940 search results for “koninklijke hollandsche maatschappij der wetenschappen khmw ” in the Public website
Archaeologist Alex Geurds becomes member of Society of Antiquaries: ‘It is an honor bestowed for life’
Dr Alex Geurds was elected as a Fellow for the Society of Antiquaries, a prestigious and old educational charity based in London. Established in 1707, the society aims at the encouragement and advancement of the study and knowledge of the antiquities.
Labour law, judicialisation, and the future of socio-legal studies in Indonesia
Labour is back as a significant social and political force in Indonesia, as was shown in the recent 1 May trade union demonstrations in Jakarta. Over the past years major changes have taken place in Indonesian labour law, leading to new forms of judicial and political resolution of labour disputes.
Legitimacy and efficacy of litigating interest groups in public law
Interest groups play an important role in democratic society.
H.J. van Mook and Good Governance in Indonesia and the World
Was the progressive colonial civil servant the precursor of the postcolonial development-aid worker?
Rights of the Relational Self: Law, Culture, and Injury in the Global North and South
Although official law generally conceives of personal injury victims as individual rights holders, the actual experience of physical injury and its consequences is relational. Indeed, many researchers in the global North as well as the global South have contended that the very concept of the Self should…
- Career prospects
Flitsinterview met alumnus Kees van der Staaij: ik ben en blijf een jurist in hart en nieren
Flitsinterview met alumnus Kees van der Staaij: ik ben en blijf een jurist in hart en nieren
What drives humans? How Mariska Kret manages to touch science with her emotion research
In zoos, at festivals and in a mobile lab at the market: everywhere, Mariska Kret tries to understand human and animal emotions with her distinctive behavioural research. Now she has received the Mercator Sapiens Stimulus of €1 million for her efforts.
Registration is open for ACPA courses 2nd semester
ACPA offers students from both the Leiden University and the University of the Arts The Hague elective courses in visual art and music.
Wim van den Doel wins 2024 Boerhaave Biography Prize
Professor of Contemporary History Wim van den Doel has won the 2024 Boerhaave Biography Prize. Van den Doel receives the prize for his book 'Snouck: Het volkomen geleerdenleven van Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje'.
Begriffe der Moderne
PhD defence
Miranda van Eck hoogleraar Cardio Vascular & Metabolomic Therapeutics
Miranda van Eck is benoemd tot hoogleraar Cardio Vascular & Metabolomic Therapeutics bij het Leiden Academic Center for Drug Research (LACDR) van de faculteit der Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen. De benoeming ging per per 1 februari 2014 in.
Mariska Kret receives new science prize for groundbreaking research
Professor Mariska Kret has received the Mercator Sapiens Stimulus, a new science prize from the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW). The prize consists of a sum of 1m euros.
Lecture by Harry van der Hulst
Keetje Hodshon Prijs 2023
De inschrijvingen voor de Keetje Hodshon Prijs zijn geopend. In 2023 is de Keetje Hodshon Prijs bestemd voor onderzoek op het gebied van de Historische wetenschappen, als aanmoedigingsprijs voor onderzoekers die in 2018 of daarna gepromoveerd zijn. Voordrachten dienen digitaal te worden ingediend uiterlijk…
Nienke van der Marel on astrochemistry
Lecture, Kaiser Lente Lezing
Prijs Henri Pirenne 2023
Om de twee jaar reikt de Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis de Prijs Henri Pirenne uit. Die prijs bekroont de auteur van een al dan niet uitgegeven belangrijke editie van teksten die betrekking heeft op de geschiedenis van België en als exemplarisch wordt beschouwd. Deadline: 1 juni 2023.
Laura Migliori receives scholarship from KNIR
Laura Migliori receives a research scholarship from the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome (KNIR, Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut Rome).
Prof. Tim Koopmans
Tim Koopmans is one of the great minds in the history of Dutch and European legal scholarship. He taught law as a professor in Leiden and other universities, among which Ghent, Cambridge, Utrecht. He practiced it as a judge in the European Court of Justice and Advocate-General in the Dutch Supreme Court,…
- Promotie van Joanka van der Laan (Groningen)
The research of the Mathematical Institute is driven by the curiosity of its members and has many internal and external connections. It can be characterised as fundamental but with an open attitude towards applications.
Jenny Audring runner-up for The Sebeok-Love Award
The Sebeok-Love Award is awarded annually by the editorial board (a selection of articles is shortlisted by editors) of Language Sciences, for the best article published in the previous year.
Radboud and Leiden transparency declaration
Researchers from the Institute for Science in Society (Radboud University Nijmegen) and CWTS (Leiden University) organized a workshop on the use of IT Tools in academic publishing on 5-6 June 2018.
The importance of an interdisciplinary approach to open information provision in palliative care
What if seriously ill patients do not want to hear their diagnosis? Does a clinician always need to provide a patient with all available information? Communication researcher Liesbeth van Vliet, medical anthropologist Annemarie Samuels and research intern Fiona Brosig will put these questions on open…
Unravelling prehistoric fire use: ‘Variation in fire conditions equals variation in human behaviour’
Building a fire involves many variables, such as size, choice of fuel, temperature, and burn time, that affect the way the generated heat can be used, and therefore the potential function of a fire. A group of Leiden archaeologists are, together with a team of international colleagues, investigating…
About Us
LUCAS is home to a multidisciplinary academic community that facilitates deep analyses of, and appreciation for, the power and dynamics of cultural products (texts, objects, practices) in our past and present. Through high-quality research, education, and valorisation, our Institute contributes to a…
- El-Hosh
Households and Enslavement in the Seventeenth-Century Dutch Empire
How did colonial law work to turn people into property? This project argues that colonial ideas about households and domestic authority were critical to legal processes of enslavement in the early modern Dutch empire. Using colonial court records from Dutch Brazil, Suriname, and the Moluccas, the project…
The institute hosts criminal lawyers and criminologists who engage in high-quality scientific research that is also relevant for society.
- Career prospects
Sport & Culture
There’s more to life than studying hard; sometimes you just need to relax. It’s good to know then that The Hague’s offering in the area of sport and culture is surprisingly extensive.
Sport & Culture
There’s more to a master’s than studying hard; sometimes you just want to relax. It’s good to know that The Hague’s offering in the area of sport and culture is second to none.
- Career prospects
- Career prospects
Career prospects
With a MSc in Chemistry you are well prepared for a wide range of career opportunities. The chemical industry is one of the largest contributors to economic prosperity worldwide.
- Book presentation Oort Biography - Piet van der Kruit
A Nimble Arc: James Van Der Zee and Photography
Lecture, Talk
New Vegetarian cafés
Vegetarian cafés/ Vegetarische cafés
Dr. H. Enno van Gelder lecture and research grant 2021
Met de H.E. van Gelder Onderzoeksbeurs wordt beoogd interdisciplinair onderzoek naar munten, bankbiljetten en penningen van een impuls te voorzien. De beurs heeft een waarde van € 10.000 en stelt de onderzoeker (m/v) in de gelegenheid een publicatie voor te bereiden en aan de hand daarvan vervolgonderzoek…
Hall of Fame 2020
In 2020, many of our staff and students have again won prestigious prizes and been awarded important research subsidies.
Awards and Grants 2024
On this page you will find an overview of awards and prizes granted to our staff and students in 2024, as well as special appointments at Leiden University and other institutions.
‘This prize is a great push for my self-esteem and motivation’
Not only does she excel at her research, she is also active in outreach and started a collaboration outside her own field during her PhD. Yevheniia Cheipesh has been awarded the first prize in the For Women in Science Rising Talent Prize by L’Oreal, UNESCO and the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and…
SAILS Lunch Time Seminar: Julian van der Kraats
Rozita Abdolrahimi Raeni wins KNMP Student Award
Student Rozita Abdolrahimi Raeni is one of this year's winners of the KNMP Student Award. The Royal Dutch Society for the Advancement of Pharmacy (KNMP) hands out the award annually. Rozita is a master's student in Pharmacy and received the award for her excellent study results, motivation and commi…
Lauren Lauret receives D.J. Veegens Prize 2022
University lecturer Lauren Lauret has been awarded the D.J. Veegens Prize 2022 for her dissertation on the meeting practices of the States General during the time of the Republic of the Seven United Provinces compared to those of the Lower House during the first half of the 19th century.
Jos Raaijmakers nominated for Huibregtsenprijs 2022
The research project of Jos Raaijmakers is nominated for the Huibregtsenprijs 2022. The researcher of NIOO, with a guest appointment at the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL), is one of six nominees. On the Evening of Science & Society (Dutch: Avond van Wetenschap & Maatschappij), 10 October 2022, the…
Veni grants 2012
Three researchers at LUCL have been awarded a VENI-grant by NWO.
Alor-Pantar languages: origins and theoretical impact
This research project focuses on the extended documentation and investigation of these non-Austronesian (‘Papuan’) languages.
Flexibilisation, globalisation and technological change: consequences for labour markets and social security.
This research project is funded by a subsidy from Instituut Gak.
Hall of Fame 2021
In 2021 many of our students and staff won fantastic prizes and were awarded important research grants. This is our traditional review of these successes as the end of one year marks the beginning of another.