1,650 search results for “mulder politics en ben” in the Public website
‘Do Not Say They Are Dead’: The Political Use of Mystical and Religious Concepts in the Persian Poetry of the Iran-Iraq War (1980-88)
The chief aim of this study is to explore how classical Persian poetry and the Persian mysticism that is interwoven with the poetry have been used in the new politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran, especially during the Iran-Iraq war.
Ton Koopman Huizinga Lecture 2016 ‘Bach en zijn zangers’
On December 9, 2016 Prof.dr. Ton Koopman will give a lecture 'Bach en zijn zangers' in the Pieterskerk in Leiden.
Abhimanyu Chettri
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
a.chettri@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Dario Fazzi
Faculty of Humanities
d.fazzi@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2704
Blarel, India-Israel at 25: Defense Ties
Why did India develop a strong military partnership with the state of Irael, after having ignored it for 42 years? How could both countries develop defense ties in spite of limited political leadership involvement? Finally, what are the prospects for defense relations as India grows to become one of…
Democratic Secrecy: A Philosophical Study of the Role of Secrecy in Democratic Governance
The starting hypothesis of the project is that secrecy is not always inimical to democratic governance as conventional wisdom has it.
Veenendaal, How Smallness Fosters Clientelism: A Case Study of Malta
Political scientist Wouter Veenendaal (Leiden University) provides an in-depth case study of clientelism in Malta, the smallest member state of the European Union. He reveals that not only that patron–client linkages are a ubiquitous feature of political life in Malta, but also that the smallness of…
Democracy in Europe. A Conceptual History
As one of the most influential ideas in modern European history, democracy has fundamentally reshaped not only the landscape of governance, but also social and political thought throughout the world.
Demarest, Are Nigerian lawmakers incentivised to direct public resources to their voters?
It is often said that the links between political parties in Africa and their voters are clientelist, rather than programmatic. The familiar image is that of African ‘big men’, displaying personal wealth while being respected and celebrated in the community for sharing their riches. Yet, political scientist…
Congruence between voters and parties: The role of party‐level issue salience
The level of congruence between parties and their voters can vary greatly from one policy issue to another, which raises questions regarding the effectiveness of political representation. We seek to explain variation in party–voter congruence across issues and parties.
Political Science Master’s thesis prize 2024: the nominees
The thesis is a major milestone for master students graduating in Political Science. It demonstrates their ability to conduct research independently and to provide a thorough, objective and sound analysis. That requires instruction, discussion, thinking and hard work. Lots of it. In some cases this…
Corinna Jentzsch, 'Here are 4 reasons why Mozambique isn’t a post-war success story' (blog)
Political scientist Corinna Jentzsch (Leiden University) explains why Mozambique is not (yet) a success story.
Political Science Master’s thesis prize 2021: the nominees
Tradition has it that at the end of each academic year, the best master’s thesis in Political Science is awarded a prize. For 2021-2022, the jury is considering six nominations. All of great quality, but on different topics. These range from political party bans to questions regarding commitment within…
Political Science Master’s thesis prize 2023: the nominees
Towards the graduation ceremonies, you sense an increasing nervousness. Not only because all the tradition and glamour surrounding the event, also because that will be the day that the winner of the Political Science master’s thesis award will be announced. For 2022-2023, the jury is considering seven…
The Reagan Administration, the Cold War, and the Transition to Democracy Promotion
Robert Pee, William Michael Schmidli (Eds.) This book posits that democracy promotion played a key role in the Reagan administration’s Cold War foreign policy.
'Ongelijkheid mannen en vrouwen versterkt door kunstmatige intelligentie'
Ontwerpers en onderzoekers gaan bij het verzamelen van data vaak uit van mannen als ze mensen bedoelen. Dat is onhandig en onveilig.
Louwerse & Otjes, How Populists Wage Opposition
Populist opposition parties are less likely to engage in policy-making behaviour (participating in or directly influencing legislative production) and somewhat more likely to engage in scrutiny behaviour (monitoring and criticising government actions).
Stefan Thewissen
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
s.h.thewissen@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7756
Nikkie Buskermolen
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
n.buskermolen@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Paul Adriaanse
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
p.c.adriaanse@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Karolina Pomorska
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
k.m.pomorska@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5180
Hirad Rezaiejoo
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
h.rezaiejoo@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | 070 8009500
Political Science Master’s thesis prize 2021: the nominees
As a Leiden University’s master’s student in Political Science you conduct independent research and report your findings to fellow academics and, who knows, to a larger audience. Your thesis is a showcase of your academic skills and personal interest, and perhaps even passion. Easier said than done,…
Leiden political scientist Tom Louwerse obtains Vidi grant
Tom Louwerse, lecturer and researcher at Leiden University’s Institute of Political Science, has been awarded a NWO Vidi grant. This will enable him to conduct research on how government and opposition parties cooperate in parliament and how this affects voters’ party choices and satisfaction with d…
2017 QS ranking: Leiden Political Science and International Studies number 1 in Netherlands
Leiden University’s Political Science and International Studies programmes have consolidated their firm academic reputation. In the 2017 QS World University Rankings, Leiden ranks 26th among the most valued institutes worldwide. Within the Netherlands, Leiden has retained the first position.
What is the role of parties in local politics?
Political scientist Simon Otjes (Leiden University) receives a grant from The Dutch Research Council (NWO). The grant is part of the SGW Open Competition XS, which aims to stimulate innovative scientific research within the Social Sciences and Humanities domain. Otjes receives the grant for his research…
Receptor Residence Time
Research question
- IBL Spotlight - Ben Wielstra and Chaoxian Bai
Political scientist Gisela Hirschmann awarded Thyssen research grant
Gisela Hirschmann, lecturer and researcher at Leiden University’s Institute of Political Science, has been awarded a 2-year grant of € 170.000 by the German Fritz Thyssen Foundation to study how international organisations react to budget cuts, membership withdrawals and systematic non-compliance by…
‘Code zwart’ voor Nederlandse gevangenissen door personeel- en cellentekort
Er is een nijpend cellen- en personeelstekort in Nederlandse gevangenissen. En dit is niet voor de eerste keer. Miranda Boone, hoogleraar criminologie en vergelijkende penologie, sprak met Trouw over de problematiek: ‘Het aantal gevangenen is het resultaat van beleid.’
Law and peace in the work of Hans Kelsen
Law and peace in the work of Hans Kelsen. A re-evaluation of Kelsen’s legal philosophy: legal pacifism as tacit meaning of his Pure Theory of Law
Siddharth Divakaruni
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
s.v.divakaruni@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Political Scientist Adina Akbik Joins Young Academy Leiden
Adina Akbik has been appointed as a new member of the Young Academy Leiden (YAL) as of 1 September 2024. Akbik is Senior Assistant Professor of European Politics at Leiden University. YAL serves as a platform for early career academics, and Akbik is keen to promote the needs and interests of young researchers…
FGGA-studenten aan het woord: ‘Ik ben er dit jaar ook echt achter gekomen hoe belangrijk een goede ‘work-life-balance’ is’
Deze week sluiten we het academisch jaar af met verschillende FGGA-studenten, waarin zij hun zomer- en toekomstplannen vertellen, maar ook terugblikken op het afgelopen jaar: ‘Ik vond het ontzettend prettig om weer terug te komen naar de fijne sfeer op Wijnhaven.’
New Dutch PM must look beyond national political landscape
In the upcoming Dutch general elections, the focus of the party campaigns is on national issues. Luuk van Middelaar, Professor of Foundations and Practice of the European Union and its Institutions, argues in a column in Dutch newspaper NRC that foreign policy should also be on the agenda.
Matthew Frear
Faculty of Humanities
m.j.frear@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2089
Babak Rezaeedaryakenari
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
s.rezaeedaryakenari@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 070 8009512
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Precarious State of a Double Agent during the Cold War
In this article, Ben de Jong, research fellow at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, examines the relationship between double agents and their handlers.
Weathering the Ice Age
Where did species survive the cold cycles of the current Ice Age?
From Single Sign to Pseudo-Script
An Ancient Egyptian System of Workmen’s Identity Marks
Conferencia de la Prof.dr. Sayak Valencia en el X Congreso Internacional de la AHBx
El viernes 3 de noviembre a las 11.15 tendremos el gusto y honor de escuchar a la Prof.dr. Sayak Valencia en el marco del X Congreso Internacional de la AHBx. Prof.dr. Sayak Valencia (Tijuana, Mexico, 1980) impartirá la segunda conferencia plenaria del X Congreso Internacional de la AHBx bajo el título:…
Political scientist teaches VWO pupils: ‘some knew more than I did at that age’
It is a full classroom: more than 30 pupils from 5 and 6 vwo are present to listen to political scientist Leila Demarest's lecture. She gives a brief introduction on the topic she is about to discuss: democracy in the global North and South. At first, the group seems a bit quiet, but when she asks questions…
Shining Light on Proteolysis by the Ubiquitin Proteasome System
PhD defence
Workshop: prenten en tekeningen uit de collecties van de Universiteitsbibliotheek Leiden
Op donderdag 20 februari organiseert Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden (UBL) een workshop over prenten en tekeningen uit de collecties. In de workshop toont conservator Jef Schaeps bijzondere, bekende en onbekende prenten en tekeningen. Sommige behoren tot de grootste kunstschatten van de bibliotheek…
Political Scientist Matthew Longo wins Orwell Prize for his book
The latest book by political scientist Matthew Longo came out this spring: 'The Picnic: A Dream of Freedom and the Collapse of the Iron Curtain'. In addition to its many favourable reviews, the book received the prestigious Orwell Prize this summer, which highlights exceptional books on politics.
Adam Fairclough
Faculty of Humanities
a.fairclough@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1646
Anouk van Vliet
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
a.l.van.vliet@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9512
Politics, Opera & Philosophy
Opera, more so perhaps than most other forms of art, is deeply intertwined with philosophy and politics. For some composers this was explicitly so. Think of Wagner’s relation with Nietzsche and Schopenhauer or Verdi’s role in Italian unification. But almost any opera raises, and tries to grapple with,…
Sovereignty as a Vocation in Hobbes's Leviathan
Hoye proposes that concerns about virtues of the sovereign are essential for understanding Hobbes's both his political thinking and his political critique.
Hans-Martien ten Napel has book published “Constitutionalism, Democracy and Religious Freedom. To Be Fully Human”
In 2014 Hans-Martien ten Napel received a Research Fellowship in Legal Studies at the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton, NJ. The book he wrote as a result of this fellowship was published last week by Routledge Law.