541 search results for “ict en recht” in the Staff website
Vermeerderd en verrijkt
PhD defence
Call for lecturers’ input on tender for videoconferencing tool
Ouderengeneeskunde – over passen en meten
Inaugural lecture
Over nieuwe biologie en fantasie
Inaugural lecture
Tweedetaalverwerving en -didactiek: natuurlijk interdisciplinair
Inaugural lecture
Wegbereiders. Roma en Sinti in Nederland en Tsjechië over het profijt van onderwijs, 1950-2020
PhD defence
Luisteren naar en ondervragen van de natuur, om te begrijpen, te bezinnen, en te beschermen
Inaugural lecture
Antimicrobiële resistentie en de zoektocht naar de grenzen tussen over- en onderbehandeling met antibiotica
Inaugural lecture
Leerkracht-leerling relaties: leer- én ontwikkelingscontext van kinderen en adolescenten
Inaugural lecture
Waarom batterijen van elektrische auto’s goed en slecht zijn voor het milieu
Grootschalige productie van batterijen voor elektrische auto’s zwakt de emissiereductie die door elektrisch rijden wordt behaald af.
Hoe laten we vaders minder werken en meer doen in het huishouden?
Gaan vaders minder werken als andere vaders dat ook doen? Helpt betaald ouderschapsverlof hen om meer op te pakken in het huishouden? Hoe bepalend zijn sociale normen voor verschillen op de arbeidsmarkt? Onderzoeker Max van Lent gaat het uitzoeken.
Gedichten en gedachten: creatief Honours-vak A Taste of Leadership smaakt naar meer
What do you derive your self-esteem from? Not a question you would quickly expect in a course on leadership. Lecturer Michel Don Michaloliákos opted for a unique approach to 'A Taste of Leadership', an Honours course with introspection as its core theme.
Hilde Woker en Renate Reitsma benoemd tot leden National Ocean Decade Committee
Het National Ocean Decade Committee heeft twee nieuwe leden benoemd van de Universiteit Leiden. Hilde Woker en Renate Reitsma zullen zich als leden van dit comité inzetten om het het belang van oceaanwetenschappen te promoten.
Onderzoek: welke collega’s ondersteunen de onderzoekers van de faculteit en wat doen zij?
Martine van Trigt, Head of Research Affairs, discusses how her team supports researchers with their research.
Universidades Privadas Independientes en Chile
PhD defence
Balanceren tussen publiek en politiek
PhD defence
Formación ciudadana en universidades chilenas
PhD defence
Working from home
If your work allows it, you can work partly from home and partly at the University. How this combination of working from home and at the University will turn out for you depends on your own working activities and situation and those of your team. This means that tailor-made solutions are needed.
Nederland en zijn veteranen 1945-2015
PhD defence
Woord en wetsteen. Beschouwingen over schrijven op het snijvlak van kunst en wetenschap
PhD defence
- AI en invloed juridisch onderwijs
De kat, de kameleon en de zwaardvis die zich een walrus voelde: Publieke audit en verantwoording als wezenlijk politieke en emotionele activiteiten
Inaugural lecture
About us
This platform offers you information and inspiration in teaching and course education.
Data storage
Your options for data storage may vary depending on factors such as size and sensitivity of the data or collaboration with partners outside the university. We are all responsible for data protection. To keep (personal) data as secure as possible, the university has established an information security…
Meetings and events
Are you organising a symposium or event and are you looking for a professional and experienced team to take care of the arrangements? Looking for a great venue in Leiden or The Hague, or will the event be taking place online? The Events Office is here to help.
Internal communication tools
An organisation the size of Leiden University requires careful internal communication.
Other facilities
To do your job well, it is important to have essential facilities at your disposal. Various facilities are available in and around the Sylvius building for you to use.
One-off data processing
Are you handling personal data just once, for instance when taking the minutes of a meeting or organising an employee outing? You do not need to include this use in the data processing register if you stick to the following conditions.
Action lines
In order to realize our lifelong development ambitions, we distinguish four action lines, with various actions under them.
Help desks
We want to make it easy for you to do your work at Leiden University. Find out how to submit queries, get help, log issues or request other services.
Communications department
Here you will find an overview of all communication departments within the university.
Telephony coordinators
Your telephony coordinator is authorised to approve a name change or process your application for a new connection or telephone number.
De gespannen relatie tussen privacy en cybercrime
Inaugural lecture
Uitingen van emotie in mens en dier
Inaugural lecture
Een driesnijdend zwaard: bureaucratie, ambtenaren en vrijheid
Valedictory lecture
Onzekerheid opzoeken - risicogedrag in pubers en zebravissen
Joodse muziek en joods muzikaal denken
PhD defence
Rechtsverwerking en klachtplichten in het verbintenissenrecht
PhD defence
Wisselwerking tussen commuun en bijzonder materieel strafrecht
PhD defence
JEDI Fund: ‘We’re now showing clearly that the community is diverse’
If you have a plan that could improve the education or the learning environment of the Faculty of Humanities in terms of diversity or inclusion, you can apply for a grant from the faculty’s JEDI Fund. This year, Nasreen has been helping to develop a new syllabus for the first-year Ancient History co…
bemind. De noodzaak van onderwaterarcheologie en het onderzoek van maritiem erfgoed voor onze kennis- en identiteitsvorming
Inaugural lecture
Ideología y clivajes partidarios en la conformación del socialismo como expresión política en Chile (1891-1938)
PhD defence
Every member of staff at Leiden University is given a ULCN account. You can use this ULCN account to log in to your computer, the wifi network and various other ICT systems.
Standard software is provided through the Software Centre.
Use safe tools
Using secure tools ensures that information and personal data are well protected. ‘Tools’ refers to software that can help you perform your work efficiently, such as email software or a file-sharing system. To quickly see whether a specific tool is permitted, check the tool picker!
Collaboration tools
The university offers a number of facilities for collaborating with colleagues within and outside the University. This may involve sharing information or collaborating on documents. Depending on your objective, you can choose from the following collaboration tools.
Do you want to install software yourself at your workplace? Or would you link to sync your work email with your smartphone? On this page you will find all our ICT workplace manuals, sorted by theme.
Privacy and security officers
You can contact the privacy or security officers with questions about privacy or data security.
From 14 November: Update Windows 11 on your laptop
Politieke Vervalsingen en Complottheorieën in Nederland - Toen en Nu