3,507 search results for “de factors started” in the Public website
Government Roundtable Discussion on the issue of Radicalization
On the 25th of February, CTC researcher Daan Weggemans participated in a hearing of the permanent commission for social affairs and employment. During the hearing the issue of radicalization was discussed in two sessions. The first session gave members of parliament the opportunity to discuss the manifestations…
PhD Thesis: Development of human skin equivalents to unravel the impaired skin barrier in atopic dermatitis skin
Recently, the PhD thesis of Lolu Danso Eweje appeared entitled ’Development of human skin equivalents to unravel the impaired skin barrier in atopic dermatitis skin’.
Can Frans Timmermans be best succeeded by a woman?
‘Who will succeed Frans Timmermans in Brussels?’ is the title of the article in Dutch financial newspaper Financieele Dagblad (FD). Various candidates have been reviewed and all are contenders. But a female candidate may still have an advantage, believes Luuk van Middelaar, Professor of Foundations…
Simone van der Hof writes UNICEF Essay on 'Towards better protection of children's rights as consumers of play'
Children have the right to play and relax. Games, social media and video platforms are attractive new ways to do that. However, hardly any online games are designed specifically for children, nor do they factor in children's rights.
Online documentation Symposium Transformations of the Audible
The video registration is now available on our Projects and Events page.
Kohei Suzuki receives Kenneth J. Meier Award
Kohei Suzuki receives Kenneth J. Meier Award from the Midwest Political Science Association
Archaeologist Diederik Pomstra subjects himself to wild food experiment
What did our distant ancestors eat and how did they prepare their food? For the length of a month, experimental archaeologist Diederik Pomstra subjects himself to a rigorous palaeodiet. He is vlogging about his experiences to reach a non-academic audience.
'If a country is not safe, it will not become wealthy'
Over the past 20 years, levels of common crime throughout the world dropped, except in countries that are plagued by poverty, have large families and have been afflicted by civil wars. This was established in a study that compared safety in 166 countries.
Anne-Laura van Harmelen talks about resilience and public engagement on Dutch radio
In a one-hour interview on Dutch radio programme Sleutelstad, Anne-Laura van Harmelen talks about her research into the role friendships in adolescents' well-being, the resilience paradox and the role of social, hormonal and genetic factors in stress-levels and resilience.
Hoe kijken Nederlandse bedrijven naar online prijsdiscriminatie? Kimia Heidary, Bart Custers, Helen Pluut en Jean-Pierre van der Rest schreven
Hoe kijken Nederlandse bedrijven naar online prijsdiscriminatie? Kimia Heidary, Bart Custers, Helen Pluut en Jean-Pierre van der Rest schreven hier een artikel over.
Entrepreneur’s role not given enough weight in VBAR Act
Labour law experts have called on the Dutch government to review the bill for the Dutch Assessment of Employment Relationships and Legal Presumption (Clarification) Act (‘VBAR’). Experts consider this legislative proposal, which aims to clarify the criteria for assessing employment relationships, as…
Two researchers receive Rubicon grant for research abroad
Uncovering ageing processes in the brain and research on the use of the word ‘that’. Thanks to a Rubicon Grant, two Leiden researchers who were recently awarded their PhDs will be able to conduct research at a research institute abroad.
Thesis on research on the intergenerational transmission of trauma wins FSW thesis prize 2023
With research on the intergenerational transmission of trauma, Tamara Compagner (right) has won the FSW Thesis Prize 2023. The thesis was written as part of the Master's in Education and Child Studies and examines the role of parent-child attachment and child personality in high-risk families.
Vitamin D deficiency prevalent among 19th century women in Dutch Beemster area
Dr. Barbara Veselka recently published an article on Vitamin D deficiency in 19th century skeletal remains in the International Journal of Paleopathology.
Unlocking the potential of small molecules in cancer therapy
How can we translate more fundamental discoveries into clinical solutions for patients? From that question, the Oncode Accelerator programme emerged. Professor of Molecular Physiology Mario van der Stelt has been one of the driving forces behind it since its inception. In an interview on the website…
A lunch with Frank Baumgartner
A lunch presentation was given on 21 September in Wijnhaven by Professor Frank Baumgartner, Richard J. Richardson Distinguished Professor of Political Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Grotius Centre contributes to OPCW Sub-Working Group on Non-State Actors
On Thursday 28 January 2016, Prof. Carsten Stahn contributed to the OPCW Sub-Working Group on Non-State Actors, together with Professors Andrew Clapham (Geneva) and Dapo Akande (Oxford), in the presence of the Ahmet Üzümcü, Director-General of the OPCW.
'Meer dan 41 miljoen mensen wereldwijd zijn ontheemd in eigen land'
Meer dan twee derde van alle ontheemden op de wereldwijd zijn geen vluchteling, maar zijn ontheemd in eigen land. Zij worden volgens deskundigen veel te weinig beschermd.
Veni grant for Melanie Fink
Melanie Fink, Assistant Professor of European law, has received a Veni grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO). This research grant will allow Dr Fink to develop her ideas on ‘Gateways for Humanity: The Duty to Reason in the Automated State’ over a period of three years.
Delay after delay: Is Dutch Government's reluctance to disclose information increasing?
The Dutch Open Government Act (Wet open overheid (Woo)) has been in effect for several months now. Yet various government authorities were in the news recently due to violations of the right to information. Newspaper Trouw investigated whether political unwillingness is on the rise.
Journal established at LIACS reaches world top
An impact factor of 3.2 in the Web of Science journal index. And in the first 10% of Elsevier's Scopus index. The International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (IJMIR), founded at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), has become one of the most important multimedia j…
Wout Broekema on shortlist Els Witte Prize
Wout Broekema is shortlisted for the Els Witte Prize 2019, an award for best Doctoral dissertation in political science. The prize is instated by the Nederlandse Kring voor de wetenschap der Politiek (NKWP).
1st year students information session “Start your career during your studies”
Career and apply for jobs
- Datamanagement plans at Leiden University, when and how to get started
Het grenzeloze leven: de fascinerende wereld van celwandloze bacteriën
Inaugural lecture
Stimulering en facilitering van burgerinitiatieven door de overheid
PhD defence
Ja, de Litteratuur is nu eenmaal een wonderlik vak
PhD defence
De toekomstige vorst? Wilhelm Heinrich von Brandenburg (1648-1649)
Lecture, Research Seminar Europe 1000-1800
Van aarde tot wind. Archaïsmen in de Anatolische talen.
Inaugural lecture
Innovatie in de hepatologie door klinisch en translationeel onderzoek
Valedictory lecture
Las narrativas precoloniales en el occidente de Oaxaca, México
PhD defence
Perkamenten personen. De stratigrafie van het middeleeuwse boek.
Inaugural lecture
Van willen naar zijn. De ambivalentie over diversiteit en inclusie
Inaugural lecture
Improving quality of care: A continuous process of (de-)implementation
PhD defence
Illuminating the Journey of Diego de Ocaña, O. S. H.
Lecture, Research Seminar Europe 1000-1800
Europeización de la Educación Superior en Chile y Colombia
PhD defence
Op de juiste plaats en op het juiste moment
Inaugural lecture
Part-time silence: children with selective mutism
Livia, aged 7, was in class four. She loved to chat and was good at reading aloud. At least, at home. At school she never read aloud and she hadn't spoken a single word. What was going on? Selective mutism was the subject of the inaugural lecture by Maretha de Jonge, Professor by Special Appointment…
Research projects for students of the University of Leiden and other Dutch Universities are often available at the MacBio group. The research lines are also described in the Research section. For details of specific projects contact the supervisor (Ubbink, Dame, Boyle, Jeuken or Wentink).
Gender and transnationalism: Moroccan migrants and their descendants in the Netherlands, 1965-2000
Subproject of
Tuition fee
Your tuition fee depends on a number of factors. These are your nationality, your study programme and whether you have already obtained a Dutch higher education diploma.
About the programme
The 3 years bachelor's specialisation Heritage and Society offers a versatile programme in which you explore the cultural heritage of past and current societies. With your obtained knowledge you will learn to better understand cultures from the past. Moreover, with your insights in societal issues in…
Chromatin organisation & dynamics
The genomic DNA of every organism is organized and compacted in order to fit inside the cell. This is achieved by the joint action of numerous architectural proteins that aid in folding the genome. Genome folding is tightly interconnected with transcription, with genes in certain regions being silenced,…
Arts, Media and Society (BA)
Visual art today is strongly interlinked with today’s society, a connection which is reinforced and deepened by social and other media. In Arts, Media and Society you will explore this relationship and analyse how it reflects and impacts the issues of our time, while also learning practical and academic…
- Lectures
The Ra's al-jinz project (Oman)
The Ra’s al-jinz project tackles economic diversification and social complexity in non-urban societies, from the perspective of Eastern Arabia, by exploring the Early Bronze Age settlement of Ra’s al-jinz RJ-3.
We all BENEFIT: The Ecosystem for Healthy Living
The modification of risk factors and related health behaviors lies at the very core of adequate cardiovascular risk management, yet evidence shows that the majority of people with cardiovascular disease (CVD) fail to achieve a healthy lifestyle in the long term. The main objective of this project is…
Supramolecular and Biomaterials Chemistry
Alexander Kros studies supramolecular systems in a biological environment. The unifying theme between the projects in my lab is specific molecular recognition, i.e. the intermolecular interaction between complementary molecules with high affinity and selectivity. Studying, imitating and dissecting processes…
ELS@Leiden aims to give empirical legal research skills and interdisciplinarity a prominent place within the law school curriculum.
Communicating Communities
Unravelling networks of human mobility and exchange of goods and ideas from a pre-colonial, pan-Caribbean perspective