345 search results for “maritime archeologie” in the Public website
Maritime Security
The project 'Policing the high seas: maritime law-enforcement in a multi-actor environment' aims to identify the gaps in the legal framework for EU activities in the maritime security domain, and specifically in the areas of combating piracy, human smuggling or trafficking and drug trafficking.
Maritime History
Maritime History encompasses humankind’s relationships to the seas and oceans of the world.
Scheurrak SO1 in the Maritime-Cultural Landscape
This project combines and reconsiders all the available evidence of the Scheurrak SO1, and use new archival databases and modern archaeological techniques to shed new light on the material culture of the Baltic grain trade and the Holland shipbuilding industry at the turn of the sixteenth century.
Maritime Conflict Management in Atlantic Europe, 1200-1600
What can we learn from how maritime conflicts were managed in the past? What significance did Maritime Conflict Management have in shaping the standards of diplomacy and international law in pre-modern Atlantic Europe (1200-1600)?
The Routledge Handbook of Maritime Trade around Europe 1300-1600
This book explores the links between maritime trading networks around Europe, from the Mediterranean and the Atlantic to the North and Baltic Seas.
Mapping the Ocean: Georeferencing Maritime History
Maps play a crucial role in our view of the past, yet few historians are sufficiently skilled in cartography to genuinely integrate maps into their research. This project breaks down the long-standing barriers between history and cartography by inviting emerging scholars (ResMA) to reflect on maps as…
Introduction: maritime conflict management, diplomacy and international law, 1100-1800
Maritime conflict management is the regulation of conflict in relation to the sea. It comprises conflict enforcement, conflict resolution and conflict avoidance. How did victims of maritime conflicts claim and obtain damages or demand compensation or reparation?
Verkenning naar participatie en burgerinitiatief in de Nederlandse archeologie.
Dit rapport maakt deel uit van het project Receptenboek burgerparticipatie in opdracht van de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (RCE) en met steun van het Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie.
Policing the high seas: maritime law-enforcement in a multi-actor environment
Identifying the gaps in the legal framework for EU activities in the maritime security domain, and specifically in the areas of combating piracy, human smuggling or trafficking and drug trafficking.
Femme Gaastra
Faculty of Humanities
f.s.gaastra@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1646
MarSafeLaw Journal Special Issue on the EU and Maritime Security
The Special Issue, edited by Jorrit Rijpma, Melanie Fink, Kristof Gombeer, and Anna Petrig, contains a selection of contributions from the Conference organised by the Europa Institute on the topic of the EU and Maritime Security in October 2018.
The Power and Pains of Polysemy: Maritime Trade, Averages, and Institutional Development in the Low Countries (15th–16th Centuries)
The Power and Pains of Polysemy: Maritime Trade, Averages, and Institutional Development in the Low Countries (15th–16th Centuries) investigates the development of General Average and other so-called Averages in the Low Countries on the eve of the early modern period, showing how the various varieties…
Archeologie en de stad
Op vrijdag 4 april 2025 organiseert de werkgroep Stedengeschiedenis een bijeenkomst bij de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed onder de titel ‘Archeologie en de stad’. De studiedag is gratis en voor iedereen toegankelijk.
Nog meer wereldgeschiedenis van Nederland
De Nederlandse geschiedenis is nauw verbonden met die van de wereld als geheel. Door migratie, handel en kennisuitwisseling beïnvloedden mensen elkaar over grotere afstanden en intensiever dan we lang dachten. Wereldgeschiedenis van Nederland toonde in meer dan honderd verhalen hoe internationaal de…
Jorrit Kelder
Faculty of Humanities
j.m.kelder@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Dutch demand for porcelain: The maritime distribution of Chinese ceramics and the Dutch East India Company (VOC), first half of the 17th century
On the 30th of September Christine Ketel successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Maritime archaeologist Martijn Manders on National Geographic channel
On Sunday August 19, the National Geographic channel programme 'Drain the Oceans' will focus on Martijn Manders' excavation of the Dutch VOC ship De Rooswijk.
Maritime historians and vocational college students together create historical database
What do you do when you’re suddenly given access to a whole lot of data but don’t know how to organise and analyse it? Maritime historians in the Faculty of Humanities joined forces with vocational college (MBO) students to build a database. ‘We’re so compatible with each other.’
Michiel van Groesen new Professor of Maritime History at Leiden University
As of 1 September 2015, Michiel van Groesen is Professor of Maritime History at Leiden University. He succeeds Professor Henk den Heijer, who retired and gave his farewell lecture at 25 September. Den Heijer held the chair from 2010 to 2015. Before coming to Leiden Van Groesen worked as Associate Professor…
Kennemerland in metaalvondsten
Duizenden metaalvondsten die door detectorzoeker wijlen Herman Zomerdijk zijn gedaan in de regio Kennemerland schetsen een uniek beeld van Noord-Holland door de eeuwen heen. Hij zocht en verzamelde decennialang historische metalen objecten in Noord-Holland en bouwde zo een unieke metaalcollectie op.
Faculty of Archaeology features in Archeologie Magazine Special
The Faculty of Archaeology is proud to present the special edition in honor of our 25th anniversary. In 15 pages, the Dutch-language special gives an overview of the wide variety of research, fieldwork projects, and laboratories the Faculty hosts. Aimed at the general public, the special will be handed…
Richard Jansen writes about Oss in Archeologie Magazine
The Faculty of Archaeology has a partnership with Archeologie Magazine, the largest archaeology-themed magazine in the Netherlands, aiming to improve its societal impact. Every edition of the magazine, one page is devoted to research done at our Faculty.
Rik Lettany
Faculteit Archeologie
h.lettany@arch.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Geke Burger
Institute for History
g.burger@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5271646
Een kwantitatief onderzoek naar historische Nederlandse scheepswrakken in de wereld
Martijn Manders
Faculteit Archeologie
m.r.manders@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Maritime Conflict Management in Atlantic Europe, 1200-1600
Louis Sicking's Maritime Conflict Management in Atlantic Europe was awarded an 'Internationalisation in the Humanities' grant from NWO. What can we learn from how maritime conflicts were managed in the past?
La Naissance d’une thalassocratie - Les Pays-Bas et la mer à l’aube du siècle d’or
La naissance d’une thalassocratie considers the contribution of the Burgundian and Habsburg Netherlands to the rise of the Dutch Republic as a maritime power. In Braudelian fashion, its chapters follow three lines of research.
Rooswijk 1740
Een scheepswrak, zijn bemanning en het leven in de 18de eeuw
Role play in Maritime Archaeology class
This academic year Martijn Manders taught the course of Maritime Archaeology and cultural heritage management for the 8th year. Manders tries to make his students understand how humans and water are related and most importantly: what part does heritage management play in the discipline? To try and make…
Anita van Dissel
Faculty of Humanities
a.m.c.van.dissel@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2760
Dutch Atlantic Connections, 1680-1800: Linking Empires, Bridging Borders
In 'Dutch Atlantic Connections, 1680-1800', Gert Oostindie and Jessica V. Roitman, both of the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV) and also affiliated with the History Institute of Leiden University, assemble an internationally acclaimed selection of authors,…
Maritime archaeologist Martijn Manders appointed as Professor of Underwater Archaeology in Leiden
Maritime archaeologist Martijn Manders has been appointed professor of Underwater Archaeology and Maritime Cultural Heritage Management at Leiden University. He will combine his new appointment at the Faculty of Archaeology, which began on 15 July 2022, with his current position at the Cultural Heritage…
ILS conference on the European Union as a Global Actor in Maritime Security
On Thursday 25 and Friday 26 October 2018, the Europa Institute organized a conference within the framework of ‘Interaction between Legal Systems (ILS): Policing the High Seas’ and in cooperation with four Interest Groups of the European Society of International Law. The event brought together representatives…
International Workshop Maritime Conflicts and their Resolution in Atlantic Europe (13th-17th Centuries)
The International Workshop 'Maritime Conflicts and their Resolution in Atlantic Europe (13th-17th Centuries)' takes place at the University of La Laguna, Tenerife (Spain) from 21 to 22 April 2017.
Explorations in History and Globalization
Considering the ways in which the ‘global turn’ is changing the theory and practice of historical disciplines, Explorations in History and Globalization engages with the concept and methodology of globalization, challenging traditional divisions of space and time to offer a range of perspectives on…
Dutch Shipping and the Environment, 1621-1939
This project explores themes at the intersection of maritime history and environmental history by looking at the problems Dutch ships encountered in the different climates of the Atlantic and Indian Ocean worlds, and the solutions they could provide.
ForSeaDiscovery - Forest resources for Iberian empires: ecology and globalization in the age of discovery
An interdisciplinary and innovative research group combining History, underwater archaeology, GIS and wood provenancing methods.
AI in port and maritime research in Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam
From a ship that has been designed to tell you what maintenance it needs and when, to an intelligent journey planner for global goods transport. The three universities in Zuid-Holland are abuzz with AI research in the field of ports and maritime. Three researchers explain. Part two in a series of five…
Hendrik den Heijer
Faculty of Humanities
h.j.den.heijer@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1646
Call for Papers - Conflict Management in the Atlantic, the North Sea and the Baltic, 1200-1600: Actors, Institutions and Practices of Dispute
From the late Middle Ages onwards, maritime conflict has developed hand in hand with international trade. Over time, specific institutions were established to address disputes arising from violence or mishap at sea and in coastal areas. Conflict resolution at sea has mostly been studied through the…
Louis Sicking
Faculty of Humanities
l.h.j.sicking@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2717
Why we need to look underwater to understand our past
Traces of the past remain hidden in rivers, lakes and seas. In his inaugural lecture Martijn Manders will explain why underwater archaeology is important to understanding our history.
Marie Kolbenstetter
Faculteit Archeologie
m.m.kolbenstetter@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Research Programme Colonial and Global History
The Colonial and Global History Research Programme of the Leiden University Institute for History combines a deep curiosity of transcultural processes such as imperialism, (de)colonization, and globalization with critical historical research on regional societies in Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
Introducing: Erik Odegard
Erik Odegard is the third PhD-student who's joining Cátia Antunes' 'Challenging Monopolies' project.
Ancient Networks
The archaeology of transregional exchange (1st millennia BCE-CE)
Csilla Ariese
Faculty of Humanities
c.e.ariese@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
- Core members
Noord-Brabantse Oudheden
C.R. Hermans (2012). Facsimile-editie van Noordbrabants Oudheden aangevuld met enkele Archeologische Mengelwerken.