1,195 search results for “romantiek attraction” in the Public website
- Week 3: 22–28 January
University Lecturer (UD) in Modern and Contemporary Visual Art (0.8 FTE)
Humanities, Centre for the Arts in Society
- Week 7-8: 18–27 February
European City of Science 2022
For the duration of 2022, Leiden is the European City of Science. That means a year in which Leiden will be the European knowledge platform, with a 365-day program full of science, art and culture. Of course, the faculty of humanities will also be a part of this year.
Courses in Academic English
To help you improve your skills in communicating about your research in English, the Graduate School has an in-house Academic English Lecturer.
Finding housing yourself
Finding housing is your own responsibility therefore it is important to plan ahead. Find out how and when to start your search and read other important tips and advice.
Evidence: fact finding
Leiden Law School has a strong tradition of research in the field of fact-finding and evidence in criminal cases.
Around the Rapenburg
The Around the Rapenburg walk takes you along the canal where Leiden University was founded 450 years ago.
Beacons of Freedom: Slave Refugees in North America, 1800-1860
This project applies a social-historical approach to examine and contrast various groups of African-American slave refugees who sought freedom within North America between 1800 and 1860. It innovatively distinguishes between different “spaces of freedom” for runaway slaves, namely sites of formal, semi-formal,…
Two PhD Positions in Cultural Anthropology in project "Diversity Outdoors"
Social and Behavioural Sciences, Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
African Oral Literatures, new media and technologies
African oral literatures, new media and technologies: challenges for research and documentation
Publications about the Middle Eastern collection
An overview of our exhibition catalogues and research monographs on the Middle Eastern collections.
Engagement between Asia and Europe is increasing. If these continents want to build a lasting relationship, they need to understand each other better in the economic, socio-cultural, historical and legal arena. Researchers from Leiden have already contributed to the body of knowledge on past and present…
Collaborative and effective drug development
There are many complex links in the chain that provides patients with new drugs: from fundamental science, to clinical tests, to production. The entire chain can be found in Leiden. Leiden University, the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) and the businesses at the Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP)…
Dual-Appointment PhD Candidate and Junior System Administrator, Software Optimization and Compiler
Science, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)
2 PhD Candidates for the project "Climate Citizenship
Social and Behavioural Sciences, Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
Postdoc Candidate for the project "Climate Citizenship"
Social and Behavioural Sciences, Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
University Lecturer (UD) in Film and Visual Culture (1 FTE)
Humanities, Centre for the Arts in Society
Assistant Professor of Cybersecurity Governance (1 fte)
Governance and Global Affairs, Institute of Security and Global Affairs
Assistant Professor in Artificial Intelligence and Structure-Based Drug Discovery
Science, Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR)
PhD Position: Interventions for Adolescents' Susceptibility to Misinformation (1.0 FTE, 4 years)
Social and Behavioural Sciences, Psychology
PhD position: Adolescents' Susceptibility to Misinformation (1.0 fte, 4 years)
Social and Behavioural Sciences, Psychology
PhD Candidate in Theoretical Biology
Science, Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML)
PhD Candidate, AI-driven co-design for High-Performance Computing in Radio Astronomy
Science, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)
Virtual girl leads to arrest of online child abusers
Thanks to the virtual girl Sweetie created by Terre des Hommes, more than a thousand men who had webcam sex have been identified worldwide. They thought they were chatting with a ten-year-old girl. Whether that is punishable by law depends on the country, Leiden legal experts conclude.
Van Engelshoven’s Letter to Parliament calls for more funding for science
‘Academics have descended from their ivory tower, but there’s still too little action or financing.’ Leiden professor of Science Communication Ionica Smeets saw all her wishes come true on 28 January, with the presentation of the Letter to Parliament sent by Minister Van Engelshoven of the Ministry…
The quest for more antibiotics
Streptomycetes are similar to moulds, but these bacteria live in the soil. They are very popular in biotechnology because they produce a great many antibiotics and enzymes. Gilles van Wezel will be using his Vici subsidy to study ways of increasing their production.
From scientific idea to promising new drug
Many pharmaceutical companies no longer have their own lab and are working more closely with universities and start-ups of scientists. Professor of Science-Based Business Simcha Jong is researching how scientific ideas result in new drugs, including at the Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP).
Success with NWO for social and behavioural scientists
Ten Leiden social and behavioural scientists have successfully applied for the NWO Open Competition. With this Open Competition, NWO gives researchers the chance to start small, high-risk, innovative or promising research projects.
Creating a sustainable university: ‘You need breathing space for activist work’
More papers, more grants, more students: constant growth is still the gold standard at universities. Neuroscientists Anne Urai and Claire Kelly argue that this mentality obstructs us in resolving such complex societal problems as the climate crisis. Their alternative? The university as a doughnut.
Leiden lifestyle as inspiration for Americans
The much-discussed documentary 'Cobblestone Stories' by American anthropologist Mark Neupert can be seen in Leiden's Trianon cinema on 23 April. In an interview published earlier on this site Neupert explained what makes Leiden so special for him. 'The idea is to show my American students that there…
Twenty years of MIRD: four alumni speak up
Big celebration upcoming weekend: MIRD's 20th anniversary is on the cards. Four alumni from different periods tell what this unique two-year master's in International Relations and Diplomacy has brought them.
An inclusive university as a joint effort
Inclusive teaching and research, a good reflection of society and a safe and accessible learning and working environment. The new Diversity and Inclusion Work Plan has set the direction of University policy and aims to create a university where everyone feels respected and at home. Diversity Officer…
‘All students want to be seen and heard’
A safe place to discuss burning social issues such as racism with each other. The student workspace Space to Talk About Race and the Afro Student Association both meet this need and also organise many other activities. Three board members explain why this is necessary.
‘Everyone in healthcare realises that something has to change’
Good, accessible and affordable healthcare is increasingly difficult to provide. Martin Schalij from the LUMC understands that this can keep people awake at night.
Interview: Physicist Wim van Saarloos takes office as KNAW President
On May 28th, Leiden physicist Wim van Saarloos takes office as President of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). He has been vice-president since 2016. ‘The base of our universities is eroding.’
Research platform in dunes opened
With the sowing of the last experimental plot, new research platform TERRA-Dunes was officially opened on 29 June 2018. The experiment has a fundamental scientific character, but has important practical applications in nature restoration.
Opinion: Global Safety Summit on AI avoids real issue
The first global safety summit on Artificial Intelligence is a fact. Prime Minister Sunak organised the conference because he believes that the issues related to AI can only be dealt with by governments. But the real issue with AI remained undiscussed at the summit, Reijer Passchier claims in Dutch…
Interdisciplinary approach benefits brain research
How do practice and theory reinforce one another in neuroscience? Professor Birte Forstmann’s inaugural lecture on 2 October will be about building interdisciplinary bridges between cognitive neuroscience and cognitive models. Her approach may lead to brain research with fewer side-effects for patie…
Ad Maas appointed professor by special appointment: 'Exhibiting scientific research is at the cutting edge of museology
On 1 September, Ad Maas, curator of Rijksmuseum Boerhaave, was appointed professor by special appointment. In this role, he will primarily focus on the representation of natural sciences in museums.
'Dear Leader’ – but not really
On 8 May, the memoirs of Jang Jin-sung are appearing worldwide under the title Dear Leader. Jan Jin-sung was a member of the personal circle of the former North Korean leader, Kim Jong Il. Dear Leader provides a radically different perspective on the workings of the regime, as it reveals the moving…
Psychology Elevator Pitch: How do we solve social dilemmas?
A clean street, public transportation, or taxes: these are all public goods that keep society running. But how do people decide which public good to invest in, if at all? These are the kind of questions PhD student Laura Hoenig explores.
Canal Cups project 59th in Trouw newspaper’s Sustainable 100
Canal Cups, Auke-Florian Hiemstra and Liselotte Rambonnet’s project to rid Leiden of disposable plastic cups and its canals of litter, has taken 59th place in Trouw newspaper’s Top 100 sustainable initiatives.
Anna wants to weigh solar systems
All the planets in our solar system orbit around the Sun in an ecliptical plane. This is to be expected because our solar system was formed from a so-called protoplanetary disc. PhD candidate Anna Miotello has studied these kinds of discs and how they influence the formation of stars and planets. PhD…
29 & 30 November: Conference - The Role and Position of Sounds and Sounding Art in Public Urban Environments
The Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA) is hosting an international conference on November 29 and 30 at Gravensteen on the role and position of sounds and sounding arts in public urban environments. This unique conference aims to increase the attention to the role of the sound, sound design,…
New insights for improved pertussis vaccines - Press release -
Researchers in Bilthoven, The Netherlands, have recently unraveled the defense against whooping cough bacteria in unprecedented detail. The outcome of the project, conducted at Intravacc (Institute for Translational Vaccinology) in Bilthoven, provides opportunities for a new approach in the development…
Universe Awareness presents home-made laser show in Botswana
How do you offer high-quality and interesting education with simple means? Universe Awareness of Leiden University spoke about this during the annual science festival in Botswana. With among others a laser experiment compiled of household materials, they showed the possibilities to interest young people…
Annual report 2020: a year of unity and resilience
In the new Annual Report 2020 we report on not only the research and teaching, but also the knowledge transfer, operational management and general policy at Leiden University in 2020. The report is divided into a general section and a section with the figures, i.e. the university’s financial stateme…
Economics is mainly about psychology
Many people in the Netherlands have difficulty managing on their income. Professor by special appointment Wilco van Dijk, affiliated to Leiden University and Nibud, is researching what we can do to gain a healthier approach to managing our finances. His inaugural lecture is on 1 April.
History is a matter of a longing for rifles and flat screen TVs
History can be found in utensils and in interviews with ordinary citizens. ‘With the reconstruction of everyday life, an anthropological approach works better,’ thinks historian Jan-Bart Gewald. Inaugural lecture on 6 June.