668 search results for “domestication processen” in the Public website
Blog Post | From the margins to the front line: Central Eastern European diplomacy in the light of Russia’s attack on Ukraine
Russia’s premeditated attack on Ukraine in February 2022 changed not only the security landscape of Europe. It also altered – at least for now – the structures of leadership and influence within the West.
Reflections from the field: Linking the past with the present through pickling, fermenting, and food preservation in Gdańsk, Poland.
PhD candidate Ola Gracjasz writes about fermentation practices in Gdańsk, Poland.
Sara Brandellero: 'the news coming from Brazil is chilling'
Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro called the COVID-19 disease “a minor illness”. With more than 200.000 confirmed corona cases today (May 18) however, Brazil is quickly becoming one of the world’s emerging coronavirus hot spots. How long can Bolsonaro continue to downplay the corona crisis? We asked…
‘Digital services lean heavily on the social infrastructure’
Governments worldwide invest huge sums in their digital services and data strategies. Efficiency and effectiveness are key. But these are not achieved for some people at least, says Professor of Public Policy Sarah Giest. This makes the intended digital inclusion far from inclusive, as she will explain…
What works in suicide prevention? Lessons from the 113 Helpline
113 Suicide Prevention gave a guest lecture about suicide prevention at the Spanish Steps in Wijnhaven
Blog Post | Is UN Celebrity Diplomacy in China Effective?
In this blog post Saskia Postema and Jan Melissen claim that Chinese UN celebrities’ activism under Xi Jinping has become aligned with the Chinese leadership’s ambitions.
Reading list - The Rise of China and the New Global Order
In the past half a century, China has transformed from an underdeveloped and inward-looking country to a major player in world politics. The country asserts itself more boldly on the world stage; not only in relation to nearby countries and places such as Taiwan, Japan, and other countries that share…
Why the WTO ban on China’s export duties should be ‘greened’
China is prohibited from using export duties to address any environmental problems. This is unfortunate, according to PhD candidate Fengan Jiang (Richard), as export duties could be useful in tackling global carbon leakage. PhD defence on 19 February 2020.
Child abuse and professional confidentiality: ‘Focus on proper care, not on remaining silent’
How long should and may a doctor remain silent if he suspects child abuse? A GP who often sees the whole family, or a paediatrician, fills a crucial role when it comes to picking up signals of child abuse. Mirjam Sombroek-van Doorm examined how tenable professional confidentiality of medical practitioners…
Monthly Reads | Project 0100
Each month we will be spotlighting material we have been reading, or that have been recommended to us that relate to AI and a particular theme.
- CMGI Brown Bag Seminars 2024-2025
The Great Rectification: A New Paradigm for China’s Online Platform Economy
Lecture, LIAS Lunch Talk Series
Arthur Docters van Leeuwen Annual Lecture
CSPPR Lecture: The Power of ‘Unpolitics’
Relational Multilateralism: the Play of International United Front in China’s Global Grand Strategy
CMGI Brown Bag Seminar
Lecture, CMGI Brown Bag Seminar
Literature and Spaces of Conflicts: The Lebanese War Novel as Urban and Architectural History
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
SAILS event: Showcasing AI Research @ Humanities
Conference, Mini symposium
- Volume 10 (2015)
Project Office IRP
Programme management of research programme “Strengthening knowledge of and dialogue with the Islamic/Arab world”
Educational Innovation Hub
Since its founding, LUC has been a college of educational development and experimentation. Its mission statement identifies the college as “a site of innovation in pedagogy, curriculum design, and student well-being,” and it applies a student-centred approach to learning throughout its BA and BSc degree…
- Volume 2 (2007)
Programme structure
The core curriculum equips students with the conceptual approaches and qualitative empirical research methods necessary to analyze law in context. Specialized electives enable students to dive deeper and focus on particular areas of legal practice—from legal mobilization to regulation and compliance…
Karahantepe: A New Pre-Pottery Neolithic Site in Şanlıurfa, Turkey
Lecture, Faculty Lecture
The United States and the War in Gaza: History, Politics, and Culture
Debate, Panel and Q&A session
Priorities of Poland's Presidency of the Council of the European Union
Lecture, European Union Seminar
Regional complementarity: Making sense of our four tiered justice paradigm
PhD defence
Balancing the climate, economy, and justice: Can the EU have it all?
Lecture, European Union Seminar
Book launch: Roots of counterterrorism, Contemporary Wisdom from Dutch Intelligence
Lecture, Book launch
45th Symposium on Old English, Middle English and Historical Linguistics in the Low Countries (#SOEMEHL45)
What Works in Suicide Prevention? Lessons from the 113 Helpline
Neo Pan-Arabism and the Quest for Legitimacy of the Maghrebi Leadership
Lecture, research seminar
Annual Cities, Migration, and Global Interdependence Seminar 2023
Conference, Annual Cities, Migration, and Global Interdependence Seminar
The Rule of Law Under Challenge: The Enmeshment of National and International Trends
VVI Research Meetings 2023-2024
The construction of China’s national interest: Between top-down rule and societal ideas
PhD defence
Blog Post | Diplomatic Spaces Through Time: A Call for Interdisciplinary Research on Architecture and International Relations
The latest forum in the Hague Journal of Diplomacy highlights the rich potential for interdisciplinary research at the intersection of architecture, diplomacy, and international relations. These contributions, spanning from the early American republic to the contemporary era, reveal how diplomatic spaces…
Blog Post | From ‘Disinformation’ to ‘Information Disorder’: Changing the Narrative about Unwanted Communication
Disinformation has become a popular subject of study and debate. A plethora of publications and policies have emerged, aiming to analyse and curb the negative consequences of unwanted communication.
Interview: Zeger van der Wal about 'Good Governance in Asia and the West'
On Thursday 28 September 2017 the Institute of Public Administration of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) organizes the event ‘Good Governance in Asia and the West: What is the Difference?’ as part of the Leiden Asia Year. Below you can read the interview with professor Zeger van der…
Conference Hazelhoff Centre: Public and Private Regulation of Financial Markets
To celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Hazelhoff Centre for Financial Law, the conference ‘Public and Private Regulation of Financial Markets’ was held on the 11th of May 2017 at law firm Stibbe in Amsterdam. The conference attracted an international audience originating from more than five different…
The archaeology of face masks: ‘Face masks layers will be a huge help for future archaeologists’
From one year to the next, face masks have started to appear in the environment. As the masks are discarded, they end up in the top soil, in sediment layers, and in refuse heaps. In a couple of generations archaeologists will study the layer that has already been labeled the Face Mask Horizon. Current…
Introducing: Yusra Abdullahi, Maha Ali & Felipe Colla de Amorim
Yusra Abdullahi, Maha Ali and Felipe Colla de Amorim recently joined the Institute for History as PhD candidates. Together they work an an integrated, collective project. Learn more about them below!
Blog Post | Science diplomacy from the Global South: New insights, venues for investigation, and lessons learned
Science diplomacy, broadly defined as all activities at the intersection of science and foreign policy, has become a buzzword during the past ten years.
ASCL Seminar: Girls’ Education, Neoliberal Subjectivity, and Sacrifice in Niger
Dutch Excavations in the Eastern Nile Delta
Lecture, LIAS Lunch Talk Series
ASCL Seminar: Obscure Capital and Containers: History, Objects, and Power in Central Africa
Dangerous thinking: IPH-UDP collaborative workshop
What Contribution can Scholarship make to the Development of International Criminal Law?
Conference, Discussion
Slavery in the Indian Ocean World and the Work of Forgetting: Some Preliminary Thoughts
Lecture, LIAS Lunch Talk Series
Opening public lectures Lorentz Center
- Borders Reimagined: Identity, Culture, and Justice in a Globalized World