2,085 search results for “european union” in the Public website
Book Reviews
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy regularly publishes reviews of recent books within the field of diplomacy and global affairs.
Centre for Public Values & Ethics
The Centre for Public Values & Ethics (CPVE) is an interdisciplinary, academic centre of expertise aiming to conduct and disseminate scientific research on normative issues in the public sector, in particular the fulfillment of public office and the planning, making and executing of public policy, both…
Public Management and Leadership (MSc)
The Public Management and Leadership specialisation emphasises how the behaviour of critical actors – politicians, top-level bureaucrats, street-level professionals and citizens - is critical to understand and improve public governance. The specialisation blends public administration with psychology,…
- Graduation Ceremony Advanced Master in European and International Business Law
Warnings: The Complicated Journey from Alert to Action in (Inter)national Politics (WARN)
The WARN project seeks to understand why certain warnings fail to reach and impact decision makers in time to avert crisis.
Ethnolinguistic parallels between Indo-Europeans and the traditional Nuer
Lecture, This Time for Africa!
Jorrit Rijpma: Talks on pushbacks badly needed
Members of Parliament will soon be discussing with various organisations what the Netherlands can do to stop pushbacks, a policy where migrants are forced back at the European borders.
Kurt Deketelaere (LERU) first recipient of Scaliger Medal
Professor Kurt Deketelaere (KU Leuven and LERU) will receive the first Scaliger Medal, a new award offered by Leiden University to honour people or organisations that uphold the University’s values in a unique manner.
Report conference ‘EU Criminal Justice Policy and Practice’, 26 – 27 June 2017
Konstantinos Zoumpoulakis, Research Assistant at the Institute of Criminal Law & Criminology, has written a report on this conference
Moritz Jesse on Transition From Excluded Asylum Seeker To Integrated Refugee
Dr Moritz Jesse, Associate Professor of European Law at the Europa Institute Leiden, was sharing his thoughts on the transition from asylum seeker to refugee from a perspective of immigrant integration in Prague.
Asylum seekers still sent back to Italy by IND
A recent ruling by the Dutch Council of State indicates that asylum seekers may no longer be sent back to Italy. The Council of State increasingly concludes that the countries at Europe's southern and eastern external borders expose migrants to degrading treatment. This in particular is a reason for…
Leiden research addresses energy challenges
Climate change and energy transition were an important theme of the Dutch provincial elections: how should we invest in new sources of energy? Leiden University conducts multidisciplinary research into renewable energy solutions. Read more about this in the ‘Renewable Energy’ research dossier.
Unstoppable urbanisation of Indonesia calls for interdisciplinary partnerships
More than half of the Indonesian population lives in cities. What does this mean for public health? How sustainable are these megacities? This is the subject of the ‘Urban Transitions’ Summer Academy on West Java. This summer course is also the kick-off for a renewed interdisciplinary partnership…
Asielcrisiswet in strijd met Europese regels?
Voorafgaand aan de begrotingsonderhandelingen riep Marjolein Faber, Minister van Asiel en Migratie, officieel een asielcrisis uit. Is daarmee mogelijke wetgeving op komst? En gaat Brussel daarmee akkoord? Mark Klaassen, universitair docent bij het Europa Instituut, hierover aan het woord in Metro.
Jorrit Rijpma participates in Roundtable on EU Foreign Policy and Border Management
On 4 July, Jorrit Rijpma participated in a roundtable event hosted by the European Policy Centre (EPC) in Brussels.
New Brexit publication on the protection of acquired rights
New Brexit publication of Christa Tobler, Professor of European Law at the Universities of Basel (Switzerland) and Leiden, on the protection of acquired rights: ‘After ‘BREXIT’.
‘Brussels: double the budget for research and education’
Ahead of the new Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF), the entire European academic world is calling upon Brussels to double the budget for education, research and innovation.
- Constitutional Law Conference 2024
This is an Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project of the Faculty of Science with three universities in Colombia.
LERU lobbies in Europe for fundamental research and innovation
LERU, the League of European Research Universities, celebrated its fifteenth anniversary on 7 March in Brussels. The network of leading European universities has now grown to include 23 universities.
ILS 2.0: The three winning proposals 2016-2020
The research profile area Interaction between Legal Systems has a multidisciplinary approach and aims to inspire innovative research. Out of all the proposals put forward, three winning projects have been selected for the forthcoming research period 2016-2020.
Call for Papers Conference: The "Others" amongst "Us"
The conference 'The
Blog Post | Cyber-diplomacy: A Field in Flux
Three decades ago, cyber-diplomacy did not exist. The interest in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as a vector of change in international relations was limited to a few mostly technical organisations, and a restricted number of states.
This is an Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project of the Faculty of Science with two universities in Armenia.
Melanie Fink on public access to documents and the case of Frontex
On 28 May 2021, Melanie Fink spoke at the conference ‘Twenty years of Regulation 1049/2001 on Public Access to EU Documents: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead’
Olga Ceran awarded the re:constitution fellowship 2023/24
Dr Olga Ceran has been selected as one of the re:constitution fellows of 2023/24. This distinguished group comprises 15 early-career scholars and practitioners, all set to work on diverse research projects on the rule of law and democracy in Europe. The fellowship will allow her to work on her project…
Common Market Law Review Young Academics Prize 2023
The Common Market Law Review's 2023 Prize for Young Academics has been awarded to Friso Bostoen and David van Wamel for their co-authored article: ‘The Digital Markets Act: A Partial Solution to Antitrust’s Remedy Problem’. Their winning paper will be published in an upcoming issue of the Review.
Ermioni Xanthopoulou wins 2017 Common Market Law Review Young Academics Prize
During the 57th Leiden-London meeting, held on 30 June 2018 in Leiden, the Editorial Board of the Common Market Law Review awarded the 2017 Common Market Law Review Young Academics Prize to Dr Ermioni Xanthopoulou, for her article entitled “Mutual Trust and Rights in EU Criminal and Asylum Law: Three…
Melanie Fink speaks on automation in the EU at conference on law and ethics of AI
The Asser Institute organised an interdisciplinary conference on ‘Law and ethics of artificial intelligence in the public sector: From principles to practice and policy’ that took place from 10 to 11 March 2022. Melanie Fink presented a paper co-authored with Michèle Finck.
Olga Ceran speaks at the ICON-S BENELUX Chapter Inaugural Conference in Maastricht
On 26 October 2023, Olga Ceran spoke at the inaugural conference of the newly founded ICON-S Benelux Chapter, hosted by Maastricht University, Faculty of Law. The overarching theme of the conference was Crises, Challenges, and the Future of Public Law. Olga joined the panel on Power, knowledge, and…
Successful LLX Roundtable on Brexit, parliaments and the road ahead
Few problems occupy the minds of European policy and lawmakers as much as the impending Brexit. With developments moving fast and insecurity rising, national parliaments are taking on an increasingly assertive role. The Europa Institute therefore organised a Leiden Law Exchange on Brexit, parliaments…
Guest Researchers
Opportunities to join the initiative as a guest researcher and spend time in residence with GTGC in The Hague are available. If you are interested, we welcome you to contact us. Below you can find our current and former guest researchers.
Maarten Aalbers presented on the application of EEA law to tax discrimination
Maarten Aalbers was invited as a guest speaker by the University of Bergen (Norway) to present his views on the joint application of state aid law and free movement law concerning the adoption of sugar taxes.
Melanie Fink member Coordinating Committee ESIL Interest Group ‘The EU as a Global Actor’
In April 2018, Melanie Fink was elected as a member of the Coordinating Committee of the ESIL Interest Group ‘The EU as a Global Actor’. For the next four years, she will work in that function alongside Christine Kaddous (University of Geneva), Anne Thies (University of Reading), and Ramses Wessel (University…
The Common Market Law Review 60th Anniversary Conference
The European Court of Human Rights reading between the lines
‘The Currency of Solidarity’ shortlisted for UACES Best Book Prize
The University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) has shortlisted ‘The Currency of Solidarity: Constitutional Transformation during the Euro Crisis’, written by Dr Vestert Borger, for its Best Book Prize.
UACES Best Book Prize awarded to Vestert Borger
On 6 September 2021 Dr Vestert Borger, Assistant Professor of European law, was awarded the Best Book Prize by the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES). Borger received the prize for his book 'The Currency of Solidarity: Constitutional Transformation during the Euro Crisi…
How the EU is trying to deter economic coercion of countries
The EU is aiming to deter economic coercion with a new legal instrument. Freya Baetens will elucidate this in her inaugural lecture on October 27th.
Conference and summer course: Europeanisation of national administrative law
On 2 September 2019, the Constitutional and Administrative Law Department of Leiden Law School and Review of European Administrative Law REALaw are organising a Conference on the Europeanisation of national administrative law through general principles of law: from resistance to voluntary adoption. Subsequently,…
Publication of book on Rescue of Business in Europe
Oxford University Press has published the edited volume based on the European Law Institute's (ELI) project 'Rescue of Business in Insolvency Law'. The project ran from 2013 to 2017 under the auspices of the ELI and was conducted by Bob Wessels and Stephan Madaus, who were assisted by Gert-Jan Boon.
North Korea uses ingenious constructions to supply forced labour to the EU
Companies in Poland employ North Korean forced labourers on a large scale. Some of these companies are supported by the European Union. These are the findings of a research team headed by Leiden Professor of Korean Studies Remco Breuker and employment lawyer Imke van Gardingen. The study is still ongoing…
Referendum: new in the Dutch polder
On 6 April the Netherlands will vote on far-reaching cooperation with Ukraine. Referenda are exceptional in Dutch political history, according to Professor of Electoral Research Joop van Holsteijn.
Leiden Chinese heritage collections digitised in Pagode-Europeana-China project
Leiden University Libraries (UBL) recently participated in the Pagode-Europeana-China project as an associated partner. As a result, almost two hundred items related to China from the UBL Special Collections are now available via the Europeana website. The UBL was the only library to participate in…
‘Standing Room Only’ at eLaw’s CPDP Panel on 'Dark Patterns and Data-Driven Manipulation'
With the conference circuit slowly reopening after Covid forced almost all academic interactions online, thousands of conference attendees descended on Brussels for Europe’s largest technology conference. eLaw’s annual sponsorship of one of the many CPDP conference panels brought a diverse range of…
Simona Demková speaks at 2024 Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) Conference
The 2024 Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) Conference taking place in Brussels between 22 and 24 May featured a presentation from Simona Demková from Leiden University's Europa Institute.
LEAC awarded EU and EAC grant for work in East Africa
The Leiden Centre for East African Law (LEAC) has been awarded a grant of €25.000 by the EU delegation to the East African Community (EAC) and the Secretariat of the EAC.
Design METIS instrument for the Extremely Large Telescope finalised
The design for the METIS instrument for the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) is final. The European Southern Observatory (ESO) has given the green light for production of all parts of the instrument. It is the first ELT instrument, designed and to be built under Dutch leadership, to formally pass the…
‘We need to be better prepared for war’
What makes peace missions succeed or fail? Which new technologies will determine the outcome of wars? In recent decades, insufficient use has been made of knowledge of modern warfare, when this is crucial to European security. This is what Frans Osinga, Professor by Special Appointment of War Studies,…
- GTGC Lunch Seminar: Governing the European Textile Waste Export