6,495 search results for “more” in the Staff website
What is an Imam?
Conference, workshop
Connect & Implement: FAIR Implementation Profiles
Webinar, Q&A, and discussion
The Palestine Exception
VVI Research Meetings 2024-2025
- Get to know the new assessment system Ans
Book launch: Roots of counterterrorism, Contemporary Wisdom from Dutch Intelligence
Lecture, Book launch
Joint Lectures on Evolutionary Algorithms (JoLEA)
Cyber Persistence Theory: redefining national security in cyberspace
Immersion without Mimesis: Song-Dynasty Cybernetics, the Game of Go, and Autopoeisis in Premodern Chinese Literature
Lecture, China Seminar
Promoting early recognition of persistent somatic symptoms in primary care
PhD defence
What Contribution can Scholarship make to the Development of International Criminal Law?
Conference, Discussion
- This Time for Africa! series
Environmental opportunities and challenges for IoT technologies in sustainable supply chain operations
PhD defence
Regional complementarity: Making sense of our four tiered justice paradigm
PhD defence
From Atoms to the Cosmos: Exploring the Cosmic Web Beyond Collisional Ionisation Equilibrium
PhD defence
- Spinoza Lezing 2024
‘In transformation’: trust, participation, and new socialities around collective food procurement networks in Gdańsk
PhD defence
The EU’s “Geopolitical Awakening”: Beyond Trade and Defence
Public Panel
Higher Education Knowledge Café: 'Interdisciplinary Education'
Conference, Knowledge Café
Enhancing understanding and effective communication in teaching
- 'Butts off our campus' day at Wijnhaven
Technology and privacy: trust or mistrust?
LIMS talk
Lecture, LIMS seminar
Burnout First-aid Kit
Personal development, Working effectively
Programming in Python
Sufis in Afghanistan: Contemporary Navigations of Religious Authority across Political Changes
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
CWTS Scientometrics Summer School
Research Seminar Janet Connor
Lecture, Research Seminar
Kearifan Kesehatan Lokal
PhD defence
Different dimensions of openness in open science practices. The importance of collaboration for societal goals
- Forum Antiquum Lectures Series Spring 2023
Anthropology of Asia at Leiden Update
Conference, Network event
SAILS Lunch Time Seminar
Assessing global regionalized impacts of eutrophication on freshwater fish biodiversity
PhD defence
Explore! Career Opportunities Beyond Academia
Research, Communication
Opening Exhibition Presenting with the City at Archaeology
Arts and culture
- 'Butts off our campus' day at Kamerlingh Onnes
Liveable planet lunch meeting - The value of conflict in sustainability transitions
EU Privacy and Data Protection Law applied to AI: Unveiling the Legal Problems for Individuals
PhD defence
Advancing the evaluation of graduate education
PhD defence
Participate! RIDE Focus Group (teacher development)
Conference, Focus group
Enhancing understanding and effective communication in teaching - 9 April
Personal experience narratives in three African sign languages
PhD defence
Colonial and Global History Seminar
Lecture, COGLOSS
How do we engage with experiences of war and displacement within our university community
Roundtable discussion
Balancing the climate, economy, and justice: Can the EU have it all?
Lecture, European Union Seminar
Nationaal Groeifonds: what do you need to know?
LRS webinar
- Leiden2022: Borrow a 'living book' from the Living Library on the national day of Empathy
National WO-Day during Economics Education Week
"Wijsneus" Festival - Knowledge Center for Psychology and Economic Behaviour
Finding God on the Malabar Coast: The Religious Origins of the Hortus Malabaricus?
Lecture, COGLOSS