2,820 search results for “christianity in the modern world” in the Public website
Ideology and Christianity in Japan
Ideology and Christianity in Japan shows the major role played by Christian-related discourse in the formation of early-modern and modern Japanese political ideology.
Enduring Christianity in a Muslim world
A project aimed at understanding the complicated process of religious transformation in one of the centres of the early Muslim world.
Retrieving the Past Glory: Social Memory, Transnational Networks and Christianity in Contemporary China
To address the relevance of Christianity to the ideological negotiations with the officially established authority, this research will be conducted by asking how the history enthusiasts negotiate the Christianity-related ideology through reconstructing the Christian past and reproducing religious histories…
Retrieving the Past Glory: Social Memory, Transnational Networks and Christianity in Contemporary China
Jifeng Liu defended his thesis on 2 February 2017
A connected history of eastern Christianity in Syria and Palestine and European cultural diplomacy (1860–1948)
This special issue of Contemporary Levant critically explores, at a micro and macro level, the structural role and religious, cultural and political interactions of the Greek-Orthodox, Melkite and Syriac communities in late Ottoman and Mandate Syria and Palestine.
Cædmon, Cynewulf and the Continent: The Search for Anglo-Saxon Christianity in 19th-century Europe
Since the 16th century, religious concerns have motivated the study of Old English and its speakers. In the 19th century, scholars turned to the study of Old English literature in particular to find traces of pre-Christian, ‘Germanic’ religion, as discussed in Eric G. Stanley’s seminal work The Search…
Global Conflict in the Modern Era (MA)
The specialisation Global Conflict in the Modern Era of the master’s in International Relations at Leiden University engages you with the scholarly debates about global conflict today and in the recent past.
Global Exchanges. Scholarships and Transnational Circulations in the Modern World
Exchanges between different cultures and institutions of learning have taken place for centuries, but it was only in the twentieth century that such efforts evolved into formal programs that received focused attention from nation-states, empires and international organizations.
International Relations: Global Conflict in the Modern Era
Are you thinking about studying Global Conflict in the Modern Era? Learn more and watch the introduction video.
Business Interests and the Development of the Modern Welfare State
This edited volume provides a synthesis on the question of business attitudes towards and its influence over the development of the modern welfare state. It gathers leading scholars in the field to offer both in-depth historical country case studies and comparative chapters that discuss contemporary…
The Modern Devotion. Spirituality and Culture from the Late Middle Ages onward
The Modern Devotion: pone of the most influential religious initiatives in the late medieval Low Countries.
The Modern Arabic Book: Design as Agent of Cultural Progress
Huda Abi-Fares defended her thesis on 10 January 2017.
Re‐dating the seven early Chinese Christian manuscripts : Christians in Dunhuang before 1200
Mr. J. Sun defended his thesis on 21 March 2018.
The Iseum Campense from the Roman Empire to the Modern Age. Temple - monument - lieu de mémoire
The Iseum Campense, the impressive sanctuary for Isis and the Egyptian gods on the Campus Martius and arguably one of ancient Rome’s most notable absent presences, is a monument central to various debates.
Modernity, Minority, and the Public Sphere
Jews and Christians in the Middle East
Arabic and its alternatives: Religious minorities in the formative years of the modern Middle East (1920-1950)
This project aims to revisit the ways in which religious minorities in the Middle East participated in, contributed to, and opposed the Arab nationalism of the post-war years, when the British and French ruled the region via the Mandates. Research question: How did religious minorities in the Middle…
Christian Tamnes
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
c.k.tamnes@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Christian Smeijsters
c.j.j.smeijsters@liacs.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Christian Ramakers
c.ramakers@luris.nl | +31 6 4785 8955
Christian Gogolin
cgogolin@lorentz.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Christian Patz
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
c.patz@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | 070 8009506
Christian Schröter
c.schroter@lacdr.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Christiane Luttikhuizen
c.j.a.luttikhuizen@liacs.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Christian Blank
Faculteit Geneeskunde
c.blank@lumc.nl | +31 71 526 3486
La Cetra Cornuta : the Horned Lyre of the Christian World
What was the stringed instrument known in medieval and early Renaissance Italy as “cetra”?
La Cetra Cornuta : the Horned Lyre of the Christian World
What was the stringed instrument known in medieval and early Renaissance Italy as “cetra”?
Islam, Colonialism and the Modern Age in the Netherlands East Indies
A Biography of Sayyid ʿUthman (1822–1914)
Christian Tudorache
c.tudorache@biology.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4759
Christian Henderson
Faculty of Humanities
c.j.v.henderson@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4995
New colleague: Corey Williams
It gives us great pleasure to report that the search for a University Lecturer in Christianity in the Modern World has resulted in the appointment of Corey Williams, starting January 2015.
Christian Groeneveld
groeneveld@strw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Between the Holy Land and the World. A connected history of Christian communities in the Near East via the unpublished photographic collections
The project ‘Between the Holy Land and the World’ proposes a connected history of the Christian communities in the Near East (1900-1948) by means of a study of unpublished Franciscan and Dominican photographic collections.
Early Christian Encounters with Town and Countryside
Early Christian Encounters with Town and Countryside - Essays on the Urban and Rural Worlds of Early Christianity.
The Modern Transformation of Korean Political Thinking: Revisiting the Political Ideas of the Late Nineteenth-Century Reformists
Choong-Yeol Kim defended his thesis on 14 November 2019
Christian missions and societies in the Middle East: organizations, identities, heritagization (XIXth-XXIth centuries)
The project re-examines the role of the Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox missionaries in the cultural and social developments of the Middle East and their interactions with the indigenous communities, from the nineteenth century until today. It seeks to discover and retrace such ‘entangled histories’…
Memory before Modernity. Practices of Memory in Early Modern Europe
This volume, edited by Erika Kuijpers, Judith Pollmann, Johannes Müller and Jasper van der Steen, discusses practices of memory in early modern Europe.
Modern and Contemporary (1800−Present)
This research cluster centres on regional, national, and global intersections and interactions between a variety of artistic expressions and society. It focuses not only on objects (artistic, literary, cinematic, and medial), but also on practices (aesthetic, political, and cultural).
European Cultural Diplomacy and Arab Christians in Palestine, 1918–1948
This open access book investigates the transnationally connected history of Arab Christian communities in Palestine during the British Mandate (1918-1948) through the lens of the birth of cultural diplomacy.
Modern Dutch Literature (MA)
During the master’s programme in Modern Dutch Literature at Leiden University you will learn to scientifically analyse literary texts, as well as other Dutch cultural texts, such as those found in hiphop songs and diaries.
Paul Scholten. Book chapter in Great Christian Jurists in the Low Countries
Timo Slootweg, associate professor at he department Philosophy of Law, published a chapter about Paul Scholten in
Byzantine to Modern Pottery in the Aegean
An Introduction and Field Guide, Second and Revised Edition (15 December 2014)
Christian Missions and Humanitarianism in The Middle East, 1850-1950 - Ideologies, Rhetoric, and Practices
This anthology contributes to a historically grounded understanding of the complex relationship between Christian missions and the roots of humanitarianism and its contemporary uses in a Middle Eastern context.
Far From the Truth: Distance, Information, and Credibility in the Early Modern World
This book examines the critical role of information and knowledge in early modern Europe's global pursuits, exploring challenges in trusting distant information, the development of doubt in intercultural encounters, and the impact of misinformation.
Early Modern Medievalisms
Early Modern Medievalisms: The Interplay between Scholarly Reflection and Artistic Production
Asian Modernities and Traditions
The research profile ‘Asian Modernities and Traditions’ (AMT) aims to raise the strength and visibility of research, teaching and dissemination on Asian studies at Leiden University.
CrossRoads: European cultural diplomacy and Arab Christians in Palestine. A connected history (1920-1950)
This project aims to revisit the relationship between the European cultural agenda and the local identity formation process, and social and religious transformations of Arab Christian communities in Palestine, when the British ruled via the Mandate. What was the role of culture in European policies…
Languages of Islam and Christianity: Institutional Discourses, Community Strategies and Missionary Rhetoric
On February 20th, Gulnaz Sibgatullina succesfully defended her doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Gulnaz on this great result.
Thomas Morgan (1671/2-1743):from Presbyterian Preacher to Christian Deist
Mr. Jan van den Berg defended his thesis on 8 November 2018
Roman Fake News? Documentary Fictions in the Roman Empire
How can theories about modern disinformation help to understand how Roman documentary fictions functioned?
Intersections: Yearbook for Early Modern Studies
This series of publications brings together new material on wellconsidered themes within the wide area of Early Modern Studies.