12 search results for “cryo-electron microscopy” in the Public website
Structural characterization of the cell envelope of Actinobacteria under changing environments
Bacteria have the ability to alter their morphology in order to adapt to changing environments.
Phase separation in lipid-based nanoparticles: exploring the nano-bio interface
This doctoral thesis is an effort to understand how lipid phase-separation induced by diacylglycerol analogues in lipid-based nanoparticles affects their in vivo behavior, leading to specific nanoparticle-protein communications and selective cell targeting.
A new method to reconstruct the structure from crystal images
Promotor: J.P. Abrahams, Co-promotor: T. Grüne
Microbial Chemotaxis
In order to gain insight into the structure and function of the molecular complexes involved in chemotaxis, we use electron cryotomography (ECT). This technique allows us to directly study microbes in their native state at resolutions capable of visualizing individual proteins.
Smallest-ever Leiden University logo
The logo of Leiden University, with letters as small as a bacterium. Researchers from LUMC and the Institute of Biology have created the smallest logo of our university ever produced. It is a piece of fun with a serious real-world application: the new microscope with which the logo was made allows scientists…
Steffen Brünle
s.bruenle@lic.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4544
Growth and development of actinomycetes
We aim to provide new insights relating to the spectacular multi-cellular life cycle of streptomycetes and other actinobacteria.
Evolution of bacterial movement revealed
An international team with researchers from Leiden revealed how a bacterium repurposed an internal system to control its movements. Movement control is very important in host invasion, which can lead to disease. Publication on 27 April in Nature Communications.
Life Sciences Café visits NeCEN
On 21 March The Netherlands Centre for Electron Nanoscopy (NeCEN) hosted the Life Sciences Café. Around 60 people from neighbour companies from the Leiden BioScience Park visited the facility for cryo-electron microscopy to get a glimpse behind the scenes. Head of NeCEN Ludo Renault believes it was…
Ten million euros for unlocking novel technologies in structural biology
The European Union has invested ten million euros in the so-called iNEXT-Discovery consortium. The goal of this new consortium is to enable European researchers to extend innovative structural biology research. The Netherlands Centre for Electron Nanoscopy (NeCEN) is also part of iNEXT-Disovery, which…
Developing new therapies to fight muscle disease
Biophysicist Alireza Mashaghi and his collaborators are taking up the fight against muscular dystrophy: genetic disorders that cause muscle weakness. They want to inhibit the clumping of proteins that results in toxic aggregates. For this, the team receives 550,000 euros from Health Holland. The team…
Briegel winner in global competition by the Moore Foundation
Ariane Briegel, Professor of Ultrastructural biology in Leiden, has received a prestigious incentive from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. With the grant of 800,000 euros, Briegel will set up a new research line into studying symbiotic interactions on the nanoscale.