1,920 search results for “child neglect” in the Public website
time of coronavirus: Riding the corona-coaster with loud music and a child
How are you doing in these strange and unprecedented times? That is the question we are asking our colleagues in this series. Rosalinde Spitters, for instance, skills lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.
New childcare system poses risks for vulnerable parents, experts warn
A new almost free childcare system may sound ideal, but it also comes with risks for parents. Psychologists from Leiden University and research firm D&B have concluded that the system can cause uncertainty and stress, particularly among vulnerable groups.
The Department of Child Law offers organisations consultancy expertise in the field of national and international child law and children's rights.
Nina Eggens
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
n.eggens@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Heritage under Threat (HuT)
global challenges and possibilities
From Conflict Termination to Peacemaking: Role and Contours of a Contemporary Jus Post Bellum (or The Jus Post Bellum Project)
Should the law and norms applicable to armed conflict include a distinct category covering the transition from armed conflict to peace, jus post bellum, and if so what are its characteristics?
Surface Temperature and the Dynamics of H2 on Cu(111)
Heterogeneous catalysis is one of the fundamental processes of modern life, being common in industrial refinery and hydrogen vehicles, all the way to the living cell. The dissociation of H2 on Cu(111) is an important benchmark system for studying heterogeneous catalysis, with a large and varied amount…
Words and Laments: A Narratological Analysis of Esmāʻil Fasih’s War Novel, The Winter of 1983 (Zemestān-e 62)
Saeedeh Shahnahpur defended her thesis on 13 September 2016.
The aim of the RAISE study is to investigate how resilient people respond to stress. Specifically, we will study how key biological systems (HPA-axis, immune system) interact with the brain and social environment in order to facilitate resilient functioning after childhood adversities.
UN celebrity diplomacy in China: activism, symbolism and national ambition online
In this article in International Affairs, Saskia Postema and Jan Melissen examine Chinese celebrities' UN-affiliated Weibo activism in the context of China's increasing engagement in the United Nations, which coincides with a shrinking domestic public sphere under Xi Jinping's leadership.
Facing Authority. A Theory of Political Legitimacy
Political protest is often at least partially about the question of legitimacy. How can we distinguish whether a regime is legitimate, or merely purports to be so?
The potters’ perspectives
A vibrant chronology of ceramic manufacturing practices in the valley of Juigalpa, Chontales, Nicaragua (cal 300 CE - present)
In This Fragile World Swahili Poetry of Commitment by Ustadh Mahmoud Mau
This 25th volume in the series 'Islam in Africa', edited by Annachiara Raia, is a pioneering collection of poetry by the outstanding Kenyan poet, intellectual and imam Ustadh Mahmmoud Mau (born 1952) from Lamu island, once an Indian Ocean hub, now on the edge of the nation state.
Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger: life and work with special attention paid to basso continuo
The thesis presents a new perspective on Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger (ca.1580-1651), who is nowadays only famous for his works for theorbo and lute, his remarkable output of vocal music of all genres being still mostly neglected from musicologists and performers.
Leiden University Shi'i Studies Initiative (LUSSI)
Shiʿi Islam
Scholars, Travellers and Trade
The Pioneer Years of the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, 1818-1840
Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger (ca. 1581 – 1651) : Betrachtungen zu seinem Leben und Umfeld, seiner Vokalmusik und seinem praktischen Material
The thesis presents a new perspective on Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger (ca.1580-1651), who is nowadays only famous for his works for theorbo and lute, his remarkable output of vocal music of all genres being still mostly neglected from musicologists and performers.
- Brought under the law of the land
Visual Style and Constructing Identity in the Hellenistic World
Located in the small Kingdom of Commagene at the upper Euphrates, the late Hellenistic monument of Nemrud Daǧ (c. 50 BC) has been undeservedly neglected by scholars
Pedagogies of Prohibition: Time, Education, and the War on Drugs in Rio de Janeiro’s Zona Norte
Benjamin Fogarty-Valenzuela published the article 'Pedagogies of Prohibition: Time, Education, and the War on Drugs in Rio de Janeiro’s Zona Norte' in Cultural Anthropology 37. The article’s three sections focus on three forms of temporal control—busyness, punctuality, and rhythm—and each demonstrates…
Gendered enskilment: becoming women through recreational running
In this article in 'The Senses and Society' Jasmijn Rana discusses how women learn to move, use their bodies, and become a different kind of being than men. She focuses on the embodiment of gender in recreational running environments.
Ritualization of concert practice in Russian post-minimalist music
This research is driven by the necessity to investigate the subject of performing instrumental works by Russian post-minimalist composers, and to explore possibilities of incorporating the spiritual ideas that informed those works in a concert practice.
Terror and the Legitimation of Violence: A Cross-National Analysis on the Relationship between Terrorism and Homicide Rates
This article written by Marieke Liem & Alexander Kamprad investigates the relationship between terrorism and interpersonal violence. They conducted cross-national analyses on the effects of terrorism mortality rates on homicide rates. Results showed that terrorism appears to be robustly and positively…
ANZUS cooperation in humanitarian assistance and disaster response in the Asia-Pacific: ships in the night?
In this article Vanessa Newby discusses how the ANZUS states of United States, Australia, and New Zealand that sit on the fringes of the Asia-Pacific, are increasingly using their armed forces to deliver Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Response (HADR) as a way of engaging with the region.
Narrative Navigation: HIV and (Good) Care in Aceh, Indonesia
In this article, Samuels elaborates the concept of narrative navigation to analyze the subjective and intersubjective ways in which people struggle through experiences of illness by constructing multiple, ambiguous and non-linear narratives that may continuously change, as they reposition themselves…
Microfoundations of Debt Crises (MIDEBT)
How do citizens think about government debt? This project investigates the political roots of government debt crises by exploring the drivers of citizens’ preferences towards fiscal policies.
Who gets what, when, and how? An analysis of stakeholder interests and conflicts in and around Big Science
Big Science, commonly defined as conventional science made big in three dimensions, namely organizations, machines, and politics, brings a plethora of different stakeholders together, often for a long period of time. This includes policymakers, scientists, (scientific) managers as well as local “host”…
A Surplus of Meaning: The Intent of Irregularity in Vedic Poetry
This dissertation focuses on irregular patterns in Vedic Grammar and Poetry.
1,2-cis-glycosylations: method development and synthesis of complex oligosaccharides
Promotor: G.A. van der Marel, Co-promotor: D.C. Codée
Managerial Networking and School Performance
How and under what conditions Dutch primary school principals' managerial networking activities affect the performance of their school
Surface Knowledge: the roles and purposes of ink rubbings in- and outside China
Lecture, China Seminar
The Department of Child Law focuses in its education on the legal position of the child in national and international law.
STARS: Shyness and Confidence in Social Situations
Why do some children confront social challenges with confidence, whereas others experience difficulties? What is the role of child temperament and child emotional dispositions? What is the role of parenting? This project aims to shed light on the mechanisms explaining shyness and confidence in response…
Een wetenschap van verbondenheid
Inaugural lecture
Intimate Legal Interactions
Intimate Legal Interactions (ILI) is an interdisciplinary and international group of scholars who share an interest in laws governing intimate relationships – such as marriage and civil partnership, divorce, birth, death, parenthood, childcare, sexual/romantic relationships, and caring relationships…
Perspectives on legal protection
The Dutch child protection system
Personal chair in ‘Stress-related psychopathology’ for Bernet Elzinga
Clinical psychologist Bernet Elzinga has been appointed as Professor of a personal chair at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. This professorship will contribute both nationally and internationally to the broader promotion of Leiden University in the field of stress and psychopathology.
Simone van der Hof on RTL Nieuws about rights of 'kidfluencers'
Mums posting photos and videos of their child on Instagram and TikTok and also earning loads of money doing so. Kidfluencers, momvloggers and familyvlogs are very popular, in the Netherlands too. But the lack of legislation regulating these activities means that these children are barely protected.…
About the programme
The programme of Parenting and Child Development consists of four substantive courses devoted to the following subjects:
Mariëlle Bruning: No full figures on waiting lists for youth care
The waiting lists in youth care are alarmingly long. This has been confirmed again by a study carried out by a Dutch foundation The Forgotten Child.
The Institute of Education and Child Studies is located in the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences of Leiden University near Central Station.
Within the bachelor's program of Education and Child Studies, we include the minor Kindermishandeling en Verwaarlozing: een levensloopperspectief and several other courses.
Department of Child Law.
Investigating the possibilities and limitations of Process-oriented Dynamic Testing.
Can process-oriented dynamic testing be applied to everyday educational practice?
Masterthesis about Children’s Rights? Win the Jaap Doek Children’s rights thesis award 2016!
The Jaap Doek Children’s rights thesis award is an annual award for the best thesis in the field of Children’s Rights granted by Defence for Children and the Department of Child Law of the Leiden Law School. This year the thesis award will be presented for the fourth time.
Mohammed Raiz Shaffique
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
m.r.shaffique@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Hoko Horii
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
h.horii@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7260
Mariëlle Bruning: more action needed to improve youth care
Policy plans state that children should be placed in secure youth care less often and for shorter periods. But this is problematic in practice.
The Institute of Education and Child Studies is part of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at Leiden University. The institute is governed by an Institute Board under the direction of a rotating chairman, i.e. the Scientific Director and an Director of Studies. The Institute Board is…
Prof. Ton Liefaard gives lecture on children’s rights at GAU
On the 24th of March, Prof. Ton Liefaard gave a lecture at the Girne American University entitled ‘International Children’s Rights: Achievements and Challenges’.