealt with on the municipal level and what role (municipal) Children’s Ombudspersons play in this context, through qualitative research methods.
Genetic predisposition to social anxiety disorder measurable in the brain
It was already known that social anxiety disorder often affects more than one person in the same family. But research by PhD student Janna Marie Bas-Hoogendam has now shown that there are genetic brain characteristics that are associated with social anxiety. The PhD ceremony will take place on 14 Ja…
"If I deserve it, it should be paid to me": A social history of labour in the Iranian oil industry 1951-1973
Maral Jefroudi defended her thesis on 11 October 2017
Natália Kubalová
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
n.kubalova@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Negotiating Islamisation and resistance : a study of religions, politics and social change in West Java from the early 20th Century to the present
Chaider Bamualim defended his thesis on 9 September 2015
State, Society, and Labour in Iran, 1906-1941: A Social History of Iranian Industrialization and Labour with Reference to the Textile Industry
Serhan Afacan defended his thesis on 23 June 2015
New History of Fishes. A long-term approach to fishes in science and culture, 1550-1880
From 1550 onwards, a great interest in the natural world developed across Europe. This interest was not only stimulated by a growing knowledge of local flora and fauna, but also by the import of numerous exotic animal and plant species. Think, for instance, of researches and collectors like Gessner…
The Dark Middle Ages: Language of Vice in Histories of Science, 1700-1900
In comparing a selection of 18th-century histories to a representative sample of 19th-century histories of science, this project inquires: Which early modern vices persisted into the 19th century and to what extent were those vices embodied in anecdotes, conveyed through commonplaces, or symbolically…
Social brain active in childhood already
Exclusion elicits the same response in children as in adolescents and adults. That is what psychologist Mara van der Meulen found when she studied brain activity in primary schoolchildren. ‘What is new for us is that it is the same in childhood as later in life.’ Doctoral defence on 10 December.
Miriam Waltz
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
m.h.a.waltz@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
and History Towards a Hermeneutic Philosophy of Historiography of Science
Nature and History, Towards a Hermeneutic Philospohy of Historiography of Science
Autonomy and Objectivity
The aim of this project is to foster a historiography that does justice both to the realization that scientific knowledge is constructed by local, contingent, and contextual processes, and the claims of science to objective validity.
Governance, Economics and Development (BSc Major of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges)
Wrenching poverty, global inequality, violent political and ethnic strife, deadlocked, unresponsive or even collapsing governments, growing dissatisfaction with democracy and missed opportunities for innovation – these are merely some of the challenges of governance and development with which our programme…
Mara van Osch
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
m.van.osch@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Adina Akbik
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
a.akbik@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9500
Regieorgaan Open Science officially launched as Open Science NL
Fifteen knowledge institutions and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science have signed the covenant for Open Science NL. Leiden University has also joined the covenant, via the Universities of the Netherlands. This marks the start of the Dutch Research Council’s and brings the transition to open…
Shelley van der Veek
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
sveek@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3767
Max van Haastrecht
m.a.n.van.haastrecht@liacs.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Shy parent, shy child?
Delineating psychophysiological endophenotypes of social anxiety disorder
Mapping for meaning: using concept maps to integrate clinical and basic sciences in medical education
In which way and to which extent is integration articulated in concept maps and which factors affect the resulting concept maps? By which factors is the perceived usefulness of such concept maps affected?
Pam ten Broeke
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
p.ten.broeke@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
When science meets society: The role of unsolicited selfdisclosures in conversations between researchers and community members
In this conversation-analytic study, the authors analyze conversations between researchers from different disciplines and community members to examine relationship building in real life. This is an open access article under the Creative Commons By license.
Neeltje Blankenstein
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
n.e.blankenstein@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Appointment Marieke Liem: Professor Social Resilience and Security
As part Leiden University's interdisciplinary programme Social Resilience and Security, dr. Marieke Liem has been appointed Professor Security and Interventions effective 1 January 2020.
Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML): best institute for quantitative environmental issues
A liveable planet. More biodiversity. And resources which are being managed wisely. At the CML, we want to make an impact with our research and education. On this website you can read what we do to achieve that.
Mapping for meaning. Using concept maps to integrate clinical and basic sciences in medical education
In which way and to which extent is integration articulated in concept maps and which factors affect the resulting concept maps? By which factors is the perceived usefulness of such concept maps affected?
BSc degrees: ‘Political Science’, ‘International Relations and Organisations’. MSc degree: Political Science, with specialisations ‘International Organisation’; ‘Dutch Politics; ‘Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and Development’; ‘International Politics’; ‘Political Legitimacy and Justice’; ‘Democracy…
RISIS – Research infrastructures for the assessment of science, technology and innovation policy
The RISIS project aims at creating a distributed research infrastructure to support and advance science and innovation studies. This will give the field a strong scientific push forward, and at the same time, provide a radically improved evidence base for research and innovation policies, for research…
The corona crisis through the eyes of social scientists
The corona crisis relates to not only the medical field but also the field of the social sciences and humanities. SSH Beraad, a consultation body that aims to improve the position of the social sciences and humanities in the Netherlands, has launched a website bringing together experts in the social…
World Politics (BA Major of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges)
The World Politics Major at Leiden University College The Hague examines the big ideas and the powerful forces – political, military, economic, social and cultural – that shape the world at every level, from the global to the local and everything in between. Political conflict is a key driver of many…
A podium for science
Rector Magnificus Carel Stolker will retire on 8 February. If there’s one theme running through his career, it’s the links between the University and society. In this series of pre-retirement discussions, Stolker will talk one last time to people from within and without the University. This edition…
Integrative taxonomy of araneomorph spiders: Breathing new life into an old science
Taxonomy as a science has accumulated data and knowledge for more than 250 years.
Research Design in Political Science: The new book by Dimiter Toshkov is now out
The new book by Dimiter Toshkov - associate professor of Public Administration at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs - has been recently published by Palgrave Macmillan.
Utility Spots, Science Policy, Knowledge Transfer and the Politics of Proximity
How we think about and act on the usefulness of scientific research has epistemological and political implications: what knowledge consists of, how it comes about and to what ends. In this dissertation, I situate the usefulness of scientific research in concrete places for knowledge exchange. The exchange…
New book to improve and promote science with citizens
The new open access book The Science of Citizen Science bundles insights into science that is conducted together with citizens, to promote this growing form of science.
Michiel Westenberg advocates prevention for social anxiety: ‘Why wait until the damage has been done?’
Shyness is perfectly normal, Michiel Westenberg stated in his farewell lecture. But that doesn’t mean that social anxiety shouldn’t be identified and addressed in good time. ‘Serious shyness has strong genetic roots; you don’t just get over it.’
A cabinet of curiosities for science policy
How does the government know whether science policy has the desired effect? According to Professor Barend van der Meulen, a variety of evidence about the effectiveness of science policy and proper gathering of this evidence are more important than a strict scientific method. Inaugural lecture 27 Ma…
Buddhism and Social Justice
From 23-25 April 2014, a conference will be held on the topic of Buddhism and Social Justice. This conference confronts the common perception of Buddhism as intrinsically a tradition of peace and justice, and explores the various ways in which historically Buddhist societies of Asia have shaped, transmitted,…
Project SENSYN
Making sensitive data reusable through synthetic data generation
Is dismissal permitted following social media post?
In an appeal case, an employee of a care organisation in Nijmegen who was shown the door because of her criticism about the coronavirus voiced on LinkedIn, has had her dismissal reviewed. The court in Arnhem ruled that the employee had crossed a line and that her employer was entitled to dismiss her…
Anne Urai
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
a.e.urai@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3371
Jan Boersema
boersema@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5650