826 search results for “diversity in haar education” in the Staff website
‘Most students are convinced that statistics is not for them. I am here to convince them otherwise’
'Frans Rodenburg is an excellent teacher who is able to convey difficult information,' say his students. In his statistics classes, he wants to make students enthusiastic for his beloved subject. 'Most students are convinced that statistics is not for them. I am here to convince them otherwise.' Rodenburg…
Queen Máxima pays a virtual visit to ‘StudentinzetopSchool’
Students from ‘StudentinzetopSchool’ help schoolchildren and gain valuable teaching experience at the same time. In an online visit on 13 April, Queen Máxima spoke to pupils, students and teaching staff. She also spoke to participants from Leiden. ‘Teaching is wonderful, but it’s complex too.’
Actively working with the teaching material in the classroom
How do you get more interaction with your students during class? Paz Gonzalez has devised a method by which she gives her students an active role during class, turning (even large-scale) lectures into a seminar.
Workplace Track Humanities Campus
Despite Covid, the development of the Humanities Campus continues steadily. After finishing the renovated P.J. Veth building and Arsenaal, the demolition of Cluster Zuid has been completed and the contractor will soon start with the renovations.
Sebastian Pomplun joins Oncode Institute to accelerate breakthroughs in cancer research
Sebastian Pomplun manages to reach proteins with drugs even where this was thought impossible. That is why he and his research group have been allowed to join Oncode Institute. With nine others, he had been selected from 72 applicants to contribute to Oncode Institute's mission: to accelerate breakthroughs…
Archaeologist Amanda Henry linked to Naturalis as Professor by Special Appointment on the Evolution of the Human Diet
Starting September 2024, Amanda Henry has started a new role as Professor by Special Appointment on the Evolution of the Human Diet at Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden. She will use this position to draw closer ties between the Faculty of Archaeology and Naturalis, and explore means for public…
Call for Applications: Teaching Excellence Training for Academic Staff
What is 'teaching excellence' in Higher Education? Which different teaching excellence training, promotion and reward schemes exist across Europe? How can a common European teaching scheme look like? The e-NOTE project led by Leiden University seeks to answer these question in cooperation with five…
Camila Paz Espinoza Chaparro
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
c.p.espinoza.chaparro@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5276718
Yanell Braumuller
y.u.braumuller@biology.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Neeltje Blankenstein
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
n.e.blankenstein@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Introductory course 'AI and higher education: risks and opportunity'
Personal development, Working effectively
With this app, students learn to recognise an argumentative error from that aunt over Christmas dinner
In this ‘Educatips’ column, Psychology lecturers share their most important lessons about teaching. This month: Zsuzsika Sjoerds and Sebo Uithol teach students critical thinking with their app 'Family Dinner'. With success: 'The old exams have become too easy.'
Annetje Ottow
College van Bestuur
a.t.ottow@cvb.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3143
Karel Kuipers
Faculteit Archeologie
k.j.kuipers@arch.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Cora Leder
Faculteit Archeologie
c.t.leder@arch.leidenuniv.nl | 071 527NNB
Why biology students and teachers value the E-learning skills platform
Students of the Biology minor course Molecular Design have successfully boosted their skills in collaboration, research and writing with the recently developed E-learning Skills Platform. The biology students and their teachers greatly value the initiative. ‘Sometimes I couldn’t believe what progress…
Neem niet gelijk alles aan wat er in een wetenschappelijk tijdschrift staat, leren studenten in deze nieuwe lesmodule
In de rubriek ‘Onderwijsheden’ delen Psychologiedocenten hun belangrijkste inzichten over college geven. Deze maand: Anouk van der Weiden ontwikkelde met een team collega’s en studenten een lespakket kritisch lezen, toepassen en schrijven. ‘Studenten denken: wie ben ík om kritiek te geven op een gepubliceerd…
‘When I leave the lecture and students are still discussing, I know I did a good job’
‘It was the biggest bunch of flowers I’d ever seen,’ says Emily Strange about the moment she won the Leiden Teaching Prize 2022. The judge praised the conservation biologist for her passion, engaging personality, and the way she motivates her students. On the Dutch Day of the Teacher, we get to know…
- University Teaching Qualification (UTQ/BKO)
How do teachers learn in a work placement programme?
Na Zhou (PhD at ICLON) researched how vocational teachers’ learning takes place in a work placement programme and how their learning supports their teaching in school. Defence on 1 March.
Lessons of Democracy: Mothers’ Education and Learning Activities in late-1950s Japan,
Tailoring support for refugee students: ‘They are amazed at the number of options’
Many people have fled to the Netherlands since the outbreak of war in Ukraine, including students. But even before this war, students with refugee backgrounds were eager to study at Leiden University. How does the University help young people from various backgrounds find their way around the Dutch…
Legitimacy as lens to study the governance of global citizenship education
Higher Education Knowledge Café: 'What is quality of teaching and how do you evaluate it?'
Conference, Knowledge Café
your blended techniques: Creating podcasts and knowledge clips for education
Celebrating science on our Faculty with sparkling Leiden Science Family Day
Elephant toothpaste, a trip among the stars or a lecture on mathematical juggling: on Sunday 8 October 2023, the Faculty of Science opened its doors for the third edition of the Leiden Science Family Day. A programme jam-packed with workshops, demonstrations, lectures and peeks behind the scenes for…
'This is the very best course there is'
Martina Vijver has been nominated as Teacher of the Year of the Faculty of Science. She gets this nomination for the course Ecotoxicology she taught in 2022. The 52 students who took the course were hugely enthusiastic, as can be read in their positive reviews. What is so great about this course then?…
Call for Applications: PhD Supervision Excellence Training for Academic Staff
The European Network on Teaching Excellence invites applications from interested Academic Staff to participate in a five-day intensive training on PhD supervision excellence.
Collaboration across borders: virtual learning between Leiden University College and Myanmar
Jyothi Thrivikraman set up a Virtual International Collaboration project with a university in Myanmar.
Four Comenius teaching awards for Leiden lecturers
Five lecturers from Leiden University have received a Comenius teaching award. With the grants they can carry out an innovation project.
robustness through multiverse analysis – Applications in research and education
‘A good teacher always has multiple ways to explain the same concept’
Assistant professor Joost Willemse firmly believes that as a teacher, you’re never done learning. ‘Students ask questions about things you’ve never thought of yourself. Ultimately, that makes you better at your job.’ That’s why he always encourages his students to ask questions. And it’s appreciated:…
Children's Rights Under Fire: The Right to Education During and After War
Panel Discussion
The biologist who wants to sound a different note in his field
Hans Slabbekoorn researches animal sounds and the effect of the noise we humans make on these animals. He is also committed to making his discipline more diverse.
New academic student magazine kicks off with double issue: 'Had so many good submissions'
A year ago, assistant professor Paz Gonzalez received a Comenius grant to start an academic journal for and by students. Now the first double issue of The New Scholar is a reality. ‘We want to show the faculty’s diversity.’
‘Stemmen van Afrika’ wins popularisation prize: 'Language is more than grammar'
The Voices of Africa platform is ten years old and has just recently won the annual popularisation prize of the Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics (LOT). High time for a chat with Jenneke van der Wal, Maarten Mous and Nina van der Vlugt about the importance of the platform and plans for the…
Felix Ameka: ‘Multilingualism is the answer to many problems’
A new challenge for Felix Ameka. The senior lecturer at the Centre for Linguistics has been appointed professor by special appointment of Ethnolinguistic Vitality and Diversity in the World. ‘I am looking forward to promoting ethnolinguistic diversity and vitality.’
Tropical bananaquits lose song quality in the city
I think we should go this way. This way! THIS! WAY!! Making yourself heard in a city can be difficult. That is not only the case for humans, but birds seem to be hindered by urban noise as well. Researcher Hans Slabbekoorn of Leiden University already showed that great tits in Leiden communicate differently…
Article eLaw about Fair and equitable AI in biomedical research and healthcare
Eduard Fosch-Villaronga and Bart Custers from eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies wrote an article on Fair Medicine and AI highlighting that AI for biomedical research and healthcare should be beneficent and equitable for everyone.
‘Comprehensive handbook victims’ – Interview with Janne van Doorn
What do scholars, the Netherlands Public Prosecution Service, the police, the National Rapporteur Human Trafficking, Victim Support Netherlands, and the Violent Offences Compensation Fund have in common? They all work with victims, each from their own expertise. High time to combine that knowledge,…
Mensenrechten overal anders geïnterpreteerd. Hoe kan dat?
Hoe kan het dat universele mensenrechten wereldwijd niet hetzelfde in de praktijk worden gebracht?
'An international classroom is about opening up to different voices'
There is a lot of discussion about international students and Dutch universities. The Cultural Anthropology and Sociology of Development programme is an international bachelor's programme. Forty per cent of our students come from outside the Netherlands. We ask five students how they feel about studying…
Congratulations, Dr. Sarah Coombs!
On 21 February 2025, Sarah Coombs successfully defended her PhD thesis at Leiden University in which she analysed the impact of research conducted by Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS).
Towards affective computing that works for everyone
Tessa Verhoef from the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science and Eduard Fosch-Villaronga from eLaw- Center for Law and Digital Technologies have written an article on how affective computing should be inclusive, diverse, and work for everyone.
New publication on fairness, AI and recruitment
Carlotta Rigotti and Eduard Fosch-Villaronga have published a new article that offers an insightful and critical literature review on fairness and AI in the labour market as part of the BIAS project.
Grants boost collaboration between university and The Hague
How can we make our cities greener and more people-friendly? Two Campus The Hague projects have secured a grant from the Municipality of The Hague. The researchers and students from both projects are working with city residents to find sustainable solutions to local issues.
Workplace and Community: the social and cultural processes of labour movements
Hari Nugroho explores the role of local dynamics in shaping Indonesian labour movements. By focusing on the micro-level, this research reveals how labour organisation strategies are influenced by individual actors' personal histories, their interactions, and the way in which they respond the local economic…
Raising the colonial debate: ‘You have to create a story that’s easy to understand’
How can we best tell the current generations about some of the darkest parts of our past? To answer this question, researchers from Leiden are working with the Gedeeld Verleden, Gezamenlijke Toekomst foundation on public programmes about the Dutch history of slavery.
Separating AI fact from fiction at the AI & Society Conference
Researchers and policymakers are welcome to attend the AI & Society Conference in The Hague on Friday 23 June. The SAILS interdisciplinary research programme will be taking a nuanced look at the state of the art of AI technology. And offering fresh perspectives.
The Comenius Education Scholarship. What is it and how do I get one?
Lecture, Training afternoon