138 search results for “mobiliteit en veiligheid in europa moet” in the Staff website
Enes Sütütemiz
Faculty of Humanities
e.h.sututemiz@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272031
Una Europa FAIR Data Hackathon for PhD Candidates
Hackathon & Conference
Anja Zonneveld
zonneveld@plato.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3430
Gabe van Beijeren Bergen en Henegouwen
Faculty of Humanities
g.g.van.beijeren.bergen.en.henegouwen@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6509
FGGA Brainstorm sociale veiligheid, inclusie en werkbalans
We want FGGA to become a place where everyone feels welcome, at ease, and included. The outcomes of last year's personnel monitor and D&I survey show that we are not quite there yet.
Una Europa Community Meet-up for Students
Community Meet-up & Networking
Apply now for the Una Europa Virtual Sustainability Exchange
Education, Research
Ewout Cornelissen
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
e.j.m.cornelissen@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Restaurants en cafés
An overview of the University’s cafés and restaurants and their opening hours.
Jennifer Becker
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
j.m.becker@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Leiden University to join Una Europa
Leiden University is joining the Una Europa European University. Together with other partner universities Leiden University will draw on their collective strengths to shape the future of Europe through innovative education, research and international exchange.
Toelating en selectie
Toelating en selectie
Fraude en plagiaat
Fraude en plagiaat
Minoren en keuzeruimte
Minoren en keuzeruimte
Onderwijs-en Examenregeling (OER)
Onderwijs-en Examenregeling (OER)
Shaping the university of the future. Leiden University joins Una Europa alliance
Leiden University is a member of the Una Europa European alliance. This partnership of 11 research-intensive universities is working to shape the university of the future.
- Una Europa: apply for a staff exchange with your European peers
‘Truly the future of Europe’: colleagues share their 2024 Una Europa highlights
Seed funding to summer schools, research collaborations and joint degree programmes: in these ways and more, we’re creating impact as a partner in Una Europa, an alliance of 11 leading research universities. To wrap up the year, we asked six colleagues to reflect on what they’ve achieved through Una…
Leiden university is a member of Una Europa: ‘We’re much stronger when we work together’
Many Leiden University staff members have already benefited from Una Europa, the alliance of eleven leading European universities: they have received funding to bring an idea to life or participated in an exchange with European colleagues. On 22 October there will be a meet-up for everyone at Leiden…
Leiden University researchers tackle global challenges with Una Europa-Africa grants
Three international research projects involving Leiden University researchers will receive funding from the Una Europa university alliance.
‘Handboeken Veiligheid’ are well known: 'Very special that this series has been running for almost 25 years'
For almost 25 years, ‘de Handboeken Veiligheid’ have been a phenomenon. Who does not have a copy on their bookshelf? In 2024, the series will be celebrating its 25th anniversary and next Monday, the Public Prosecution Handbook will be presented: the latest volume in the series. Erwin Muller talks about…
Diversiteit en Inclusie bij de Politie
Conference, Van willen naar zijn
Una Europa Staff Week: Learning more about Diversity and Inclusion in Bologna
Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) are core values that are a focus for us as a university. But what developments are there in D&I and how can we apply these to our university? To delve deeper into this subject, four Leiden University staff members travelled to Bologna for a week of discussions on D&I with…
Apply now: Una Europa seed funding call
Call for abstracts: Una Europa Cybercrime Conference
Una Europa webinar: Building Global Networks through Heritage
How can academics build global networks and why is this important? Join this webinar on 22 May at 12 noon CET to hear perspectives and experiences related to these questions from Una Europa, an alliance of 11 leading European research universities. Registration is not required - simply join the…
Studieavond: de complexiteit van diversiteit en inclusie bij de politie
Una Europa opportunities: apply for a staff exchange with your European peers
Una Europa–Africa Partnership Seed Funding Call: join the launch webinar on 26 October
- Are you a PhD candidate? Enter the Una Europa PhD Impact Award competition
Applications open: Una Europa One Health Summer School for PhD candidates
Applications open: Una Europa One Health Summer School for PhD candidates
- Expand your skills and network with Una Europa's Student Project Incubator
Una Europa Seed Funding Call: collaborate with researchers in Europe and Africa
Organisation, Research
Join the Una Europa Epilepsy Data Challenge Deadline 20th of January
PhD candidates: apply now for Una Europa's Heritage of Conflict Winter School
Symposium: Inzet van reviews na moord en doodslag in huiselijke kring
Una Europa–Africa Partnership Seed Funding Call 2023: Launch webinar
- Launch webinar: Una Europa Seed Funding Call 2024
FGGA en het Hoofdlijnenakkoord
The university newsletter of Tuesday 18 June featured a story on the outline agreement. It is not yet clear what the government's plans are for higher education but we are particularly concerned about proposed cuts and calls for fewer international students.
- Una Europa Talk | Connections in International Relations: Competition vs. Integration
A staff exchange with your European peers: ‘Everyone could benefit from this’
Fancy seeing how your job is done at a university abroad? Project Managers Christina Schlüpen and Jeannette de Wolf from the Leiden Institute of Chemistry did just that. They both spent a week shadowing a European colleague: one in Bologna and the other in Berlin. This was through the Una Europe alliance,…
Una Europa workshop: help design a framework for doctoral training programmes
Interactive workshop
Partnering Heritage? Developing Academic Agendas for Una Europa from Southern Africa
Network event
Switch to Zorg en Zekerheid health insurance before 1 January 2025
Human resources
Inkomen en afkomst zijn risicofactoren bij kans op hart- en vaatziekten
Nederlanders met lage inkomens lopen tot 1,5 keer meer risico op het krijgen van een hartaanval of beroerte dan rijkere landgenoten. Bij Surinaamse Hindoestanen is dit risico 1,9 keer hoger. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van het LUMC en het HagaZiekenhuis. Nederlandse artsen kijken tot nu toe niet naar deze…
Funding for early-career academics within the Una Europa alliance | Session 3: Ireland, UK and Poland
Funding for early-career academics within the Una Europa alliance | Session 2: France, Belgium and the Netherlands
Een dag vol (nep)skeletten en mammoettanden
De Faculteit Archeologie bestaat dit jaar 25 jaar. Ter ere van dit jubileum opende de faculteit op 1 maart zijn deuren voor het brede publiek.
16 mei colleges en evenementen Wijnhaven afgelast