1,924 search results for “college van bestuur” in the Public website
Pellikaan & Van Willigen, Bilateralism and Nuclear Security
Political scientists Huib Pellikaan and Niels van Willigen (Leiden University) use and elaborate on the theoretical insights from game theory in order to understand nuclear security in changing environment. Now that the relations between the US and Russia have deteriorated and smaller nuclear states…
- Research projects
Van woord tot akkoord. Een analyse van de partijkeuzes in CPB-doorrekeningen van verkiezingsprogramma's en regeerakkoorden, 1986-2017
This PhD-thesis analyses the relationship between the parties’ choices in the CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis’ assessments of the election manifestos and coalition agreements over the period 1986-2017, and tries to explain this relationship.
John van Noort Lab - Chromatin Dynamics
Chromatin is an ubiquitous protein-DNA complex that forms the structural basis of DNA condensation in all eukaryotic organisms.
Economie van de Publieke Sector (MSc)
Discover the new MSc in Public Sector Economics at Leiden University, offered entirely in Dutch. This program prepares future policy economists by bridging economic theory, Dutch institutions, and real-world policy challenges. Starting September 2025 in The Hague, it focuses on key issues like inequality,…
Carolien Rieffe appointed Honorary Professor at University College London
Carolien Rieffe is appointed an Honorary Professor at the prestigious UCL Institute of Education, University of London. Rieffe already holds a professorship, Social and Emotional Development, at Developmental Psychology, Leiden University. This new appointment strengthens the existing bond between Leiden…
Response to Brexit
We have followed the UK referendum of Thursday, 23 June 2016, with great interest and indeed concern.
Online college at ACPA with MOOC Music & Society
The Leiden University Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA) will start in January 2017 with their first MOOC through Coursera: Music & Society. MOOC stands for massive open online course and is a relatively new phenomenon of open access and free internet education in the United States. Big…
Master Economie van de Publieke Sector
The new Master’s programme in Public Sector Economics (MSc Economics) prepares you to become the policy economist of the future. The programme enables you to bridge the gap between economic theories, scientific methods, the functioning of Dutch institutions and policy processes, as well as current societal…
Over de grens van de onrechtmatige daad
On 12 January 2022, Mirjam Franke defended the thesis 'Over de grens van de onrechtmatige daad'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. A.G. Castermans and Prof. J.H. Crijns.
Education at the Institute of Public Administration focuses on the broad study of public administration, including the semi-public sector, lobby organisations, civil society, and relevant private organisations.
Pieter van Vollenhoven: 'People aren't always happy to hear the truth.'
A symposium with a festive touch was organised at Leiden University on 20 March to mark the 50-year anniversary of the marriage of Princess Margriet and Pieter van Vollenhoven. The theme of the symposium was 'Catastrophes and the Law', a theme, the royal Princess and Prince were quick to reassure the…
Sociaal gedrag als onderdeel van coping styles in zebravis
Zijn sociale aspecten van anxiety-like gedrag bij zeer jonge zebravissen al aanwezig? Zijn deze afhankelijk van de coping style (persoonlijkheid) van het individu? Zijn deze gedragingen endocrien te moduleren, bv door oxytocine?
Johan van Meurs Een studie over een pionierend orgeladviseur
In specialist organ literature a negative verdict is given on organs and organ specialists from the 1930’s. Did the same verdict apply to Johan van Meurs’ (1903-1986) work? Which role does Van Meurs’ collection of organ specifications play in the historical research on the organ?
- Van Onzichtbaar naar Zichtbaar / From Invisible to Visible
Sense Jan van der Molen Lab - Physics of Quantum Materials
In our lab, we investigate the physics and material properties of low-dimensional systems.
Judi Mesman to become the new Dean of Leiden University College The Hague
The Executive Board has appointed Professor Judi Mesman Dean of Leiden University College The Hague with effect from 1 July 2016. The Board of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences congratulates Judi Mesman with this appointment.
Soevereiniteit van staten ondermijnd door grote techbedrijven
‘Big Tech heeft de democratische staat op feodale wijze aan zich onderworpen’, schrijft universitair docent Reijer Passchier in zijn nieuw verschenen boek De vloek van Big Tech. In NRC waarschuwt de docent voor de groeiende macht van techgiganten.
De bescherming van immateriële contractuele belangen in het schadevergoedingsrecht
On 30 June 2021, Thijs Beumers defended his thesis 'De bescherming van immateriële contractuele belangen in het schadevergoedingsrecht'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. A.G. Castermans and Prof. W.H. van Boom.
Non-food vending machine Anna van Buerenplein
Anna van Buerenplein, Anna van Buerenplein 301, 2595 DG, The Hague
Verandering van geloofsvoorstelling: Analyse van legitimaties door Antony Flew, Cees Dekker en Raymond Bradley
Michiel Pronk defended his thesis on 30 March 2016
Case study Käte van Tricht (1909-1996)
The Organ Art of the first female German concert organist and Bremen Cathedral organist and
Management van de Publieke Sector: Politiek, Beleid en Management (MSc)
Are you thinking about studying Management van de Publieke Sector: Politiek, Beleid en Management? Learn more and watch thevideos. Please note that this programme is taught in Dutch.
Encyclopedie en filosofie van het recht LL.M.
Are you thinking about studying Encyclopedie en filosofie van het recht? Learn more and watch the videos. Please note that this programme is taught in Dutch.
- Jan van Ruitenbeek Lab - Atomic and Molecular Conductors
Pre-University College celebrates 20-year anniversary: ‘Still unique in the Netherlands’
Leiden University's Pre-University College is celebrating its 20th anniversary. The programme introduced hundreds of secondary school pupils to science and the university. We asked those involved how PRE became so popular: ‘The students are the reason it still exists today.’
Van Willigen, ‘A Dutch return to UN peacekeeping?’
Niels van Willigen (Institute of Political Science, Leiden University) puts Dutch participation in UN peacekeeping into an historical context. He analyses the reasons for the Dutch withdrawal from the 1990s onwards, and explores the obstacles and opportunities for a structural return. Van Willigen argues…
Mariana Gkliati gives a guest lecture at the University College Utrecht
Mariana Gkliati participated on 4 April in the course International Human Rights offered by the SIM, Netherlands Institute of Human Rights, at the University College Utrecht.
De wereld van taalwetenschap
Taal als sleutel tot het begrijpen van de mens.
Encyclopedie en filosofie van het recht (LL.M.)
Encyclopedie en Filosofie van het Recht is a specialisation of the master’s programme Rechtsgeleerdheid (Law) at the renowned Leiden Law School of Leiden University. This unique programme considers the philosophical issues and concepts upon which law is founded, in the broadest sense.
Louwerse, Otjes & Van Vonno, The Dutch Parliamentary Behaviour Dataset
Political scientists Tom Louwerse, Simon Otjes & Cynthia van Vonno introduce the Dutch Parliamentary Behaviour Dataset, a record of parliamentary (voting) behaviour in the Dutch Tweede Kamer (Second Chamber, House of Representatives) since 1945.
De lichtheid van literatuur: Engagement in de multiculturele samenleving
De lichtheid van literatuur: Engagement in de multiculturele samenleving (The Lightness of Literature: Engagement in the Multicultural Society) is a plea for the social relevance of literature. The book delves into an age-old debate about literature and social engagement, which has recently been reinvigorated…
Festive opening of the college year in The Hague: strong ambitions for the new year
How can we make sure that The Hague becomes even more of a city of education and knowledge? This was the theme during the festive opening of the college year in The Hague on 30 August. Filled with ambition, representatives from all The Hague's educational institutions, the municipality of The Hague…
- Ethiek, politiek en cultuur: filosofie van het menselijk handelen
De bescherming van persoonsgegevens, Acht Europese landen vergeleken
The Netherlands generally performs above average in the protection of personal data, according to research carried out at Leiden University. Germany is the leading country, while countries such as Italy and Romania are lagging behind.
Reflecties op Wereldburgerschap: In de spiegel van Afghanistan en Nederland
On 9 April 2020, Mohamed Azizi defended his thesis 'Reflecties op Wereldburgerschap: In de spiegel van Afghanistan en Nederland'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. P.B. Cliteur en Prof. W. Veugelers (Universiteit voor Humanistiek).
Scheiding van zeggenschap en belang in de familiesfeer
On 1 October 2020, Arianne de Leeuw defended her thesis 'Scheiding van zeggenschap en belang in de familiesfeer'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. F. Sonneveldt and Prof. A.O. Lubbers.
Vermeerderd en verrijkt: de eerste gravures van de Leidse universiteit naar Jan Cornelisz. van 't Woudt beschouwd vanuit een stedelijke context
On Thursday 30 May 2024 Corrie van Maris successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Legitimiteit en rechtswaarborgen bij gesloten plaatsing van kinderen
On 7 March 2019, Maria de Jong-de Kruijf defended her thesis 'Legitimiteit en rechtswaarborgen bij gesloten plaatsing van kinderen'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. mr. M.R. Bruning en Prof. mr. T. Liefaard.
Het op atomaire schaal afbeelden van chemische reacties op oppervlakken
Inaugural lecture
- Van Marum Colloquium: Sustainable electrosynthesis of hydrogen and ammonia
Reijer Passchier talks with Boston College Law School students on Skype
Students attending Richard Albert’s seminar on constitutional change asked Reijer critical questions about an article he recently wrote with Maarten Stremler.
De politiek van Europees beleid
Book project on how European policy is made and implemented, with a focus on how that process can be understood and lead to policy change.
Thirty-one per cent of professors at Leiden University are female
The percentage of female professors at Leiden University has risen to 31.2 per cent. These are the results of the Women Professors Monitor 2021 published by the Dutch Network of Women Professors (LNVH). This puts Leiden University above the national average of 26.7 per cent.
Schilderij Rein Dool hangt op nieuwe plek in Academiegebouw
Het schilderij van Rein Dool waarop voormalig bestuurders van de Universiteit Leiden zijn afgebeeld, is verhuisd naar de Receptieruimte van het Academiegebouw.
Executive Board column: Entrepreneurship at the university for an impact on society
Courses, business premises for startups or help applying for patents: there are many ways the university can help students or researchers with their businesses.
Leiden University wins award for diversity policy
Rector Magnificus Carel Stolker was presented with a 'Diamond' on 8 June in recognition of Leiden University's role as a 'shining example' of male/female diversity. 'It's a question of determination,' says Stolker, 'and that gets results. For example, we are appointing an increasing number of female…
University concludes strategic partnership with associations
Leiden University is entering into a strategic partnership with the Leiden student associations and the Local Chamber of Associations (PKvV). The parties are committed to maintaining and strengthening the existing good relations between them.
Former Court of Appeal president composes music for transfer of rectorate
Maarten Feteris, the former president of the Court of Appeal and an alumnus of Leiden University, composed the piece ‘Intermezzo’ to mark the transfer of the rectorate during the Dies Natalis on 8 February 2021.
Queen Máxima opens renovated tropical greenhouse at Leiden's Hortus
On Wednesday 4 September, Queen Máxima opened the renovated tropical greenhouse complex of the Leiden Hortus Botanicus, an event that attracted wide public interest. Thanks to this renovation, the greenhouses are even better equipped for scientific research.