2,298 search results for “cancer drug discovery initiative” in the Public website
Spatial (3-D) CNS drug distribution in vivo
Another research line is the development of a spatial CNS drug distribution model, by ultimately including the 3-dimensional anatomical organization of the CNS.
Why don't drugs make it to the market?
How can we extend the drug residence time to combat diseases more effectively?
Alumnus Robert Ietswaart: ‘Machine learning is revolutionising drug discovery’
Robert Ietswaart does research into gene regulation at the famous Harvard Medical School in Boston. He developed an algorithm to better predict whether a candidate medicine is going to produce side effects. He studied mathematics and physics in Leiden, and gained his PhD in computational biology in…
Since the start of the Green Office, several projects have been initiated to increase awareness amongst staff & students and to make the university more sustainable. Read all about our current projects here.
Antibiotic combination therapies against drug resistant Gram negative pathogens
Can effective synergists be identified to enhance the effect of antibiotics against Gram negative pathogens?
Ecology-based discovery of novel antimicrobials from rare Actinobacteria
Uncover novel antimicrobials with prospective health benefits for sea turtles.
Immune system plays dual role in breast cancer
The immune system plays a paradoxical role in the spread of breast cancer. Some immune cells contribute to metastasis, while other cells can be activated to strengthen the effect of chemotherapy. Kelly Kersten made this discovery in her PhD research. PhD defence 7 February.
Borderline between cancer and thrombosis
Winning a prestigious award for PhD researchers, even before you have your doctorate: that's what Yascha van den Berg managed to do with his research proposal on alternatively spliced tissue factor, a protein that may be involved in tumour growth. Van den Berg: ‘It all started as a Friday afternoon…
How oxygen deprivation causes cancer cells to spread
In breast cancer, metastasis rather than the primary tumour is the cause of death. A lack of oxygen in the tumour cells promotes this metastasis, accompanied by a reprogramming of the cell's metabolism. PhD candidate Qiuyu Liu investigated these alterations to get more knowledge about the actionable…
Affinity-based profiling of the adenosine receptors
The adenosine receptors are proteins that reside in the extracellular membranes of cells. Activation of adenosine receptors plays a role in many physiological and pathological processes, such as immune responses and cancers.
vesicles: An efficient membrane biophysical tool and its application in drug delivery studies
Promotor: A. Kros
GMP facility for innovative drugs (KFT-J10 / IGFL)
The GMP Facility facilitates development and production of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) and chemical (peptide) synthesis.
Unraveling the interplay between cancer and thrombosis: Insights from bench to big data
PhD defence
Venous thromboembolism in patients with glioblastoma: cancer and coagulation in concert
PhD defence
Peter Bouwman
r.j.p.bouwman@lacdr.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5276105
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining from patient experience repositories
This project develops a scientific method to extract clinically relevant new information from patient forum websites that discuss patient experiences concerning e.g. medication, nutrition, co-morbidities, genetic factors etc.
NMR structural studies of protein-small molecule interactions
Promotor: M. Ubbink, Co-promotor: G. Siegal
Green initiatives
Roll your sustainable sleeves! Our students and staff have found various ways to do just that, both at home and at our university.
Finding unique drug structures with artificial intelligence and chemistry
In the search for new medicines against diseases such as cancer, a Leiden team has developed a new workflow. This approach combines artificial intelligence (AI) with molecular modelling and is suitable for finding unknown and innovative drug structures, the researchers proved.
Specialised immune cells have potential for new cancer immunotherapies
Researchers from Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) and Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) have discovered how specialised immune cells can detect and remove cancers that are ‘invisible’ to the conventional defence mechanisms of the immune system. Their work has been published in Nature. The findings…
Stefano Coppola Receives AXA RF Fellowship to Study Pancreatic Cancer
Leiden biophysicist Stefano Coppola has received the prestigious AXA Research Fund postdoctoral fellowship. With this grant he can work for two years on a project to research the role of mechanical factors in the development of pancreatic cancer.
A chemical biology approach for targeting of ligand-drug conjugates
Promotores: Prof.dr. H. S. Overkleeft, Prof.dr. G. A. van der Marel
A pharmacognostic study of Vernonia guineensis Benth. (Asteraceae): bioactivity, safety, and phytochemical analysis
Promotor: Prof.dr. R. Verpoorte, , Co-Promotor: Young Hae Choi
The research conducted at the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research is clustered within the divisions of BioTherapeutics, Drug Discovery & Safety and Systems Biomedicine and Pharmacology, and the Metabolomics and Analytics Centre.
Causal Discovery from High-Dimensional Data in the Large-Sample Limit
Developing robust algorithms and theory for establishing cause-effect relationships from observational data that scale up to large data sets
Illuminating N-acylethanolamine biosynthesis with new chemical tools
In this thesis, the discovery and optimization is described of chemical tools to study the N-acylethanolamine (NAE) biosynthetic pathway.
Systems pharmacokinetic models to the prediction of local CNS drug concentrations in human
Clinical development of drugs for central nervous system (CNS) disorders has been particularly challenging and still suffers from high attrition rates.
Chemical Biology
Chemical biology research at the Leiden Institute of Chemistry is aimed at understanding biological processes at the molecular level to strengthen the knowledge base of human health and disease. The approach to achieve this goal is a fundamental chemical one; with the aid of chemical probes biological…
Monitoring drug-related homicides: An assessment of existing data sources and potential for future monitoring
This project’s aim is to critically assess current homicide data sources in order to develop a proposal for long-term EU-level monitoring of DRH.
Discovery of novel Antibiotics from Actinomycetes by Integrated Metabolomics & Genomics Approaches
Promotor: G.P. van Wezel, Co-promotor: Y.H. Choi
Exploring the mechanism of targeted nanoparticle-mediated drug delivery using the zebrafish model
Exploring the mechanism of targeted nanoparticle-mediated drug delivery using the zebrafish model
Leiden researchers discover genes that affect spread of breast cancer
Researchers at Leiden University have mapped genes that cause breast cancer cells to migrate. The Leiden toxicologists Professor Bob van de Water, Dr Wies van Roosmalen, Dr Sylvia E. Le Dévédec and colleagues studied 1500 individual genes. They found eight, including the SRPK1 gene, that regulate the…
How to scale clearance from adults to children for drugs undergoing hepatic metabolism?
The aim of this thesis is to expedite and ensure the systematic accuracy of clearance scaling from adults to paediatric patients, with a special focus on drugs undergoing hepatic metabolism.
Sensing Transport
Solute carrier (SLC) transporters are a large and diverse class of relatively understudied transmembrane proteins.
Mortality and HyperImage: Visual analytics techniques for biomarker discovery in massive 3D-omics datasets
Over the past decade, several novel types of spatially resolved
New technique offers chemists unprecedented control in drug research
Leiden chemists have developed a new technique with which they can determine the role of kinases – a group of proteins – in a living cell. This technique makes it easier to find new drug targets for diseases such as cancer and rheumatoid arthritis. The team published the findings in the journal Nature…
Detecting pediatric cancer with bacteria
Ariane Briegel wants to use bacteria to detect cancer at an early stage. Together with postdoc Alise Muok, she is developing a method to quickly and cheaply test the urine of patients for the presence of suspicious molecules. They receive a grant of approximately 150,000 euros from the Dutch Cancer…
generation human IPSC-derived reporter systems for image-based analysis of drug adversity
Analysis of drug adversity
Central Asia Initiative
The Central Asia Initiative is funded by the Leiden research profile area Asian Modernities and Traditions with the purpose to establish Central Asian Studies at Leiden University.
Tackling messy blood vessels to fight cancer
With a Vici grant of 1.5 million euros, Professor of Mathematical biology Roeland Merks will look for ways to fix messy and leaky blood vessels in tumours. His research combines mathematical simulations and lab experiments in a unique way.
Novel Chemical Modalities
The Novel chemical modalities research group is headed by Assistant Professor Sebastian Pomplun. Sebastian started at the division of Medicinal Chemistry within the LACDR in September 2021. His lab develops technologies for the discovery of novel chemical modalities that can address challenging drug…
Unlocking the potential of small molecules in cancer therapy
How can we translate more fundamental discoveries into clinical solutions for patients? From that question, the Oncode Accelerator programme emerged. Professor of Molecular Physiology Mario van der Stelt has been one of the driving forces behind it since its inception. In an interview on the website…
Personalised pharmacotherapy in paediatric epilepsy : the path to rational drug and dose selection
The path to rational drug and dose selection
resources for Iberian empires: ecology and globalization in the age of discovery
An interdisciplinary and innovative research group combining History, underwater archaeology, GIS and wood provenancing methods.
Cytochrome P450 3A-mediated first-pass and systemic drug metabolism in children
From descriptive to physiological models that can predict oral absorption and elimination of CYP3A substrates across the pediatric age range.
de-escalate treatment of ductal carcinoma in situ and early-stage breast cancer
PhD defence
Cancer vaccine packaged in minute particles
Leiden researchers have carried out successful tests using a new method of packaging a cancer vaccine in nano-particles. The new vaccine has induced a strong immune reaction in mice. The researchers believe that this method can make an important contribution to the treatment of cancer. Their findings…
Molecular Pharmacology
In this research group, headed by Laura Heitman, novel receptor concepts in drug discovery are studied, aiming to increase the effectivity of medicines. Many drugs act via so-called G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and therefore our research is mainly focused on understanding and improving drug-receptor…
The impact of obesity on the pharmacokinetics of drugs in adolescents and adults
Promotores: C.A.J. Knibbe; J.N. van den Anker, Co-promotores: H.P.A. van Dongen; B. van Ramshorst
throughput microscopy for cellular adaptive stress response pathways in drug adversity
High throughput microscopy