2,247 search results for “european bronze age and iron age” in the Public website
EJIL article on UK’s Trade Continuity Agreements
The latest issue of the European Journal of International Law features an article written by Dr Joris Larik entitled 'Imitation as Flattery: The UK’s Trade Continuity Agreements and the EU’s Normative Foreign Policy'.
Melanie Fink on the EU and the law on international responsibility
On 14 May 2021, Melanie Fink spoke at the conference ‘EU Responsibility in the International System: Setting the agenda’, organised by the University of Thessaloniki
European Strategic Dialogue seminar series
In memoriam: Professor David Fontijn (1971-2023)
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our colleague, mentor, and friend prof. David Fontijn this Monday, May 1st, 2023. As he shared with us in October 2022, his health had been deteriorating the last couple of years. While his mind was still sharp as ever, his body struggled to keep…
Archaeologists reconstruct ancient Greek urge to build
An enormous number of monumental buildings, such as burial tombs, appeared in Mycenaean Greece after 1600 BC. Why did this urge to build come to an abrupt end 400 years later? Archaeologist Ann Brysbaert investigates the possible causes thanks to her ERC Consolidator Grant.
Vacancy for Editorial Assistant – Common Market Law Review
The Common Market Law Review (CML Rev.), one of the oldest and most prestigious journals in the field of European Union law, has its editorial office at Leiden Law School, Leiden University.
Meet Rosa: pleading (successfully!) in an LGBTQIA+ case
Meet Rosa: pleading (successfully!) in an LGBTQIA+ case before the CJEU as an early-career lawyer
Parliamentary briefing on Ukraine report
The Dutch Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV) recently published its report ‘The war in Ukraine: A geopolitical shock to the system’. On 7 July 2022, the Dutch House of Representatives had asked the Advisory Council to provide an expedited report on the consequences of the war for Dutch…
Jorrit Rijpma speaks on anti-smuggling legislation in Milan
On 2 November 2023, Jorrit Rijpma spoke at a workshop organised by the State University of Milan on a preliminary reference from an Italian court.
Vasiliki Kosta moderates a book launch at the University of Oxford
Vasiliki Kosta moderated the launch of the book ‘Judicial authority in EU Internal Market Law: Implications for the balance of competences and powers’ written by Dr Vilija Velyvyte (British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at the Faculty of Law, University of Oxford) at Brasenose College, University of Oxford,…
Melanie Fink speaks at ELENA Course in Sevilla
On 9 November 2019 Melanie Fink, researcher at the Europa Institute, delivered a key note lecture at this year’s Advanced ELENA Course.
Jorrit Rijpma speaks in Zagreb on the accession to Schengen
On 8 December 2022, the day that Croatia was given the green light to fully join the Schengen area, the faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb organised the UNESCO Chair Conference on Schengen and external borders. Jorrit Rijpma, Professor of European Law was invited to address the legal and political…
Rick Lawson delivers Cleveringa lecture in Rome
On 26 November 1940, Professor Cleveringa – at the time the Dean of Leiden Law School – spoke out in protest against the decision of the Nazi Occupying Powers to dismiss Jewish academics. Every year Leiden University appoints a professor as rotating Cleveringa Chair, whose task, amongst others, is to…
Interview with Christa Tobler in the Neue Zuercher Zeitung on the consequences of Brexit for Switzerland
After the Brexit referendum in the United Kingdom, Switzerland is worried about what this will mean for its relationship with the European Union.
Rick Lawson moderates guest lecture by UN Special Representative on the Occupied Palestinian Territories
On the occasion of International Human Rights Day, 10 December, a special guest lecture was given by Ms. Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Representative on the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
Moritz Jesse Speaks at CES Conference in Lisbon
Moritz Jesse, Associate Professor at the Europa Institute Leiden, spoke at the 28th International Conference of Europeanists ‘The Environment of Democracy’ organised by the Council for European Studies (CES) at the ISCTE Institute of the University of Lisbon from 29 June – 1 July.
Vasiliki Kosta participated at the expert Seminar 'National Policy Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights'
Kosta compiled a conference report titled 'The Use of the Charter by EU Advisory Bodies and Agencies', commissioned by the Netherlands Presidency of the Council of the European Union in order to aid the discussions during the seminar.
Armin Cuyvers speaks at Liverpool Law School on the role of national parliaments in EU Democracy
On 17 February 2016 Armin Cuyvers was invited to speak at the Liverpool European Law Unit (LELU) in a seminar on ‘Legitimacy and participation in the EU’. In his presentation, entitled ‘National parliaments as training wheels of EU democracy?
Armin Cuyvers in the news on Brexit
In the last few weeks Armin Cuyvers was several times in the news on Brexit. He was a studio guest during the new years episode of Legal Affairs on BNR national radio and he was a studio guest in the news programme EenVandaag.
Mariana Gkliati presenter at round table hosted by ECCHR
Mariana Gkliati participated on Monday 11 April in an expert meeting organized by the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) in Berlin, entitled: 'Round Table on Potential Litigation Against FRONTEX for Human Rights Violations'.
Northern Ireland makes Brexit difficult: Armin Cuyvers in Leidsch Dagblad on Brexit
Armin Cuyvers was interviewed for the weekly science page of local newspaper Leidsch Dagblad, about Brexit and its legal complications in relation to Norther Ireland.
Opening lecture “Traveling through Europe’s darkness and daylight – A geopolitical Odyssey”
The master programme was officially opened by H.E. Kees Klompenhouwer – the Ambassador of the Netherlands to the Czech Republic. During his lecture, entitled “Traveling through Europe’s darkness and daylight – A geopolitical Odyssey”, Ambassador Klompenhouwer shared valuable insights on the history…
Leiden Competition Talk: Case allocation within the European Competition Network (who should do what?)
Q&A session on Blue Book Traineeship
On Wednesday 27 January, EU Careers, an organisation that on behalf of the Dutch government offers assistance with job applications at EU institutions, and the Europa Institute organised a Q&A session for the students of the LLM European Law on the Blue Book Traineeship at the European Commission.
Piqani and Jesse lecture at the Centre for Constitutionalism and Human Rights in Prague
Darinka Piqani and Moritz Jesse, both from the Europa Institute Leiden, were invited as speakers at the Centre for Constitutionalism and Human Rights, established at the Faculty of Law of Charles University, Prague.
Psychologists receive grant for social anxiety research
“We are proud and happy to receive this grant. It will enable us to do truly innovative fundamental research with a direct link to practical applications.” Michiel Westenberg is looking forward to investigate the effects of age and social anxiety on eye-contact. Together with Esther van den Bos he has…
Book Presentation - Bookshop of the World by Andrew Pettegree and Arthur der Weduwen
On Wednesday 27 March, 17.00 - 18.30, Andrew Pettegree and Arthur der Weduwen will present their book: 'The Bookshop of the World. Searching for markets in the Dutch Golden Age’ at the Lipsius-Building (Cleveringaplaats 1, room 11). Anton van der Lem, curator at the Leiden University Library will introduce…
Reliable research with virtual patients
The right medicine in the right dosage for every patient, that is something medical science aspires. 'Personalised medicine' is the term for that. But it does require a lot of research with patient data and that can be hard to get due to privacy legislation. Researchers Laura Zwep and Coen van Hasselt…
Antoaneta Dimitrova in Nu.nl about EU and rebellious member states
Hungary belongs to the EU, but democracy is being seriously and systematically threatened there. Does the rest of the EU have the means and the political will to deal with member states that are out of step? Antoaneta Dimitrova, professor of 'Comparative Governance' at the Institute of Security and…
Talha Gunay speaks on the EU’s responsibility for Frontex’s surveillance activities in the Libyan context
Between 18 and 20 October, CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies) and the Migration Policy Centre of the European University Institute organized the ASILE training school for PhD researchers. The training focused on the concepts of responsibility attribution and accountability for fundamental rights…
What are the options now for Brexit? Armin Cuyvers in EenVandaag on the chaos in the UK
On 11 December Armin Cuyvers, Associate Professor European Law at the Europa Institute of Leiden Law School, was a studio guest on the news programme EenVandaag to talk about the possible scenarios for Brexit.
Luuk van Middelaar on EU Green Deal Industrial Plan
Following developments in the US, the EU has now also opened the door for large-scale State aid to its own sustainable industries. A means to curb China’s power. However, this plan is driving the EU and the US apart.
to The Netherlands visits Leiden to mark the 20 year anniversary of European Enlargement
On Friday June 7, 2024, Sarah Cramsey delivered her inaugural lecture entitled
Translation and the cultural Cold War
A new special issue on translation and the cultural Cold War sheds light on the understudied and yet important role of translation in cultural transfer.
A smarter approach to energy and raw materials
Over the past century, the world population has grown exponentially, as has our need for energy and raw materials. If we wish to continue to live prosperously in the future, we have to radically restructure our economy and consumption. Scientific research shows us how to do this.
One of LUCIR’s key objectives is to bring together scholars and students of International Relations. To this end, LUCIR regularly organises events such as conferences, roundtables, lectures and book launches.
The Middenbeemster Excavation 2011
In the summer of 2011, from June 14th until August 5th, the Laboratory for Human Osteoarchaeology conducted an excavation on the former cemetery of Middenbeemster in cooperation with archaeological company Hollandia. The cemetery, which is located next to the church of Middenbeemster can be dated between…
Resistance and Revolt in Egypt and Babylonia: The Persian Empire (539-330 BC) in the Eyes of its Rebels
The Persian Empire (539-330 BCE) was the first world empire in history. At its height, it united a territory stretching from present-day India to Libya - and it would take 2,000 years before significantly larger empires emerged in early modern Eurasia. Its size and power was revered by some, feared…
Citizenship: consequences for democratisation
Many Asian countries are in a process of democratisation. The expectation was that citizens would gradually gain more control over the functioning of their elites. Experts from Leiden have concluded that this process often fails to improve the quality of the administration. They researched the nature…
A smarter approach to energy and raw materials
Over the past century, the world population has grown exponentially, as has our need for energy and raw materials. If we wish to continue to live prosperously in the future, we have to radically restructure our economy and consumption. Scientific research shows us how to do this.
Conference 'Procedural rights in criminal proceedings in the EU': Call for papers
On September 13 and 14 Utrecht University, Leiden University and Maastricht University are organizing a two day conference on Procedural rights in criminal proceedings in the European Union, offering a venue for practitioners and young scholars to exchange experiences and ideas on this subject matter.…
Tijmen Pronk
Faculty of Humanities
t.c.pronk@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4168
Nisida Gjoksi
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
n.gjoksi@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | 070 8009500
Harold Koster
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
h.koster@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7235
Introducing: Anaïs van Ertvelde
Anaïs Van Ertvelde is a PhD candidate at the Leiden Institute for History. She is working on a thesis that investigates the cross-Iron Curtain impact of the UN International Year of Disabled Persons (1981).
New Alzheimer’s research method uses muons
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. This makes fundamental research on the precise cause of the illness of vital importance. One of the possible suspects is a certain protein filled with iron. Leiden physicist Lucia Bossoni (LION/LUMC) has now developed a new way of investigating…
Can Reddit and YouTube be held liable for user radicalisation?
Cases have been brought against YouTube and Reddit for spreading conspiracy theories. They are accused of being behind the radicalisation of a man who took the lives of ten black people in Buffalo, New York, almost two years ago. But can they be held liable? Michael Klos discusses this in 'Trouw'.
Christa Tobler speaks on gender identity discrimination
On 17 October 2017 an international conference took place at the University of Warwick Brussels Office and in the framework of the research project
Moritz Jesse presents at CES Conference in Philadelphia
Moritz Jesse presented a paper titled “The Resilience of Implicit Exclusion in EU Migration Law – How the Law Helps Those Who Separate ‘Them’ from ‘Us’” at 23rd International Conference of Europeanists organized by the Council for European Studies in April 2016 in Philadelphia.
Moritz Jesse on BREXIT at Global Legal Network Conference in Tallinn
Moritz Jesse, Associate Professor of European Law at the Europa Institute, presented at the annual conference of the Global Legal Network, which took place in November in Tallin (Estonia).