2,472 search results for “medieval history” in the Public website
Profile 3. Sources on Frisian medieval history
Due to the fact that the Frisian lands lacked major political centers in the Middle Ages and also because most of its monasteries suffered complete destruction in the second half of the 16th century, relatively few written documents concerning medieval Frisian history have survived. To analyze them…
Introduction to Medieval Europe 300–1500, Third Edition
Introduction to Medieval Europe 300–1500 provides a comprehensive survey of this complex and varied formative period of European history, covering themes as diverse as barbarian migrations, the impact of Christianisation, the formation of nations and states, the emergence of an expansionist commercial…
Early Modern Medievalisms
Early Modern Medievalisms: The Interplay between Scholarly Reflection and Artistic Production
Old Age in Early Medieval England, A Cultural History
How did Anglo-Saxons reflect on the experience of growing old? Was it really a golden age for the elderly, as has been suggested?
- Research Seminar Medieval and Early Modern History
Research Seminar Medieval and Early Modern History
Lecture, Research Seminar Medieval and Early Modern History
Research Seminar Medieval and Early Modern History
Lecture, Research Seminar Medieval and Early Modern History
Research Seminar Medieval and Early Modern History
Lecture, Research Seminar Medieval and Early Modern History
Profile 1. State formation in medieval Frisia
Politically speaking, the Frisian coastal area constitutes a special case in late medieval Europe since it was not subject to an overlord as it withstood feudalization in the 13th century. Its many sub regions, which were dominated by elites of small noblemen and freeholders, long time succeeded in…
Medieval and Early Modern History: Europe in its Global Context
Leiden’s Institute for History has an exceptionally strong expertise in premodern European history in its global context, with specialists whose interests cover virtually the whole continent. We have a strong track record in leading larger research teams and work together with colleagues across Europe…
Medieval and Early Modern History: Europe in its Global Context
Leiden’s Institute for History has an exceptionally strong expertise in premodern European history in its global context, with specialists whose interests cover virtually the whole continent.
Power and Persuasion. Essays on the Art of State Building in Honour of W.P. Blockmans
The transformation of the myriad of medieval kingdoms, principalities, local lordships, city-‘states’ and peasant ‘republics’ into ‘modern’ states, claiming some measure of sovereignty, remains one of the core themes of European history, because it gets down to the very root of the (idea on the) Europe…
Ethnicity, Orthodoxy, and Policy in Medieval China: The Political Philosophy of Wang Tong (584?-617)
This research project focuses on the thoughts of ethnicity and political orthodoxy in Medieval China by investigating Wang Tong’s works.
Robert Stein
Faculty of Humanities
r.stein@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2712
FragmEndoscopy: Medieval fragments in early modern book spines
During the early modern period, many medieval manuscripts were cut up into strips of parchment which were reused to reinforce the bindings of newly printed books. Until recently, these reused pieces of medieval manuscripts only came to light when the early modern book binding was damaged and/or subjected…
Formalizations après la lettre. Studies in Medieval Logic and Semantics
This thesis attempts to establish a dialogue between the modern and the medieval traditions in logic, by means of ‘translations’ of the medieval logical theories into the modern framework of symbolic logic, i.e. formalizations.
Vacancy - University Lecturer Medieval History (Leiden)
The Institute for History of Leiden University seeks to expand its academic staff by appointment of a university lecturer with teaching and research expertise in the field of Medieval History. Deadline: 20 January.
Vacancy: Assistant Professor Medieval History (VU Amsterdam)
The Department of Art & Culture, History, and Antiquity of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is seeking to appoint an Assistant Professor (tenure track) in Medieval History. Deadline for applications: July 5.
Vacancy Assistant Professor Medieval History (Groningen)
The University of Groningen is looking for an Assistant Professor in Medieval History. The deadline for applications is: 14 February 2021.
The Rise and Decline of an Iberian Bourgeoisie
The Rise and Decline of an Iberian Bourgeoisie is one of the first long-term studies in English of an Iberian town during the late medieval crisis. Focusing on the Catalonian city of Manresa, Jeff Fynn-Paul expertly integrates Iberian historiography with European narratives to place the city's social,…
Vacancy - Assistant Professor Medieval History (Tenure Track) (Amherst College)
The Department of History at Amherst College invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position at the rank of assistant professor in medieval and early modern European history, beginning July 1, 2024. The area of specialization is open, but we particularly seek candidates who will offer a…
New professor of Medieval History Philippe Buc: 'I am just like a shepherd'
A shepherd, but also a comparativist and historian with very broad interests. That is how Professor Philippe Buc describes himself. As of 1 August 2021, he will hold the chair of professor of Medieval History at the university. In an introductory interview, Buc introduces himself, his research and his…
El almirantazgo y la armada de los Países Bajos durante los reinados de Felipe I y Carlos V
This book investigates how the rulers of the Habsburg world empire developed and implemented a central maritime policy for the Netherlands and appointed an admiral of the sea or admiral-general for that purpose.
Magnanimous Dukes and Rising States: The Unification of the Burgundian Netherlands, 1380-1480
The process of unification and the character of the union are the central topics of Magnanimous Dukes and Rising States. Robert Stein mirrors continuity and modernisation in Burgundian times with the bankruptcy of the former dynasties and the decline of feudal government. The powerful towns played an…
Podcast History Roundup: Ethnicity in Medieval Europe 950-1250: Medicine, Power and Religion
In a podcast episode of 'New Books in History' Claire Weeda talks about her book 'Ethnicity in Medieval Europe 950-1250: Medicine, Power and Religion'.
Guide Dogs in Medieval Artistic and Textual Sources
It is often claimed—in both scholarly and popular sources—that guide dogs for the blind are a modern innovation. But as this project demonstrates clearly, guide dogs also existed during the medieval period.
Author, Reader, Book: Medieval Authorship in Theory and Practice
This collection brings into conversation several kinds of scholarship on medieval authorship which have tended to remain separate over the last two to three decades, a period of steadily increasing scholarly interest in this topic.
- Medieval Latin (5 ECTS)
Oegstgeest. A riverine settlement in the early medieval world system
Generations of Leiden students and academics have done archaeological research into the early medieval history of Oegstgeest. This makes this old settlement one of the best-documented sites from that era. In a new book, Leiden researchers take stock.
Marlisa den Hartog
Faculty of Humanities
m.i.den.hartog@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2733
The mystical kiss of the mouth. The role of images and imagery in medieval spirituality (1100-1500)
How can the importance of the image in late medieval spirituality be understood in the context of the love mysticism inspired by the imagery of the Song of Songs?
- Medieval and Early Modern Studies Spring School 2025: History of Emotions (5 ECTS)
EMERGENCE: Early Medieval English in Nineteenth-Century Europe
In the 19th century, Old English poems were claimed as cultural heritage by various non-Anglophone nations, including Scandinavians, Germans and Dutch. These competing nationalistic, cultural appropriations happened against the backdrop of a growing interest in early medieval English language and literature…
Medieval Pen Trials In the News
Interview for National Public Radio sparks media frenzy.
Medieval and Post-Medieval Greece
The Corfu Papers
Medieval MasterChef
Archaeological and Historical Perspectives on Eastern Cuisine and Western Foodways
Challenging the paradigm of filthy and unhealthy medieval towns
Mapping sanitary infrastructure in large urban societies in the Low Countries, 1200–1900
Summer School Writing global medieval history: comparative and connected approaches - September 6-8, Turin
Fondazione 1563 launched a call for the Summer School of the Turin Humanities Programme, that will take place in Torino from September 6 to September 8 2023. The theme is: Writing global medieval history: comparative and connected approaches. Deadline for applications: June 25.
A physicochemical study of Medieval and Post-Medieval ceramics from the Aegean
Archaeometric analysis of glazed pottery assemblages from the Early Byzantine to the Early Modern periods in the Aegean.
Online Course Cosmopolitain Medieval Arabic World
In this course, we will focus on the fascinating history of the Arabic Medieval World. We will take you on a journey through the Middle Ages. All along, we will present you with historiographical debates and dilemmas and travel back and forth in time explaining to you how events of the past affected…
Scholarly Correspondence: Epistolary Exchange of Knowledge on Early Medieval English
In an age before GoogleDocs and LinkedIn, 19th-century scholars relied on letter-writing for collaboration, peer-feedback and the building and sustaining of academic networks. Letters were a quick, efficient way to share insights, data and discoveries. Scholarly correspondence thus allows a vital behind-the-scenes…
Research School for Medieval Studies
Within the Dutch Research School for Medieval Studies, medievalists from six Dutch universities work together. The school (together with the local graduate schools of the universities) takes care of the training of researchers focussed on the Middle Ages and provides educational activities…
Hans Mol
Faculty of Humanities
h.mol@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 527 1646
Mapping Medieval Malaria
This research project studies the distribution and impact of medieval malaria in the Netherlands.
Jeroen Oosterbaan
Faculteit Archeologie
j.oosterbaan@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Communities, Environment and Regulation in the Premodern World: Essays in Honour of Peter Hoppenbrouwers
Who had a say in making decisions about the natural world, when, how and to what end? How were rights to natural resources established? How did communities handle environmental crises? And how did dealing with the environment have an impact on the power relations in communities?
The Cosmopolitan Medieval Arabic World
Did you know that Arabic was for centuries the lingua franca in an area stretching from the south of Spain to the Chinese border? And that the Middle East under Muslim rule was the world’s beating heart of trade, but also of science and scholarship?
Roosje Peeters
Faculty of Humanities
r.m.m.peeters@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272699
Life in Transition
This research investigates the impact of socioeconomic developments on the physical condition of medieval populations in Holland and Zeeland between AD 1000 and 1600 through the analysis of human skeletal remains from three archaeological sites.
Krista Murchison in History Today on medieval pen-twisters
Minims are letters that are made up of short, vertical pen strokes, such as 'm', 'i', 'n' and 'u'. In Gothic script, there is often little distinction between letters composed of minims. Assistant professor of medieval literature Krista Murchison has written an article in History Today on the hidden…