1,965 search results for “intelligence” in the Public website
Intelligence Studies
Since the Second World War, intelligence and security services have played an important role in policy and decision making, particularly with regards to a state’s national security. In this minor programme we study both the organisations, their working methods, their analysis techniques, as well as…
Intelligence and Security
Our main goal is to improve understanding of how intelligence and security services operate, how they are embedded in broader political, bureaucratic, and societal contexts, and how their methodologies can be complemented.
Understanding the complexity of intelligence problems
The complexity of an intelligence problem determines to a great extent the certainty that can be provided by intelligence and security services.
The Hybrid Intelligence Centre
Hybrid Intelligence (HI) is the combination of human and machine intelligence, expanding human intellect instead of replacing it. HI takes human expertise and intentionality into account when making meaningful decisions and perform appropriate actions, together with ethical, legal and societal values.…
Artificial Intelligence (MSc)
The master’s specialisation Artificial Intelligence offers future-oriented topics in computer science with a focus on machine learning, optimization algorithms, and decision support techniques.
Artificial Intelligence, Business & Innovation
The minor Artificial Intelligence, Business & Innovation will provide you with knowledge and skills on the intersection of the fields of artificial intelligence, management, and entrepreneurship, with a focus on programming, technology management, entrepreneurial innovation, and ethical considerations…
Creative intelligence Lab
The Creative Intelligence Lab is an interdisciplinary place which connects researchers with different backgrounds across the cognitive and computer sciences.
Creative Intelligence Lab
The Creative Intelligence Lab (CIL) is an interdisciplinary research lab that connects researchers with different backgrounds across the cognitive and computer sciences. It is affiliated to the Media Technology MSc program. Researchers and students from the Media Technology group play a large role in…
- Data Science & Artificial Intelligence
Intelligence and Security
The Intelligence and Security Research Group at Leiden University explores how intelligence and security services function within political, bureaucratic, and societal contexts, and how their methods can be enhanced.
Creative Intelligence & Technology (MSc)
The Creative Intelligence & Technology master's programme (previously Media Technology) at Leiden University focuses on creative exploration as well as the understanding of science and technology.
Artificial Intelligence and Society
The development of smart cars, video games that adapt to your gaming behavior, law enforcement assigning your neighborhood a risk score, insurance rates determined by your behavior, finding your perfect match via an app: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly and radically transforming our interactions…
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Computers are capable of making incredibly accurate predictions on the basis of machine learning. In other words, these computers can learn without intervention once they have been pre-programmed by humans. At LIACS, we explore and push the borders of what a revolutionary new generation of algorithms…
Creative Intelligence & Technology
Are you thinking about studying Creative Intelligence & Technology (previously Media Technology)? Learn more by watching our introduction video and the recordings of our talkshows and Q&A's from the Online Master's Open Days. The one from 10th Nov is with lecturer Edwin van der Heide and two of our…
Society Artificial Intelligence and Life Sciences (SAILS)
SAILS aims to forge links between the different disciplines at the University and to initiate new academic partnerships.
The cultural turn in intelligence studies
This article explores an emerging “cultural turn” in intelligence studies, which, if fully realized, could entail the expansion of the discipline to include new methodologies and theories, and a more integrative understanding of historical causality that locates intelligence agencies within the widersocio-cultural…
Artificial Intelligence and Ethics at the Police
Artificial Intelligence and Ethics at the Police
Intelligence, Dynamic testing and potential for learning
Can dynamic testing provide us with insight in children’s potential for learning?
Secret Intelligence and Public Diplomacy in the Ukraine War
In this article, Thomas Maguire, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, examines why states use intelligence to influence external audiences.
Accountable Artificial Intelligence: Holding Algorithms to Account
Artificial intelligence algorithms govern in subtle, yet fundamental ways, the way we live and are transforming our societies. The promise of efficient, low‐cost or ‘neutral’ solutions harnessing the potential of big data has led public bodies to adopt algorithmic systems in the provision of public…
Intelligence and National Security (MSc)
In the track Intelligence and National Security you will be introduced to intelligence and security services in their political, societal, and bureaucratic contexts. The track will give you a thorough understanding of the modus operandi of these agencies, their interaction with the surrounding world,…
Intelligence in the Global South (GLOBALINT)
GLOBALINT is a pioneering study of intelligence in the Global South. It asks ‘how do (un)democratic shifts in political governance impact intelligence services in contexts of violent conflict?
MICA – Material Intelligence Capacity Analysis
Can we develop a platform for raw materials intelligence?
Intelligence for a Complex Environment
PhD defence
Artificial Intelligence and International Conflict in Cyberspace
This edited volume explores how artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming international conflict in cyberspace.
Our research group Intelligence and Security, provides a diverse range of educational opportunities that combine theoretical foundations with practical applications in intelligence and security.
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (BSc)
The focus of the Bachelor Data Science & Artificial Intelligence is on computer science, and its applications in Artificial Intelligence. You will receive a strong basis in mathematics, statistics and computer science, combined with advanced knowledge of machine learning, cognitive science, human-robot…
Low-Resource Chat-based Conversational Intelligence (LESSEN)
Access to information is a human right (United Nations, 1948). Information technology, such as search engines and recommender systems, has become the key mediator and facilitator to connect people to information (White, 2016). Conversational artificial intelligence (AI) technology is increasingly being…
Cyber agent technology and intelligence agencies
Cyber agent technology and intelligence agencies is a project that is commissioned by Tracks Inspector, a Dutch company that develops innovative software.
Get to know Creative Intelligence & Technology
Are you eager to bring your own questions and curiosity into scientific research? Do the creation of media and use of technology drive your research interests? Could you be a researcher who challenges scientific practice and pushes its boundaries? The Creative Intelligence & Technology master's programme…
Get to know Creative Intelligence & Technology
Are you eager to bring your own questions and curiosity into scientific research? Do the creation of media and use of technology drive your research interests? Could you be a researcher who challenges scientific practice and pushes its boundaries? The Creative Intelligence & Technology master's programme…
Archaeology and the application of Artificial Intelligence
Case-studies on use-wear analysis of prehistoric flint tools
Digital Humanities and Artificial Intelligence Minor
We are delighted to announce that the Digital Humanities and Artificial Intelligence minor will be offered in the 2024-2025 academic year with options of 15 EC or 30 EC packages.
Exploring Deep Learning for Intelligent Image Retrieval
This thesis mainly focuses on cross-modal retrieval and single-modal image retrieval via deep learning methods, i.e. by using deep convolutional neural networks.
Mutual intelligibility of Chinese dialects: an experimental approach
This study examines the mutual intelligibility between all 225 pairs of 15 Chinese dialects, in two main branches, i.e., six Mandarin dialects and nine non-Mandarin (Southern) dialects.
Representative Bureaucracy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
How and to what extent does AI affect citizen representation in public service delivery and state-citizen interactions?
Social Ties that Bind: Unraveling the Role of Trust in International Intelligence Cooperation
Together with Pepijn Tuinier and Thijs Brocades Zaalberg, Sebastiaan Rietjens researched the role of trust in an international intelligence cooperation.
secrets: how and why governments and third-party stakeholders disclose intelligence
Why, then, do governments choose to disclose intelligence and what factors shape how they do so?
Shades of grey: cyber intelligence and (inter)national security
This paper examines cyber intelligence in the context of national and international security.
Latin America and Caribbean Security and Intelligence Network
The Latin America and Caribbean Security and Intelligence Network (LACSIN) brings together scholars, practitioners, government agencies and the diplomatic community to develop novel and interdisciplinary approaches to addressing key areas of security and intelligence in Latin America and the Caribbe…
The unexpected norm-setters: Intelligence agencies in cyberspace
Ilina Georgieva published an article in the journal Contemporary Security Policy on the norm-setting role of intelligence agencies.
Crisis and Security Management: Intelligence and National Security (MSc)
Are you thinking about studying Crisis and Security Management: Intelligence and National Security? Learn more and watch the videos.
Virtual Photography. Artificial Intelligence, In-game, and Extended Reality
While it has traditionally been seen as a means of documenting an external reality or expressing an internal feeling, photography is now capable of actualizing never-existed pasts and never-lived experiences.
EU Erasmus+ Curriculum Development in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
LIACS is a partner in the EU Erasmus+ Curriculum Development for the Asian education system. The knowledge available in the field of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence education will be shared and adapted for the Asian market.
Artifical intelligence gets a boost from quantum computing
Machine learning - on classical computers- has made great progress in the past five years. Computer translation of speech and text is just one example. In Leiden, some researchers expect that machine learning, empowered by quantum systems, even if they only contain a few dozen qubits, can lead to a…
Open-source research and the war in Ukraine: intelligence for the people by the people?
Who are open-source intelligence activists and how reliable are their contributions to public understanding of Russia’s war in Ukraine?
Estimative Intelligence in European Foreign Policymaking: Learning Lessons from an Era of Surprise
This book is the first comparative study of estimative intelligence and strategic surprise in a European context, complementing and testing insights from previous studies centred on the United States. It does extensive empirical analysis of open-source material and interviews in relation to three cases…
English as a Lingua Franca: Mutual Intelligibility of Chinese, Dutch and American speakers of English
The presents thesis investigates the extent to which Chinese, Dutch and American speakers of English are mutually intelligible. Intelligibility of vowels, simplex consonants and consonant clusters was tested in meaningless sound sequences, as well as in words in meaningless and meaningful short sent…
Speech intelligibility problems of Sudanese learners of English. An experimental approach
This dissertation aims at discussing the nature and the linguistic factors assumed responsible for speech intelligibility problems of Sudanese learners of English.
Searching by Learning: Exploring Artificial General Intelligence on Small Board Games by Deep Reinforcement Learning
In deep reinforcement learning, searching and learning techniques are two important components. They can be used independently and in combination to deal with different problems in AI, and have achieved impressive results in game playing and robotics. These results have inspired research into artificial…